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This helicopter pulled out as well. Brooke. Everyones mind went to miracle on the hudson. I hope the pilot is okay. Thanks for the hustle to you and your crew. Appreciate it. We continue on. Top of the hour, youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. We have more breaking news at the white house. The white House Counsel has flatly rejected the House Judicial Committee request for documents in a sweeping investigation of possible obstruction of justice and abuses of power. The house judiciary chairman jerry nadler responding this way. This is the white house claiming that the president is a king. This is the white house saying that the Justice Department said they cant hold the president accountable because you cant indict a president and now theyre saying neither can congress so the president is totally unaccountable and above the law and no president or no person in the United States is amove the law. This is preposterous. Cnn political director David Chalian is with me. We hear the chairmans response and manu raju said it best, it is a clash that continues to escalate and one side versus the other until poof, potentially impeachment proceedings. And they are not talking about the substance. They are questioning each others motives at this point. Something that you know you get to a new level in politics when you are just so distrustful of the other guy. Weve seen President Trump say a blanket policy. The democrats are not getting anything. This letter goes so much more to the core of this claiming that jerry nadler doesnt have jurisdiction which does seem like a farfetched claim. I dont know that they are thinking that President Trump is a king as jerry nadler said but there is no doubt that it is the purview of the House Judiciary Committee their job. Yeah, to follow up on potential obstruction of justice that jerry nadler laid out in the Mueller Report and i cant think of anything more under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee. And now what. Every watches the titfortat and you explain how it ratcheted up to a whole new level, where does this go. Its going to the courts. And that is why last week when you heard jerry nadler say constitutional crisis and nancy pelosi echoed those words, some longtime legal observers say the thing that would be a constitutional crisis is if the court were to order the turning over of the documents and then President Trump and the white House Counsel still refuse. Then there is no system of checks and balances. I dont see how this doesnt go to the court. To your point, brooke, you said this could go all the way to impeachment and i think it is so fascinating to watch what is going on here politically because with each of the moves as nancy pelosi put it, the white house and the president and his representatives are indeed goading the democrats into impeachment and that is why nancy pelosi is so weary politically but also why she and jerry nadler and others who have been resistant to this say that they have to continue to go through it methodically step by step and as you said be exhaustive because it may lead to impeachment. And part of that manu reported when he talked to chairman nadler that nadler will slap the people on the white house side with fines. With fines if they dont provide the documentation that they want. You now hear the chairman of the Judiciary Committee comfortable with something i dont think this provision of the house has been utilized in decades. The notion not only fining but detaining some members of the administration for not appearing on not handle over documents. It sounds like out of a novel that you couldnt imagine but this is two coequal banchs branches at a fullon battle fully infused with politics of course, a fullon battle and i dont see how it gets resolved without the third branch and the courts coming in. David chalian, thank up so much. Let me bring in congressman John Garamendi with me. A pleasure. Thank you so much. Certainly. To just the point of the conversation were just having, your reaction to this new escalation in this standoff between the white house and congress. This is only one part of that escalation. Certainly this issue of subpoenas and information is a very fundamental question of power between the executive and in this case the legislative branch. There is another one going on right now over at the department of defense where the president is assuming the appropriation power of congress. Constitution is quite clear, the only way to take money out of the treasury is through a congressional appropriation yet the president has using various tools and Emergency Declaration and others already appropriated to himself for his border wall over 2. 5 billion and there is another 3 billion that hes targeting all of that without any congressional approval at all. But when you hear, to davids point about this all sounds like a novel, to hear chairman nadler talking about fining these members of the administration and detaining them if they do not turn over these necessary documents, where are we . Well, were in the midst of a major confrontation that will should the president be successful, both in the use of his power to well his nonexistent power to appropriate money, there really is no need for a congress. He can simply appropriate whatever money he thinks necessary for whatever that might be. That is a major confrontation on that side. The other side is indeed the oversight that is the role of the judiciary, the other committees, the Oversight Committee. It is interesting, why do we have the Oversight