case of president trump, you have an on going investigation. you're going to have to help me out here. in other words, we're complete, the investigation of anything former secretary clinton had to do the campaign is over and we don't have to worry about it anymore? >> i'm a little confused, senator. >> sanjay, when we discussed it at the time we didn't know what we know now. you didn't know what you know now. he said it was a baseball game, he stayed up late watching a baseball game. do you think it was related to the tumor now knowing what you know? >> lwell, i asked his doctors again today, the doctors who cared for senator mccain and they sort of say the same thing. it's possible that this tumor and the blood clot could be related. the reason they hesitate, the reason i hesitated when you asked me earlier in the week is because this part of the brain is not really responsible for speech or your ability to