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missouri, and these are the top stories. a nationwide curfews ended in so long i was brought on by mass in protest against the countries leadership. thousands of gathered the offices of prime minister renelle with chrome a single day morning, his resignation. he's taken over as acting president of to go to buy a raj, a pack sir, flip the country. so gordon's arrived in israel and his 1st visit to the middle east as us president. he's promised advances rose at regional integration biden. we'll also meet with palestinian leaders in the occupied west bank. greater stability, greater connection is critical, is critical. why my are for all the people of the region, which is why will be so we'll discuss my continued support even though i know it's not in the near term interstate solution. that remains in my view, the best way to insure the future. equal measure of freedom, prosperity, democracy for israelis and palestinians. light on forces of deployed outside the headquarters of libby as national old corporation. after it's chairman refused to accept the government's decision. to sack him mister hudson, allah says that prime minister abdul hamid al du babies mandate has expired and he has no authority to dismiss him. witnesses, a forces outside the corporation are aligned to the prime minister, libby as political crisis, as removed at nearly a 1000000 barrels per day from the market. the united nations has progress, has been made on a deal to secure the exports of ukrainian grain. it could go a long way to addressing the global food crisis. the agreement was made at joint talks in a stumble and evolve, forming a coordination center to ensure the safety of supply routes. protest is an 80 blocked roads in the capital. they're angry about a fuel shortage brought on by a crumbling economy and gang violence. 2 ships carrying imported fuel have been able, unable to unload it because of security concerns. hundreds of urgency work as if france of boxing wall fires across the southwest. the blaze is spreading due to hot and windy conditions, 6 water bomber aircraft being used to douse the flames. those red lines, the news continues, hey, on out 0 after the stream. frank assessments, it sounds like you don't expect anything to change the problem in lebanon. it's actually structural lebanon needs and use of contract in order for it to solve this problem in food opinions, international communities on the go to slice judy and that's community. a government has knowledge to be seen in depth analysis of the data global headlines . this is going to be very hard for people to explain to the public that instead of pushing back, you know, it's actually got to the members inside story on al jazeera, i i much, much have a dean. welcome to the stream. today, 2 topics that have been dominating the headlines, a spiraling crisis since re lanka, and in the u. k. the stunning fall of prime minister boys johnson and the race to succeed him. and these are 2 huge stories. i know all of you in our audience, have a lot of thoughts on so chat with us on youtube, and i'll bring your comments and questions into the program. let's start 1st in sri lanka, an island nation in the worst crisis since independence is under a state of emergency on become less savvy. i've been informed by the president that since the president was out of the country, his appointed prime minister renelle looked from a single under clause 30 southern to one of the constitution to carry out as duly. i can do. and i remember that there was no way the president could stay in the country. he has been in hiding all this time, so he will have to live out of the country. but just because he has left doesn't mean the struggle is over. i mean, if he has robbed and the struggle will continue until all is confiscated. as protesters, what we have to say is that he is not going to escape, just because he's left the country america, but of wyoming to me. and i see the sense, i feel that these are our historical assets. we must safeguard them. it would be a good thing or steps taken to preserve these. it is a good thing. people are allowed to come in and see because we will not be able to see what's in here. otherwise, eric of it about a non been in many sri lanka, is a rapidly moving story. but for now, the prime minister is the acting president of the country, and protesters remain passionate that new leadership is needed to pull the country out of the economic and political chaos. here to unpack the story is the tireless michelle, fernandez al jazeera correspondent in sri lanka, rob, i manella, i want to ask you, i mean, he's expected the president, i should say to travel to singapore. it's, it's quite a mess he's left behind and, you know, i'm wondering, do you anticipate firstly that he will resign after our landing and singapore as, as many are hoping are expecting him to well, given the sort of rise and fall of the roger boxes and the kind of different strategies they've adopted. there's no saying what to do in terms of that resignation. for example, when, when everybody was asking when he would resign, if he would resign through the speaker, he made a statement giving the 13th of july deadline the wednesday. and they came and