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showed the discord league showed the taiwan lacks significant air. defense capability as at all. if there's one thing ukraine has shown other countries is you better step up your defense platforms, patriot missiles and the like any of these companies that are making those things are going to be very busy for the next 10 years because countries recognize that the first threat comes from the air, this is a good example of the chinese making sure fascinating and always good information. thank you. my clients. appreciate it, major. my clients. thank you, poppy. at least 78 people have been killed, dozens more injured after a devastating crowds surge in yemen's capital we want to warn you, this is disturbing video to watch. this happened during an event to mark the end of ramadan, where to merchants were reportedly handing out the equivalent of about $10 in cash to needy residents. look at that . that is the aftermath, and it shows shoes and shawls left behind heaped into piles. officials say that to merchants have been arrested. and justin.

Related Keywords

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