Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20091225 : vimarsana

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20091225

♪ o israelith. merry christmas to all, to all a good night. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] >> welcome to a fox and friends christmas. all about family and friends, hope, forgiveness and miracles. >> and it's a holiday that means so much to each of us. and we have a very special audience to help us celebrate. >> we welcome with us right now the men and women who served the country from each of the five branches of the u.s. military. [applause] >> we have with us members of the army, the navy, the air force, mat reincorps, and of course the coast guard. so welcome and merry christmas. let's get right to the spirit of the season with some music. >> all right. are you ready, everybody? please welcome emmy and tony award winning singer christian chenoweth accompanied by violinist joshua bell. >> ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas just like the ones i used to know where the trees are glistening and children listening to hear sleigh bells in the snow i'm dreaming of a white christmas with every christmas card i were -- i write may your days be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white ♪ >> ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas with every christmas card i write may your days be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white ♪ >> ♪ and may all your christmases be white ♪ >> great to have you as part of our special. and you can hear more of them together on joshua's latest c.d., at home with friends. and a little later on we'll talk to kristin about her latest role and she'll sing another song. >> this is the season when people come together to celebrate the spirit of jesus christ. and the holiday that bears his name. >> and joining us receipt now with a very special christmas message, our friend, pastor, former arkansas governor, mike huckabee. mike. >> you've heard the christmas story a thousand times. but do you really know what happened in bethlehem that night? maybe you only know this church version. you know, the sanitized sterile version that we've fold all these years. the real story of what happened in bethlehem, well, let me tell it to you. it's the story of an unwed teen mother probably about 14. she goes into labor when she's away from home. her mom, her family, nobody there to be with her. no doctor. no sterile delivery room. and in fact the only place she can find in this little insignificant town called bethlehem is some space in a little cave. in fact, when she gave birth, had to move the animals out of the way. can you imagine the squalor, the smells, that must have been in that place? hardly the fitting environment for the birth of a child. it was painful and humiliating. silent night, silent night, my foot. there were no epidurals, no lamaz classes. this is a young lady going through the fear and anxiety of childbirth with nobody but joseph hanging around to help her out. in fact, this raw and earthy story is probably more jerry springer than oprah. and you might wonder why did god do it like that? because during this christmas season, there will be some people that will say i'm hurting. i don't think god would understand. i feel lonely and abandoned. you know what? he does understand. that's how he started, too. and the fact that it worked, it's a miracle. and it still is. >> thank you very much, governor huckabee. the holiday season, it's the time of year when troops fighting for our freedom overseas, may miss home the most. and that's why a group of ms. americas traveled to afghanistan to visit with them and bring them some christmas spirit. but what they got in return was an unexpected gift of a lifetime. >> what's on your mind, ms. americas? >> you know what? i want to enlist. i like the guys here. >> six former ms. americas and a former ms. utah went to afghanistan at the invitation of armed forces entertainment and the department of defense. sam haskell, chairman of the board of the ms. america organization, escorted them. the group flew into afghanistan about a gram air force base -- bagram air force base on a massive troop transport and didn't wait to land before beginning their mission. over the next four days, this band of sisters traveled via blackhawk helicopter in afghanistan to kabul and jalaba: >> i'm the flight chief. my job is to secure the installation and provide base defense. >> they got to know some of our troops. >> my name is benjamin alan schaefer. >> how long have you been in afghanistan? >> for three months. >> you love it here? >> i love it now that you all are here. >> coming home soon. >> at forward operating bases, they heard stories from the battlefield. >> at valley, high ground, all four sides. and that's basically how they got in and were able to get an upper hand. >> wonderful to see the commitment level which they performed every single day. for a year each one of us represented america. and so now collectively we are here to say america remembers you, america loves you and america supports you. >> and i feel more honored to be -- to say thank you. so i'm more humble. more grateful and more proud to be in america. and what better than ms. america to be here thanking them and giving them hugs? >> we hope you give good memories. >> great. >> a nice treat. very nice treat. >> and joining me right now, former ms. america is erica dunlap, heather whitestone, susan powell and bebesch hofment ts and former ms. utah and a former soldier her civil, sergeant jill shepard and sam haskell, chairman of the board of the ms. america organization. welcome to all of you. when you see those memories of your glorious trip to afghanistan it brings tears. and it brings happiness. and bebe, for you, ms. america 1948, i have to tell you that among this crew they said you were the inspiration. >> no, they're the young ones. >> she was the grand dame. she truly was. >> i couldn't understand what value we could have by going over there. we weren't performing or singing and dancing because that's what we do. but we're here one on one with these men and so great and when you see the terrain which is -- the same uniforms, and here we come, six, eight, smiling faces, that are different, even though we're in our armor. and our jeans. and it did mean something to them. and i realized how valuable that was. >> jill, you served. you served in the armed forces. and then you -- and i interviewed you when were you ms. utah competing in the ms. america pageant because that made you so special and you went back on this trip. what was it like for you? >> it was great to go and represent this nation in a different way. to those who represent our nation every day. and hard circumstances. and i truly love these men and women who serve in uniform. and are in harm's way daily. >> heather, i know is the first deaf ms. america. this must have been such a surreal experience for you. and when you came home, you visited schools. >> yes, i did. because the children, they wrote letters to the soldiers. and i came back to the school and i shared the picture with them. and they were so excited. they were jealous. they wanted to go there and hug the soldiers. >> i know it was such an emotional experience for all of you. and erica, at one point, you visited with this troupe -- with this troop who had