went and no one has seen that resignation is yet, so there were reports, you know, he fled the country to the motives inability jet. and then we heard during the course of the day that from the mall davis, he was flying to singapore. potentially and not his final destination. that again, there's a lot of speculation to way exactly, he added, but one sort of is waiting to see what exactly he hopes to do. there are those who think that he's using the resignation as a sort of a bargaining chip until he gets to his final destination. because man, bear in mind that as president, there is a certain clue of presidential immunity and the moment that is lost, then he does open himself to prosecution or detention on 7 judges or whatever it is that is left wide open. so obviously there are reasons and strategies behind this decision. certainly that makes a lot of sense. and, you know, we of course know that the source of this anger that has been boiling is really about, you know, high levels of corruption, that economic situation in the country. and protesters are, you know, remaining in the streets and in the palace. and when they broke through those gates, a lot of them were quite shocked by just the level of opulence and luxury. one resident shared her thoughts have a listen amino. we entered the premises and now we just came out and mean what is the lot of stuff that has been going on inside. i mean a lot off might be but have been suffering for so many days and all along. all of us still for mr. gordon. that departure, i've been living judy of nice. so he had all of us that it is. this is a common man, you know, country while they're supposed to suffering. so people are waiting in basic lines now for basic now, basic lines i should say in lines for basic goods, they're being rationed. this anger is do you anticipate that there could be more violence or more unrest? what needs to happen now to stabilize the situation? basically the sort of vacuum that's been left by all of this uncertainty, the president a sensually of 1st going underground. when those protesters over ran his official residence, nobody knew what his intentions were. then we had the announcement over resignation . but then again, the days come and gone and we still don't have a resignation. in the meantime, a, you have the prime minister that go to essentially appointed to replace his brother mind the roger pucks himself a candidate that according to the people has no legitimacy or credibility. he's a man running become a senior, very, as you politician with a great amount of political experience, but someone who was voted out of parliament. this is a guy that president of the raj blocks of brought in. yes, very well accepted, very erudite, educated, and a goodridge rappel with the international community with western nations. but at the same time, for the people of this country, they have very clearly spoken and said they don't want him. so with all this background, you know, they do not want to be taken for right again. i mean, that's what i hear across the board when we get onto the street that for a long time that the people of this country have sort of literally been they claim they, they say they've been cheated, they've been dropped. the country has been dropped by politicians because not only have the mismanage, the economy. corruption has been rampant. right. so they've really and you know, lining their own pocket at the expense of the kanji. yeah. and me know, you know, when we talk about about that disparity, i mean, you know, the stakes are so high we heard in early july, the energy management minister said that sri lanka has less than a days worth a few left. and these sorts of alarm bells. i mean, i'm wondering, i haven't covered this on the ground. we've heard multiple reports of civilians clashing with police tear gas, of course has been used a you know, what can you share with us about what might happen and in the absence of, you know, not just the resignation, but uh, real clear leadership and in the coming weeks from an economic perspective, do you anticipate the violence to increase? well one certainly hope not because to be really honest. when this campaign started, the go go, the go to go home campaign as they called it, which was very much a sort of a grass rude reaction to the country. literally facing such a bad economic crisis and prison go to be roger boxer was the sort of point, man, that was the target of all the anger at that stage 3 monk of, you know, in protest outside the presidential, secretary of the presidential office. what people were angry about was that one of this had been, you know, known that it could have been prevented. we have economists, we have opposition with people in parliament who for almost a year and a half. and some even longer than that, have been warning should have been warning the leadership that we were on a pot to a very, very dangerous place. a particularly when president of roger park. so one that overwhelming victory in 2019. and he had a few months to go for a general election. one of the things he did was lashed taxes by a huge amount. and that at that stage, you know, there were huge alarm bells that were wrong by economists. they said this is a disaster waiting to happen. they