lease the 2020 nx 300 be quiet, and just forget about for $329 a month for 27 months. this. i mean, she lost when she which, every day, generate enough electricity shouldn't have lost. to power over 150,000 homes. the thing she said recently has been nuts. jillian: the clinton impeachment is believed to have played a major role in the democrats' historic house wins during the 1998 midterm elections. rob: a fox news alert, violence escalating overnight between jillian: welcome back. israel and gaza, one day after congressman adam schiff vowing to keep the impeachment solely the israeli military took out a focused on the ukraine controversy, rather than the buy major jihadist leader. dense, after the republicans watch as rockets soar through sent a memo outlining their the sky in gaza. strategy. rob: with the hearing slated to begin in a few hours, constitutional law attorney jenna ellis reeves joins us to react. thank you for coming on. a lot of this kind of activity. >> good morning. rob: the front page of new york benjamin hall is live on the post, guilty, now for the trial. you see adam schiff and nancy israel/gaza border right now. pelosi on the front. benjamin, are we seeing rocket what do you make of how adam activity in the last few schiff is handling this so far? >> well, it's absolutely minutes? >> reporter: rob, we certainly ridiculous. have been seeing some this s is he trying to be the bidens' morning. there had been hopes overnight attorney now?