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Europe blocks right to asylum :
Europe blocks right to asylum :
Europe blocks right to asylum
Even the traditionally tolerant Dutch parliament voted by a large majority last month to expel 26,000 foreigners without papers to countries such (...)
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France ,
Dublin ,
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United Kingdom ,
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Somalia ,
Iraq ,
Czech Republic ,
Dakar ,
Geneva ,
Genè ,
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Noord Holland ,
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Coted Ivoire ,
Sangatte ,
Nord Pas De Calais ,
Italy ,
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Kosovo ,
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Albanians ,
British ,
Ivory Coast ,
French ,
Spanish ,
Senegalese ,
Albanian ,
November Lubbers ,
Ruud Lubbers ,
Antonio Vitorino ,
Geneva Convention ,
Spanish Refugee Aid Commission ,
European Union ,
French Commission For Refugee Appeals ,
French Commission ,
Refugee Appeals ,
Red Cross ,
United Nations High Commissioner ,
Central Europe ,
Convention Plus ,
Schengen Treaty ,
Universal Declaration ,
Human Rights ,