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crisis, folks on the right got some one or some group that is not that you and maybe is the openly gay secretary transportation or fictional woke elites conspiring against white people, and i get it, republicans think that this is a very sound rhetorical political strategy, and i get why they are worked up about the issue. east palestine, a very white, rural working class place, the kind of town that donald trump and fox news tells you has been forgotten about from woke elites. when they say that it's been left behind, it's not entirely wrong. there is a nugget of truth there. it's also true that people to judge a secretary of transportation, that he is not the guy to take charge of regulatory railroads and legitimate criticisms about his job apartments, outside of his identity, is fair game. when you're in the administration or presidency, this is the stuff you had to answer for. there is a major train dormant on your watch, okay, so far, so good. there is a real problem, pete buttigieg is really the transportation secretary, but here is where all of the sudden,

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People , It , Folks , Republican , Elites , Crisis , Group , Secretary Transportation , One , Donald Trump , Issue , Town , Kind , East Palestine , Fox News , Place , White , Strategy , Working Class , Secretary Of Transportation , Guy , Truth , Criticisms , Charge , Railroads , Nugget , Job Apartments , Administration , Pete Buttigieg , Problem , Train , Stuff , Presidency , Fair Game , Identity , Watch ,

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