lost eight of their own and one of them had a connection with you. >> yes. i visited his hometown. and that was really special for me to be able to share experiences from places that i've been to as a ms. america. with these young men and women who were from some of those places that i visited. and it was really an awesome opportunity to share even more familiarity with them. it was really great to be able to talk with them and share their experiences. and i was so touched. and i was inspired in a way that i'll never forget. >> susan, you had a chance to go to iraq with some other ms. americaings. >> april. >> six months ago. and something you said to me i will never forget. you said when i will ever see a soldier in an airport or anywhere else in a uniform, i will have a totally different thought process in my head. >> it awakens something in me. i think for everyone. and i want to say, that is -- that's a huge thing to have that awakened and when you see a soldier in an airport to have a totally different reaction. but i would just like to say these people that you're seeing here on the stage were amazing. in that country. and every one of them, nobody complained. everybody was full of love and full of commitment while we were in and i'm just so proud to have traveled to that country with these women. >> sam, you were the only man along with these women. hurting -- herding them in as you say. >> i was the luck lucky guy who got to travel with them. and when we looked into the eyes of these soldiers, we saw faith and hope and character. and some of the senior soldiers said, you're thanking us all but you should really thank the young ones. the 19, 20 and 21years old because they volunteered to be here. we made the service our career. but they should be thanked and we made a point of thanking the young ones especially. it was an incredible life changing experience for all of us. >> we're so lucky we got to do it. >> hats off to all of you. >> coming up on a "fox and friends" christmas. reuniting loved ones who can't find each other and he's here with a christmas miracle. plus his unmistakable voice has never been heard like this before. super star tenor andre bocelli steve: it was the hardest decision she ever had to make. laura chavez was 16 when she gave up her baby boy for adoption. there she is. 33 years later trying desperately to find him. so today we brought in troy dunn, the host of "the locators." and at the suggestion of your mother, you contacted his show. and today, kind of a first step. you can hear your story that started 33 christmases ago. >> absolutely. i was 16 and scared. and didn't really know any way to raise him, didn't know of any social programs. and through some pressure from my family, gave him up for adoption. steve: they said there's some other better mother out there. rather than you. >> and all i could do was love him and i didn't have any way to support him. 16 years old, i was a sophomore in high school. i wanted him to have a good life. i wantd him to have parents that loved him and cared for him. and so i did sign those papers when he was just six weeks old. and probably regretted it instantly. and so i kind of went through the years waiting for him to grow up. because i couldn't really find him until he was 18. steve: bitz been hard for you because -- it's been hard for you because you looked at the amended birth certificate and it's smunddle up and you can't find the name. >> right. steve: you have hit a brick wall. troy did not hit a brick walm. -- hit a brick wall. david's name is now anthony. and anthony is here today. and he's here right now. would you like to meet him? >> yeah. >> merry christmas. >> oh, my god. >> hi, mom. [applause] >> i can't believe it. >> you have the blanket. >> did you give that to him? >> yes, i made this at the maternity home that i lived in at st. ann's. and i was only allowed to give him one thing and this is what i chose to give him. because when you're living at home, the only two things you learn how to do is crochet and play rummy 500. don't do anything else. steve: sit down for a second. you have been looking for this piece for -- this man for three years. what is it like to have his hand in your hand on this christmas? >> it's surreal. i can't -- i just can't even believe -- this never entered my mind when i came on and talked to troy. and talked to his mom who was -- locate. she's awesome. >> she's awesome. >> anniversary thought that this would happen. i thought i'm coming on and i'm going to tell my story. and i'm going to hope that somebody says, you know, we're going to help you find your son but i never thought he would be here. steve: anthony, is there something you've wanted to ask her these many years? i'm sure you've got a million questions. >> oh, absolutely. you know, i just want to start with i love you. and that after all these years, it's just amazing to see, to look into those eyes. and, you know, to actually know you now. it's just wonderful. steve: you've got a little catching up to do. and you have another brother and a sister that you're going to get a chance to meet. thank you very much for making this happen. merry christmas. a christmas we will never another get. -- we will never forget. >> thank you. [applause] >> a christmas classic like you've never heard before. superstar tenor gretchen: voice has captivated millions of fans worldwide. now superstar tenor andrea bocelli has a c.d. "my christmas." good to see both of you here and andrea, finally a holiday c.d. for you. >> yes. i've been thinking about it for a long time. but for an album so important like this one, one has to have all the best conditions. and first of all, it's important to have the best producer. so i spoke with david foster, and luckily, he said ok. and now we have the c.d. gretchen: the right response. david, you inspired andrea to finally do this. >> well, andrea has such a magnificent voice. and he really -- anybody could have produced this c.d. but i'm glad he chose me. gretchen: will you sing for us. because that's what everyone is waiting for. and you are going to sing one of the most beautiful christmas songs ever. >> i try. gretchen: "silent night." andrea bocelli, david foster. ♪ [singing in italian] ♪ sinlt night holy night -- ♪ silent night holy night all is calm, all is bright round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace ♪ [sleep in heavenly peace ♪ [applause] steve: thank you very much. andrea bocelli singing from his very first christmas album. stl ahead bill o'reilly and steve doocy on a christmas quiz and also a special performance friends" christmas. ♪ steve: welcome back to a fox and friends christmas. we have a great audience filled with true american heroes and i was just staring at them just now. gretchen: let's meet some of them. dave. who's over there? >> thank you so much. we're going to talk to some of the members of our armed forces about the special meaning of christmas. and we will start with one -- with -- tell me about the special meaning of christmas for you. >> well, for me, being on the way, like christmas of 2007, for example, i was on deployment for eight months. and i took my family with me. at that deployment. because my younger brother and my cousin happened to be stationed on the eisenhower and even though i was with the family, i took a little part of my family with me. >> i've never been deployed