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0 for pay back politics, allegations against chris christie's administration. piers morgan live starts now. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. the movie was raunchy, raw and some people say crosses the line. >> one, two, three. >> stop. safety first. >> safety is first. we don't want to get a bad reputation. >> the wolf of wall street. the man who was the inspiration for leonardo dicaprio's character. >> i think what you just did was try to bribe a federal officer? >> technically i didn't bribe anybody. >> technically -- >> according to the u.s. criminal code, there needs to be an exact dollar figure for the exchange of services, that would not hold up in a court of law. >> no -- >> no, no, no, no, no. that's the truth. >> yes, the real life wolf of wall street, jordan belfort is here tonight live and unleashed. hollywood has made him into a big story, it doesn't get better than watching leo dicaprio play you on the big screen, in real life he used a pump and dump to scam 1500 million investors. he ended up behind bars for securities fraud and money laundering, spending 22 months in the sentence. he joins me now exclusively. you're like one of the most notorious people in the entire world. >> you don't give interviews, certainly not for a long time. you haven't given them for this movie until now? >> right. >> now, you've let yourself loose here for the next hour. how do you feel about this extraordinary mayhem erupting around you, your story this movie? >> well, it's a bit surreal, for sure, because i think controversial more than notorious, and i chose not to give any interviews for a while. and i want the movie to play it. i thought this would be a good place to sort of get the message out, and i'm sure people have questions, you have questions. >> what is the message you want to get out? >> i mean, i guess for me, i -- it's important the movie's viewed the right way, certainly as a cautionary tale. there's a big issue of people glamorizing what happened. i think that kerry winter said it best, if you look at this movie and you walk away thinking this is how you want to live your life, then you have a screw loose. >> well, people said that about wall street and gordon gecko, even you admit that gordon gecko became this weird inspiration to be a gordon gecko. many other people did too. people will look at jordan belfort's life played by leo, and it is glamorous, a large part of it. you don't see much of the human side of the victims, we're going to come to that later there, is a danger that all this movie will do is create a lure to the old jordan belfort, not the guy you now are. >> right, the old one. >> even you admit was a pretty bad guy? >> i don't think that is going to happen, i'll tell you why, that is a fundamental difference between the gecko character and myself. he's a fictionalized character and they never saw his downfall. in the end of it he got taped and you push his button, that's that. this movie it's pretty clear i lost everything, and also my story is known throughout the world, i ended up in jail, it was a disaster personally, professionally, i think that being said, though, there's a lot of great things to glean from the movies, i think that hopefully when people see this, they can say there's some things in there that are inspiring, starting from nothing, the stuff selling motivation, i think it does inspire, it should move people. they need to get it in the context, if you're not dealing with ethics and integrity, it's a disaster for yourself and everyone around you. >> let's watch two clips. the first one is leo in character talking about you. >> my name is jordan belfort, the year i turned 26 i made $49 million, which missed me off, because it was 3 million shy of a million a. >> this is leo talking about the real you, not the movie, talking about what he thinks of you personally. >> i've been in his company many times, there is nothing quite like jordan's public speaking and his ability to train and empower young entrepreneurs. he stands as a shining example of the transformative qualities of ambition and hard work. and in that regard, he is a true motivator. >> i suppose my first question would be, pretty extraordinary, right? there's you, you had it all, you lost it all, you're down, everything's gone, now you have the hottest movie star in the world paying you that kind of compliment, in a piece he wanted out there for people to see. what does that feel like? >> it's amazing. it's a testament to leo's character that he could -- obviously speaking about my new life and not my old life in that clip, and i think that originally when he saw this project, he wanted to get it on screen. it represented the mistakes i made, the altitude i had at the time, represents a lot of what went wrong ultimately, many years later with wall street. it was important to him, and i think that -- what impressed leo, i think about my new life so much, is that he saw me make this radical turn, and i think that moved him. and that was -- i was really proud and shocked that he did that. >> how much time did you spend with leo? >> a lot. >> like what? >> countless hours, hundreds of hours. >> hundreds of hours? >> yeah, 100 plus hours. >> how did you find him and when defined you? when you were interacting together? >> by telephone in my house or his house, or -- we were just literally, one thing i don't think people realize about leo, is his