Committee and the intelligence committee, if the president succeeds through the courts or any other way, then the government of america is altered forever and we will, in fact, have an elected or perhaps an unelected imperial king. And i think do you agree with the word nadler used king. Absolutely. Ive said that many times before. If the president can use various mechanisms to appropriate money for what he thinks is important, without congressional approval, then why have a congress. You, in fact, have what amounts to the king. He could dip into the treasury for whatever he wants to do and including war. And that is also going on right now in the middle east. Lets talk about that. Sure. Let me just jump in for people who dont so the other bit of breaking news this hour, the president is meeting right now with his secretary of state with mike pompeo as tensions are escalating with iran, the state department is ordering all nonessential u. S. Personnel out of iraq and warning americans against travel there saying they fear there is, quote, high risk for violence and kidnapping. We are being told that secretary pompeo is expected to brief all house members on iran next week but i know congressman you had a d. O. D. Briefing this morning. What were the Key Takeaways for you . Well the Key Takeaways is that iraq and syria and the persian gulf remain a very dangerous area. Frankly i heard nothing new that wasnt going on for the Previous Year and a half, two years. In fact it was much worse when isis was active and there was actual military actions against isis. We now have a different circumstance there. The remnants of isis are still around. Iran surrogates, the shia militia are still there and iraq about be proceeding in the days and months ahead against the militia. It is a dangerous place but is it necessary to have b52s and necessary to have a new an Aircraft Carrier and the marines ive heard nothing that would indicate that there is something new that would cause the current level of concern, current level of drum beat of war. I dont see it there. It is not been explained to us yet. To that point, this british general was on the receiving end of a rare rebuke from the pentagon for saying essentially what you are saying, there was no increased threat from iranianbacked sources in syria or iraq contradicting u. S. Claims and the state Department Said the general is wrong. Given what youve heard and what you know, who do you believe . Well, i have i do not trust the president. He is a pathological liar on most everything. And what were beginning to see is that it is filtering down into the other agencies. When the department of defense tells me one day in a the air force is going to have shut down operations because they do not have a billion dollars to replace the money they had to spend on the replenishment of air force bases and then the very next days taking 2 billion out of the department of Defense Operations saying that those operations are not important, but what is important is a border wall, they have totally lost my trust for the department of defense, the secretary cannot be trusted. So are you telling me that you are trusting this british general instead of the president of the United States . I am trusting what i heard. What i heard is information that indicates there is a threat but it is the same threat that was there six months ago, a year ago. And in fact it is less because isis is defeated. Yes, there are problems in iraq and concerns in iraq. Do we need an Aircraft Carrier to deal with those and b52 bombers or do we have the drum beat of war and are we headed for a situation and i believe we may very well be in that situation. Understood, sir. Congressman, thank you very much. Coming up next, alabama passes the most restrictive abortion bill in the country with no exceptions for rape or incest. And the bill sponsors are hoping to get it all the way to the Supreme Court. Well get reaction from a woman who decided publicly to share her personal abortion story. Also ahead, the acting faa administrator getting grilled on capitol hill about how they are working to prevent another deadly boeing crash and a mother who lost her daughter in the Ethiopian Air tragedy was in the room and she wasnt invited to testify but there today. Well talk to her live, next. It turns out, they want me to start next month. She can stay with you to finish her senior year. Things will be tight but, we can make this work. Now. 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Doctors who perform them could face 99 years in prison and if they even try it they will be locked up for ten. The bill passed the state senate with the support of 25 men. Look at your screen. 25 men. But voting on the bill was delayed by a week after a shouting match erupted on the senate floor last thursday. Last night some democrats once again made impassioned pleas. Republicans, yall, you used to say we want the government out of our life. We want them out of our business. We want them out of our bedroom. Now youre in my womb. I want you out. You dont control this. You dont own this. You just said to my daughter, you dont matter. You dont matter. In the state of alabama. I gotta go home and tell her, state of alabama dont care nothing about you, baby. But for the republican colleagues across the aisle, the bill was about a battle far beyond the states borders. Life is precious. Life is a gift of our creator and we must do everything that we can to protect life. Well never get our heartbeat bill to be constitutional until roe versus wade is decided and reversed and so i think everybody understood that