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that she could have taken. there is no suggestion of all that she wanted to go away, or would have left the dog, would've left the children, anything like that. so in that sense, her relatives and families have said she sort of vanished into thin air, there are only limited possibilities as to what has happened to her.— possibilities as to what has happened to her. possibilities as to what has ha ened to her. .,, ., . , .,, happened to her. pope francis has arrived in south _ happened to her. pope francis has arrived in south to _ happened to her. pope francis has arrived in south to don. _ pope frances has arrived in south sudan, as the start of what the vatican is calling a pilgrimage of peace. he was welcomed by large crowds — the pope was joined at the airport injuba by the leaders of the churches of england and scotland. together, they're seeking to promote reconciliation in a largely christian country that's been ravaged by tribal conflict since it became independent 12 years ago. francis is honouring a 2019 promise to visit south sudan, when in a dramatic gesture, he kissed the feet of the country's rival leaders at the vatican. 0ur religion editor aleem maqbool is in the capitaljuba

Related Keywords

Dog , Anything , Suggestion , Children , Air , Pope Francis , South , Possibilities , Sense , Families , Relatives , Vanished , Her , Pope , Peace , Pilgrimage , South Sudan , Leaders , Scotland , Vatican , England , Frances , Reconciliation , Churches , Start , Airport Injuba , Country , Francis , Conflict , Feet , Capitaljuba , Gesture , Promise , Editor Aleem Maqbool , 0ur Religion , 2019 , 0 , 12 ,

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