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cooks. if we are going to treat public health seriously and business, and this amazing hospitality industry that puts so much money in the coffers of the chequers, we need to invest in training of our own people. because so many people went home, both after brexit and after covid, masses of people going back to europe who took the hospitality industry seriously and invested in it. so the hospitality industry seriously and invested in it.— and invested in it. so the labour shortaae and invested in it. so the labour shortage is _ and invested in it. so the labour shortage is very _ and invested in it. so the labour shortage is very real _ and invested in it. so the labour shortage is very real for - and invested in it. so the labour shortage is very real for you. . and invested in it. so the labour i shortage is very real for you. greg, shortage is very realfor you. greg, what about your sector? because the uk has been good about renewable energy in recent years but there's been warnings that its shaky now and lots of projects are being held up. first of all the uk can be proud that may— first of all the uk can be proud that may be 40 to 50% of our energy comes_ that may be 40 to 50% of our energy comes from — that may be 40 to 50% of our energy comes from renewables. we have been a world _ comes from renewables. we have been a world leader and nothing has brought— a world leader and nothing has brought this into sharper focus than the energy— brought this into sharper focus than the energy prices. it was a gas crisis _ the energy prices. it was a gas crisis and _ the energy prices. it was a gas crisis and if— the energy prices. it was a gas crisis and if we had had more home—grown renewable energy, we would _ home—grown renewable energy, we would have — home—grown renewable energy, we

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People , Hospitality Industry , Money , Business , Cooks , Training , Health , Coffers , Chequers , Labour Shortage , Europe , Labour Shortaae , Home , Masses , Covid , Uk , All , Labour , Shortage , Lots , Greg Jackson , Energy Comes , Projects , First , Sector , Warnings , 50 , 40 , Huge Energy , World , Renewables , Energy Prices , Gas Crisis , Renewable Energy , World Leader , Nothing ,

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