there was nothing that could be done to stay in that boat. >> i was in the current and things happened so fast, that i don't remember exactly the sequence of things. but i grabbed on to that tree. >> grateful to be alive, mike clambers into the tree and considers his options. >> the current was so strong that i couldn't even move a couple of yards upstream. it was very dangerous and i just stayed where i was. >> further down the river, ed has found something to hang on to. >> i grabbed on to that tree and pulled myself up. i was holding on for dear life. >> one of the guides of their expedition has also climbed out on to the log with ed. they are shocked at how cold that water is. >> i realized that i could risk suffering hypothermia if i got either of my legs in the water too long. >> fortunately, their plight has been noticed. >> i saw people gathering on the shore, they were looking and i'm sure that they had called the rescue team. >> two teams are called. the ground rescue volunteers and