york on christmas eve. in the briefcase, an antique dish, a christmas present for his wife. it is the last time dill saw his friend. >> i helped him to get the stuff out of the inside of his car and see you, jack, and that was it. i was out of there. >> and like the investigators they cannot figure out how he got to this office building in wilmington to a dumpster in newark five miles away. >> somebody had to be up to something. >> reporter: but what? >> i hope they solve it and find out what happened to him. >> reporter: and so do a lot of people, especially wheeler's family, including his widow who remains in seclusion. wolf? >> what a story. all right. thank you very much. susan will continue to look into the story for us. fish dying by the millions -- the millions. the deaths are raising concern about an unfolding ecological disaster. what is really going on? we are digging deeper.