Transcripts For HLN Nancy Grace 20100401 :

HLN Nancy Grace April 1, 2010

breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. last person to see her alive? new stepmother misty croslin, who takes to the airwaves claiming she's innocent. but even in one brief interview she can't keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector. she flunked. little haleigh's own father, ronald cummings, and babysitter turned stepmother misty croslin both handcuffed-a rested, booked. charges, drug trafficking. tonight, we obtain more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes. hours of croslin yakking to mommy, daddy, you name it, all caught on video as police comb these jailhouse tapes for clues as to haleigh's whereabouts. where is the 5-year-old little girl? >> breaking news in the case of missing 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings. haleigh's father ronald cummings and former stepmom slash babysitter misty croslin were in court today, both claiming they're not guilty of trafficking thousands of dollars' worth of prescription painkillers. undercover video allegedly captures cummings and croslin selling drugs to an undercover police officer over five times during a one-month period. cummings and croslin remain in jail on high bonds, as reports emerge the investigation into haleigh's disappearance heats up, with sources telling investigative journalist art harris that misty croslin has failed another police poly. >> i want to go straight out to marlaina schiavo, our producer on the story from the very, very beginning. >> nancy, both ronald and misty were in court today. both pled not guilty to the drug trafficking charges that they are facing. now, we know because we've showed on this show that we have seen both ronald and misty in the drug sting operation that the police caught on tape. so we're not really sure how this is going to play out. ronald has a new court date in may. misty will be back in court in june. and also, ronald's cousin, who was also seen on the surveillance tape handling the drugs, pled no contest. so that will be interesting. she'll be sentenced at the end of april. and we're going to see how this all plays out in about a month. >> straight out to art harris, investigative journalist, at you told me last week that there was going to be a polygraph of tommy croslin. it hasn't happened. why? >> that's right, nancy. >> did he back out of it? is he afraid? >> nancy, they want the right circumstances for this polygraph. they want the right polygrapher. so they're in the process of trying to find someone they trust, someone -- not the police yet but someone who tommy will feel comfortable with. it will take them about two weeks, i'm told -- >> but why should it take two weeks? you've got joe trimarco, one of the most well-known polygraphers in the country who says he'll do it. padilla is willing to set it up. what's the problem? you've got bill majeski, licensed polygrapher, who's on the show tonight. what's the holdup? >> well, you've got to get tommy out of jail first and he's got a big bond he's got to put up. that's one problem. >> so you've got jack trimarco and majeski standing by and what did you say the problem was? >> tommy's in jail. if they wanted to fly down there, they would have to work that out with the authorities and give it to them in the administration building where they gave it to misty. >> they would be the defense team. and the defense team speaks for tommy croslin. let's go back to the significance. why we want a poly on tommy croslin. what can you tell me about the letter written by babysitter turned stepmother misty croslin, the last person to see haleigh alive? >> nancy, i can tell you that i spoke to the people who got that letter, two family members, chelsea croslin and father hank croslin. it says that -- it claims that tommy was at the trailer that last night with a cousin named joe from tennessee and that they were there to steal a gun ronald had been bragging about. it wasn't there. tommy said i'm going home. cousin joe, according to misty and her letter, took haleigh and left. he was mad. >> so she's saying after all this time that tommy and joe were there and that cousin joe leaves with the baby. okay. what about her polygraph she just flunked? this would be i think her third or fourth poly. she's flunked a stress test, a voice stress test. and she would not -- either walked out or would not submit to a hypnotist. >> that's right, nancy. well, this polygraph she flunked miserably. the first police polygraph since she's put the story out, i broke on and this is a problem. she has flunked it. that means that her story about tommy and cousin joe and everything else is -- comes into question. so tommy wants to clear his name. the family is concerned. they don't know who to believe yet. and they are eager for tommy to pass a polygraph so that they can believe at least in him. >> weigh in, jean casarez, legal correspondent, "in session." >> heare's