talking nabt this book, but men as caregivers has got to be a part of this conversation. >> men totally a part of this conversation in terms of how they raise their daughters, in terms of how they support their wives and their partners. and what's good for women at the center of the economy is also goold nor men. men need flexible hours. men need sick days because they're going to be caring for parents as well. men need all these things that these women need. these are smart family policies that we're talking about in this report. i think if people are interested in the report you can download it for free at shriverreport .og and read about it. we're saying government and businesses have not kept up and we need to modernize our relationships to women. >> you heard marco rubio. there's obviously a debate. conservatives want to get more into the discussion of dealing poverty even as they renounce the war on poverty from lyndon johnson a failure. where does government play a role? >> i would like to correct that. the war on poverty was not a