i can do magic with water. >> reporter: when you're tasting water, what are you looking for? what are you looking for? >> color, carbon nation and like the tds levels, how much minerals are combined in this water. >> reporter: bottled water now a $19 billion industry in the u.s. and growing. but just this week, news of a voluntary recall. h2o bottled by niagara water, 14 brands now being pulled from shelves after one spring source had a positive indication of e. coli. there have been no reports of illness linked to the water. but negative reports aren't slowing down this industry. >> next one, beverly hills 90h20. >> reporter: reese himself crafting what he calls the champagne of water. >> this water comes from the northern part of california. >> reporter: beverly hills 90h20. despite the hefty price tag, it's the only water stephanie drinks these days, even using it for ice and cooking.