during the holidays or christmas. but with us, it's like my immediate family is 19 of us. and we share every holiday and christmas together. and just singing carols and visiting each other's families and just spending that time with one another. those are the most important times for me. we always stick together and it's always good to have them, great support family. >> i was down range in iraq. and i didn't take my vacation yet. so i hadn't told my father that i was coming home. i was trying to make it home for christmas. there's a sandstorm and i didn't think i would make it back. but it actually cleared up and i made it home christmas morning. i landed and i didn't tell my father, took a cab home and walked in christmas morning. it was the best christmas that i've ever had. >> merry christmas to all of you. and now let's get it over to laura -- laura ingraham with another very special guest. >> you may remember 10-year-old alec greben when he taught all young boys how to talk to girls. and now he's written another very helpful book, how to talk to santa. hi. how's it going? >> great. >> what makes you an expert on talking to santa? >> i'm not really an expert. >> you wrote a book. what do you mean you aren't an expert? come on. >> yeah. but sometimes writing books can just be the basics. >> tell me about it. i'm an author. naughty, being naughty or nice, what do you qualify as naughty? >> well, naughty is when you're pretty much bad. more than 25% of the time. >> we have a lot of kids and they've been sitting here very patient. did they have to be good all the way up until christmas or like the last few hours could they be a little naughty? >> well, i -- it totally depends. if they were naughty all year and naughty most of the few hours, then like santa could easily change that, i think. >> how does santa watch us? >> like i don't think anyone really knows. but it might be your parents. it might be spies or his magic. >> what about kids who want to see santa, they want to catch him in the act of leaving toys. under the tree. >> well, i would say that's -- you're pretty much risking your presents. >> wo, that quches as naughty if you're -- qualifies as naughty if you're just curious? >> not really curious but santa won't come if you're awake. so 99.99% -- >> have you ever -- >> no. >> never? >> yes, i've seen him. but i've never like caught him. >> what's your next book? >> i have written the rough draft for rules for school. and -- but -- i'm not sure if it's going to be published or not. but that's kind of in the works right now. >> i have a feeling when you're published in 18 languages you're probably going to get that book published. it's great to see you and merry christmas. now, it may seem like bill o'reilly knows it all. and believe me, he does, right? but it's time to really test his skills. steve doocy has challenged him to a christmas culture quiz, turning the tables. i love it. steve: a special holiday edition of the christmas culture quiz. today i'm asking the great bill o'reilly the questions. are you ready, sir? >> ready for what? steve: to answer. you got a, b and c and d. >> great american christmas culture quiz? steve: something like that. bill, in the 1946 film it's a wonderful life, what is the name of george bailey's guardian angel? clarence, ernie, bert, or charles. the answer is -- >> lady gaga. steve: b. no. it's clarence. a. >> how do you know? steve: i watch the movie. everybody watches the movie. bert and ernie. they were the cop -- >> i got one wrong. steve: one down. all right. bill, you will know this one. in what year did congress declare christmas a national holiday? 1856, 1902, 1870, or 1794. i'll give you a hint. >> you don't give me a -- need to give me a hint. c. steve: that is exactly right. he's 1-1. what is the name of scrooge's dead business partner in "a christmas carol." jimmy wilcot, john smith, jacob marley or james mantis. >> the answer is c. >> what are you then? >> in life i was your partner, jacob marley. steve: that's right. >> why are you insulting my intelligence? steve: what american president barred the christmas tree from being displayed in the white house? was it george washington, teddy roosevelt, richard nixon,, or james monroe? >> nixon. steve: it was teddy roosevelt. >> it was nixon. he bucked the tree. -- bugged the tree. steve: teddy roosevelt thought they were depleting the national forest. one more. in the 1983 film "a christmas story," what was ralphie's favorite radio show? was it mut and jeff, little orphan annie, the red ryder or dave's decoder hour? >> i'll go with little orphan annie. to my viewers, merry christmas. and i give doocy a hard time. there is a reason why. steve: what? >> you deserve it, doocy. steve: nanks a lot. >> you look like a nice guy on tv but behind the scenes, he's a nice guy. it's the christmas season. steve: merry christmas, bill o'reilly. >> the youngest ever to become a top 10 finalist on america's got talent her show-stopping performances captured the hearts of millions. 5-year-old singing sensation caitlin mayer is here with us. merry crs mass. >> merry christmas. you are a movie star and a new album "you were meant to be." what is that like? in a recording studio and recorded an album? >> it was a time of fun. i loved it. they were really nice to me. and i just had fun with it. >> what song will you be singing? >> away in a manger. >> can i hand you this? and you're going to sing for us? >> of course. >> kaitlyn maher, everyone. i'll get out of your way. >> ♪ twinkle, twinkle little star how i wonder what you are >> i want to dedicate this song to the kids whose mommies and daddies are serving in iraq and in the military. thank you. i love you. god bless. ♪ away in a manger no crib for a bed the little lord jesus lay down his sweet head the stars in the sky look down where he lay the little lord jesus asleep on the hay ♪ ♪ the cattle are lowing the poor baby wakes but little lord jesus no crying he makes i love the lord jesus look down from the sky and stand by my cradle till morning is nigh ♪ away in a manger the little lord jesus he lay down his sweet head be near me lord jesus i want you to stay close by me forever and love me i pray with all the dear children to live with thee there to live with thee there to live with thee there ♪ [applause] >> still to come on a "fox & friends" christmas the incredible story of a true american hero. 22-year-old army ranger benjamin copp made the ultimate sacrifice for our country but his heart still beats today. and talk about heavenly voices. singing priests from ireland get us in high spirits with an steve: benjamin, his mom says benjamin, copp, his great grandpa had a lot of war medals displayed throughout the house and that's why he joined the army rangers. he became a hero serving two tours in iraq before deploying to afghanistan where he made the ultimate sacrifice. corporal copp's spirit truly lives on today. his heart is beating right now, saving the life of judy mekel who was in desperate need of a transplant and she's with us. how are you? >> i'm fine. i've got the heart of an army ranger inside me. so i'm doing very well. >> i can't think of anything better. oh, my goodness. a hero heart. >> a hero heart. he saved six of his buddies' lives the day that he was shot. >> wow. >> and they killed 10 taliban that day. >> wow. that's amazing. so you were on the transplant