Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20180730 13:00:00

A look at the day's news and headlines.
at low containment. >> bill: it's a big job. probably something we deal with all week. thank you live in redding, california. >> sandra: president trump raising the stakes in the battle over the border wall threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get the funding he has been demanding. the president firing off this warning a short time ago tweeting quote, i would be willing to shut down government if the democrats do not give us the votes for border security. which includes the wall. must get rid of lottery, catch and release, etc. and go to system of immigration based on merit. we need great people coming into our country. doug mcelway live at the white house this morning. doug, an interesting tactic to see a republican president embracing the prospects of a government shutdown. >> it sure is. history has shown that whenever there has been a government shutdown in the past it is the republican party that takes the blame for it and in the aftermath of that tweet which you read from the president
democrats are setting the stage again to place blame on another government shutdown. >> the shutdown would be very bad news for the country. total disruption and i think it would be a very bad idea for republicans going into the november elections. >> but many congressional republicans are also of the mind that government shutdown would be very bad for their party. >> let's hope not. i think hopefully most of the appropriation bills will be passed. a little better prioritization spending. i don't like playing shutdown politics. i don't think it would be helpful. let's try to avoid it. >> the president isn't buying that. he doubled down on it firing off a new tweet since the one you just read. his new tweet is we must have border security, get rid of chain, lottery, catch and release sanctuary cities and merit based immigration and protect law enforcement and ice and keep building but much
faster the wall. his strategy is, it is a crisis that does not exist outside the beltway. your average american will get along just fine with a government shutdown. social security checks will go out. there is some time before this becomes a really pressing issue. congress has to come to some agreement on a spending bill by september 30th. then again that puts them right up against the mid-term elections. >> sandra: the president's team punching back after these accusations from his former lawyer michael cohen. what's the latest with that? >> michael cohen is taking a royal beating from the president's inner circle, from the president's lts ever since he released the recording of the two men portraying him as a man who will say or do anything to stay out of jail including doctoring that tape. >> president is very surprised which indicates he didn't know about this.
chosen better. he will get on firmed with democratic votes. >> bill: let's bring in byron york, good day to you on a monday late july. you say this marks a new phase. explain. >> up until now no democrat has even asked kavanaugh to come talk in his office. today kavanaugh will be meeting with joe manchin who is the first democrat to speak to him. as always with these cases, it just comes down to the numbers. there are 51 republicans in the senate. if senator mccain cannot vote that's 50. republicans do not have anybody they can lose and still confirm brett kavanaugh. that is where some of the democrats come in. senator manchin and senator heitkamp and senator donnelly from indiana voted for neil gorsuch last year. they're now up for reelection in states that donald trump won
really big, 40 points in west virginia, 30 plus in north dakota, 15 points in indiana. so the question for those democrats is going to be, you voted for neil gorsuch. why would you vote against brett kavanaugh? >> bill: they have a calculation to make. a political equation. what do you think they do? >> i think some of them vote for brett kavanaugh. it will be very difficult for them to say that i voted for neil gorsuch but maybe this nomination is so consequential that i'll vote against it. senator schumer is really asking these senators just don't come out and say anything. be quiet, keep your powder dry, and give us the democrats time to try to build a case against brett kavanaugh. i think you'll see these
democrats who voted for gorsuch, i think you'll see them stay pretty quiet until we get much closer. >> bill: schumer is saying this on screen deliberately selective request leaves out what may be the most important thing in kavanaugh's record is white house staff secretary. what are republicans hiding in judge kavanaugh's record. he worked in the bush white house for three years. >> this is a real interesting part of his career. he hasn't always been a judge. from 2003 to 2006 he was the staff secretary for the white house, which is a big job. it basically organizes all of the paper that gets in front of the president. and democrats are going to try to argue that kavanaugh had a role in controversial bush-era decisions like enhanced interrogations and war powers and signing statements. they will want to go into all these things and hang anything they don't like around his neck. and basically republicans are going to say forget about it.
>> bill: rob portman said there could be a million documents. good luck with that. byron, thank you. we'll see where it goes today. big meeting and joe manchin's read-out later today. what's coming up? >> sandra: a lot more from harvard law professor alan dershowitz. we'll get his take at the top of the hour. >> bill: trying to get kavanaugh through by october 1 that's the schedule mcconnell set up. right now they're on track. looking forward to dershowitz next hour. rudy giuliani not pulling any punches with the president's former attorney michael cohen. >> now i've listened unfortunately, fortunately from my client's point of view to many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. >> bill: in moments why the trump legal team say they think why they believe michael cohen is a reliable witness.
>> sandra: president trump reigniting his feud with "the new york times" this time taking aim at the paper's publisher. howie kurtz is on deck with that story. >> bill: vice president mike pence says he is honored to be a part of the arrival ceremony for our nation's bravest from the korean war. what it could signal for the talks to come. >> he came home with a medal on his chest but my dad who has gone now 30 years, raised us to understand that he always thought the heroes of the korean war were the ones who didn't get to come home. my mom's pain from
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hearts what we really wanted to do was militarily take the regime down. and we would never do that unprovoked. we know that. they have never believed that. these are baby steps, to be sure. what will be a long process. it is an important step certainly. and obviously for our families, this is a great thing. >> bill: you consider it positive. identifying the remains is a tricky deal here. we believe them to be american servicemen but there is no confirmation of that, right? >> no, we've had problems in the past particularly when the north koreans returned some remains to the brits. some of them did not even turn out to be human remains. there are challenges here. the reason it took as long as it did, i think the north koreans probably best techniques they had were trying to verify that this is who they are. let's face it, in a battle zone
that we had in north korea, we had other countries under the u.n. flag fighting as well and we have north korean soldiers killed and chinese soldiers killed. our people here are the best in the world in hawaii who do this as part of the defense p.o.w., mia agency and identifying remains since the vietnam war. they will go through painstaking detail to do the best they possibly can to determine actually who these remains are. >> bill: chairman kim, there is a piece in the "wall street journal," has characterized himself in a different way for his own people showing himself to be focused on domestic policy. what would that suggest in the grand scheme here? >> kim is out running around the country, uncharacteristically so, since the six or seven years he has been there as the chancellor, he has been -- chairman, excuse me. he only visits military sites. and what he has been out doing is going to workplaces, factories and what he is seeing
is poor conditions, a lack of modern machinery, rundown conditions in the sense that the place isn't even clean and certainly if he is dealing with his own working class people he is seeing people undernourished. that's in stark contrast for the exposure he had in singapore out looking at the entertainment side of downtown singapore and seeing results of the thriving economy. he has been talking, since january, about a strategic shift. that strategic shift implies moving away from nuclear power to economic power. to wanting to do something about his country. the more he is doing things like this and actually taking time to understand what is happening and possibly what the solutions are, those are positive steps. it doesn't mean he will totally
organization that don't like any part of this. there is a lot going on in north korea's leadership as well. we'll see what turns out. >> bill: thank you, sir, for being here. >> sandra: new details emerging about missing iowa student who disappeared almost two weeks ago. what we're now learning about the search for mollie tibbetts. we're live with the details next. plus the president of turkey now defiant after the u.s. threatened steep sanctions if he continues to detain an american pastor. will the administration succeed in securing his release? >> pastor andrew brunson should be freed and allowed to return to his family, to his home, to his church and his nation in the united states of america.
>> bill: the turkish president pushing back saying his country won't back down. we await announcement from jeff sessions on religious freedom. we're watching for that and any possible news on pastor andrew brunson. here is the vice president talking about his case. >> president trump and i have engaged president erdogan and the turkish government directly to release pastor andrew brunson and send him home. the negotiations have been on going and continuous. home arrest is not good enough. the united states of america is prepared to bring sanctions against turkey until pastor andrew brunson is freed. >> bill: a.g. sessions there in a moment. we'll monitor that for development and headlines from the justice department today.
