Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20200208

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors February 8, 2020

supervisor stefani present. supervisor walton present. supervisor yee present. mr. president, you have a quorum. >> president yee: thank you. would you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> president yee: on behalf of the board i would like to acknowledge sfgovtv. who record each of the meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. madame clerk, any communications? >> none to report, mr. president. >> president yee: let's move to the consent agenda. >> items 1 through 18 are on consent. these items are considered to be routine. if a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. >> president yee: would anyone like to sever any items from the consent agenda? seeing none, on the roster, then please call the roll. >> on items 1 through 18, supervisor stefani aye. walton aye. yee aye. fewer aye. haney aye. mandelman aye. mar aye. peskin aye. preston aye. ronen aye. safai aye. there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. so, without objection, the ordinances finally passed unanimously. let's go to items, 19 and 20. >> 19 and 20 two ordinances that levy special taxes. pier 70 leased properties. >> colleagues, can we take these two items, same house, same call? without objection, these ordinances are finally passed. madame clerk, let's go 21. >> item 21 is ordinance to appropriate $2.7 million of general reserve upon condition of executed agreement to support class reinstatement at city college of san francisco. >> president yee: madame clerk, please call the roll. >> on item 21, stefani no. walton aye. yee no. fewer aye. haney aye. mandelman no. mar aye. peskin no. preston aye. ronen aye. safai aye. there are 7 ayes and 4 nos with supervisors stefani, yee and mandelman, and peskin in the consent. >> president yee: that ordinance is passed with 7-4 vote. next item. >> item 22. resolution to authorize public works to accept and expend $260,000 grant from the san francisco bay area rapid transit district for the pit stop public toilet program termed july 21, 2019 through june 30, 2020. >> president yee: colleagues, without objection, we'll bring up jeremie spitz. oh. and he's from the department of public works policy and government affairs. here to speak on this item, but before you speak, supervisor preston? >> supervisor preston: thank you. no, i'm happy to speak after, mr. spitz. >> president yee: did somebody want to speak? i'm sorry. i'm getting confused. go ahead. >> supervisor peskin: hold on, i rise to point of privilege, but i'm sitting down, supervisor preston's name is on the roster. >> president yee: i called on him. >> he deferred, supervisor peskin. >> supervisor peskin: my bad. >> president yee: did you want to say something? supervisor preston? you want to wait, right? >> supervisor preston: mr. spitz is free to go on. >> i'll be brief. >> president yee: go ahead. >> thank you, president yee. briefly, supervisors, we would like to request an additional one week continuance on the item so our acting director has a chance to review the file? >> supervisor preston: thank you very much, appreciate the request for continuance. i think it is appropriate for the board to have additional information about acting on this item. and this was continued last week to underline contracts here -- underlying contracts were approved and signed. and particularly under the circumstances where the allegations in the federal criminal complaint relate directly to mr. neweru's involvement. i had a chance to speak to the acting director, welcome to the new role, and looking forward to this item being reviewed by new leadership before coming back before us. >> president yee: okay. is the motion by supervisor preston and seconded by supervisor peskin, to continue this item for a week to our february 11th meeting. then without objection, this resolution will be continued. to the meeting on tuesday, february 11, 2020. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 23 is ordinance to amend the planning code to allow authorization of limited restaurant use in the jackson square special use district under a circumstance to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> president yee: roll call, please. >> on item 23, supervisor stefani aye. walton aye. yee aye. fewer aye. haney aye. mandelman aye. mar aye. peskin aye. preston aye. ronen aye. safai aye. there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: without objection, this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. madame clerk, please call item 24. >> item 24 is a resolution to establish the fiscal year 2019 through 2020, california constitution appropriations limit of san francisco to be approximately $5.5 billion. >> president yee: can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 25 is resolution to authorize and approve the lease of 1271 through 1275 mission street with mission 1277 and baskin investment group for office space for san francisco digital services, for six-year term, with two five-year options for renewal to commence february 2020, for total annual rent of $600,000, to figure in 3% annual adjustments thereafter and make the appropriate findings. >> president yee: can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. madame clerk, please call item 26. >> item 26 is resolution to approve a grant agreement second amendment between the city and institute on aging for the community living fund to increase the amount of the grant for a new total amount of approximately $11.6 million july 21, 2019 through june 30, 2021. >> president yee: can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this the resolution is adopted unanimously. madame clerk, please call items 27 through 29 together. >> item 27 through 29, three resolutions that retroactively authorize the fire department to accept and expend grants from the following, performance terms and to waive indirect costs. item 27, $1 million grant from the california office of emergency services to purchase one hose tender. for item 28, approximately $340,000 grant from the federal emergency management agency to purchase marine equipment, september 1, 2019 through august 31, 2022. and for item 29, an approximate $612,000 for the federal emergency management agency to purchase rescue tools and equipment september 5, 2019 through september 