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thank you both for coming on. why not just change the law and make theft and stealing a crime again? >> that is common sense, but what is sacramento known for? a lack of common sense. you look at prop 47, all the bad things it did, it was sustainable to a certain degree because prosecutors will were still prosecuting crimes. these new batch of prosecutors have thrown them out the window, so they are given a license to legalized theft in california. repeal prop 47, end of story. >> trace: i want to go back to the story that matt finn was talking about. an illegal immigrant from el salvador who has been arrested multiple times in boulder, colorado, for dwi and deported was arrested once again last month in colorado after allegedly killing a mother and her son in a car crash which people say involved alcohol. it is inexcusable and it is preventable, which is what is so baffling for the people involved. >> you're right, it is exhibit a

Related Keywords

Crime , Law , Common Sense , Theft , Lack , Prop , Sacramento , 47 , Prosecutors , Things , California , License , Crimes , Degree , Batch , Window , Trace , Matt Finn , Story , Times , Immigrant , Colorado , Repeal Prop , End , Dwi , El Salvador , Boulder , People , Son , Mother , Alcohol , Car Crash , Exhibit A ,

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