>> sandra: new developments in the case of this missing iowa student. investigators saying mollie tibbetts may have returned to her boyfriend's house after her jog on the night she disappeared. matt finn is live in chicago with details about the new evidence. what are we learning? >> 20-year-old mollie tibbetts vanished july 18th around the same time she went for a jog. now her family says she might have made it back to her boyfriend's house that day. meaning she didn't disappear while on the jog. family members told a local news station about the new information over the weekend but so far authorities have not released a new version of their timeline. tibbetts was staying at her boyfriend's house at the time of her disappearance to watch his dogs as he was at a construction job 100 miles northeast. the boyfriend said he was alarmed and called family and friends when he found out tibbetts didn't show up to work or respond to one of his text
messages. tibbetts' father is pleading for information. >> it doesn't matter what we're going through. we just need people to think, if somebody knows something and they don't even know it's important. we can get mollie back, we have to have somebody call. >> tibbetts' aunt did an interview where she says it's not true her niece was running in a corn field when she went missing. >> sandra: the young woman is an avid runner. she usually wore a fit bit which might help investigators? >> it might give investigators a ton of data including her gps and location on heart rate and her social media accounts might also confirm she did return to her boyfriend's house the day she went missing on july 18th. >> sandra: we'll continue following this story closely. >> bill: in the meantime
president trump's nominee for the supreme court brett kavanaugh set to hold the first meeting with a democratic senator. why this sit-down could have big implications for the battle over his confirmation on the hill. >> sandra: justice ruth bader ginsberg is speaking out about her future on the bench. what she is saying about her retirement. >> bill: and the war of words ratcheting up between president trump's current and former attorneys back and forth they go. >> now i've listened to many, many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar.
optimistic. >> he has a proven record. that's what the president made this nomination about. that's the message we'll carry to the senate. we remain confident that before the fall is out, judge bret kavanaugh will about justice brett cavanaugh. >> sandra: judge andrew napolitano joining us. good monday morning to you. administration, the vice president sounding very optimistic about the confirmation process. should they be? >> yes, i think they should be. it seems that the republicans are supporting judge kavanaugh. look, there is a little bit of concern on the part of senators collins and murcowski about his attitude about roe versus wade and then on the other end there is concern by senators lee and paul about his attitude about -- i've spoken with them about domestic spying. i think he has overcome their concerns so the only real republican concerns are
senators murcowski and collins. if they come along no democratic votes are needed. that makes it easy for senator manchin, senator heitkamp, senator mccaskill. these are democrats running against strong republicans for reelection in states that the president carried handily two years ago to vote in favor of judge kavanaugh there by removing the kavanaugh issue from their electoral contest. >> sandra: the meeting with joe manchin. >> that's significant. schumer has asked them not to meet with judge kavanaugh because the white house is refusing a category of documents that the democrats have requested and those documents concern the legal advice that then lawyer brett kavanaugh gave to then president george w. bush when they were crafting the patriot act. this is very interesting. the concept of the patriot act, surveillance on people without
a warrant, will come to the court while judge kavanaugh sits on the court and the democrats want to know his attitude about these things. >> sandra: so as kavanaugh sits down with democrats. what is going to be their primary concern and primary choice of topic with kavanaugh? >> probably civil liberties and privacy. it was the concern of senator lee and paul for the pro-individual liberty, small government republicans. that's an area of significant concern. it is also a concern for the democrats. >> sandra: what about views on executive power? >> another problem with senator paul and senator lee, a problem for confirmation, and an issue for the democrats as well. at one point then mr. kavanaugh said if the president tells a lie to the american public that's the basis for impeachment. he has since withdrawn that. another point if the president does it and uses his official
power it is not unlawful. he has withdrawn that. that's extreme statements about the presidency and why your question is right and they want to grill him on this. >> sandra: we'll see how it goes. meanwhile ruth bader ginsberg, don't worry about me, i still have five more years in me. >> she is 85 years old. the oldest justice to retire was holmes at 91. she will probably stay until 92. no surprise. ruth bader ginsburg quite improperly said as a sitting security justice if donald trump wins i'll go to canada. she withdrew the statement. she is not going to leave the court voluntarily during president trump's time in office. >> sandra: to be exact here is her statement on her retirement from the supreme court. i am now 85. justice jean-paul stevens stepped down when he was 90. i think i have at least five
more years. >> she is a character. there are movies about her, a play about her. she works out every day in the gym with justices gorsuch, young enough to be her grandson. >> sandra: her health appears to be good. >> yes. >> sandra: this is likely going to be a game-changing week as far as the confirmation process and meeting with democrats. >> i don't think the democrats will say how they'll vote this week. the fact that they're meeting with him in defiance of senator schumer is quite telling. >> sandra: byron york was on at the top of the hour and said the key question for democrats will be if you voted yes for gorsuch, how can you not do so for kavanaugh? >> that's a good question for democrats. for republicans it's different. the significance of the fourth amendment, the right to privacy is different than judge kavanaugh's. for a democrat that's a very telling question. how can you vote yes or one and no for the other?
>> sandra: a lot more coming up next hour on that. judge, good to see you. >> bill: more legal matters. president trump's attorney rudy giuliani ramping up his attacks on michael cohen suggesting a leaked audio recording of mr. trump and cohen may have been tampered with while going after cohen's credibility. >> they not only taped lawyers but intended to deceive because he had a conversation with one of your colleagues, chris cuomo. he put his phone in a drawer, and said we'll be off the record, no recording and proceeded to record two hours of that conversation. makes him a total liar. i didn't know that. >> bill: rick leventhal has more on the story. the mayor is talking a lot today. >> he is indeed. rudy giuliani says george washington would have called benidict arnold an honest man before he found out he was a traitor. he is calling cohen a pathological manipulator and
some are betrayed by those they trusted and that's what happened here saying giuliani defended cohen before he knew what a scoundrel he was. if cohen taped everything else, why not his conversation with the president regarding that meeting with the russian lawyer and told chris wallace on sunday cohen has no credibility left. >> i should say i feel sorry for him but nobody will believe me. he has destroyed himself, chris, as a witness. i prosecuted 5,000 cases. i would never prosecute a case on this guy's testimony. >> senator lindsey graham told maria bartiromo saying he doesn't trust his word and challenged him to come back to congress and testify other oath. >> i've never seen a lawyer behave this way in my entire life and i've been a lawyer my adult life. cohen, you should be suspicious of everything he says. he is on the hot seat and looking to going to jail. >> no response this morning
from cohen's lawyer lanny davis. he said he recorded people instead of taking notes and never wanted to deceive anyone. cohen is determined to do the right thing. this morning on "fox & friends" giuliani said he isn't buying it. >> i think lanny davis may claim he knows about the kennedy assassination and trump is somehow involved. it is a wild and crazy and they're out of their minds. he did not participate in any meeting with the russia transaction, the president did not. and the other people at the meeting that he claims he had without the president about it say he was never there. >> giuliani says the government has 183 tapes. he says only a dozen directly involve the president and all the tapes will eventually exonerate president trump. >> bill: more the come. rick leventhal in new york. >> sandra: dow opened eight minutes ago and it is a bit to the down side at the moment.
okay. look at that. sharply unchanged. >> bill: that's the phrase you use. >> sandra: to quote trading floor days. there you go. the dow is getting a bit of a boost compared to the rest of the market. the nasdaq and s&p 500. the dow getting a boost from caterpillar. seed company, agricultural company getting a boost for record earnings in its latest quarter. that's helping boost the dow into positive territory. a lot of concern about technology names and weighing on the nasdaq and broader u.s. stock market. >> bill: facebook and twitter were hammered last week. >> sandra: will they bounce back? it was quite a week. >> bill: these big companies, they reach a point where it's the point of no return. >> sandra: technology has been dragging down the broader market the past few days. we'll see if the broader market gets a chance this week.
>> bill: it is still largely -- >> sandra: sharply unchanged. >> bill: breaking news now, big board meeting today. cbs amidst new allegations about less moonves. howie kurtz analyzes it. >> sandra: president trump attacking the media as unpatriotic amid escalating conflict with "the new york times." howie kurtz join us next to talk about that. mike: i've tried lots of things for my joint pain. now? watch me. ( ♪ ) joni: think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it. they're moving forward with cosentyx. it's a different kind of targeted biologic.
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shortstop allen trammell. they bring the total number of players inducted into the hall of fame to 257. >> bill: good class. >> where are all the cubs in there and -- pete rose goes to cooperstown every year and but allowed to set foot inside there because of a ban. he says the baseballs are juiced. there is no doubt in his mind that the baseball players these days have a juiced baseball and why the ball is flying out of these parks. he said he will be at war with baseball until the day he dies. 15 minutes before the hour. cbs board of directors will meet to talk about the ceo less moonves. detailing allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct from six women who worked with him. howie kurtz host of "media
buzz". the allegations go back two decades, some five or 10 years ago. first what's story on this, howie? >> these allegations reported are devastating and chilling, bill. one example, actress douglas she says moonves pinned her down and tried to grope her and then she was fired from a sitcom. another writer said, he threatened to ruin her career. the on the record accounts has caused an explosion. anybody below the level of chairman cbs would have gotten rid of that person as happened with charlie rose and on nbc the matt lauer. >> bill: does he survive this? he has been fighting off a merger. a big battle for money, howie. >> it could effect the efforts
to combine viacom and cbs and some of the independent cbs directors talking to over the weekend moonves should be suspended while the internal investigation takes place. he is entitled to a fair investigation. they don't have the majority at the moment. a big black eye, cbs logo and these allegations with moonves says he regrets if he made everybody uncomfortable is a black eye for cbs and not clear how much he can survive in the job. >> there were times decades ago i may have women uncomfortable according to him. "new york times," the president, the tweet on saturday had a very good and interesting meeting at the white house, the president says, with a.g. from "the new york times."
