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Take a look at five masterworks that helped make Fort Worth'
Take a look at five masterworks that helped make Fort Worth'
Take a look at five masterworks that helped make Fort Worth's Kimbell Art Museum
The Kimbell Art Museum has been called "a museum of masterpieces." So for its 50th annniversary, here's a choice of five masterworks — with a significance beyond their genius artistry.
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Germany ,
New York ,
United States ,
Thailand ,
Netherlands ,
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Italy ,
Peru ,
Kimbell Art Museum ,
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
Italian ,
America ,
American ,
German ,
Dutch ,
Piet Mondrian ,
Richardf Brown ,
Michelangleo Buonarroti ,
Martin Schongauer ,
Velma Kimbell ,
Kimbell Art Museum Caravaggio ,
Kimbell Art Museum Standing Dignitary ,
Kimbell Art Museum Bodhisattva Maitreya ,
Kimbell Art Museum Piet Mondrian ,
Kimbell Art Museum Georges De La Tour ,
Anthony ,
North Texas ,
Bodhisattva Maitreya ,
Georges De La Tour ,
Old Masters ,
Ancient American ,
Old Master ,