type of a military that has done negative things. image that the command commander-in-chi commander-in-chief. he is not securing the border despite the propaganda. anybody who goes down to the border you know it. executive fee ats to undermine existing law whether it's welfare and the work aspect of it whether it's our immigration laws and now they are destroying our healthcare system one regulation at a time. i fear it all. the issue is what do we do about it? what we do about it is we dig in and we fight them ever strip of the way. whatever he wants he doesn't get. when he violates the separation of powers doctrine and starts legislating by fiat we go into court. if we lose him in court we take him to court on another measure. we have to i can at that the political brass. we have to slow him down this man is in a hurry, he doesn't like the constitutional system. he doesn't like separation of powers and checks and balances. we have to do everything we can politically, legally to slow him