list? >> i was waiting for a transplant. and i got a call from jill's cousin that ben's heart might be available. and it was at walter reid and i was in chicago. and through many miracles, on july 20, i had ben's heart put inside and it's beating inside me right now. >> wow. what a year you've had. your son, i got an 18-year-old son. i just can't imagine you getting this news and in the midst of that, you make this decision. how did you decide for -- was this ben's wishes that he always wanted fob an organ donor -- wanted to be an organ donor? is that something you talked about? >> it's something we did talk about. i lost a brother 27 years ago. and he was only 11 when he was killed and as a family we chose to donate his organs. so i carried that with me all these years and became an organ donor myself. and did speak to ben about it when he got his driver's license. we didn't speak about it very much after he joined the army. i never thought that i would be needing to face that decision. and of course he didn't, either. but he had noted in a living will that he wanted to donate all of his organs or any that were needed. >> your son certainly is a hero. we don't question that at all. but i got to tell you this. i've walked around this planet for a little while and i'm sure about one thing. heroes aren't born. they're raised. by other heroes. so thank you. >> thank you. >> let's go over to coort they right now. -- courtney right now. >> their songs come straight from the parish and their harmonies warm the hearts of millions of fans all over the world. father eugene ohagan, father martin ohagan and david delargey make up the singing trio "the priests." merry christmas. i want to point out that first of all you're all practicing priests in northern ireland. >> we are indeed. >> but you met back in the 1970's in high school. so how did you come to find out that you were all vocally compatible? >> we all come from musical families. we're blood brothers as well as priests in the diocese and we met david who comes from a musical family as well at the age of 11. and -- in 1974 at high school. and we've enjoyed music ever since. >> and someone talked to you into releasing your first c.d. last year which did really well. sold millions of albums. was -- went platinum in five countries. and i understand some of the proceeds from the c.d. sales and also some of the money that you guys make is going to charity. which charities do you support? >> we're building a school in cambodia. we're going to build a school in uganda. and we're supporting the education of street children in patia in thailand. >> i'm so excited to hear you guys sing. how about we hear "amazing grace from your new c.d. harmony which is out in stores right now. take it away, guys. >> thank you very much. [applause] >> ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now am found was blind but now i see ♪ >> ♪ through many dangers toils and snares i have already come with grace that brought me safe thus far farce farce and grace -- thus far and grace will led me home ♪ >> ♪ when we've been there 10,000 years bright shining as the sun we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun ♪ >> next on a "fox & friends" christmas, celebrity chef nigelo lawson serves up some christmas treats you can make with the kids. and they fought shoulder to shoulder in vietnam until one was captured. they reunite 42 years later and you will see it here. and kristin chenoweth brings in the christmas season with another christmas classic. another christmas classic. .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ >> i'm proud to be an american because my country is the greatest nation on the face of the earth. and the greatest nation in the history of the world. happy holidays. merry christmas, and a happy new year. [ applause ] >> taught people how to be a domestic goddess now chef is sharing some of her favorite christmas recipes. nigella's favorite christmas recipes are in there. >> my kids' favorite recipes. corn flake cookies. it's not really cooking. when you say chef, i'm a home cook. and i think that's quite important because that's what cooking is about, it's about home. it's not necessarily about fancy restaurants. that's my excuse for not being very dextrus. >> almond and have nil la. sorry about the noise. sounds like a breakfast cereal commercial. you are going to be helping to make these. >> i would love to. >> >> it smells good. >> so the idea is -- i should have put my hands in the cold water. >> i should have washed my hands. [ laughter ] >> are you telling me you didn't? you are not allowed anywhere near these then. >> ok. so you are going to. >> form a stick on this later. >> stick your finger in the water and then the hole. >> it's sticky as you can see the marshmallow. unless you put cold water on your hands, you will never be able -- you will be stuck to this corn flake wreath, which i am stuck to which you will see. >> i get it. >> you can do sprinkling. >> we're deck tore rating to make it look christmassy. >> yeah. >> nice. >> so, when those dry, they will like slightly more beautiful than they do there because, of course, it will come off the paper and you will see something looking a bit more like that. now. >> tell us what these are here. >> these are like short bread cookies, kind of melt in the mouth. you have here butter and sugar. i'm not going to put cocoa all over you. flour, baking soda. those are really squishy. those you just roll into balls. put them down, bake them. and i know you obviously master decorator. i have seen that so let me just -- this is just some water and cocoa and powdered sugar. and we're sprinkling. >> i like it. this is good stuff too with your kids. how important do you think that is? >> i think it's everything. i mean, i feel christmas is about family and it's about those rituals that make you understand this is your life and they are going to make it that you hope their life with their children later on. >> absolutely. >> this is wonderful. >> it's very important. >> we're going to eat this and exciting news for everybody. nigella's cookbook is going to every member in the studio audience. [ applause ] >> coming up, two army buddies separated during battle in vietnam. they thought each other was dead. 4 years later, they found each other alive. the incredible story of how they were reunited. you will only see it here. then, glenn beck stops by with a powerful christmas message you don't want to miss. plus, singing sensation amy grant and our own governor mike huckabee have a christmas gift for us. a special performance of one of her favorite holiday classics. ♪ you're not forgottenooo [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> welcome back to a "fox & friends" christmas and, of course, we are all part of the "fox & friends" family. so let's meet our family. gretchen, you start. gretchen: all right. so we have our children with us today, those of us who have kids as of yet. these are my children kya and christian. 