so that prompted salzburger to go public. it was off the record. then he says this. i told him that although the phrase fake news is untrue and harmful i'm far more concerned his labeling journalists the enemy of the people and that it's arising to a threat against journalist and lead to violence. we don't normally hear about the meetings but now we have. >> sandra: the president has had a number of the meetings with don't hear about but he opened the door with the tweet and inabled this 37-year-old publisher of the "new york times" to talk about how he had told the president that he believes that some of the anti-press rhetoric is inflammatory and dangerous. president came back with an utter tweet storm. he does get overwhelmingly unfair coverage from the press, "new york times" doesn't have one pro-trump columnist. even the conservative columnists don't like donald trump but he talked about unpatriotic journalist that reveal tiner workings of
government and flies in the face of a lot of instances where media organizations have been withholding national security secrets if it would jeopardize anybody's life not exposing problems at the epa. something that shows that donald trump really does care about courting what he calls the failing "new york times" started as a healthy thing has dissolved to acrimony on both sides. >> when they reveal internal liberations of our government it puts the lives of many not just journalists at risk. very unpatriotic. he sees the "washington post" and "new york times" every day as newspapers that -- publications that will not report a good word about him or his administration. if you go back 20 years in donald trump's life. he has repeated that theme against those who he believes are not giving him favorable
coverage. that is a long history personally for him, howie. >> right. now he overstates the case a little bit. he occasionally gets -- he does have a legitimate beef here where certainly on the commentary side and a lot of the news stories are framed as anti-trump. salzburger comes back you're jeopardizing lives of journalists around the world particularly in dictatorships. it sounded like it was a good meeting. each side made points and listened to each other. now it's gone public once again we have the hostility coming out and it has become a trademark of this presidency. >> bill: a lot to talk about, howie. nice show on sunday. see you soon. howie kurtz in washington thank you. >> sandra: is big brother lurking at our airports? new report says there are federal air marshals watching your every move and it's for your protection. we're live with the details on
that next. >> bill: firefighters battling a massive deadly fire in a tourist spot as people go into the water to avoid the flames. 90 people are dead as the fires continue. more in a moment here. liberty mutual accident forgiveness means they won't hike your rates over one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ (voowners always smiling?ck because they've chosen the industry leader.
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this morning for a program that keeps track of u.s. citizens flying in and out of airports. a new report saying the agency is using an algorithm to collect information on travelers even if they aren't suspected of any crime in order to keep everyone safe. laura engel live in new york with the details on this. >> well, indeed this has caught a lot of people offguard. details of the program were first reported over the weekend by the "boston globe" which highlighted undercover work of tsa agents as travelers pass through airport secure. now, the domestic surveillance program has been in existence since 2010. the program uses the computer algorithm to spot flyers and activity match with current threat intelligence. a human team vets the information. if there is a red flag in the flyer's background that flyer may be surveilled by federal
air marshals. tsa issued a statement saying can troer to the article published by the globe it doesn't take into account race or religion and not intended to surveil ordinary americans. the program's core design is no different putting a police officer on a beat where intelligence present the need for wafrp and deterrents. it analyzes information on a passenger's travel pattern and through that system of checks and balances to improve oversight adding an additional line of defense to aviation security saying they have routine reviews. >> sandra: you have our attention. a concern not only by civil rights groups but also from within the program as well. >> we're hearing a lot of blowback today. numerous reports the program has drawn criticism within the agency as well. the president of the air
marshal association telling the "boston globe" the air marshal associations that missions based on recognized intelligence or in support of ongoing federal investigations is the proper criteria for flight scheduling. currently the quiet skies program doesn't meet the criteria we find acceptable. a strong statement there. at least one air marshal has filed a complaint with the department of homeland security inspector general's office about this program. >> sandra: wow, laura. thank you. >> bill: moments from now brett kavanaugh is on the hill set to hold his first meeting with a democratic senator today. we'll ask alan dershowitz why this meeting will be so important coming up moments away.
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senator joe manchin. he is a democrat from a state president trump won easily and he is on the ballot in november. so we expect senator manchin, judge brett kavanaugh to meet at 2:30 p.m. eastern time this afternoon. manchin has been meeting with constituents to discuss the kavanaugh nomination and set up an email address so constituents can email him about kavanaugh. senate republicans are predicting a few democrats are likely to vote yes on kavanaugh. >> i have zero doubt he will be on the supreme court before the end of october. he is highly qualified, well deserving. we'll break the back of every democratic effort to stop this good man from being on the supreme court. >> as you've seen in some of the poll numbers in the states that are red states where you've got a democratic senator, he is very popular. people want to see him confirmed. in the end he will do very well. >> bill: kavanaugh is scheduled
to meet with joe donnelly of indiana august 15th. another democrat facing a tough reelection in a state president trump won. >> bill: what is the play from democrats at this stage? >> senate leadership on the democrat side continues pushing for more and more documentation related to judge brett kavanaugh's service, particularly in the george w. bush white house. senate democratic leader chuck schumer complained on friday, quote, this deliberately selective request leaves out what may be the most important thing in judge kavanaugh's record, his time as white house staff secretary. what are the republicans hiding in his record? republicans complain that's a taxpayer funded fishing expedition designed as a stall tactic. >> bill: watching it from hill. >> sandra: let's bring in today's headliner alan dershowitz, harvard law professor emeritus.
good to have you as our headliner this morning. are you optimistic that this confirmation process that kavanaugh will be ultimately confirmed? >> i would hope we could get politics out of the confirmation process. we should be confirming the most qualified people in the country without regard to political benefit, political gain. i hate the idea that we are going to see senators in swing states or senators in red states who are running for election, that's not the way the framers contemplated justices being nominated and confirmed to the supreme court. they had in mind the very best people. when president hoover got a vacancy of oliver wendell holmes, perhaps the greatest judge in american history. he wanted a list of the 10 best people in america. it's a great list but it's
upside down. the attorney general said he is a democrat and he is a jew and hoover said, i don't care, i want the best person possible and he appointed benjamin cardoza. i wish we went back to those days. they're long gone. if it's because of the merit garland -- it's completely political and all senators should keep an open mind. interview kavanaugh. wait to see what he thinks of the tower of precedent. whether he will start overruling cases and then cast their vote on the basis of the quality of the candidate not the political advantage or disadvantage they get from voting one way or the other. >> bill: it's the topic of the day in washington vice president pence characterized it this way over the weekend. >> he was looking for a judge
with extraordinary credentials and intellect but also a judge who would strictly interpret the constitution as written. and not legislate from the bench. judge brett kavanaugh has that judicial philosophy. he has a proven record. we remain confident that before the fall is out, that judge brett kavanaugh will be justice brett kavanaugh. >> bill: october 1 is the date mitch mcconnell put out there. it is possible because of the republican majority in the senate. these democrats who are running for reelection in very tight races now in states where the president won rather handily in 2016, they all voted for neil gorsuch. so how do you work that into the mix of being against someone like kavanaugh? >> it's very hard. gorsuch was a hard vote because he shouldn't have been the nominee. it should have been mer -- merrick garland. i think kavanaugh is at least
as qualified as gorsuch and likely in the end to get confirmed but, you know, when pence talks about judicial restraint and strict construction of the constitution that becomes a cliche. in bush versus gore, the conservatives stretched the constitution to apply equal protection analysis to the way ballots were counted. so each side stretches the constitution when it serves their interest and reads it narrowly when it serves their interest. we're looking for a person who can be a justice 20 or 30 years from now. we don't know what the issues will be in 20 or 30 years. abortion may be off the table and we may have developed technologies to develop the need for abortion. gay rights probably will be an issue of historic interest. we don't know what the issues will be. that's why we need the most qualified, brilliant, academic, serious people serving on the court without regard to what their current political interests are. justices tend to change over
time. earl warren, william brennan all changed. felix frac furt started as a liberal and become a conservative. i have no doubt kavanaugh will be confirmed and it won't be that close a vote. he will get 54 or 55 votes, i think. because the president selected well. if he had picked somebody far less qualified who has strong ideological views it would be a closer vote. i think kavanaugh has extraordinary experience and he is very well thought of. he taught at harvard. the students loved him. many of the students both liberals and conservatives wrote a petition supporting him. i think unless something comes up that we're not aware of, i'm pretty sure he will be confirmed. >> sandra: the president and his team are optimistic he will be confirmed. michael cohen, the president's former lawyer, still big time
in the news. you see the headlines everywhere. rudy giuliani is still going after him and here is one of his latest about recording the client and the offense. watch. >> i found out, as everyone else did, he was recording his clients, which is a disbarable offense. obviously if i knew that i wouldn't have said he was a reputable lawyer, i would have said he is a scoundrel. >> that's the play nou. looks like michael cohen will be flipped, and he will be squeezed. and the fear -- >> sandra: that's unfortunate. that's a monday morning for you. >> bill: we'll wait a moment. he is at martha's vineyard. is weather is good. >> sandra: he comes to us via skype. it happened now. >> bill: the point on giuliani
and we'll try to get dershowitz back in a moment. he has done a series of interviews on sunday and earlier today on "fox & friends" and cnn earlier today did a long interview with cammarata. he said at one point there are 183 audio recordings michael cohen has in his possession. only one has the voice of president trump and 10 or 12 -- here is more on giuliani now. this is from "fox & friends" early today. sound bite number five, shall we as we await dershowitz. >> michael cohen is afraid of going to jail. i don't know what he is afraid from going to jail about for anything he -- somebody thinks he did with us. he didn't. he didn't commit any crime with president trump. nor did he commit acrime around anybody around president trump. there are a lot of materials
more than concern us in boxes and everything else that concern his taxing medallions, bank loans. i have no reason to believe they're illegal and no reason the government didn't have probable cause to raid him. there is something there we don't know. >> sandra: professor dershowitz is back with us now. are you there, professor? >> i hear you fine. i don't know why you couldn't see or hear me. that's technology. >> sandra: rudy giuliani really trying to speculate on why michael cohen is doing this and he suggests that this is because he is afraid of jail time. >> well, of course that's what he is doing. of course he would much prefer to remain loyal to president trump but prosecutors have him in a squeeze. they may have information about his taxing medallions, about another kinds of issues and that's what they're doing with manafort. they aren't interested in
manafort, they're interested in manafort testifying against trump or providing information as judge ellis said, you have to worry not only about squeezed witnesses singing but about them making up stories, elaborating on stories. the better the story, the better the deal they'll great. the great fear when you deal with witnesses and try to prosecute them in order to get them to testify against other people. i used to teach my first year students always commit a crime with somebody in america with more important than you are so you can turn them in and they can't turn you in. that's the play that's going on now. >> bill: paul manafort's trial begins tomorrow. trump and his lawyers have repeatedly sought to play down manafort's connection to the president. there you go. the trial won't be entirely without references to the campaign. giuliani said just this morning manafort has nothing on the president. he was part of this his campaign for four months.
