allowed to say that. brian: three chairs and a desk pole that came out with arms on it which were like the desk. have this movable desk. steve: that's what we look like. you wonder what our current president of the united states looked like back in 1996. well, there he is on the david letterman show when they were cordial. it was prophetic. talking about all sorts of things very donald trumpish. ainsley: that's fun to look back. hasn't changed that much. so you are wondering where he is right now. well, he was in france, in paris when we started the show an hour ago. we have been told is he on air force one. is he heading back home or on his way to get on air force one. steve: let's turn to john roberts who is our chief white house correspondent. he has been there at the bastille day parade. mr. roberts, where is the president of the united states right now? ainsley: where in the world is the president? >> where in the world is the president? he is either at the airport about to take off on air force one or already in the air.