excellence is not -- he strives for it, he works really really hard, i think he was so determined to suck every bit of information from me. and he -- stuff that wasn't in the book, and what was on my mind, just really trying, you don't realize how much he's looking at you. i saw it, oh, my god, i thought his -- i was in -- it was mind-boggling to see. >> i can tell already the voice is pretty well perfect. you don't look massively dissimilar to -- i guess in your younger days to how he is in the movie. and so on. when you watch the movie, what did you feel about the reality? because only you would know, really? >> i -- you know, it was shocking, i saw the movie with my fiancee the first time, and we were speechless afterwards, and i was. >> in a good or a bad way? >> in a good way, i guess for me, it's different than -- the audience sees it, i think they're speechless because they're overwhelmed with sensory overload. for me, it was trying to -- i had come to terms with my old life. it was a cathartic experience for me. to see it on film like that, with someone that did such a good job, i literally felt like i was sweating in certain points, where the cocaine was being snorted. i got sympathetic reactions to it. >> all that was true. >> the thing about jordan, it's all true. let's go through some of the things about the movie. it's a brilliant movie. incredibly entertaining. >> scorcese for sure. >> matthew mcconaughey, jonah hill, they're all terrific, let's go through some of the stories. a female employee shaved her head for $10,000 in front of the obeying mob of stars? >> to get breast implants. so it's worst. >> to get breast implants she shaved her head for 10,000? >> yes, the idea was her hair would grow back and it would all be perfect in six months. that was a scene that personally disturbed me, and i think it sunshine disturbed a lot of people when you see it. >> were you just too high -- >> it wasn't that i was so high, it doesn't start that way. it started we shaved a guy's head for $10,000. within a year, a head shaving is $50. the price went down. >> $50? >> that's what happens, with insanity. what seems amazing at first, becomes commonplace after a while. you don't lose your soul all at once. when i lost my ethical way, it did not start off -- i'm sure we'll get to that later, it's like these tiny steps over the lining before you do it. each time he moves around, you are doing something you never thought you would do. it seems okay. yeah, let's shave a guy's head, he needed the money, it all made sense. and then a year later, flash forward, and it's completely off the rails. >> dwarfs being thrown on to velcro darlt boards? >> i wasn't there at the time. >> you heard it happened? >> i don't think it's appropriate for sure. obviously i think it would be humorous to watch it in an outside sort of way. >> it was said there was so much sex in your office you had to have a sign saying, sex free zone. >> the problem with that, we had all these young guys, everyone was 18 to 23, and all the young girls and everyone's making a lot of money and there's a lot of drugs going around, i don't think it takes much of a leap of imagination to figure out what happened next. it started with the elevator, and we christened the elevator early on. i look back at it now and i can scratch my head, that i was instigating it in a way, not that i was responsible for all of it, by being the leader, it becomes a reflection of what i was at the time. i take responsibility for, even though i wasn't there for a lot of it. >> your number two ate a goldfish that belonged to an employee. did that happen? >> it happened. >> you saw it happen? >> yeah. the real life guy -- >> in the movie he represents a bunch of different characters. >> in fairness to danny -- >> he ate the goldfish? >> yes. >> when you watched that happen? >> it was -- >> no doubt, these things do happen on wall street. they just do, and insanity happens. >> i get gordon gecko, is that what it's about really? it's about who can go the furthest? >> i think that sort of behavior isn't indemic to wall street, it's indemic to large groups of men who are drinking or doing any sort of substances in a frat house, where people -- it's the herd mentality, where people individually never do these things, you put 50, 100 in one spot, and all of a sudden, the rules of behavior start to change. >> did you have a champ pan zee in the office handing out mail? >> people had pets in the office, there was an iguana, a rattlesnake, boa constrictor. >> you're saying this like it's all perfectly normal. if i came into my cnn office one day with a boa constrictor, i would be marched out of there. >> i heard storyies in silicon valley, people bring their pets to work. we took it in a different direction. >> what was the most appalling thing you ever saw. >> i can't say it on television. it happened at my bachelor party. they wrote the scene -- >> it's so bad you can't even tell me. >> not on air. i'll tell you -- >> can you give me a clue. >> it had to do with an act of sexual depravity that was so depraved that even i was speechless. it's the most disgusting thing i've ever seen in my life. there were probably 50 prostitutes there. >> okay, let's take a break so you can tell me what lapped. i'll decide whether we can put it on air. >> you can't. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. wow, this hoh no.s amazing. who are you? 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