we believe the trial deals with financial matters that go back to 2005. what is important to watch in manafort's file? he has been in solitary confinement for two months behind bars? what do we look for there? >> whether the prosecution tries to hint at his relationships with trump. his lawyers will try to keep that out because they don't want him to be prejudiced by associate with a president who has supporters but also enemies. we'll see whether or not the prosecution tries to introduce anything regarding trump or whether it's a pure trial of manafort for what he did years and years earlier. and we'll look to see how the judge rules. the judge is not sympathetic to this prosecution and i suspect we'll see that in some of his rulings. >> sandra: what ultimately will the decision made here say about the mueller investigation? >> well, if he is acquitted it will be a blow to the investigation and if he is
convicted it will give mueller an opportunity to squeeze him. remember, he is standing trial in the district of columbia where he is less likely to get sympathetic jury. they're heavily democrat. the virginia jury pool is a mix of democrats and republicans. they have two shots at him and hoping to succeed in at least one of them and put the pressure on saying look, you have two choices, die in prison or testify against your former associate. and most people will take the testify option rather than the die in prison option. >> bill: thanks for coming in today. allen dershowitz from martha's vineyard. republicans ramping up for the mid-terms. can the president energize american voters just like 2016? >> sandra: president trump raising the stakes in the battle for security threatening
democrats with a government shutdown if they don't beef up funding. >> american citizens will not pay for this wall. he is not going to shut down the government and we are not going to be intimidated by his bluffing and his bullying. high protein
>> this president is a bully and he will try and intimidate all of us. he is not going to shut down anything. as a matter of fact, people will remember that he said he was going to build this wall and he was going to make mexico pay for the wall. they said they weren't going to pay for anything. now he wants the american citizens to pay for this wall. >> bill: i said the campaign is underway. maxine waters warning president trump will do what it takes to shut down america. president trump said i will be willing to shut down the government. must get rid of lottery, catch and release and go to the system of immigration based on merit. we need great people coming into our country. that got some attention. america's a-team is here. hugo gurton, "washington examiner". chris stirewalt free from the swamp for now.
mary anne marsh, former senior advisor to john kerry. >> i think it was not a very helpful comment by the president. you will probably remember the last shutdown was the only one where the democrats got the blame and that's partly because the republicans were just asking for something reasonable for some funding and they were the ones who seemed unreasonable over daca. as you saw from the comments of various republican politicians on sunday they say we want to avoid a shutdown. >> sandra: does the president change the narrative with this threat? >> look, the issue here it's all republican on republican violence. the democrats right now are content to stand back and watch this play out. the problem is what can get 51 votes in the senate? and what can get a majority of the house? now, the real impediment on the house side is the freedom caucus. we saw it play out when it came to the adults brought to the united states illegally as
minors, the daca adults now. full funding for the wall was offered and it came with amnesty. the freedom caucus said no. it's tough to put together. >> chris makes a great point. look at the politics. the fact is donald trump wants to do this when not one republican wants to do it. paul ryan doesn't want to do it. mitch mcconnell doesn't want to do it and they came out on wednesday and said they had a deal with donald trump not to do it tells you everything about trump's thinking now. he is playing to the 22% that supports him because he needs them for other reasons. they were very angry with him when he didn't get the immigration through the last time. he said he would make sure he got it through the next time. if you look at all of this, when he is playing to them he actually is going to hurt himself more because if the government shuts down, it hurts the republicans and that hurts -- he will be in a world of hurt if republicans lose the majority in november. >> sandra: strong supporters of
the president former speaker of the house newt gingrich spoke about whether a shutdown would be good for republicans ahead of the election. >> the president gets in a fight where the issue is not just the wall but a democratic party committed to open borders and wide open migration with no controls versus a republican party trying to protect you from criminals, i think that's a dead loser for the democrats in october. >> newt gingrich lost the republican majority when he shut down the government. i find that very interesting. >> he did a couple other things, too. >> bill: setting up a contrast with the obama, ice issue and setting that up with a president who wants stronger immigration. that's the contrast. >> the president's policies are popular. i think they do win support. what the republicans on capitol hill don't want is the republicans to get the blame for the shutdown if it comes. >> the president's interests
diverge from his party's. i don't think losing a house is a catastrophe for donald trump. he would be rather with fighting with maxine waters than explaining why people can't get stuff done in the house because of disagreements with the freedom caucus. the president's brand and interest could be served by a shutdown. his party's interest in the mid-term would not. >> bill: bannon has on with hannity. he thinks november is a referendum on president trump and his policies and democrats getting a doover. >> i think it is president trump's first reelect. a referendum on the trump presidency. they are very focused. the opposition is trying to win the house of representatives and congress in order to impeach president trump and stop the entire project. the democrats got one thing. they got a do over. 100 days and a wake-up.
we'll have essentially a national election. >> bill: i watched that interview and it's a call to action on behalf of steve bannon, a message to president trump and republicans across the country. >> the president is engaged and making endorsements and is picking candidates in races and raising a ton of money. i don't know what it is that steve bannon thinks the president could or should doing. i can't think of a president more engaged on the mid-term front than this president and i have not seen a party that has been more acutely aware of the dangers it faces. they may not want to talk about it but the republicans know they're up against it. >> i think you're right, bill. this is a message to the president. back in the middle of last week the people -- leaders in congress thought they had a deal with the president about funding and going slow and paul ryan was saying the president was willing to be patient. he probably hears things like that and says wait a minute, i have to play to my base. >> sandra: they will be touting the economy and mike pence says
it will energize voters. the president's policies and the accomplishments and successes of this administration will get people out. >> trump's voters aren't enough for the republicans to keep the house and senate. that's the problem. this is a referendum on donald trump. every day he is dropping i.e.d.s along the campaign trail for every republican. >> bill: they are enough if they turn out to vote. what happened in the special election in pennsylvania they didn't turn out and they lost. >> democrats are in dead heats for u.s. senate races in texas, mississippi, tennessee. that should tell you everything about this election. >> bill: more of steve bannon as to what happens if nancy pelosi is your speaker. watch. >> the way to win this is exactly like we won in 2010. the great tea party sweep. you'll have to go outdoor to door, ring door bells, do voter registration drives and get people out. president trump has delivered on the action. now it's time for the populous,
nationalist movement and conservative movement, everybody that turned out in 2016, you have to do it all over again or the first action they are going to take under nancy pelosi or whoever the democratic speaker is try to impeach president trump. >> i don't think -- the democratic leadership does not want to impeach president trump. there is a lot of pressure from the base, like 70% of the base would really like that. but the democrats saw what happened when president clinton was impeached and there was a reaction. they don't want to help reelect president trump by turning the populous -- turning the country against the impeachment. >> i think donald trump would be well served by democratic house. i think it would help his 2020 chances substantially and i think that all this cockamamie business they're doing and his elevation of maxine waters is a perfect example, pick your enemies. elevate the people you want to do. donald trump running for reelection and saying this is your party, this is nancy pelosi and the impeachment
caucus. i'm trying to get things done and they won't let me. >> he is staring down the barrel of losing the house and senate. that endangers everything donald trump wants. >> we'll talk about texas in a minute. >> sandra: thanks to all three of you. see you in a few minutes. breaking news as the wildfires rage on across california. >> if you feel the need, you don't feel safe, trust that intuition and the gut feeling and leave ahead of time. don't wait for a notice. >> sandra: 17 fires burning across the golden state. the latest on firefighters' efforts to contain this blaze next. >> bill: employers looking to take a new approach to hiring their employees. as the trump team says they believe they will keep the economy riding high for years to come. >> everybody gave the reasons why we couldn't get to three and we came up with the reasons and the policies. so i think you are beginning to see projections go higher.
