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against their religious beliefs. so we're going to talk about that in a moment. first, let's bring in betsy devos. a couple of huge decisions that are related to education have come down from the highest court in the land. betsy, great to have you with us. thanks for being here. let's started -- i want to ask you about affirmative action as well. i know you have thoughts to share with us. let's start with what happened today. the president had envisioned this huge relief package. in fact, i think it helps him a lot in the mid-term elections. it was popular. the court shot it down today. what do you think? >> well, martha, everybody knew this was illegal to begin with. president biden said as much when he was campaigning for president as did nancy pelosi. what this was was a not so thinly veiled attempt to get a lot of votes in the last election, the mid-terms and it's an attempt to continue that trend to bye votes to re-elect joe biden.

Related Keywords

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