6 and 4. so kya, why don't you tell what your favorite memory is of christmas. >> the christmas pageant. >> when you are at church. >> yeah. gretchen: christian, how about you, honey? you like to sing songs? for the first time ever, he is silent. brian: and you just met kirsten who is in 3rd grade and katelyn who is in first grade. girls, do you have a message for everybody? >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> good job. alisyn: these are me three. these guys are 4 and a half. nate is almost 3. what are you hoping santa claus will bring you. >> a lipstick and a mirror. steve: me, too. alisyn: what's your favorite part of christmas? >> getting the presents. alisyn: yeah. you are not alone. ok. great. clayton has rented a child from dave. >> clayton is filling in, he is holding my son william who will be 2. clayton: i think he just called me daddy. dave: calling me daddy: this is my daughter emerson. can you say hi to everybody? >> hi. dave: she just turned 4. what are you asking for for christmas. >> a new barbie jeep. dave: a barbie jeep. we will ask santa, ok? steve: i thought we would bring somebody you see from time to time here on the fox news channel, my little boy, peter. peter, come on over,. [ laughter ] [ applause ] steve: my little boy. peter, what's one of your fond, fast christmas memories? >> probably the main tradition that we have at our house would be when we wake up as mom makes her always delicious breakfast and butter balls. steve: good plug. >> you wait for us at the bottom of the stairs. with the video camera and mary and sally the younger sisters of mine come running down and we race down to see what santa left under the tree. steve: we have from this to this size right here. fantastic. right now we would like to share a special holiday message from our own friend glenn beck. glen glen i have tell you that i don't look at christmas as a separate holiday. i look at it as the tri i didn't of trilogy of holidays. we are down on our knees. we realize our place should be on bended knees. while we are there we are low enough to see the baby in the manger, christmas, and what he actually means and the gift that he brings to us, which is forgiveness. and that is coupled with the last holiday, which is new year's eve. the reason why none of us can ever keep our new year's eve promise is because we haven't been grateful enough on our knees to see the redemption that christmas really brings us. that's how we can change. i only know this because it took me a while and a lot of -- just a lot of beating to the head to be able to get that message. i finally did. i wish that upon you, this holiday season. brian: thank you very much, glenn. well, they were best friends, training together as young soldiers, fighting side by side in vietnam until one was captured and held for six years in the i object famous hanoi hilton prison camp. for decades neither knew if the other survived the war. 42 years later they found each other alive. today we're joined by one of those men richard, paracone. you spent all this time in a prison camp. when you came out, you did not know where your friend was or where your unit was? >> we were together in vietnam. and when i got captured, i just disappeared. they looked for me. and even when he came back to new york, he is from new york. he looked and looked and didn't find anything until one day i was on television and he seen me. brian: you are alive and he reaches out. and so how you have reconnected since that time? >> well, we did "fox & friends." i live in orlando. he was in new york. we did it via satellite. we seen each other for the first time in 42 years. brian: you are not new yorkers anymore. you have not met face to face? >> no. brian: 42 years and a surprise video message from him. he couldn't be here today but here is ken thompson. >> hi, richard. i'm sorry i can't be there with you today. i really wanted to be with you. but i have a medical appointment at the v.a. hospital and hopefully i will get to see you before you go back. i want to wish you a happy holidays and, by the way, i have one more big surprise for you. brian: and what is that surprise? there he is. ben thompson. [ applause ] >> great to see you. >> wow. brian: it was a nice surprise you had. can you talk about what's going through your mind right now? >> i'm back in -- gee, where were we? in south vietnam when we first left and i went out into the field. >> right. >> i wound up disappearing. >> we got ambushed. we got ambushed and hit hard. and we were together. and the next thing i know the sergeant yelled out that he was missing. and, no. not my buddy. >> we got ambushed. it was 58 americans died that day. seven were captured. i was one of five. two guys died of their wounds. just my life just stopped. i spent seven christmas there. i heard, you know, people being interviewed here over in iraq, you know, they are there for one year, two years, i know what they are going through. my family didn't know i was captured for the seven years i was there. brian: first time since 1967 you are looking face to face, you are 20 and 21. talk about that bond that has not been released. >> that bond will never be broken. this is my brother. >> we have a surprise for you and for everyone in our audience. it's -- well, sears has a long-standing commitment as you know with the military. and they want to thank both of you for your service to your country. so this christmas they are giving you both a notebook and individual camera to stay in touch no matter where you are and how far away 2,000 miles in florida and new york and to the servicemen and women in the audience. sears is donating $100 gift certificate to make your holidays a little bit brighter and your shopping a little bit easier. if you want to donate to deserving military family this holiday season, slash hero as the home. there you go guys. [ applause ] >> thank you. brian: let's go over to pastor and governor mike huckabee. >> thank you, brian. christmas is a time of giving and offers an opportunity for us all to offer those less fortunate. amy grant and singer song writer matthew west have teamed up with vegie tales sharing this important lesson with kids saint nicholas, the story of joyful giving. amy, matthew, welcome. and congratulations matthew on the recent grammy nomination. you guys have teamed up on the partnership for the story of saint nicholas. how did this all happen and your collaboration? >> i got involved because matthew knocked on my door with his song writing counter part sam mizel and said please do this song. i think all of us, especially people of faith go how do we pull in santa, saint nicholas, the meaning of christmas, faith, all of that and vegie tales is so great at bringing traditions and reality together and really inspiring kids to give. >> it's really trying to help kids understand that christmas is not just about getting. it's about giving. >> absolutely. that's the inspiration behind the song. you know, the main question the song poses is what if december looked different this year? >> i got an idea. let me get out of way. you guys do the song and i think everybody will get the message. thank you very much matthew and amy grant. give them a big hand as they do this song from the story of saint nick. [ applause ] ♪ ♪ what i told you it's right there in your hands ♪ in your hands ♪ it's hard to imagine ♪ how something so small ♪ what if december ♪ looked different this year ♪ what if we all just give this christmas away ♪ if there's love in your heart ♪ don't let it stay there ♪ give this christmas away ♪ and your life will be changed ♪ and your life will be changed ♪ by the gifts you receive ♪ when you give this christmas away ♪ ♪ it's feeding the hungry ♪ serving the poor ♪ it's telling