4, 2020. >> president yee: colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call? without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 30 is resolution to authorize the san francisco office of cannabis to accept and expend an approximate $1.338 million grant from the california bureau of cannabis control for the local equity grant funding program for the term of february 21, 2020, through january 31, 2021. >> president yee: same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted. please call the next item. >> item 31 is resolution to declare the intent of the city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedenesindeb authorizing the mayor's director to submit documents to the debt allocation committee to permit the issuance of residential mortgage bonds in principal amount not to exceed $61.6 million for 55 mason street. >> president yee: same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. madame clerk, the next item. >> item 32, resolution to approve and authorize the amendment and restatement of an existing long-term ground lease with turk and eddie associates on city owned land, in order to refinance 100 affordable 82-unit rental housing development for low-income persons. >> president yee: can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> ordinance to amend the plumbing code to delete the local amendment to the california plumbing code, rules and regulations in the section on cross connection control and to add local cross connection controls for beverage dispensers and testing and to affirm the ceqa determination. >> president yee: can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 34 is ordinance to amend the planning code and the administrative code to abolish the north of market affordable housing fund and have certain affordable housing fees collected in conjunction with the north of market residential special use district, deposited in a city-wide affordable housing fund and to make the appropriate findings. >> president yee: same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 35 is ordinance to amend the health code to authorize the director of public health to allow existing cannabis permittee to operate under that permit at a new location and affirm the ceqa determination. >> president yee: supervisor pesk peskin. >> supervisor peskin: i'll defer to supervisor haney. >> supervisor haney: i think supervisor peskin, i were to say the same thing, we want to ask for this item to be continued. we're working on a non-substantive amendment and we want to have it completed by next week. was that what -- >> supervisor peskin: supervisor haney, through the president, i would suggest that the item be continued to the meeting of 25 february, 2020. please >> president yee: supervisor haney, are you okay with that? >> supervisor haney: yes. >> president yee: motion to continue this item to tuesday, february 25 and seconded. is there any objection? without objection, this ordinance is continued to the meeting of tuesday, february 25, 2020. madame clerk, please call items 36 and 37 together. >> items 36 and 37 are two resolutions that determine to the premise to premise transfer, liquor license to destination bar's inc., doing business as the lark bar, and for item 37, a transfer of type 21 offsale general beer, wine and distilled spirits and type 86 instructional tasting license to future beverages inc. doing business as cassk. that both items will serve the convenience of the city and requesting that the california department of beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of both items. >> president yee: same house, same call? without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 38, ordinance to amend the administrative code to authorize the department of public health to become a member of any health care group purchasing organization and to enter into contracts with suppliers and distributors to purchase commodities and services without competitive bidding and without approval of the city purchaser. >> president yee: okay, can we take -- these items -- did we call 36 and 37? >> yes, we called those items. we're on 38. >> can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this is passed unanimously. call item 39. >> item 39 is ordinance to amend the administrative code to name the rotunda on the second floor of city hall in memory of former city attorney buck del veteran >> i want to thank the board of supervisors. when deputy city attorney passed away after 50 years of service to this city and county, this board of supervisors, the mayor's office, there was one member of the board not here, his name is on the roster, but i want to thank our city attorney, who i don't think has every signed an ordinance as to form until this particular ordinance, which is i want to salute the late great buck delventhal. >> >> supervisor preston: i'd like to be added as a cosponsor. >> supervisor peskin: that would make it unanimous. >> president yee: same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. madame clerk, let's call the next item? item 40 is ordinance to repeal ordinance numbers 38-17 and 102-19 and to reenact certain provisions by updating the hotel ordinance and update the ceqa determination. >> president yee: supervisor preston, do you want to speak? >> supervisor preston: no. >> president yee: supervisor preston? wes >> supervisor peskin: i would like to request a continuance? that's a motion. >> president yee: a second? seconded by supervisor safai. without objection, we'll continue this item to our meeting on february 25. madame clerk, please call the next item. >> item 41 is motion to reappoint, miriam zouzokunis. >> this motion is approved unanimously. please call item 42. >> item 42 is motion to reappoint marc brandt to the bicycle advisory committee. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this motion is approved unanimously. let's go to -- i'm sorry. >> committee reports? >> roll call, is it? >> committee reports, mr. president? >> yes, committee reports. >> items 47 and 48 were considered by the land use and transportation committee at a regular meeting on monday, february $3 and were forwarded as committee reports. it's to amend land disposition and acquisition agreement with 2000 marin property, for the transfer of property on bryant street. in exchange for real property at 2000 marin street and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> president yee: colleagues, same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. item 48, please. >> item 48 was with a new title. resolution to declare the intent of board of supervisors to order the vacation of the sidewalk portion of streets on the south side of mission street at the intersection of mission and freemont and on the east side at the same intersection to allow a structural up grade of the millennium tower and setting a hearing date for the board of supervisors to convene as a committee of the whole on march 3, 2020, here in the board's legislative chamber. >> president yee: same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is passed on first reading unanimously. madame clerk, let's go to roll call for a couple of minutes. >> supervisor self-ny -- stefani, you're first up. >> i'm introducing a resolution to support bill 281, which will finally ban the sale of firearms and ammunition at the cal palace. since that time, the bill has changed and the newest version has just passed the state senate. despite ongoing support to end gun shows, the cal palace board of directors faces tremendous pressure from gun lobbyists. it is a publicly owned facility to showcase entertainment and host events that reflect the community. as we all stated many times, public facilities should be used for the public good and the costs of gun sale far outweigh the benefits. sp281 mirrors a similar bill which bans firearms and ammunition sales at the delmar fair grounds. last year, we saw the lowest rate of violent crime since 1961 and while that is worth celebrating, there is not a day that goes by in this country where there is the tragic loss of life by an individual who should have never had access to a gun in the first place. on sunday, night, patrons at a local sports bar had to run for cover when a man returned with a gun and open fire. we were lucky no one died. just yesterday, passengers on a greyhound bus open fire on fellow passengers killing a 51-year-old woman and injuring five others. there is no way to win the fight against the gun violence epidemic in our country, but we've had no chance. we will have no chance until we continue to work together to advocate for commonsense gun policy that save lives. i want to thank senator scott wiener for sponsorship and david chiu and phil tinge for their support. >> supervisor walton: thank you, madame clerk. today, i have one in memoriam in honor of mother essie. mother essie mcgraw web jones, also known as mommy was born in 1917. she was the third child of four children. in 1923, mommy essie and her aunt nellie relocated to lovejoy, illinois. after the birth of her oldest child, george thomas earl, she attended the madame c.j. walker beauty school. in 1942, she married webb senior in missouri. to that union, three children were born, nathaniel, alphonso and patricia. in 1949, she along with aunt nellie joined fake john missionary church. mommy essie was an active member of the church, a member of the chorus, the naomi circle of the mission union and much later, mother of the ministry of the church. the father of two children, robert alicia and alicia jones. adopted three brothers sandy and norman and linden. later mommy essie took on raising samuel warren james when he came to live with her. mommy essie had a very active life. she worked in a child care center, worked at the fairmont hotel in san francisco, served on the joint housing committee as a recording secretary and that committee was instrumental in getting the war projects torn down and the construction of the new apartment buildings in hunters point along with the u.s. post office on evans street. the committee also made sure that the new streets that came along with the buildings were named after some of the people who were responsible for the changes. mommy essie also worked as an intake referral manager for the economic opportunity council for more than four decades. she was a commissioner on the relocation of board, appointed by the late mayor joseph al oto. she and others were developing consent degree, fighting the school district to prevent the busing of children from the bayview hunters point community to other places in the city. and not busing other children to bayview hunters point. they were successful. she was helpful in getting youth in the community their first job. she was a member of the board of directors of the bayview hunters college, the first off-campus college of city college to offer accredited courses from city college. she fought to get the name of the bayview elementary school changed to dr. charles r. drew. on top of it all, mommy essie managed to operate a kitchen beauty barber shop, wash, press and curl or cut for $2. that's when her family began to grow. everyone loved her and she loved them. and referred to them as her children. mommy essie loved to cook, travel and take trips to the casinos. she attended all of her family reunions and made it duty to teach future generations about their history, knowing she was fourth generation descendant of former slaves. one of her proudest moments was to attend the inauguration of barack obama in 2008. she bragged about walking five miles to the washington mall with her son-in-law oscar and nephews perry and tyree. as she told the story, she left all three of them in the dust to witness the inauguration. she departed this life on wednesday, january 22, 2020. she is survived by 12 children, two daughter-in-laws. 35 great grandchildren, and host of nieces, nephews and cousins. the rest i submit. >> president yee: submit. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. colleagues, today i am introducing a motion with cosponsorship from all members of the budget and appropriations committee laying out the budget process for the board in the name of transparency for all city partners and members of the public. my office has been working to design a budget process that builds upon past best practices, changes aspects that didn't work last year and tries to build our capacity to make informed choices with regard to the budget. the city's $12 million billion budget is on the backs of hard-working residents of san francisco and i feel responsible for ensuring we hold ourselves accountable for how the funds are spent. our goals for this year are, one, to develop an understanding of the landscape facing the city budget f

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