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>> sandra: fox news alert on the deadly wildfires in california. firefighters battling more than a dozen fires up and down the state. up north six people confirmed dead in the carr fire. seven others still unaccounted for. hundreds of structures burned to the ground. evacuation orders in effect for some 10,000 people in the area. weather conditions making it harder and harder for firefighters. >> the fire ran with such ferocity. there were winds 70 plus mile-per-hour winds, tornado-like winds going through. you can see it when you go out in some of the neighborhoods. you are seeing trees uprooted sticking up. many of you have the photos and video of that. you see roofs ripped off houses. the fire didn't do that. the wind did. >> sandra: investigators believe that fire started with the mechanical failure of a vehicle.
>> bill: trump team making the rounds over the weekend riding high on a strong second quarter showing and giving new hope to employers and employees alike. 4.1%. fastest rate in four years. the trump administration says they think the growth is sustainable. they're talking about years of growth. better than 4%. >> it is completely attainable at this point. the economy is firing on all cylinders. businesses are hiring, investment is stronger, interest rate environment is hospitable telling us we have a good economy. 4.1% is a very good read on friday. anywhere from 3 to 5% i'll take it after the recession. we're looking at really strong numbers. >> sandra: 3% sustainable. larry kudlow was on and i asked if 4.1 is sustainable and he is
looking at growth with as far as the eye can see with this president's policies. >> the stock market and where will we go with tariffs? this could be a good kick for the economy let's figure out nafta soon and with the e.u. they have a discussion going as far as agricultural exports, soybeans and high-quality beef from the united states. let's get some of that going. isolate china. deal with intellectual property theft and you have a game changer. the markets would love to see that now. >> sandra: the president has some concern with interest rates. something unprecedented for a sitting president to talk about the rising interest rate environment, possibly two more hikes by the fed this year? could that change things. >> i'm not too worried about interest rates. our president has done something no other president normally does, comment on the what is the independence of the federal reserve. he has his opinion and a
twitter account. you can't ignore that. i'm not worried about interest rates at all. i would have expected them to go higher based on where the stock market is. you'll see higher inflation. the gradual increases. someone was saying they should have started raising interest rates sooner than they did but the amount of economic stimulus. we weren't having a true market and as a stock market watcher i want to know what the true numbers are. we're getting that environment now. >> bill: "wall street journal" has a story of companies hiring people without experience. employers eager to hire try a new policy. no experience necessary. inexperienced job applicants face better odds in the labor market as more companies drop work history and degree requirements from the "wall street journal." >> absolutely. no experience, no problem. we're in a completely new environment when it comes to the job market. i used to come on fox news all the time to help our viewers find jobs. i don't have to do that anymore. there are so many jobs out
there. a million new jobs opened up just last year to people that have no experience. a million new jobs. that was in 2017. we're now well into 2018. >> sandra: what type of jobs. >> intel, they're willing to hire self--taught programmers. used to be you had to have a degree and experience. even intel is saying that's okay. they are so desperate for people that have that type of experience. it is incredible. look at somebody like the drugstore chains. you could be a branch manager at a bank and not have any college whatsoever on your resume. i won't name a specific bank. think of that type of job that always needed some college. it doesn't anymore because the labor market is so tight. unemployment at record lows. >> bill: millennials are popping around between jobs. they hold a job for a year or two. is this a reflection of that? >> it is. you are always seeing more opportunity. any time you can see a job that pay better and more opportunity
the millennials are a different generation than ours was. they don't have a problem jumping around. our parents told us you stick at one company and loyal. >> sandra: is this good news for these companies? look, they are saying no experience necessary, we'll train you on the job but then we're also reporting simultaneously that millennials are jumping jobs. >> that's up to the companies. companies have to give good benefits and be willing to up salaries. they'll have to. it is a very competitive market now and companies are realizing that more and more and like i said, they're taking in employees with no experience. they never would have done that even two years ago. but when you have this type of economy and job market now and the demand is out there in particular in manufacturing jobs, think of where president trump was last week at the steel mill. that's all real and technology. i tell you what, if you can code and can read a program, this is your year. i'll leave it there. >> bill: great job, thank you.
>> sandra: house intel chairman devin nunes saying twitter is silencing conservatives. >> bill: new controversy over an 8-year-old tsa program that keeps tabs on americans who aren't suspected of crimes. so what is happening at the airport? if you're turning 65, you're probably learning about medicare and supplemental insurance. medicare is great, but it doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medicare costs,
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hugo gurdon, chris stirewalt and mary anne marsh. this debate overshadow banning. a lot of people fell into a same camp as nunes. >> a lot of people don't. an accurate sense conservatives aren't showing up on social media as much and there is some kind of bias in the way things are being done on social media. i don't think devin nunes has much of a -- i don't think there is much chance against legal action against the companies. they're private companies and can have bias but they should be very worried. they'll lose a lot of customers and they'll lose a lot of public support if they have bias. >> sandra: they have to answer to folks. twitter has acknowledged it is a problem with their algorithm. >> nobody wants to end up like
facebook. they didn't clean house and they didn't do the right things. so as twitter is trying to clean up and get rid of the spam and the bots and the filth that is the lower third of fake twitter, as they are trying to clean that out, by consequence individuals that are followed by a lot of bots or individuals followed by people who then interact with bots and that stuff were getting tamped out. to hugo's point they'll lose support among conservatives. they're trying to fix it. based on what facebook did, look at what happened to their stock and future. >> bill: mary anne doesn't have this problem. she has an open road. >> people like my puppy videos more. the fact is, nobody cries wolf like devin nunes. twitter admitted they had a problem and trying to get rid
of trolls. so they fixed it on wednesday. yet they are still complaining. trollers will troll. credit to twitter they are trying to clean it up. people lost followers but they're doing the right thing here. >> bill: i think the bigger story is what happens on the russian matters if you have a mid-term three months away. nunes is making the case there is stall ball with the department of justice. he said it again. watch. >> there is a stall game going on at d.o.j. and f.b.i. stall as much as they can hoping and betting that republicans would lose the house in the fall. if that happens, then you essentially shut down everything. rod rosenstein won't be held in contempt. f.b.i. won't be held accountable. the investigations will shut down. >> bill: if you don't control the committees after the committees you're probably right about that. if that's the case the clock is running. >> he doesn't have the support of his conference or the rest
of the republicans. nunes -- basicly jim jordan is running for speaker trying to beat kevin mccarthy. this is driving huge wedges between the freedom caucus side, the anti-f.b.i. side and the rest of the republicans. this is going to be hot, hard and very unpleasant as they go forward. >> the politics of that is what you say but nunes is right, there has been stonewalling and delay. the house took a year, i think it was, to get some documents. >> isn't that a fact, mary anne? >> please tell me once that any claim deafin nunes made about this investigation has been born out. not once. he cried wolf every time. wait until you see the 20 pages they redacted in the fisa report. he has proven wrong every time. if i'm nunes i'm more worried
about my legal life than anything. >> there was one thing which was half wrong. the rest were completely right. >> i go with judge napolitano on this one who was the former fisa court judge himself and issued these things. that fisa -- those fisa decisions every single one of them legit, above board and nunes has only issued reports from that committee with republicans only and that has been shameful. >> sandra: if republicans were to lose control of the house what happens to the push for these documents then? >> the same thing that will happen if republicans maintain control of the house. paul ryan -- it would require republicans to keep the house and jim jordan to defeat mccarthy for the speakership. nunes is at odds with richard burr. so does trey gowdy and a lot of guys who carry clout among republicans. they need a triple bank shot.
>> the one that matters most is mueller in the end. it's not nunes, burr or anybody else, it's robert mueller. >> bill: great to see you, reverend, brother, thank you very much. when will folks learn when it comes to social media? never. would a boat load of money make you feel better about your wife cheating on you? two topics for the 24/7 crew served up on a monday. >> sandra: holy moley. ♪
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newcomb throwing a no-hitter. someone is going through his timeline. let's see what we can find on this guy and find a series of tweets that include gay slurs, racial and sexist language and it happens to trai turner of the nationals. both guys apologized. jon lester weighed in. check out the tweet talking about this hot topic of baseball players getting in trouble for this. if you're an twitter spend the next five minutes that's all it takes. scrub your account of anything you wouldn't want plastered on your face. don't say stupid things in the first place and added, i know some of these guys are great dudes who had lapsed in judgment. mike rizzo, the general manager of the nation always says trea turner, this is not the behavior we've seen.
but the new york yankees, yeah, he conducted himself as part of our team and apologized. the new york yankees will unretire mickey mantles tweet in 1961. that's my comment on the whole story. >> i think to play off this for a second. the question is should adults be held accountable for what you say as a teenager? i think major league baseball has done a good job of towing the line where the players have to go to diversity training. issue an apology but the punishments are short of a suspension and kids out there that are going better know the college admission folks look at social media profiles. it's a big deal. >> with all the money involved how are agents and teams not doing this work for the players? get on that. >> don't say it in the first
place. >> bill: what happened to this financial reward? >> is it illegal to cheat on your spouse? that's the big question of the day? listen to this, a judge in north carolina ruled a man, keith king, will be awarded 8.8 million dollars from the man who had an affair with his wife. is guy who cheated on his wife had to pay this guy $8.8 million for doing so. north carolina is one of six states that has an alienation of affection law on the books. i had never heard of this law before. many people haven't. >> why is he accountable and not the wife? >> what king's lawyers had to prove. he had a happy marriage before and because this guy interjected into the marriage there was no way it would be successful. $8.8 million. >> bill: the judge did that? i sense an appeal here. >> you know what? you are correct in your sense of said appeal.