didn't, they didn't listen. there was a ban on chemical fertilizer. so a lot of things that people said weren't the best interests of the country, but they went ahead nonetheless. and i think that's where the anger lies. that this did not need to happen, but in addition to maybe pure arrogance and pick handedness, not listening to people who knew their subject, that they allowed this to happen. but also one key point is that there also has been an issue of bad luck to begin frank with, you know, from 2019 the bomb attacks the easter bomb attacks, which hit tourism, followed by the pandemic. obviously that really draw tourism to its knees and great that you've obviously had all those economic indicators being a real sort of a setback and with the mismanagement and corruption, it was it recipe for disaster. and you know, when we talk about what might be coming next, there was a time when i think there were 2 brothers, 2 nephews, you know, many, many members of the same family and government at the same time. and i'm curious, you know, those tax issues you were discussing leading to the fuel crisis. they've done, tried to make certain efforts, as you said, to change the work week, for example, to 4 days. but it hasn't worked. so will these and proudly say it was too late as you say, so, so will these protests lead to bigger changes in how the country is run? let's take a look and then i want to get your thoughts on that. michelle with there's also a abolishing executive presidency. the concentration so much power in one individual. so hopefully they will elect someone with the agreement that is going to be a symbolic, a president until such time that constitutional changes can be brought for them to abolish the executive presidency. ma, now from a macro perspective, just so you know, one of the comments and are you tube section is asking, what is their true desire? i believe it should be a new ruling, of course that there needs to be a departure from the past. is that realistic in the coming months? well, the signs are and this is what again is angering people so much. if you look at the changes that prison go top roger box that tried to pass off as he's respond to these protests and demands name to step down. essentially was the same or people just with a different sort of a coating. and that's what they're angry about. even with prime minister on the vicar missing, and the cabinet he brought in, it was the same old faces. and this is what she lunk, and want to get away from. they say they talk about system change, they talk about the need to overhaul this mindset. this sort of corruption that they've seen for decades. some people say that ever since independence for more than 70 years, that the people of this country have just have the same still the same sort of the same person but package differently. and that those politicians have just been bleeding the country di, dry lining their own pocket. and you know, when we talk about the international monetary fund and others who have been supporting other lenders, you know, sri lanka, being part of the problem is we've identified as a how much they've borrowed. so moving forward, i mean, do you think that the opposition is going to be able to co last they've cor last against an enemy, but actually be able to support each other to lead through lanka, out of the economic li? well, a, she lanka certainly has the knowledge, the specialism, the skills, not just within the country itself. but we have a huge resource of people who serve in other countries who work in other countries who are willing to help. but most of these people have a little bit of a sort of a hands off approach because in the last few years they haven't really had much response when they have i the offered to help. busy or the help has been taken just to sort of patch things up and you know, the same thing has continued. so the international money to fund it serve as issued a statement about she's saying they hope that they'll be quick resolution of the ongoing issues. so that they can get back to negotiations for a bailout for and me. now i appreciate you bringing that up one last point, very quickly. if you may, a lot of people in youtube asking us, we hear about what's happening in the capital, the protest, what's happening and other parts of the country. anything no or the well, even in russia lanka, all in other parts of the country other than the sort of capital and sort of major urban centers, people are struggling because that that whole issue of the chemical fertilizer been, i hit the pharma as the agriculture community in a huge way, so their income levels have also suffered by a great, great deal. and this is something that is really affecting people. the cost of living across the boards is going through the roof. and people are really finding it difficult to make ends meet, whether that's in the capitol or elsewhere, certainly and time is of the essence, as always. thank you, man. now for your time today, you can follow all the updates to the sri lanka story on al jazeera. now from one political crisis to another. we had to the u. k. where a power vacuum has several members of the conservative party racing to the top of its leadership. someone has to grip that conservative em