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'The first sip was rather shocking': Cop26 delegates try Irn
'The first sip was rather shocking': Cop26 delegates try Irn
'The first sip was rather shocking': Cop26 delegates try Irn-Bru for the first time | Cop26
Some conference visitors are now hooked on Scotland’s famous fizzy drink, while others can’t wait to leave it behind
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Germany ,
Vanuatu ,
Glasgow ,
Glasgow City ,
United Kingdom ,
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Nigeria ,
Zimbabwe ,
Turnberry ,
South Ayrshire ,
Rwanda ,
Quebec ,
Canada ,
Rwandan ,
Zimbabwean ,
Scotland ,
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Donald Trump ,
Michael Buechl ,
Ines Yabar ,
Bru Xtra ,
Ryan Allen ,
Azeez Abubakar ,
Malaika Doucelline Rousseau ,
Twitter ,
Glasgow Costco ,
Glasgow Central ,
Philip Thomas Reeker ,
Irn Bru Xtra ,
Angel Share ,
Hands Off Our Irn Bru ,