The Fantasy Ideology of the American Insurrectionists At the podium of the world’s greatest deliberative body stood the QAnon Shaman. A bare-chested man wearing red, white, and blue warpaint on his face and a bonnet made of raccoon fur and Viking horns on his head, he considers himself a “Self-Initiated Shaman, Energetic Healer, Ordained Minister” and a “metaphysical warrior, a compassionate healer, and a servant of the Divine Creator God.” He had invaded the U.S. Capitol building to raise awareness about the global cabal of Satan-worshiping cannibalistic pedophiles—like Tom Hanks and Pope Francis—who extract adrenochrome, a drug reputed to have psychedelic and life-extending benefits, from the blood of innocent children. These pedophiles can only be stopped by President Trump, whose second term will inaugurate the Ascension, the Great Awakening, the Rapture.