and everybody is on board because of the mission of this bill. Cindy levi the former editor and chief of glamour and self and last summer she wrote a personal piece for the New York Times called lets talk about my abortion and it is a pleasure. Thank you. I remember that piece and i wanted to talk to you today. But first just on the news, when you first woke up and saw this news on alabama, what did you i thought last night it is horrifying. It is disheartening. First of all, it goes against what most americans believe about the right of a woman and her family and her doctor to make the most personal decisions a woman can make. About twothirds of americans, depending on which survey you look at, believe that roe v. Wade should remain the law of the land. So these bills, the alabama bill being of course the most restrictive abortion ban weve ever seen, but the socalled heartbeat bills that came before them in no way represent what the majority of americans believe about how these personal decisions should get made. Do you think given these various states and what is happening, do you think the reversal of roe v. Wade is inevitable. I think that these these laws are being passed specifically to try to get to that point. It is very clear in the state of alabama that they made a concerted decision, those lawmakers that backed the bill and we just saw them in the senate, it was 25 white male republicans who voted originally sponsored by a woman. In the house. That is true. That is the senate that were looking at. The bill itself was largely written by an un elected activist trying to overturn roe v. Wade for 30 years now. Who saw a window and when asked by a reporter why not just do a heartbeat bill, just do a heartbeat bill he said why not go all the way. Meaning, we need this to get up to the Supreme Court so that the new makeup of the court he hopes will overturn roe v. Wade. And of course, one very much hopes that will not happen because it will result in death for many women. For many women. I want to read part of what you wrote in the New York Times last year. Quote, would it be quite so easy to demonize this common experience if it were clear that the women who have gone through it include kindergarten teachers, clergy women, republicans, ceos, the woman who served your coffee this morning, who cleaned your house and signed your paycheck and patrols your neighborhood. As the activist Renee Sherman who runs the we love website everybody has had an abortion and if you think they dont, they just havent shared their story with you yet. Women dont talk about this because it is private and personal. And we shouldnt have to talk about. The constitutional right to privacy is what roe v. Wade is based on. But i think i felt that there are and many women before me who have spoken out very bravely about this, felt there are so many stereotypes about the kinds of women who choose abortion. It is easy to demonize people when they are anonymous. We think that women who choose abortion are selfish or unmaternal and the reality is the majority of women they go on to have kids. They already have kids. Majority of women who choose to have an abortion already have children and often are doing it protect their ability to be a present parent. A healthy and living parent for that child that they already have. And also there is a stereo type that women regret the abortion and this is a lifetime of shame or pain as it does on tv shows but in reality 95 of women say they would make the same choice again. Not that it is an easy choice. It is extremely, extremely difficult. But it is a choice that 95 would make. Again i think we need to believe that we, and i counts myself among the one in four women, who has made this choice, that we have moral camp compass to de what bodies and our lives and what happens with the future of our family. Cindy levi, using voice. Thank you very much for coming on. Thank you. I appreciate it. Coming up next, ill talk to a mother who lost her daughter in that Ethiopian Air crash. Today she sat in on a capitol hill hearing to the head of the faa trying to explain what theyre doing to keep another parent from feeling the same immeasurable grief and well ask her if what she heard gave her any peace. Well be right back. Were carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. Now weve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. 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The focus has been on the Automated System called mcas which pushes the nose of the plane down but now the faa activitying chief tells lawmakers that the data shows pilots made mistakes on both flights. On the ethiopian crash the pilots never controlled the airspeed and in the lion crash they didnt use an emergency checklist. One republican lawmaker who is also a pilot was alarmed. When youre in the car and speeding towards a brick wall full speed, youre going to take your foot off the gas. That is what most people would do. But they accelerated right through. I hate to disparage another country and what their Pilot Training is, but that is what scares me in all of this. Is climbing on an aircraft or an airline that is outside of u. S. Jurisdiction. Nearly every lawmaker paid condolences to one couple, the parents of sam stummo who was a passenger on the airliner and her family is suing the Airline Boeing and the supplier of the mcas center and her mother joins me now. So thank you so much for being with me. And i she what you are holding up. Tell me what that signifies . Yes, we havent got the list of all of the passengers and these are the passengers weve been able to contact