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attracting the voters that we should attract. it's very healthy. this is the first chairman to actually recognize the lgbt members of the party as well as the community at large. >> clarke, reince priebus doing it is one thing. but for people who are actually running, the people who are visible, the people who are seeking offices, for them -- it's one thing for him to say it. but for them to actually get it and get out on the campaign stump and go into their own communities and promote that, that is another thing. do you think they get it? >> you're right, it is. some do. some candidates do. if you look at if house level races in 2012. you had leaders in the house like pete sessions of texas, eric cantor, the majority leader, really reach out in their young guns program to make sure there were candidates that were very welcoming to the party that had positions that support marriage equality.

Related Keywords

Conservative Party , Voters , Reince Priebus , Chairman , Clarke , Community , Lgbt Members , People , Thing , Offices , One , Candidates , Communities , Campaign Stump , Do , House Level Races , Leaders , Guns , Majority Leader , House , Positions , Pete Sessions , Texas , Eric Cantor , 2012 ,

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