world's average for sugar. >> really? >> yep. >> is that necessarily nabisco's fault? >> no, it's the government's fault. sugar is the number one ingredient in these cookies. can't have cookies without sugar. go to mexico. you can have a lot more cookie profits. >> that's true. okay. so he shouldn't really blame nabisco, he should blame the government which he happens to be good at. nick, i watched the rally last night. i watched the whole thing. i have to say that he's very entertaining. and he is great with a crowd. but he reminds me of like kind of like your rich uncle who wants to tell you a bunch of stories. and it's kind of fun. but then you want to go home. but he's having such a good time. and he tells the same stories. i've heard the story about ford. and i know that carl icahn is a great guy. >> right. >> i know that already. but it is working, right? >> well, he is like a stand up. i mean, i've seen him now a couple of times, i saw him once