the reality, nancy. tommy said he went to the trailer that night, knocked on the door repeatedly, nobody answered. now his attorney james werter said he wants a polygraph taken so we'll know the truth as to whether he was really there at the trailer that night. so it's ironic, nancy, to give your client a polygraph to show he actually lied to authorities, but at the same time you're clearing him from being at the scene the night haleigh went missing. >> to bill imaginationky, former nypd detective, now ma jesky associates, inc., new york, licensed polygrafr. how hard is it to set up a polygraph under these circumstances in. >> it's not that difficult to set it up. it's just a question of coordinating schedules. like jack is in california, i'm in new york and new jersey. depending on where you would have to go, sometimes the client comes to you. in this particular case the examiner would have to go to the client. the other issue with the polygraph is that the right questions have to be asked in any polygraph examination pup hear about people passing tests, failing tests, but then you want to take a look at the questions. what questions did they fail? you know, what questions were they truthful about? so clearly, the questions are a very key ingredient in the overall process. but in terms of setting it up, it shouldn't take that long. it depends on the urgency of the situation. >> i want to go to dr. robert cart cartwright, pediatrician, joining us out of atlanta. haleigh suffered from turner syndro syndrome. i know she was out of school a lot. i know that it stunts your growth somewhat. she was a tiny little girl. you have other related health problems with turner syndrome. what do you know about it? >> turner syndrome is a genetic syndrome that involves the loss of one of the x chromosomes. normal females have two x chromosomes. with turner's you have just one. it's associated with a variety of defects. cardiac defects. they are typically short. they can have endocrinelogical problems with their homeons. and oftentimes they're incapable of having children. but it's a widely encompassing syndrome. >> dr. bethany marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "dealbreakers" joining us out of l.a. a caller called in wondering if the father, ronald cummings, didn't give haleigh a lot of attention. she's his only daughter. and she was also ill with turner syndrome. how that would have affected the babysitter turned stepmom, misty croslin. >> well, certainly what we could get is this little girl had a lot of special needs, and if misty was already jealous of the little girl or wanted ronald all to herself, that would engender a lot of hostility towards this little girl. but you just played some tape of misty's mother saying that she was going to bring some pictures of junior and haleigh to the jail. and misty says, oh, ronald, ronald too. she dismisses the pictures of the little ones, and she wants the pictures of ronald's instead. so that really tells you where her loyalties lie. it's with him, not with the children. >> let's unleash the lawyers. joining us tonight felony prosecutor eleanor odom. she has handled many death penalty prosecutions. renee rockwell, veteran defense attorney out of atlanta. and also out of atlanta, peter odom, defense attorney. you know, renee, i'm sure you'll say this has nothing to do with anything. but i've got here a lot of her jailhouse orders. in one month last month she spent $400 -- that could be rent somewhere. on junk food alone. she whines incessantly about her food, her bed, the tv, the movies they get to watch behind bars. candy, lotion, chicken sticks, strawberry fruit -- i mean, it goes on and on. $400 worth of this. >> nancy, thank god that can't be used against her in any kind of trial. but all this jailhouse stuff, all these tapes -- >> she certainly hasn't lost her appetite about little haleigh going missing. >> have you looked at her, nancy? it's almost painful. when you see her on these tapes talking going on and on, first of all, as a defense attorney that just makes you cringe. but look at how young and immature she is. she may never be implicated -- >> you know what, renee? go ahead and look at her. but then look down at bottom of your monitor right now, renee, at little haleigh. the most innocent. she wasn't out selling dope or high as a kite or drunk that night. this was an unprotected, defenseless child, and she by all accounts is most likely dead. and the reality is either misty croslin had a hand in her death, knows about her death, or was so negligent in taking care of this child the baby is dead. and we don't even know where her body is. peter odom, of course renee rockwell says it doesn't matter. but it matters to me that miss thing has not lost her appetite whatsoever behind bars. >> if i'm her defense attorney i'm going to take that list you just read and i'm going to show to the jury. i'm going to say this is a girl that might be 19 or 20 but she