that sent us their pictures. So we could include them because this is not about only my daughter, there were 157 people on the plane and so it is important to represent and i have this graphic that where you could see the number of people. It is the only way that i can show how many people are there because i dont have all of their pictures. But it is very important to realize that this could affect any one of us, it could have been anyone who is listening to this could have had this crash and there is a difference in information. At one point boeing said we own this and they absolutely own it. They own the defects in their plane and they own the pilot error because they didnt give information and they didnt give education. And by with holding information, that is why the crashes happened and they could have prevented this and this massive hemorrhage of money for their company. So it is very, very stupid what they did and those those statements that you heard from the hearing, that is just reiterating avoidance of responsibility. And that is leading to more expense and more what we need to do is do the investigation. I cant even begin to put myself in your shoes. Nor would anyone watching ever, ever want to but it happened to you and it happened to so many other peoples children and husbands and wives and can we just i want to get your thoughts on the hearing. But i want to talk about your daughter. She was 24 and flying to kenya for her first assignment with a Health Systems Development Organization and you lost her. And so just for parents who have never gone through losing a child like this, can you put it into words . So, it just makes you shake like a leaf. I got a message from sanaa and it it is a group text im on the plane from nairobi and i have two more hours to go and then for a family sickness i was up in the night a couple of hours after she sent that text and i heard the bbc report that there was an ethiopian crash. They said that the plane left at 8 36 in the morning and it was Ethiopian Airlines and my whole body started shaking terribly because i just thought that there cant be two planes from the same airline going leaving at the exact same time. And then we confirmed with her work that that was her itinerary and on the plane and we got in the car and drove to jfk, which is two and a half hours south and figured out how to get to ethiopia and were thinking shes alive in the hospital and she needs us. Weve got to get thererte found out that there were no survivors and then when we got to ethiopia, we were there to take her body home and we kept pushing and saying there our bodies we saw it on the news. We saw them loading bodies into vans. And the reporter was saying, i see six bodies have loaded and then we found out there were no bodies. Those were chunks of flesh and it took us days and days and days to figure this out. Even when we went to the crash site. We just saw a pile and pile of debris. But when we finally talked to the ethiopian ceo of the airlines he said he got to the crash site at noon and it happened at quarter of 9 00 and there was a crater and a and one piece of metal sticking out. The airplane dove into the earth and the airline was broken into tiny and small pieces and the people were broken into small pieces and it all mixed together with the earth. So it wasnt until friday that we understood that that happened. And i am still so agitated physically because i dont want this to happen to anyone else and i believe that the way that bogue boeing and the faa is acting and the quotes you shared, although there were some very good questions and concerns that were coming out of the hearing, that the hearing was, i think, productive, but the quotes that you shared is an attitude which leads us to another crash and i dont want this to happen to anyone ever. Can you the only way that we can stop this is by the public caring. That is it. How can they not listening to you. Just tell me more about sammia and her dreams. She graduated from her Masters Program in copenhagen, denmark in june. She had a full scholarship to go and study Global Health there. And she worked on getting a job from june until december. She was offered this dream job with think well, which is a gates funded ngo that does bottomup systems and proposal for health care in africa and other lowincome and middleincome countries and she really believed you have to talk to people who are going to get the health care to make the right program for them. So she had done research in peru as an undergraduate and had done research in europe on hepatitis and recommendations for policy change as a consultant after graduating. And she was just on fire. She loved life and almost six feet tall and wore four inch heels and strode around washington, d. C. I could see her here now. Last night we stayed at a rental that she had stayed in for four days before starting her job and i could feel her. Shes still so alive. She was just she was she was looking up women djs in come palau and excited about clothing and in east africa and about music and women and about health care, about the promises for the future. Who knows how many people, lives she would have saved and look at all of the other people im holding the girl who is pictured next to my daughter, danielle more from toronto, she got the canadian government gave her the opportunity to join the u. N. In their climate in their environmental conference. The boy right under that, 23 years old, micah messen got the same opportunity from the canadian government. He works with indigenous to canada. We could spend forgive me the people are amazing. Look