The burning pyres, the touching scenes The burning pyres, the touching scenes Shiban Khaibri “Grief is like living two lives. One is where you pretend that everything is alright, and the other is where your heart silently screams.” Was it absolutely necessary and in the high traditions of journalism to show live repeatedly for days together, by many TV channels, the burning pyres of those who were mercilessly consumed by the ferocious corona-virus ? Was it absolutely necessary to present in comments as a sort of prelude “It is not something shinning so bright like some illumination but these are pyres of the dead” and then parading the unfortunate departed ones “waiting” in queues at the crematoriums for getting the “turn” ? Was it again quite necessary even to say that even the supply of firewood at the cremation sites had fallen short ? Such heart wrenching scenes telecasting again and again by anchors and news readers in enviable get ups from AC newsrooms made most of us cry and feel undone and depressed . It appeared as if there was a spree , a competition among the “fourth pillar(s) of democracy” to show scenes which made most of us cry and even feel undone and depressed ? How did it serve the cause of those who were gasping for their breaths and were jostling to get a bed in hospitals to be saved from the jaws of death ? If it did , the same may be made known.