the orphan ♪ you're not forgotten anymore ♪ it's doing what love does ♪ even when no one's watching you ♪ give this christmas away ♪ if there's love in your heart ♪ don't let it stay there ♪ give this christmas away ♪ and your life will be changed ♪ by the gifts you receive ♪ when you give this christmas away ♪ ♪ oh courtroom the world ♪ he gave his only son ♪ so we could could see ♪ his hands, his feet, his love ♪ his love ♪ what if i told you ♪ you have the power ♪ to give someone hope ♪ far beyond their wildest dreams ♪ what if december ♪ looked different this year ♪ ♪ what if we all just give this christmas away ♪ if there's love in your heart ♪ don't let it stay there ♪ give this christmas away ♪ and your life will be changed ♪ by the gifts you receive ♪ when you give this christmas away ♪ [ applause ] >> next, on a "fox & friends" christmas, a freak accident forces a high school soccer star off the field. the driver responsible, her best friend. an inspirational story of forgiveness you won't see anywhere else. and animal expert jack hanna introduces us to some of his friends. alisyn: welcome back, everyone. well, they have an incredible story that celebrates the true meaning of christmas, forgiveness and hope. take a look. >> brianna mcmahon or bri as she is known to most and chelsey are best of friends. they met while playing on their club's soccer team. both girls loved soccer so much that they volunteered to help their team raise money at a local car wash fundraiser. but, in a split second, bri's future changed. while moving a car chelsey mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brakes and pinned bri against a wall. she spent 32 days in a hospital. some of it in a drug-induced comb matchett her injuries led to eight surgeries. her left leg had to be amputated. incredibly she does not see the accident as a tragedy. she calls merely a detour to her goal. she immediately forgave chelsey. after all, she is one of her best friends. the accident has changed their lives forever. but has not changed their friendship. and bri mcmahon and chelsey are here with us today. [ applause ] alisyn: thanks so much for being here to both of you. it's a pleasure to have both of you here. so, bri, you are incredible. basically it's hard to imagine going through such a life altering accident as did you, yet, somehow being the same on the other end of it as you appear to be. where are you getting your strength from? >> definitely my family and my brothers ryan and reagan. chelsey, who has been there the entire time for me. my boyfriend, shane. i had to mention that. alisyn: nice shoutout. >> love you. definitely all the people surrounding me. my friends, my feel team. they were there the second day i got out of a coma. alisyn: was there a time that you didn't know if you would be able to go forward. >> no. not at all. the second i got out of the coma they told me i was like "when can i start playing again?" i actually stood up for the first time december 1st, and i kicked a soccer ball december 2nd. alisyn: that's incredible. i know this is the first time that you have spoken publicly. tell us what those moments were like right after the accident. >> they were scary, honestly. i remember i was right with her though. it was hard. like i had her head in high hands and it was just between us saying we love each other. >> when did you hear that she had awoken from a coma and one of the first things that she said was i forgive chelsey? >> the next day. >> and what did you think that she so quickly was concerned about you and your well-being? >> that's bre. alisyn: tell me, bre, what's next for you. >> i'm committed to playing soccer at brevard college. alisyn: you are waiting on a pro set particular leg. there is a bree mcmahon recovery fund. go to "fox & friends" for more information. thank you so much for coming on and telling your story. you are both brave and both inspirational to anyone who is having a hard time out there this holiday season. thanks so much. [ applause ] >> one of contemporary christian's most popular artists and his music will touch your soul. a very special performance with steve: 44 million people sing this guy's songs in churches across the united states. grammy winning artist chris tomlin. this year he has fulfilled a long-time ambition releasing christmas cd glory in the highest. he is here today along with the children's choir. great to have you all. >> thank you so much. steve: 44 million people a week sing your song. this is amazing. >> thanks. i really god on these songs. i could never dreamed writing songs that i would be standing here and the way these songs are used and singing with these wonderful kids today is incredible. steve: speaking of the kids, come on down. crossroads, you thinking i don't know what i'm doing with the guitar and singing. i can go rock and roll i can go christian. why did you decide to take the road you did. >> i just sensed that i had a heart to connect people to god and worship and let my music and let me songs help people express themselves to god. steve: you are touring the country and so is the children's choir from uganda. how do you celebrate christmas in uganda. >> we celebrate christmas on the 25th of december. and we decorate our houses nice and sing christmas carols. steve: that's fantastic. it's great having you and your other singers from the children's choir. go on back there because i know you and chris are going to do. >> joy to the world. unspeakable joy. steve: chris tomblin along with the children's choir. ♪ joy to the world ♪ let earth receive her king ♪ ♪ let every heart ♪ prepare him room ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ joy to the world, the savior reigns ♪ that all their songs employ ♪ while fields and floods ♪ rocks, hills, and plains ♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪ repeat, repeat the sounding joy ♪ joy, unspeakable joy ♪ and overflowing where ♪ no tongue can tell ♪ joy, unspeakable joy ♪ rises in my soul, never let's me go ♪ he rules the world with truth and grace ♪ and makes the nations prove ♪ the glories of his righteousness ♪ and wonders of his love ♪ and wonders of his love ♪ and wonders, wonders of his love ♪ ♪ joy, unspeakable joy ♪ joy, to the world ♪ [ applause ] ♪ come ring the bells. >> broadway star and tv sensation kristin chenoweth returns to share her christmas memories and sing one of her favorite christmas songs ♪ jesus, we remember it's your birthday ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas treep co. i'm lauren sivan. we head back to "fox & friends" christmas. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] >> you know, a long time ago a priest friend of mine father judd said come with me this christmas eve. i want to show you something. as i approached a dark building in the rainy shadow of times square, i was more fearful than excited. midnight mass at a shelter for homeless pregnant women, all very much alone in the world except for the nuns who ran the center. in the kitchen was an altar. i wondered what life would hold for them and their babies when no one had room for them in their lives. but these aging nuns, there was no room in the inn for them exert for the converted building on a side street in a neighborhood called hell kitchen. as the mass began, i was very nervous as one of the few men in the room and selfishly sad on the ultimate night of anticipation i was with the loneliest people in new york from. a small bag near the altar, the good father gently removed a baby doll wrapped in a towel. our eyes widened. he cradled the baby in the fold of his vestment as the sleepy women came alive and i did, too. he asked where would jesus want to be tonight? and he said with you, of course. celebrating his birthday. and he carefully handed the baby to a freckle faced pregnant woman, maybe 17 years old, and he urged her, hold the christ child. she didn't respond. again, he whispered hold him. she finally pulled the baby close to her chest and she wept, tears streaming over her smile. and it was my turn and i was hesitant, too. and the woman seated next to me said it's your turn, mister, please hold baby jesus. and she took my hand and passed me what had been a mere doll a few minutes before for the first time i held jesus in my arms. and the entire room of women, beamed in my direction as if i was their own brother. >> what child is this will laid to rest on mary's lap is sleeping who angels greet with shepard sleep angels watch their keeping. >> this christ the king home shepherds worship and shepherds sing. haste haste to bring him praise, the babe, the son of mary. >> as i tell my daughters today veronica and blanch in the grimy shadow of "times" square i held baby jesus and i discovered forever what choirs of angels, shepherds and kings discovered in a little town called bethlehem, the hope of the world. merry christmas. >> member -- member are christmas. steve: beautiful. thank you. geraldo rivera joins us now. >> he hats incredible story of a daughter whose drive to find out more about her father led to the discovery of a true american hero. [ applause ] >> thanks, guys. my next guest never knew her dad or how much of a hero he really was 65 years after he died in the battle of the bulge during world war ii. tonya givens found out. her determination led to her dad, how are seeing now on your screen, being honored with eight medals that he earned during the big war, helping her family find closure and helping all of us recognize a soldier who gave his life for his country. tonya givens joins me here in a special christmas broadcast. alongside lt. colonel porter of the same military division that tonya's father served. in it is appropriate that so many service members are here. tonya, may i? merry christmas. tell me about these wonderful medals i'm holding. this is the bronze star, is it not. >> correct. >> your dad won this for the crossing of the river during world war ii this is just prior to the battle of the bulge. >> that would have been september. >> 1944. >> what do you have? what medal is that? >> purple heart. >> for wounds he sustained. her dad died in the battle of the bulge protecting his fellow g.i.s. your dad died when you were just 11 months old. what was it about your determination to find your dad? >> i just -- one night when i was watching ken burns doing a documentary on the war and it came to the battle of the bulge. and i suddenly realized that there was a person there. and i wanted to know more about him and his experiences and his -- i just had that idea that if i could explore it, that it would be meaningful to me. >> you talked to some of the g.i.s who served with him in the war? >> yes. >> what were their recollections about a man how didn't really know. you were just an infant. >> i met one gentleman who remembered him. and he said that he was a heck of a nice guy. i will say heck of a nice guy on television. >> we know the salsey language those g.i.s use. you sought out senator nelson of florida. tell us how he got this whole movement going to have your dad's heroism recognized. >> i found out through some of the folks in the 80th division that he was due to have eight medals awarded to him. and so writing letters to st. louis and senator nelson, it took a little over probably a year and a half for everything to come to fruition, but it did occur on veterans day. >> and on that veterans day ceremony, tell us how you felt. >> i was just, as they say in scotland, over the moon. >> over the moon. colonel porter, you guys have the 80th, one of the legendary divisions in the united states army. tell us how that played a role in helping tonyia find her closure, find her dad. >> the 0th division veterans meet every year. tonyia has come to a couple of those now. she gets to relive it with us veterans just as we have with the 80th training command today we support those veterans association meetings. it's just a wonder to talk to all of those great veterans. >> it's a wonder to talk to you all and congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> on finding closure. congratulations belatedly on your dad getting recognized for his heroism under fire. [ applause ] wonderful story. back to you as we continue. >> thank you. have you been introduced to a very special military audience. you should know they are experts at uniformity including snug beds. we are going to play a little game today to see to ho can make the better bed. meet our two couples. jasmine and darryl bernard. are you guys here today? come on up here. [cheers and applause] how are you? u.s. coast guard, right? >> thank you. >> you are air force: you are married, u.s. military. thank you for your service. are you ready to meet your competition? because they are ready to meet you. are the walkers here today? michael and tracy walker. yeah. all right. how about that? cop. on over here, tracy. here you go. tracy, here is your competition. this is jasmine. you know her. right? michael, nice to see you. u.s. coast guard. ok. you know what we are doing today? >> no. >> ok. we are going to have -- what we have set up down here are two twin beds, ok? because we know that you guys in the military are really good at keeping things orderly. all right? and if you can -- well, we're going to see how orderly you are. so under the tree over here, santa has got a little something something. give this to the ladies, first. this is for you. this is for you. inside you will find a pillow case. i think it's called a fitted sheet; is that right? and then a flat sheet. and we're going to see just how well you do. but, first, if you do really well, and i'm the ultimate judge. i'm going to see just how clean and neat the lines are, right? no pressure. ok. but the winner is going to win $5,000 in products and linen. and anna's linen is going to come to your house or maybe your house. ok? they are going to execute a makeover of your room. ok? you can use that, right, man? and you. i could. i know -- ok. come on down here. get yourself set. and then we're going to roll this time here in just about five seconds. so get ready you got your marks? >> no. >> you got your marks? you got 30 seconds on the count of three. 