it is already happening. >> there is compensatory damage and punitive. this seems goofy. when did it become illegal to act like a jerk which would go back to the first story. you were a jerk when you sent out the tweets, should you go to career jail for it or in this case have to pay? >> folks in these states, hawaii, north carolina, mississippi, new mexico, south dakota. don't cheat on your wife or you will have to pay a lot of money. >> sandra: with somebody else's spouse is the point, right? got it. meanwhile we'll continue to follow this for you. 17 wildfires raging across california. six people now dead. tens of thousands of people abandoning homes there. we're live on the ground as fire crews work through the night to contain those flames plus president trump putting pressure on lawmakers to approve funding for the border wall. or else. brit hume with reaction as a
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government if the democrats don't give us the votes for border security which includes the wall. must get rid of lottery, catch and release, etc. and finally get a system of immigration based on merit. we need great people coming into our country. chief white house correspondent john roberts live on the north lawn. great to see you. good morning to you on this. where are we? >> bill, good morning to you. the president is banking that he can buck historical precedent hoping that republicans don't get blamed as they typically do if there is a government shutdown. the president's strategy is to tie a possible government shutdown to the need for national security insisting that he needs changes in immigration law and money for a border wall in the budget. the president tweeting this morning we must have border security, get rid of chain lottery, sanctuary cities and immigration and protect ice and law enforcement but keep building and much faster the wall.
republicans and democrats alike warning against a shutdown. ron johnson and chris van hallon, listen here. >> a little better prioritization spending. i don't like playing shutdown politics. let's try to avoid it. >> the shutdown would be very bad news for the country, total disruption and a bad ideas for republicans. >> what's unclear is whether or not this is a real high stakes gamble by the president or if it's a bluff. also unclear is which party would take the blame if there is a government shutdown. history would seem to suggest it would be the republicans. >> bill: what is the latest on the michael cohen tapes? >> it is clear that there is -- let me put it this way. it's clear that any love there was between the president and michael cohen and any sense of loyalty the two had for each other has absolutely been
obliterated. rudy giuliani over the weekend and again today suggesting that cohen has no ethics. that he is not operating above the law or above board at the very least by taping not only the president, but other clients. listen to what giuliani said this morning. >> the recording that we have, 183. other recordings of other people having nothing to do with trump, trump organization. which will give you an idea what a scoundrel he was. i didn't know this about him. up until two months ago i would have said pretty nice things about him. my opinion turned on a dime when i found out he was a lawyer recording his client. it's a disbarable offense. >> the fixer has become a scoundrel. giuliani insists the president did nothing wrong and the tape released proved he did nothing wrong. he has suggested that cohen may have broken the law simply by
recording the conversation he had with the president but we should point out new york is a one-party consent state. that means that just if cohen knew about it he was within legal bounds to tape that conversation. only somebody who is not a party to the conversation tapes it would be illegal. attorney/client privilege may have applied here. a horse got out of the barn before that was asserted. no illegality on the surface at least, bill, in terms of recording somebody without their knowledge. >> bill: thank you, john roberts from the north lawn. good to have you back. >> sandra: for more on this let's bring in brit hume, political analyst for fox. what do you think about this? is this a good idea for the president to threaten a shutdown of the government over funding for his border wall? >> i think it's a terrible idea for the reasons mentioned by john roberts. whichever party is deemed
responsible for or most enthusiastic about a government shutdown gets a blame. people don't like it to be shut down and this has been proven time and time again. the last time the republicans were seen as responsible for a shutdown this was back during the previous administration, it was a shutdown over -- i can't remember now what, yes, over obamacare. it was a disaster. the republican party is standing with the voters plunged to the lowest level in the history of the gallup poll. when the democrats were seen responsible a year or so ago was the schumer shutdown it lasted two days and the democrats completely capitulateed because they saw the handwriting on the wall. it works badly for those deemed responsible. for the president to trigger something like this with a month to go before the mid-term election is as dumb an idea as i can imagine. >> sandra: the president would
be banking on bucking historical precedent as far as who would historically get blamed for the government shutdown. newt gingrich, a big supporter of the president was asked about this. he said if the president goes this direction he really has to sell it. >> he has to be firm. if this is the fight he wants, he has to go to the country. he has to explain it. he has to tie it to illegal criminals and people we know -- you go around the s people who have been killed and tortured and raped, and you look at the total volume of fentanyl and opioids that come in across the border and the president can make a very strong case. >> sandra: do you think the president can make a strong enough case to sell? >> he can certainly try. who knows? this president has proven a lot of assumptions we all had to be false. but i can only go on what i
witnessed in the past. i have never seen a president or party successfully sell a government shutdown in the short term at least as an idea the public should support. we'll see. mr. gingrich has his own experience with government shutdowns and they didn't turn out very well for him either back when he was speaker in the clinton years. >> sandra: the president has gone on the twitter attack against robert mueller and michael cohen over the russia probe and alan dershowitz was on the program this morning and we asked him about michael cohen and what he is seeing happened and play out here. listen. >> of course he would much prefer to remain loyal to president trump but prosecutors have him in a squeeze. they may have information about his taxing medial yons and other issues and what they're doing with manafort, too. >> sandra: why is he doing this? >> to try to get out of a jam and basically offering claims that he thinks might catch the eye of robert mueller.
remember, the principal investigation and only investigation of michael cohen is being conducted out of the southern district of new york. a matter mueller has handed off to the southern district of new york not believing there is any link apparently to mr. trump or to his investigation of russian interference in the election. so i think he is trying to say oh, mr. mueller, i've got stuff on trump. come on, and i'll help you if you get me out of this jam. immunity is what i think he is looking for. whether he has sufficient credibility to attract mr. mueller's interest remains to be seen. i have my doubts. remember, under oath michael cohen said that he never saw anything that suggested any kind of improper relationship or collusion between mr. trump and the russians. this latest thing he says about knowledge of the meeting in
trump tower would seem to fly in the face of that and would make mr. cohen perhaps not the most credible witness having sworn the opposite. >> sandra: that's the case at the white house and the president and his team continue to make. rudy giuliani and so forth. noting that cohen himself is under investigation. the president tweeted at one point sounds to me someone is trying to make up stories to get himself out of an unrelated jam. remember that tweet. taxi cabs maybe? what does it say about the mueller investigation, brit? >> i don't know it tells us very much about the mueller investigation. we don't know much about it and i don't know if this helps. we don't know if mr. mueller is interested in what mr. cohen is saying. >> sandra: we'll continue to watch how this plays out. the president has been quiet as far as tweeting this morning. we'll see what comes throughout the day. >> it's early. who knows what will happen between -- i remember sitting the other night at home a week
or so ago, sunday night and 11:00 this bombshell hits from trump. you just never know. 24/7 you have to keep your eyes open. >> sandra: great to start the week with you. >> bill: to the american west now. sixth person confirmed dead. a fire near redding, california is keeping the firefighters working 24 hours shifts. a deadly fire burning down everything in its path ripping through 100,000 acres leaving residents there in limbo. >> it's unfortunate if our house has burned, which it sounds like there is only two places standing. the chances are that it probably did. >> i think people just want to know what's going on with their house and kind of like nobody wants to hear the bad news. >> bill: jeff paul live on the ground in the town of redding. how are things now? >> bill, a bit of an update. the carr fire is now 20%
contained but it has destroyed hundreds of structures, many of which are homes. we're standing in one of the hardest-hit neighborhoods in redding. this one one family's home. likely their garage where you can see the door has melted to the ground and beyond that parked out front was a pickup truck and if you take a look inside it has melted everything but the metal. firefighters say they have a lot of work ahead of them. we've seen several crews going around mopping up any potential hot spots. firefighters say this wildfire is extremely unpredictable and it's part of the reason why they have evacuated so many. tens of thousands of people. for some folks it was a tough choice when deciding to leave because their home is everything that they've worked for in life. >> i've been here for 50 years. like i say, i'm a retired school teacher, wood shop teacher and building contractors and my most important thing, of course, is
my wife and family and my home. i would defend that to the end. >> looting has also been reportedly an issue out here as you can imagine. some folks have been evacuated out of an abundance of caution, close to 50,000 people. some of those homes are not destroyed as a result. so police and deputies that have been out here say they've caught at least two people and arrested them for trying to break in and steal people's things. i can tell you, bill, that would be really difficult out here now. we've seen a huge law enforcement presence out here to make sure that doesn't happen. >> bill: thank you, jeff paul on the crowd in redding, california. >> sandra: a face-off with the turkish president as president trump threatens large sanctions on our nato ally. will turkey meet the president's demands? >> bill: a new report. what is behind the decision that may have helped fund terrorists? >> sandra: judge kavanaugh
holding his first meeting with a democrat today. with joe manchin. when democrats are demanding before they will consider the confirmation. >> i have zero doubt he is going to be on the supreme court before the end of october. he is highly qualified, well-deserving. we'll break the back of every democratic effort to stop this good man from being on the supreme court. hey there people eligible for medicare.
