you look at them and you see that just like the deception there and sometimes hearing people that you're with calling their wives as they are in the room with you, i'm at the grocery store, i'll be home in about an hour and you're going to sleep with me and got off the phone with your wife? i dealt with that a lot. that was very, very, very hard. >> despite the miss teek, there is nothing something see about women bought online. >> it's hardly glamorous, it's violent and quick and nameless and it's hurtful. >> fighting to stay clean remains a daily struggle for dana. with the support of her family, she's made the difficult decision to go public in order to help other struggling teens. >> my real hope is that from my experiences, you know, if i could help one person that's maybe teetering on the edge of addiction and trying a harder drug or maybe someone that is addicted maybe thinking of