1, 2, 3. go. oh, my, the walker are doing a little better right now. coming up to that 30 second mark. there is the fitted. now the flat. who is going to get the pillow case on the pillow? >> done. you know we don't cheat in the coast guard. i saw a little something something at the end there. i think it was more like that, is that right? i got to do my job. you know what i'm saying? listen, you guys got off to a great start. i was watching the team work you did. the team on the left. really great start. but something clicked in over here. i mean, the bernards all of a sudden they took off. i will expect the uniformity, ok? not bad. a little loose over here. you know what i think? honestly and i hate to do this. but i think the pillow case in the end mattered. i got to give it to you. [ applause ] >> $5,000 to the bernards. you will get 5 grand of linen products. however, in the spirit of christmas here is what i i am thinking. i'm thinking we can give 5 grand to the walkers, too. [ applause ] could you use that? can you use that? >> yes. thank you. >> two thumbs up. you get the makeover, you get the linens and for our audience, 50 bucks each and every one of you in gift certificates to anna's linens. cool. merry christmas, everybody. >> when we come back, rocking around the christmas tree with kristin chenoweth with her singing one of her favorite songs right after the break. ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ jesus, we remember it's your birthday. ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas tree ♪ [ applause ] brian: she just won an emmy in her role pushing daises. one of the critically acclaimed roles on broadway. can you see why kristin chenoweth is such a star. steve: christmas happens to be one of her favorite holidays. she joins us to talk a little bit. hey, kristin. say hi to all those men and women in uniform out there. >> hey, guys. thank you for what you are doing for our country. steve: in a minute you are going to sing a song. it's interesting. you said you had to fight with the record companies to do this number. why? >> they totally were on my side but it's hard to sell a holiday record when it's all just christmas music, which is obviously about christ's birth. i do want it to reach other people. so i had to, you know, kind of give a little bit. it's funny when you sing about jesus, people get a little nervous. i don't know what that's about. especially when it's called christmas. gretchen: thank goodness it's christmas eve and we are celebrating this day. let's talk about how busy you are. you had this role on glee. and then you won an emmy for pushing daises. and now you are coming back to broadway. >> yeah. i think it's important to get back to your roots. and as i'm looking on the camera, not these ones but the ones on broadway. and i think a lot of people go back to tv and i will and i want to but i wanted to go back to the theater, too. gretchen: let's hear her beautiful voice again. kristin singing come on and ring those bells, a lovely way to spend christmas. [cheers and applause] ♪ [bells ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas tree ♪ jesus, we remember it's your birthday ♪ this is for you guys. enjoy it. ♪ everybody likes ♪ to take a holiday ♪ everybody likes ♪ to take a rest ♪ spenting time together ♪ with the family ♪ sharing lots of love ♪ and happiness ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas tree ♪ jesus is the king ♪ born for you and me ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ everybody say ♪ jesus, we remember ♪ it's your birthday ♪ ♪ celebrations ♪ come because ♪ of something good ♪ celebrations ♪ we love to recall ♪ mary had a baby boy ♪ in bethlehem ♪ the greatest celebration ♪ of them all ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas tree ♪ jesus is the king ♪ born for you and me ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ everybody say ♪ jesus, we remember ♪ it's your birthday ♪ ♪ oh, come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas tree ♪ jesus is the king ♪ born for you and me ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ everybody say ♪ jesus, we remember ♪ it's your birthday ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ light the christmas tree ♪ jesus, is the king ♪ born for you and me ♪ come on and ring those bells ♪ everybody say ♪ jesus, we remember ♪ it's your birthday ♪ jesus, we remember ♪ it's your birthday ♪ [cheers and applause] >> a "fox & friends" christmas is about to get wild. animal expert jack hannah is here. >> they have about 12-inch tongue. eat about 20,000 termites every four hours. brian: all right. we're going wild this christmas. who better to go wild with wild animals and furry friends jack hanna columbus zoo and host of into the wild. my daughter kirsten and my daughter katelyn because they love animals and they have never seen an aardvark before. they are sheltered children. not. >> not many people have seen an aardvark. i have only seen one in my 30 years working in africa. >> he eats like this every four hours. they have 12-inch tongue and eat 30,000 termites every four hours. can you imagine that? here, girls. don't you want to have some? don't eat that. brian: i'm not going to eat that. >> this is aardvark food. >> put your hand down there. you can feed him. brian: ok. >> they are nocturnal. >> brian: i'm fine with it jack, thank you very much. any final questions for the aardvark through jack? no questions? all right, fine. >> this is the smallest fox in the world. from the sahara desert. they thing they have big ears for hearing. those ears are to keep it cool. like an elephant has big ears. a dog per expires perspires through its tongue they use their ears: they eat scorpions. brian: i would love to see this happen. all right. girls, there you go. merry christmas. >> can't hold them. brian: i know you brought a lot of stuff with you. you are heading back to columbus after this. >> isn't this something? look at this. this here is a lemur, everyone. they are from madagascar. they were on the planet before monkeys and apes. they have little hands. little hands like your hands. feed him some banana. brian: all right. katelyn. go ahead. >> see if that works. brian: i will be honest. i have never let them feed a lemur. i have certain rules. back to the cage we go. >> look at this wallaby. isn't that something in this is the smallest in the world. full grown. big red kang radios get as big of me and gray this is one of the smallest in the world full grown. it's marsupial, the baby is raised in the pouch not in your mom's tummy. brian: thank you so much. i know you have to jet right out of here. now i have officially aardvark food on my hands. find doocy, i have got to shake. [ applause ] >> coming up. the christmas carol everybody knows. ♪ >> don't go anywhere. a "fox & friends" christmas will be right back. ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ [cheers and applause] steve: thank you all for spending two hours with us. a special thanks to the men and women in uniform who have spent two hours deployed to "fox & friends" christmas. [cheers and applause] steve: job well done. and now is a tradition before we leave you we will leave with you a christmas carol and gretchen and her daughter kya, mainly kya are going to lead us in have a holly jolly christmas ♪ ♪ holly jolly christmas ♪ it's the best time of year ♪ i don't know if theral be snow ♪ but have a cup of cheer ♪ have a holly, jolly christmas ♪ and when you walk down the street ♪ say hello ♪ to friends you know ♪ and everyone you meet ♪ ho ho the mistletoe ♪ hung where you can see ♪ somebody waits for you ♪ kiss her once for me ♪ have a holly, jolly christmas ♪ and in case you didn't hear ♪ o by golly ♪ have a holly jolly ♪ christmas this year ♪ steve: all right. merry christmas, everybody. merry christmas. so long. [cheers and applause] [captioning made possible by fox news channel]

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