acts like a 10-year-old and she has the mentality of a 10-year-old. to me i think it's pathetic. >> fine. >> i think it's pathetic. >> say she's got the mentality of a 10-year-old -- >> you can hear that when she talks. you can hear it in her phone calls. >> really? because liz, if you could cue up that pinhole video from inside a cop car where she is selling hundreds of oxycontin. you know, eleanor odom, i hardly think a 10-year-old could have pulled that off. >> no, nancy. and i just think of the lie after lie that comes out of her mouth. and you're right. she is responsible. she's criminally responsible. and i'm wondering why the cops maybe haven't charged her with criminal neglect of a child for the night haleigh went missing. i wonder what the cops know that they may be holding back. >> what would your theory be, renee? >> the fact the child went missing under her care. she should have been more ware of the child. >> so again, peter odom says she has the mind of a 10-year-old. we're about to play you her inside a police car, organizing, orchestrating a major sale. what about it, dr. bethany marshall? the mind of a 10-year-old? >> no. i mean, i think what we're seeing is anti-social personality disorder. when you think of that, you think of reckless disregard and lack of concern for the rights and the safety of others. and we've seen that in all this tape. she tries to sell her own brother up the river by pinning it on him. that's reckless disregard. she has no memories of this little girl. that's reckless disregard. she says she doesn't remember what's going on that night. let's say she was on opiates. that's reckless disregard. and i'll tell you what. with opiates you don't black out. you nod out. which means you nod out and then you come back and forth in and out of consciousness, which would imply she would remember some of what went on that evening, if not all of it. >> take a listen to misty croslin orchestrating a dope deal with an undercover cop. >> hey, you want to -- you want to hop in? >> baby, get in. get in. >> who's this? >> who is that? >> unlock the door. >> [ bleep ]. >> i know that's somebody. i know her. i just don't know who she is. >> i've got them. i've got them in little baggies if you want to count them up real quick and make sure they're all [ bleep ] there. >> i'm positive they are, man. >> there's a hundred there -- >> just want to make sure this stuff's straight. >> 70, 80, 90, 100. 100 in there. >> there's 100 in here. if they're all in ten packs, there's 100. >> that should be -- >> there should be 10 in each one. >> yep. >> just whenever. >> it's going to take a couple days for me to get rid of 200 of them now. >> i mean, i've got -- i've got two weeks to play with here. so [ bleep ] two weeks, whatever. >> okay. i'll get it for you, no problem. [ bleep ] two weeks i can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself. >> this [ bleep ]. hey, do me a favor. >> get on the ground! get on the ground! new details emerge in the case of missing 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings. haleigh's former stepmom slash babysitter misty croslin, who police say is the key to finding haleigh, in court today facing over 100 years in jail for allegedly trafficking hundreds of illegal narcotics. croslin's ex-husband, haleigh's father, ronald cummings, also appeared before the judge today on similar charges. he has pled not guilty. but what does this mean for the haleigh investigation? police say they continue to follow all leads that come in and will not stop the investigation until haleigh is found. >> first to ellie jostad, our chief editorial producer, what more, ellie? >> nancy, art harris is reporting that misty croslin has taken yet another polygraph test. now, apparently, according to art, what misty was polygraphed about is this letter that she wrote. in this letter she claims that the night that haleigh went missing her brother tommy as well as her cousin joe overstreet were at the house. now, law enforcement very interested to know whether or not this latest account of what happened that night is accurate. and art is reporting from his sources that that is why they took her out of her cell into a private conference room. they had actually flown in a polygraph examiner, the top female polygraph examiner in florida. they asked her to ask specific questions about this letter to try to suss out whether or not there is actually something that would implicate either her brother tommy or cousin joe. now, remember, nancy, back at the very beginning we heard that tommy croslin might have been over that night. he says he was there, he knocked on the door no, one answered. we'd also heard about this cousin joe overstreet, who lives in tennessee. now, police told us way back at the beginning that both cousin joe and brother tommy had been questioned at length that they weren't considered suspects but now this new letter sheds some light on what misty is saying happened that