realize that that -- you have to question the intention of why that was done. that is something that we're equally concerned with in terms of the report itself. that a leak that came out does this kind of damage. clearly, you've got to wonder why it was done and who did it. >> but to lindsey graham's point that he was making, that comment that i just read to you, does the president share his belief that russia is an unreliable partner? >> i think -- all i'll say is that on areas like combating isis, in particular we have a shared interest. in syria, there are areas where we can have a shared interest. i think in areas where, whatever country it is, we can find a shared interest to further, whether it is our interest or national economic interest, that is something we would have to consider. but to rule out any country on its face is something that is sort of well above -- it's something that only the president can decide.