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Emphasizing 'Freedom to Read' during Banned Book Week | News
Emphasizing 'Freedom to Read' during Banned Book Week | News
Emphasizing 'Freedom to Read' during Banned Book Week | News
“Today, some of the books that shaped my life — and the lives of so many others — are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives.
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Janelle Nolan ,
Lori Rounsville ,
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Anne Cleer ,
National Library Week ,
Bradford Area Public Library ,
American Library Association ,
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Sw Smith Library ,
Facebook ,
Friends Library ,
Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library ,
Book Club ,
Sw Smith Memorial Public Library ,
Asian Pacific American Librarians Association ,
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Mount Jewett Memorial Library ,
Hamlin Library ,
President Barack Obama ,
Banned Books Week ,
Banned Book Week ,
Adult Programming ,
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Memorial Public Library ,
Banned Books ,
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Banned Book Club ,
Banned Book ,
Lessa Kanani Opua Pelayo Lozada ,
Futas Catalyst ,
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