night. >> on secretly recorded jailhouse tapes we see misty croslin whining, complaining about everything from food to tv and movies that are piped in for her at the jail. she complains about her mattress, all of her ailments, and tonight the video. >> i'm burning up. >> you're hot? >> yeah. i just got out of the shower like because my hair was all messy and greasy and [ muted ] so i took a shower, and then i had to do all that running. >> you had to run? >> yeah, i had to run up and down the stairs carrying my stuff. i got all my tood. oh, my god. it was like christmas last night. >> was it? did you get a lot of stuff? >> yeah, i got some [ muted ] munchies, man. >> did you? >> you get up to eat breakfast at 4? >> yeah. >> what did you eat? >> cereal and -- plain cereal and bread and jelly. >> do y'all get milk with every meal? >> just with breakfast. >> i hate it here. >> huh? >> i said i hate it here. >> i know you do, baby. don't cry, please. just stay strong. have faith in your lawyers. >> i'm trying. >> just hang in there, baby. i want you out just as bad as you want out of that nasty place. >> i -- haleigh's father, ronald cummings, and former stepmom slash babysitter misty croslin were in court today, both claiming they are not guilty of trafficking thousands of dollars worth of prescription painkillers. >> if convicted on all six drug charges, misty could be looking at a 150-year prison sentence. lawyers say if she knows anything about what happened to haleigh now might be a good time to talk. >> i've been the one, the main focus. they just need to move on and look for the right person. >> all i know is when i woke up -- when i went to sleep she was there and then when i woke up she was gone. >> after her arrest on multiple drug trafficking charges and all the time haleigh cummings has been missing knowing full well cameras are rolling, misty croslin finally brings herself to ask for a photo of haleigh. in a stunning twist croslin admits she "can't bring haleigh home." >> i don't know, sis. >> it's crazy. >> yeah, it's crazy. >> mm-hmm. >> about drove me up the wall and down the wall. >> i know i cried. >> i do, too. >> i mean, i prayed. that's all i can do. and people are saying i'm not -- i don't think about haleigh. you can ask everybody in this cell block right here right now. everybody in this block knows that i think about her all the time, that i talk about her all the time. >> i know, sis. they had me and you talking -- >> i cry. i cry all the time about haleigh, pray all the time about haleigh. >> yeah, i know. >> so they can all kiss my ass, and i hope that -- yeah, they're going to put the visitation of me from the other day saying all that stuff. but i was upset and i just wanted out of here. >> i know. >> but now i know my lawyer is doing his job and he's doing the best that he can for me. and i appreciate that. >> can you send me a picture of junior and haleigh and one of ronald and me at our wedding or something? >> what i'll do, i'll take the collage you have and take the pictures off of it. >> well, i only want one picture of junior. >> okay. >> and a picture of haleigh. and one picture -- i don't know if i really want one of ronald. >> i don't know -- >> just send me one of ronald and junior together. >> we called leonard last night and he's going to call us back sometime today. >> so what is he saying? >> huh? >> what is he saying? >> he said the only way he's going to get you out is if you help him find out what happened to haleigh. >> so how am i going to do that if you don't get me out? >> huh? >> how am i going to do that if he don't get me out? >> i know, baby and he knows that and he's going to call me back sometime today. have you tried to call him? >> no. >> let me give you his phone number. >> i don't have a pencil. >> i don't know if i f. it's a good idea because i don't want you to lose your lawyer. >> all right. what are they saying, though? >> he says that the only way he's going to get you out is if you tell him where haleigh is. bring haleigh home. >> i can't just bring her home, you know? >> when we come back, it's all about misty croslin as she whines to mommy and daddy, focusing only on herself. more of their jailhouse visits caught on tape. breaking news in the case of missing 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings. haleigh's father, ronald cummings, and former stepmom slash babysitter misty croslin were in court today, both claiming they are not guilty of trafficking thousands of dollars' worth of prescription painkillers. undercover video allegedly captures cummings and croslin selling drugs to an undercover police officer over five times during a one-month period. cummings and croslin remain in jail on high bonds as reports emerge the investigation into haleigh's disappearance heats up with sources telling investigative journalist art harris that misty croslin has failed another police poly. >> i want to

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