pays. aiming to whittle down a wide field of candidates to just to buy next thursday. then over the rest of july and august, the parties to 100000 members. we'll choose the next leader and prime minister. it's a time schedule, but they want all this done by early september. i think it's a wide open race and ultimately the conservative party can be worried about the, the blue and blue attacks. i think that doesn't look good to be wider electric so that they're going to want to try and shorten that as much as they can. and it looks like she's cigna. he is the front runner, and he is the man to catch lots to discuss today we're joined by kevin craig. he is political communications specialist than a former labor counselor. kevin, thank you so much for being with us. i want to start by just kind of asking you the obvious question are the names are being dwindled down in terms of the context for tory leadership. what's the latest? it's a fast moving us story. it's a very fast moving story. today's been a historic day in british politics because we now have a reduced number of candidates. we have to clarify 6 candidates remaining, and i think realistically only for those 6 of a chance of winning richie soon at is a leading the way. but it's really historic, actually because previously and i've worked in around politics for 25 years in this country, you always knew who was going to win a leadership context, whether it's a conservative party or labor, you knew, right? you knew with data net, you do not know what's going to happen at all monday, this coming monday in the u. k. this final 6 candidates will be whittled down to 2 . and then those to go to the 200000 conservative party members who will be effectively deciding for the 65000000 of the rest of us and, and crazy time. and so we don't know what's gonna happen. and you're saying that's different than times that pass. i'm curious. do we know who is leading it seems amongst the politicians that richie soon i can certainly the most popular, but perhaps amongst the public. that's not necessarily true. who do you think? oh, would you put your money on? while i've been telling people for some days now, if i the favorites i think to win this contest is a politician called penny mordant. currently, a 2nd in the race to day off to the m p 's vote. but she is the problem that richie soon at kaz is that yes, he's leading amongst members of parliament, westminster. but he is no in near the top of what they conservative members take. so westminster corridors today are full of negotiations. and plots is richie's team, which has got the most number of people in it. he's very well resourced and he will be trying to get a candid or in the last 2, but he feels uncomfortable that he's gonna bait and i understand that penny more on his pitching herself as sort of a team player. and perhaps we can discuss that more her chances, but, but sticking to the former finance minister richie soon, or is he sure that, you know, he has plans that he's saying he's going to get the u. k. out of the economic hall and talking about the taxes but, but our british citizens ready are even able to be more patient. i, as inflation continues to go up and costs are rising. i mean, let's, let's listen to what he said. and i want to come back to our kevin i have the plan to steer our economy through these headwinds. we need a return to traditional conservative economic values, and that means honesty and responsibility. not fairytales, it is not readable to promise lots more spending and lower taxes. i had to make some of the most difficult choices of my life as chancellor in particular, how to deal with our debt and boring off to cove it. i have never hidden away from those. i certainly won't pretend. now the choices i made and the things i voted for was somehow not necessary and walls that may be politically inconvenient for me. it is also the truth. as is the fact that once we've gripped inflation, i will get the tax burden down. it is a question of when not, if so, kevin, he's, you know, certainly proved himself as the 1st to quit. the cabinet may be bad. that might make him seem like a more viable candidate, but there's also a lot of controversy about his wife, his relationship with her dodging taxes perhaps. or what can you share with us about how significant that is? well, it, it is significant because in the u. k. we've had, you know, the boast, johnson premier ship is one i would characterize as a hugely missed opportunity for him. huge parliamentary majority, and he's a road to trust a loss and he's lost the confidence of his colleagues. now, richie has his own problems. as you've alluded to, he's an extremely wealthy guy and, and, and his families very wealthy. and that shouldn't be any barriers public office. i believe that, but the conservative party of thinking strategically, the british public law countries across the world, the al jazeera viewers have heard the british public is tired. people are struggling to pay their bills every month in the u. k. this year, over $2000000.00 people of defaulted on one form of bill, whether it's utilities, credit cards, whatever. i'd richie that wasn't a bad clip we just showed from him there, but actually he's not universally popular with his own policy. they