what about the state department workers with sort of an atmosphere at the whougs aite h and all these people being fired or leaving unceremoniously? >> we have a period similar to the beginning of the administration and people don't know what direction they're supposed to be taking. we have a new secretary of state going to be coming in assuming pompeo is confirmed, has a different policy directions on the iran deal and other things. but people don't really know who's the decision maker right now. is it the secretary? is it the president? what exactly is our job and our mission at the moment? that's something people are trying to sort out. >> it's been reported that the president does thrive on all of this chaos and said that change is actually good. do you think -- do you buy it? does he thrive on this chaos? do you think he's able to get things done despite when's happening around him? >> no. i think he does strive on chaos but when you think about it