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politics out of the confirmation process. we should be confirming the most qualified people in the country without regard to political benefit, political gain. i hate the idea that we are going to see senators in swing states or senators in red states who are running for election. that's not the way the framers contemplated justiceesque nominated for the supreme court and being confirmed. >> sandra: that was alan dershowitz discussing the fight over president trump's supreme court pick earlier in the show. judge brett kavanaugh. he is meeting today with west virginia's democratic senator joe manchin as the battle heats up or documents relating to kavanaugh's previous work. john sununu former chief of staff for president george h.w. bush and former governor of new hampshire. what do you expect as far as whether or not he will ultimately be confirmed? we'll start there.
>> he will and he will possibly get about 54, 55, 56 votes. >> sandra: what does the path look like to get there? >> the democrats are trying to make it difficult. they're making ridiculous requests. schumer is in a bind because he has to cater to the extreme left base, the base that is even moving further and further to the left all the time. but the problem for schumer is that the more he does that, the more he makes it easier for folks like manchin and heidi heitkamp and joe donnelly to break away from the extreme and support kavanaugh as the nominee. so schumer is in a bind. he is burden, i i think, with the reality the democrats have made this process extremely political since a previous effort and now they're beginning to make it so clear to the public all they want to do is create a political issue and problem and not function the way the constitution was
written to function. >> sandra: former speaker newt gingrich said if democrats want to play those games it will cost them. >> if schumer wants to play games mcconnell will let him play games and increase the price to the democrats. they have the same problem. do i vote with the folks back home and the liberals who give me money and they're hanging in anxiety. >> sandra: it looked like you wanted to react to that. >> newt is absolutely right on that and look how ridiculous the folks that are supporting the democrats have become, associated press from "the new york times" are asking for documents from ashley kavanaugh when she was the manager of chevy chase township which has about 2,000 people. they are desperately looking for something to play smear politics and their friends in the press are helping them.
>> sandra: where is the fight for the documents going to go from judge brett kavanaugh's previous work under george bush? >> what they want to do is get their hands on the documents and distribute them to all the special interest groups out there to go through them because there is no way the senate with its staff would go through a million documents in such a short period of time. the second point is those documents to a great extent of those probably have executive privilege having been white house documents that kavanaugh did not create but only passed through to the president. so the democrats are on very thin ice here and making their case weaker and weaker by pushing to the extreme. >> sandra: we've had a bit of time to warm up, brett kavanaugh. now his first meeting with a democrat, joe manchin, from west virginia at 2:30 p.m. eastern time today. what do you expect from that? >> joe could end all the
foolishness but coming out in favor of kavanaugh and underscoring to chuck schumer how desperate the effort is. so if one or two of the democrats who now meet with kavanaugh early confirm that they are going to vote with him, we can get the process moving quickly. it makes it easier for everybody and let's get the politics of this off the table and move on to the other big issues that the senate has to deal with. >> sandra: manchin faces a challenging reelection bid this fall. other democrats with whom he is scheduled to meet. no official meeting with chuck schumer yet. joe donnelly, heidi heitkamp are all coming up. what do you expect the biggest issue to be meeting with them? >> well, i think those meetings they'll talk about his credentials, there is not much else you can talk about with judge kavanaugh. his background is excellent. he is truly the right kind of choice. the kind of choice that was anticipated by the founders when they put the constitution
together. and anything that the democrats will be able to use to stop him has to be something in the context of a smear. i don't think you'll have that conversation with manchin, heidi heitkamp or joe donnelly. >> sandra: the former governor john sununu. thank you for your time this morning. >> bill: 21 past the hour. new details coming in on the missing student mollie tibbetts disappearing nearly two weeks ago in the state of iowa. why new evidence is changing where police think she was last seen and controversy with the tsa. a surveillance program apparently not just targeting potential terrorists. how much information does the agency have on you? because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen.
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changing the gender of his birth certificate to take advantage of cheaper car insurance rates offered to women. he says the yearly bill would be $1,000 canadian dollars less if you were a woman. he had to get a doctor's note first but the whole process was pretty simple and after a couple weeks he says he beat the system. but some canadian officials not so thrilled about that. they say he has admitted to perjury. all that to save a few bucks? >> bill: that's a talker. a pretty enterprising man right there. right? >> sandra: it's a reason why women's insurance is less, right? women are better drivers. >> bill: i agree with you. exactly right about that. women are better drivers. >> sandra: i don't know if my husband would agree with that. >> bill: women are better at everything, okay? are we good on that? >> sandra: we win. >> bill: that debate has been settled, america, right here. the tsa under scrutiny after it
was revealed that a program was tracking information of people not suspected of any crimes or not on any terrorist watch list. what is happening at the airport, laura? >> it has been in existence since 2010 called quiet skies. we learned some of the details first reported by the "boston globe." the paper highlighted undercover works of tsa airports as travelers pass through security to use an algorithm to spot flyers and they vet the information and if there is a red flag in the flyer's background they may be surveilled by federal air marshals. the tsa issued a statement defending the program telling us contrary to the article published by the globe, the program doesn't take into account race and religion and is not intended to surveil ordinary americans adding this. in the world of law
enforcement, this program's core design is no different than putting a police officer on a beat where intelligence and other information presents the need for watch and deterrents. the program analyzes information on a passenger's travel patterns and through a system of checks and balances to include oversight adding an additional line of defense to aviation security. they added they have routine reviews and manage the program. >> bill: it's raising privacy rights concern? >> yes, numerous report the program has drawn criticism within the agency as well. the president of the air marshal association told the "boston globe" this. the association believes that missions based on recognized intelligence or support of ongoing investigations is the proper criteria for flight scheduling. currently the quiet skies program doesn't meet the criteria we find acceptable. we reached out to a professor of public interest law at
george washington university law school. he said legal questions could be raised if the tsa is assembling a digital dossier on citizens. we haven't heard the last of this. >> bill: more to come on this. >> sandra: how turkey is pushing back over the threat of sanctions over the detainment of an american pastor. >> bill: could president trump be nearing a decision to sit down with bob mueller? why the interview could be more wide ranging than previously thought. >> i would ask the special counsel to put out his report and show your hand. it is long enough now. >> the final report? >> the final. make your case to the justice department you have to continue to investigate. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts
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to welcome italian prime minister giuseppe conte. he is seen as one of trump's strongest supporters in europe. later this afternoon the two leaders will be holding a joint news conference live at the white house. we'll have both of those events for you when they begin. >> we don't see the legal basis for president obstructing by merely taking an action in firing somebody that he had every right to fire and about 10 good reasons to fire. so we don't just acknowledge the basis for that. but we might consider a few questions in that area also. >> bill: rudy giuliani has done a lot of interviews in the last 48 hours. a decision might be coming soon about the interview with bob mueller and maybe open to questions on alleged obstruction of justice. tom dupree, you have seen a lot
giuliani's interviews. >> what's relevant is the parties are coming together. i think they will reach an agreement. we've seen the president's team shift a little bit. first they said they would never sit down with mueller and now under certain conditions. we'll see a lot of movement probably in the near future. my prediction is they reach an agreement and set terms and conditions that the president will submit to an interview with bob mueller. >> bill: here is giuliani earlier today on "fox & friends" making the case about no obstruction. >> this is the theater of the absurd. the president is innocent having done nothing wrong has been proven over and over again. he made no deals with russians. the obstruction thing is crazy. he had a right to fire comey. that's what it's all about. he had a right to say to comey,
give flynn a break. in investigation at the time. >> bill: is there anything wrong with what he said? >> you know, i think he has a valid point when he said the president is the head of the executive branch and generally speaking he has the right to hire and fire subordinates and made the points the president had 10 good reasons to fire jim comey. that's another reason why the interview is likely to happen. if mueller asked the question why did you fire jim comey the president can lay out the 10 reasons why he did what he did and doesn't amount to obstruction of justice. >> bill: he also said collusion is not a crime. the context of the question and answer is important, too. >> it was a curious remark. it seemed to be a slight shift in the position that the president has taken up to this point. as you know historically the president has been adamant, tweeting all caps no collusion,
collusion. for rudy to say if there was collusion it wasn't a crime. i don't know if that's the message he meant to send but the bottom line is the president's position has been clear from day one he did not collude with russia and i think the point rudy was simply making that talking with the russians is not necessarily a crime. you have to find a federal statute that has been violated for a prosecution. >> bill: the audio tapes that michael cohen has apparently he recorded a lot. giuliani said in the last today there were 183 tapes that exist but only one has the president's voice on it. 10 or maybe a dozen at the most even deal with trump matters. is that significant to you as you analyze this? >> well, it is because when we heard the news a week or so ago he had the president on audio tape i think a lot of us thought maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg. if he is willing to record his client, the president once, presumably he did it on a regular basis. a lot of folks said what else is out there? if it's true that this is the
one and only tape with the president's voice on it and one of a very small handful of tapes that even mention the president, well then maybe this treasure trove of cohen recordings won't be quite as important as a lot of us thought it might be. >> bill: so that gives -- based on that logic, that's why you gave the first answer you gave that perhaps the two sides are coming together on an interview. is that right? >> yeah. i think that has a lot to do with it. there is no question that michael cohen's apparent change of heart and willingness to testify against the president could be a bombshell but it's only a bombshell if cohen has something to tell about. if the dealings with the president and the president didn't do wrong or doesn't have the president on the tape the value of his cooperation to mueller is not as high as some thought it might be. >> bill: with regard to mueller. paul manafort's trial begins tomorrow and if you get a conviction maybe you get a steam roll in the process here. if you get an acquittal i don't know what it does to mueller's
investigation. giuliani said earlier today that he has got nothing on trump, meaning manafort, he said he was on the campaign for four months and then gone and all this trial matter deals with stuff from 2005. if he is right about all that or from a legal perspective, what is it we need to key on in the manafort trial? >> i think one thing to keep in mind is whether at some point in the trial there is a link between what manafort did and the president or even what manafort did during the time he was serving as the trump campaign chairman. so far it almost seems they've been different worlds. that this prosecution is focused on things that happened a long time ago relatively speaking. the question is whether mueller at any point will make a link between the things manafort is alleged to have done and his work in connection with the president or the president himself. >> bill: am i right to think manafort is in solitary confinement? >> he is in a special housing unit in the jail in virginia.