at the little boy. Adam, how could this happen. And if anybody thinks theyre immune, if anybody thinks this justice happens in the outside of the United States, that is delusional. We have to look at the real problems in this plane and the proper investigation, find out everything that went wrong and correct it. We cant just say oh, like that representative said, that happens in other countries because they dont train the pilots. That it has to be corrected. I appreciate i appreciate you being on. I am im not even going to say im sorry because i appreciate your fight. And i appreciate the fight of so many other families and it does need to be corrected and nadia miller, i have no other words. You spoke so eloquently. Thank you so much. Lets continue this conversation. Change needs to happen. Thank you so much. Well be right back. music throughout were family. Wed do anytbut this time. Her. Those bonds were definitely tested. Frog leg, for my baby brother dont frogs have like, two legs . So they should have two of these . Since im active duty and shes family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. If you hold it closer, it looks bigger. Eat your food my big sis likes to make tiny food. And im okay with that. Navy federal credit union. Our members, are the mission. Anncr as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. Learning from him is great. 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Bloomberg is reporting that vacancy rates in trump tower in new york are twice the average for manhattan and now today the Washington Post lays out how trumps Prize National resort in the miami area have seen the Net Operating Income drop 69 in the past two years. It is a business trump has listed as his biggest moneymaker in the past. The land is great. The golf courses are as you know the great courses of the world. But most importantly we have happy just really happy customers. Lets bring in jonathan oconnell, a reporter who report about his doral resort. What is behind the decline. Some people may remember when mr. Trump was campaigning made comments about mexican immigrants being rapist or drug dealers and a major sponsor that played at doral every year for 50some odd years and pulled out and the tournament left as a result and that tournament was essential to bringing golfers from around the country and around the world to doral because they could watch famous golfers play on tv and then go play that course themselves and now that sort of annual advertising boost is really gone. So i read the quote from eric trump in your piece. Is he not looking at the same documents youre looking at . That is a good question. The trump family likes to talk about how they have some of the best real estate and some of the best cities in the world. And obviously miami is a Great American city and this is a beautiful golf course. At the same time there is no question that the finances there have gotten much worse over the last two years. Were relying on financial figures that the Trump Organization themselves submitted to Miamidade County to get the tax assessment lowers so were reporting what they themselves are claiming in terms of their own revenue and profits. In case people havent read it. This is eric trump. The story is senseless, our Iconic Properties are the best in the world and our portfolio is unrivaled by anyone. Jonathan oconnell, thank you. Thank you so much. Coming up next, Anderson Cooper talks about a fellow journalist and war correspondent he wont forget and what is being done to honor his memory. T me to start next month. She can stay with you to finish her senior year . Of course she can [ laughter ] [ groaning ] hey want to drive . Really . [ engine revs ] do you think we can do this, rob . Things will be tight, but we can make this work. Thats great. [ laughing ] okay. Here we go. Now. [ gasps ] wait. Grandpa, what about your dream car . This is my dream now. [ laughs ] principle. We can help you plan for that. Roxana when i got into teaching, it was this idea of really transforming our schools. Marisa one of my biggest responsibilities as a teacher is to serve as an advocate for my kids. Newscaster hundreds of teachers are hitting the picket lines. Newscaster thousands gathered here. Rosanne we need smaller class sizes. Angelia more counselors and more nurses. Roxana we have to be able to invest in our young people. Angelia every student has a right to quality education. Ever no matter what neighborhood you live in. Roxana our students dont have parttime needs, so they cant have parttime solutions. Rodney because we know quality public schools. Roxana make a better california. Marisa for all of us. All this week were bringing stories of remarkable people making a Lasting Impact around the world calling the series champions for change with stories that stayed with us. Back in 2009 Anderson Cooper was sent to afghanistan to report on the battle with the taliban and worked with a talented young photographer by the name of Tim Headington and it is a friendship anderson will never forget. Realities of war. Captured on camera by journalist tim hedgerington what just happened i came down the hill and i think we were the targets. It was right very close over our head incoming. This is tim in the valley in afghanistan in 2007. He spent a year on and off imbedded with u. S. Troops making a documentary called rift repo. They were on the front lines of battle. The combat intense. The footage as up close as you could get. Are you good . Im good. But for tim reporting from war zones was about so much more than just capturing fire fights. Sebastians