points from anybody. >> name one single metric that m shows obamacare is work. just one. >> kentucky signed up 200,000ck, people who were uninsured. california, 500,000 people uninsured. connecticut 80,000.re >> 2.8 million under their ownml estimations, they need seven by march. more people a are off their insurance than before they even started. >> you asked for metrics, i gave you some. the states where they took onere the exchanges, unlike the, un republicans who want to kill health care. >> one thing i never did, ig i never let the goatee hair growrg longer like chuck todd did. >> maybe you had a choice. i don't know anything about men's hair, though. coming up, mayor michael bloomberg scores another point for his nanny state agenda. he's snuffing out e cigarettes and the reason why city halls banned them. greg has that next. don't go away.