it is not technically solitary confinement. it is probably a lot nicer than the ordinary solitary confinement but he is being held in separate housing. >> bill: thank you. >> sandra: the president of turkey saying his country would not back down in the face of sanctions being threatened by the trump administration as the detention of american pastor andrew brunson sparks an escalating war of words between the u.s. and turkey. new hampshire senator suggesting turkey needs to decide where its loyalties lie. >> turkey is an important ally of the united states. they are an important nato ally. we've seen some behavior by turkey that is not consistent with what we expect from our allies. i think we need to see them release the americans that they are holding on trumped up charges. we had positive news this week with pastor brunson going from prison to house arrest but they are holding other americans.
>> sandra: connor powell has the latest with the mideast bureau. any movement towards the release of pastor brunson? >> before this latest war of words between president trump and president erdogan there did look like there was some movement towards releasing pastor brunson. he is no longer in prison. now in an apartment under house arrest and reports in the media both in the region and the u.s. that president trump has spoken to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about releasing a turkish woman in israel who is under arrest for helping hamas as part of a deal to release pastor brunson. that woman has been released and sent back to turkey but pastor brunson still remains under house arrest in turkey. so there has been discussions apparently according to israeli officials we've spoken to about some type of agreement to get pastor brunson out of turkey. we understand from his lawyer
that there has been an appeal made to the turkish courts that would allow him to leave. so there are some movements. but the key point, sandra, right now is he remains under house arrest and the turkish government still accuses him of being part of a military coup two years ago that attacked the erdogan government. that's the main accusation that he is involved in the plot of the military to overthrow erdogan's government. >> sandra: what does it tell us about the relationship between the u.s. and turkey? >> it's bad because of a lot of issues going on in the region. the key disagreement now is over syria. the united states and turkey both view the kurds in turkey very differently. the u.s. views the kurds that have helped u.s. forces in iraq and syria defeat isis as allies on the ground. the turks view them as enemies of the state as terrorists .
that's one issue. it's a deteriorating situation every time you have the president of the united states threatening sanctions on a nato ally. >> bill: 20 minutes before the hour. did taxpayer money potentially end up in the hands of a terrorist network? how hundreds of thousands of dollars may have made its way to a group linked to al qaeda. >> sandra: plus sharks inside home aquariums? the rising demand for them and the problem it's causing. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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nomination. i expressed for concerns about data collection and how it might apply to privacy cases before the court. all that wrapped up in the fourth amendment the concerns senator paul has had for years. he says i believe he will carefully adhere to the constitution and will take his job to protect individual liberty seriously. so paul is a yes and that pretty much on the republican side that takes care of this nomination. it appears that every republican will vote yes for brett kavanaughs he begins his meetings with senator joe manchin today. the first democrat to have a meeting with kavanaugh. we'll let you know how that goes this afternoon. >> sandra: the obama administration approved a $200,000 grant to a group with ties to al qaeda, the funding including taxpayer money was authorized through the u.s. foreign aid program after the group's affiliation was discovered. the national review broke this story. the headline, obama
administration knowingly funded a designated al qaeda affiliate. tom rogan from "the washington examiner". did taxpayer money wind up in the hands of terrorists? >> well, it looks that way in terms of the report that came out here originally from the think-tank that the challenge of providing humanitarian support in east africa ended up somehow with the obama administration leading to an al qaeda syndicate receiving a revenue stream from that. the most striking thing about this story is that the money was paid after the concerns were raised. after the obama administration knew where this money was going, they still decided the pay because as they saw it, it was necessary to maintain the humanitarian operations this group was providing but there is a challenge there for u.s. policy interests.
>> sandra: it was $115,000 of the $200,000 of this grant that was authorized to be released even after it was given that status of being a terrorist financing organization. >> right. and i think the broader concern here is that sometimes these things happen and sometimes we have to be willing to say actually the interest was to save lives and deal with bad people n. this case this is not some criminal smuggling entity. this is al qaeda. at the time the foremost organization in terms of jihadism and you know with al qaeda that these front companies operate as essentially a money laundering outfit, credibility base to be able to attract foreign donors. i think the problem with stories like this is that certain nations around the world, qatar allows this to do this all the time over the tens of millions in the period of a
year. if you are not seen to take a strident stand against it, you allow it to continue. >> sandra: the trump administration making it clear this happened under obama. the money was directed to help provide humanitarian aid, food, water, sanitation and hygiene services to displaced people affected by the ongoing conflict in sudan. heather nauert, the spokesperson for the state department, issued a statement saying just that. this occurred under the prior administration. the current secretary of state, secretary of the treasury had no involvement in the decisions about this award or license. what changes to prevent this from happening again? >> well, essentially that you hopefully the current administration would say why on earth would we pay this group because of the fact that we
mentioned. secondly, there are -- there is a difference between giving money to a terrorist-aligned organization and a group that is perhaps going to be corrupt. ultimately unfortunately the local ngos in some of these countries are either extremely moral or immoral and you have to be able to pick the organizations that you have the most confidence in in furtherance of saving lives and alleviating suffering. when it's an al qaeda front it takes things to another level and mind-boggling the obama administration thought it was necessary to pay them after the fact. >> sandra: tom rogan at the "washington examiner". thank you, good to see you this morning. >> bill: "outnumbered" is coming up in a moment here. a quick check in with harris and melissa. how are you? >> we're awaiting remarks from the president as he is set to welcome italy's prime minister to the white house. he could address the report that his former lawyer says the
president knew in advance about donald trump junior's meeting with that russian lawyer and his feelings about a possible interview with robert mueller. we'll bring you his comments live. >> joe manchin, he is a democrat, scheduled today to become the first democrat senator to meet with the president's supreme court nominee. this as senator schumer works to head off any democrat support from manchin and the nominee. so interesting. we'll debate it. >> all that plus the #oneluckyguy. "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. >> bill: we'll keep it a secret for 10 minutes. >> i think she gave you a hint. >> no, hint and a wink. >> bill: thanks, ladies. new developments in the case of the missing iowa college student. where was she the night she disappeared and police may be closer to an answer by the use of technology.
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>> bill: police in iowa finding new evidence in the disappearance of a 20-year-old university of iowa student. mollie tibbetts is her name. she vanished earlier in the month after heading for a jog at night. now police believe she may have returned to her boyfriend's home that night. matt finn is live in our midwest bureau. what's the latest, matt? >> bill, the search for 20-year-old mollie tibbetts is growing more desperate missing since july 18th. her family says her laptop and social media might prove she made it back to her boyfriend's house the day she went missing. over the weekend one of the family members told a local news station that they found evidence mollie was doing homework on her laptop the night she went missing and her
boyfriend says she sent him a message after her jog. search teams have scoured the area. assuming mollie might have gone missing outside. tibbetts was dog sitting at the boyfriend's house at the time of the disappearance. her boyfriend was at a job site in dubuque and not named as a suspect. tibbetts' family is pleading for information as they try to help investigators. >> she is about to start her sophomore year at the university of iowa. she is probably about 5'2", brown hair, brown eyes, beautiful smile. great with kids. we want our mollie back. >> police have not released a new timeline for any leads in the case. >> bill: she was a runner and they wear a fit bit. it is possible they could track her steps when she went missing. is that possible? >> that's right. she is described as an avid runner who wore the fit bit, a tracking device. police might be able to gather
a ton of data including her exact gps location and heart rate. >> bill: matt finn, gives hope for the family. >> sandra: fox news alert. we're now minutes away from the president welcoming the italian prime minister to the white house. a leader who has seen -- is seen as one of donald trump's strongest supporters over in europe. we'll have it four live and we'll take it for you when it begins. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist.
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