think that he is a little bit right. he like to close to labor? well, on the members, he's not, he's not going to win. you know, in the next british liter, clearly faced as a daunting series of tasks ahead of him as you said, you know, i'm or her, forgive me of course, most certainly, no, i appreciate that. but, but you know, we have a comment. let me, let me share it with you. it's from andrew ryan on youtube saying it will be hard to replace someone with boris is correct. uh huh. but they will essentially have the same politics referring to whoever's as to come next. and, you know, because he mentions are prime minister boyce dawson on, on wednesday, during a questions in parliament, boris johnson address the issue of his leaving are being forced to leave. take a look and it's certainly true. it's certainly true that i leave noted the time of my choosing. i'm absolutely true. i'm proud of the fantastic team. this is ashley and i didn't actually i'm, it's a speaker. i'm also proud of the leadership that i have given and i will be leaving here will be meeting with my own life his had held high. do you do you by it, kevin? ah, let i'm. i'm gonna try and be the professional political advisor. we are to clients panama. i don't buy that. boris johnson is a very tarnished brand, and he's doing everything behind the scenes. he can to stop richey soon, winning because he's properly unhappy with the role that richie soon had in his downfall. so let's, let's look behind that p r there, there's a lot of very divisive conflict of the marine, the conservative party, and they, they need to think very carefully because labor has its most impressive leader for years. and so he saw that. and on that know kevin, i want to stop you because i'm curious i, we've heard penny moore not say that the conservative party had lost its sense of self and she also vowed to return this kind of value system of small state low tax personal responsibility. do you think the board johnson's legacy will continue beyond his, his time as prime minister? no. and again, it's that i'm not making a political point as it is a point of, of advice and counsel that i give to clients. currently, he will not have a very significant legacy above the fact that he did a good job with ukraine. it's a wasted opportunity because he's one of the few british prime ministers and we've had quite a few in recent years. he's not leave. and because of policy, he's leaving because his own character personality, deceased is an integrity ultimately his own party lost faith in it. you'll be out as a reviewer there is, is right, that, that will be a similar policy agenda and by a british politics. so just say it's personality and character i career my i'll really important and kevin, very quickly, johnson is facing cause to leave downing street. i think before to september. 6th. is that likely? is that accurate? i i, i think he should, but in reality it's actually not far now. it's 7 weeks or so. i think he'll end up staying in fiscal is i think the conservative party will have i often, mondays, 6 becoming 2 candidates. but i think it will go to a boat with a man, and those 2 richie are penny who it, who had when and, and not face off. but you how to hear 1st. ok, richie is going to face pinero to an irish. she's going to wait, right? we're, we're running out of time, you know that it's going to be that maybe we don't know who's going to win, kevin, but thank you for sharing your insights with us. remember at home, if you have a story making news in your part of the world, you can always tweet us at age a stream. see you next time. ah, talk to al jazeera, we ask you be more specific. how many folks are you asking for? and what kind of military equipment we listen, ask the people of cuba in the street. if there is a difference between donald trump and joe bite for them, it's exciting. we meet with global news makers. i'm talk about the store restock matter. on al jazeera, the highlands of fanny have long attracted tourists. visitors come here for the cool climate and to see bonnie's famous rice fields. but these fields and farms i'm more than just a tourist attraction. they provided a lifeline for the thousands who lost their jobs when the travellers stopped coming because of coven 19. pandemic restrictions brought financial hardship to many here valley. now as the island reopens for international travelers, some say they want more than just to return it to the way things work before. community groups have helped form a tourism workers learn how to cut it used to be a tour guide now. he farms, cabbages said that the, i don't want to go back to tourism. i want to continue to be a farmer. as the island prepares to welcome visitors. again, many say the pandemic has taught them valuable lessons. never forget, there's only 4 months to go to the world cup on the clock is ticking. as teams and fans prepare for capsule at 2022. we'll have updates from different regions across the globe. this month the focus is on africa, and synagogue mounts a challenge for the tropi to winning the africa cup of nations the way the cameroon gona, to nicea o morocco. it's the alicia, join us for the world. go count down on al jazeera. ah.

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