from the chairman and others at the podium i was actually there and was being interviewed and when i heard this one come up and confirm that abuse of power was one of their articles of impeachment it was simply stunning. my first reaction has been made and rung true completely here today by many of the members on the majority including the gentleman from tennessee recently who just confirmed it. abuse of power for articles of impeachment means anything they want it to mean. it is the cart blanche coverage, saying, we don't really have a case but go out and make it up. just go out and say what you don't like. if he didn't say something nice or didn't do a policy you don't like, do this and that's going to cover you, you'll be okay, because remember, this is always about an election. you know how we continue to know this? we keep misquoting the transcript. they deeon't have the facts. it's simple. read it. it's us, our country. if you got a case, make it.