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impeachment trial. margie taylor greene proposing bizarre amendments to foreign aid bills, one to put space laser at the southwest border. the others would require members of congress who vote yes on funding ukraine to serve in their military, and james comer continuing to charge but never prove any impeachable offense against president biden. >> answer this question. what do the bidens do? what business were they in? >> can i answer that? >> i would like to ask you a question. >> no, you stop. what did the bidens do? >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> what business were you in? >> mr. raskins could not answer the question. >> what do the bidens do to receive the money. >> let me start with this. my last name is raskin. we have sat next to each other for more than a year. you don't have to add the s, number two, i would like my time restored. number three, you have not identified a single crime. >> all of that making many

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