where he said i trust all of you do have sources. i'm just telling you you probably have low-level sources and you need to get some better sources. he wasn't saying they are making stuff up because i don't think they are. someone is telling them this. nbc as a network doesn't even have a license. that doesn't make sense. >> juan: you could do locally owned. that's what richard nixon did. >> dana: i think in terms of numbers, the ratings for everybody are up. newspaper sales are up and trust in the media is actually up. president trump's approval ratings are going up. it's true no one is actually getting anything out of this unless everyone is getting a little bit of something. >> jesse: i am just saying cnn whining about getting attacked by the president, that's on every day. >> juan: greg, joe scarborough says this reminds him of trump, "channeling chairman mao and joseph's talent."