>> the first thing i'd say is reince priebus is not the one to blame for such behavior. this all comes down to the president and his behavior and his way of doing things and the casual way that he ran his business in new york where he really kept a very loose schedule, and people came and went, and he picked up the phone and and call different people at different times depending on what he was focused on at the moment. white houses can't operate that way. the staff structure that exists in the white house traditionally -- which was developed over many years and many administrations -- is there, is that way for a reason. and the question really is not whether john kelly has the ability to be an effective chief of staff. i think he manifestly does. the question is whether donald trump will permit that, whether he will allow that, whether when somebody wanders into the oval office the first words out of his mouth will be does kelly know you're here? when they have a day planned with events and so forth and a policy strategy and sir tweets a