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Fearsome threesome: how a trio of climate drivers is baking
Fearsome threesome: how a trio of climate drivers is baking
Fearsome threesome: how a trio of climate drivers is baking Australia's west and leaving the east soaked | Australia weather
A rare confluence of El Niño, the Southern Annular Mode and the Indian Ocean dipole is to blame for the country’s unusually polarised weather
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United States ,
Marble Bar ,
Western Australia ,
Australia ,
Pilbara ,
Indonesia ,
Perth ,
Spain ,
Northern Territory ,
Spanish ,
Australian ,
America ,
Jessica Lingard ,
Indian Ocean ,
Masoud Edraki ,
Darren Klemm ,
Hugh Mcdowell ,
John Hassell ,
Pacific Ocean ,
Bureau Of Meteorology ,
Australian Research Council ,
Insurance Council Of Australia ,
Tropical Cyclone Jasper ,
Insurance Council ,
Southern Ocean ,
Southern Annular Mode ,
Great Australian ,
Australian Research ,
North Central ,