âSeven Deadly Sinsâ Review: Pride and Pole Dancing Behind Glass This array of short plays has viewers in headphones wandering the meatpacking district for stylish, but shallow, theatrical thrills. Along with some choice lip-syncing, Shuga Cain welcomes the audience to âSeven Deadly Sins.âCredit...Sara Krulwich/The New York Times June 29, 2021 Sex and spectacle are on the menu in âSeven Deadly Sins,â a sumptuously staged, deliciously outfitted exploration of vice performed in the meatpacking district, once home to slaughterhouses and sex clubs, though now more about trendy dining and swanky shopping. Yet this feast for the eyes â bringing to life seven short plays performed in storefronts to audiences who mostly watch through glass but listen on headphones â turns out to be more about appearances than anything else.