film raised the front line is a behind the scenes look at tims work and his mission. For me, there is a certain amount of adrenalin and for me the important story is getting close to the men and that is what it is about. That is what im there for. Reporter i first met tim in 2009. They all say that. We were in afghanistan together, reporting on the fight against the taliban. Tim was our photographer for that assignment and his talent was obvious from the start. But i soon came to know his humor, his kindness, and his braver. And i saw firsthand how his curiosity about the world gave him the ability to connect with people. He started off a colleague, i came to consider him a friend. Yeah, carry on. No problem. Tim went out of his way to interact with his subjects, no matter where he was in the world. How do you say very good. Alum. Okay, your english, alum. If you get shot at, just jump on it. Reporter in 2011, tim went to libya to cover the rebel forces who were fighting against the regime of moammar gadhafi. It would be his last assignment. This video is from that trip, taken before a mortar, fired by gadhafis forces, landed near tim and a group of journalists in a city called mizrata. Sebastian junger was supposed to be with tim on that trip. Do you remember where you were when you got the news . The phone rang and it was a mutual friend of ours, saying, tims been hurt. And the news was that tim and some other journalists were hurt. Id read that theyd been out earlier in the day and sort of felt like they had pushed their luck and that tim decided to go back with the rebels to take photographs of the aftermath of an attack. So they all went back and who lived and who died and who was wounded and who wasnt depended on sort of where they were in the group when the mortar landed. Tim was hit by shrapnel in the leg. His femora artery was cut. He bled to death in the back of a pickup truck on the way to the hospital. Sebastian believes tims life could have been saved if the others with him knew how to administer some basic first aid. I just thought, oh, had i been with tim, i would have i wouldnt have known what to do either. I would have watched him die, right . And i cant imagine what that would have been like. So i was like, ive got to start an organization that will train people like myself and like tim and everybody else. Reporter and so he did. In tims honor, he started an Organization Called risk, reporters instructed in saving colleagues. This nonprofit seeks to provide free medical training to journalists who cover conflict zones. They use reallife scenarios, journalists practice on dummies and actors. Get an a knee on here, get some pressure on here. Hold it hold it many of these journalists are freelancers, which means they dont have companies to pay for their insurance or security or to outfit them with the medical supplies they may need on the front lines. Sebastian wants to change that status quo and do what he can to prevent another death like tims. What do you thinks tims legacy is . I think he represents to a lot of people a certain very human way of taking and understanding the world. Of realizing that were sort of all part of the joy and the pain of this planet. And that theres a way to connect other people in very different circumstances, just through your shared humanity. You seem very intelligent for 9, huh . I think the important thing for me is to connect with real people, you know . To document them in these extreme circumstances. You know, where there arent any kind of Neat Solutions or where you cant put any kind of neat guidelines and say, this is what its about or this is what its about. Its not. I hope in my work kind of shows that. And anderson is with me now. Wow. Towards the end of the piece, when you ask sebastian about tims legacy, i just wonder for you, why all these years later tim is so important to you . I think when you traveled with him, you just saw what an extraordinary human being he was. You know, beyond just an extraordinary photographer. And i think i learned a lot about interacting with people in very dangerous situations and tim managed to focus on the humanity in all of these situations. You know, their complex battles and wars with varying groups in different places in the world. And yet it does battle down to individuals who are fighting, who are dying, who are trying to save others. And i think tim was able to kind of capture that humanity and relate to people in a very real way that was remarkable to see up close. Hmm. Hmm. Tell me more about risc and helping journalists covering war zones. You know, i think its such an interesting idea. You know, we work for cnn, we work for a major organization. If we go into a war zone, we have you know, sometimes we have security, we have a medical pack with us, we generally know where the nearest hospital is, if, you know, if were going to have the possibility of getting injured. We could be medevaced out in an emergency. You know, freelancers who are traditionally used in war zones, they dont have any of that. And its very difficult for them. And i think this group, risc, which is just kind of exists here and there wherever they can raise enough money, they put on a training for freelance journalists to basically try to figure out how to save lives in the field. Thank you for tims story. Anderson, good to see you. And just a note to everyone watching, do not miss an hourlong champions for change special, this saturday night at 8 00 eastern here on cnn. Limu emu and doug. Hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Oh. 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