me. >> jealous, resentful and on the morning of december 1st luring chanin out of her house with a phony story about a broken-down car. remember clay texted chanin, asked her to take the kids to school, then shut off his phone to avoid detection, or so said the prosecutor. a killer laying a trap. >> taking the children out of the house, steaki inin ining -- out the house, entering the house, waiting for ms. starbuck to return. >> they played that snippet of a 911 call that the prosecution said confirmed the time of the attack. >> 911, what are you reporting? >> then an expert told the jury about the dna they found on chanin's neck. >> is this match that you described an exact match to clay starbuck and the male bloodline of his family? >> yes. >> the dna had to be clay's. he was the one with the weak