> it is quite possibly the biggest divorce in hollywood history, angelina jolie files to end her marriage with "> > it is quite possibly the biggest divorce in hollywood history, angelina jolie files to end her marriage with " property="og:description"> > it is quite possibly the biggest divorce in hollywood history, angelina jolie files to end her marriage with ">

Transcripts For KGAN ET Entertainment Tonight 20160920 : vim

Transcripts For KGAN ET Entertainment Tonight 20160920

this is "entertainment tonight." >> it is quite possibly the biggest divorce in hollywood history, angelina jolie files to end her marriage with brad pitt. >> information continues to emerge. we have new details and insight into what led to their surprising split. >> we love him every day for all of the things he does and for being a great father and a great man. >> when we're not with the kids we tend to just go to bed. >> what did you go for new year's? >> private. papers late yesterday. she cited irreconcilable differences and one of her attorneys said the decision was made, quote, with the help of the family. >> this split was a long time coming. they've been fighting for the last year. they haven't slept in the same bed for a big chunk of that and the last time they were in new york city they had separate rooms in their hotel and were on their total own schedules. >> pitt released a statement saying i am saddened by this, but what matters most now is the kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time. >> so were there signs of trouble? >> brad and angie! >> this was brad and angie, upbeat and glamorous on the red carpet during their last big public appearance together. it was november of last year at the opening night premiere of "by the seaette kwo ". >> are you okay? >> they played an unhappy couple trying to repair their marriage. angelina directed and they started shooting it five days after they secretly tied the knot. >> how is married happiest time of your life and you go off and do this? >> a couple on the brink of disaster? >> how crazy was that? >> it was good times and we came out stronger on the other end. >> it's heavy and a lot of fighting and it's pretty ugly and we had thought if we can do it and we can be close in that way and that open as artists and you push through and you really get closer and learn something. >> the other question, what brad cheated on angie and brad's reps did not reply to our requests for comment. >> there has ben speculation that angelina wanted to quit hollywood and she wanted to focus her time on humanitarian work and charity work overseas and brad likes the hollywood lifestyle and a source close to brad is telling "e.t. "qwest that the couple struggled with parenting issues and he thought the six children needed structure and angelina, her parenting style is more freeform. >> so the question now is what about the children? angelina's requested full physical custody which means all six kids would live with her. brad would be allowed visits and sleepovers. >> in my opinion, her filing for full physical custody in such a high profile matter is obnoxious because i think it's sending a message that she's going to be the mom and he's going to have time as she deems appropriate. does it mean that he's a bad dad? no. does it mean that she wants to i don't know. what a court looks at is brad's presence. is he child centered? these are factors the court would consider in making a decision. >> if you weren't an actor what would yoo be? >> i think i'd just be home being a mom more. i love being a mommy. i love my kids. so i would just stay home. >> of course, from the beginning, the children have always been the priority. >> it was morning as usual, playing with the kids and getting breakfast and yeah, trying to get >> we've gone out peeed on without empeople knowing. >> we jumped into being a family first and that's the biggest commitment anyway. it doesn't feel like anything is lacking. >> in fact, brad and angelina only said "i do" because their children kept asking them to. their drawings decorated the train of angie's gown when they wed in 2014. ideas and they'll decide how it's done, i'm sure. >> angelina did file for joint legal custody which means brad will say on how the kids will be raised, but how will it affect the family. >> the older children can handle more of the real story and for the younger kids will have a neutral explanation so the children know they will beloved no matter what and even though the circumstances are changing. they can have a very solid relationship with each parent. ?? ?? >> the couple have a reported $400 million to divide and there doesn't appear to be a prenup. >> it's pretty amazing to think that two people that have become two successful in their own right have not entered into a prenuptial agreement, but when you're getting married it's about love in the reported values are surprising. winery. >> it's not exactly the biggest source of income and maybe one day it will be, but now it's a vanity project. >> in italy worth $41 million. a $16 million home in west london, a $5.6 million mansion in new orleans. brad's 5300 square-foot home in los angeles he purchased long before angelina. >> brad pitt bought his home for $1.7 million back in 1994. you have got to imagine that that is worth a whol l money today. >> a 120,000-acre wild life preserve in cambodia. >> brad and angelina purchased the property as a charity to the community and wanted to keep poachers off the land there. >> brad is reported $260 million, angelina, $160 million. >> he has a production company plan b so he has quite an enterprise there. angelina jolie is commanding million a movie and she's involved in some cases in the writing and direction of these films. >> now let's look at their relationship timeline. it's brad and angelina's love rewind. we all remember this, 200 4 the beginning of filming for "mr. and mrs. smith. since brad was still married to jennifer aniston, jolie denied hooking up with him at the time. cut to 2005, in january aniston and pitt announced they were separating and she files for dworth three months later. april, pitt and jolie are first snapped together with jolie's son maddox and that summer "w" magazine depicts them as a happy family. aniston not happy saying there is a sensitivity chip missing because they were not yet divorced and jolie adopts zahara from ethiopia. >> i feel a strong connection to orphans and kids around the world. >> january 2006 angie confirms daughter shiloh and soon after pitt adopts maddox and zahara changing their names to jolie-pitt. >> father of three now, i believe? >> three. yeah. >> the jolie-pitt family would expand again in march 2007 after son pax was adopted from vietnam. everywhere they went the frenzy followed. >> it doesn't feel much different for us because we usually have a camera following >> brad would stand by angelina through her mother's death. >> there is a lot of love in our home and i remind myself of that any time i think of what i've lost so i feel very lucky. >> in may of 2008 the couple ashls announces they're having twins, knox and vivienne are born in france on july 12, 2008. >> how is the family? how's angie? >> all good. everyone's healthy and everyone's great. >> floor forward in 2012, in april the pair get engaged and in february of the following double mastectomy. brad stood by her throughout. >> whatever's got to be done to keep the family together and keep the family together as long as possible is going to be done. >> cut to august 2014, they sealed their love tying the knot. >> jolie had previously said she was unsure she would ever tie the knot again. >> it would be wonderful, but i'm not counting on that. >> you saw a little bit of about where brad a began. later tonight we're taking you back to the set of "mr. and mrs. smith." >> romantic in a very weird way. >> what angelina told us then about marriage that will make you say hmmm tonight. >> then we are hanging out in new orleans with kate hudson and her dad kurt russell after their new movie together and are they including mom goldie hawn in their next family film? family, and you know, we're not listening. >> first, someone's going to go home tonight on "dancing with the stars," could it be ryan lochte? >> it got off to a rough start. i saw so many mistakes. >> pro partner sheryl burke with the final performance of the night. >> but their muppets quick step received one of the lowest scores of the judges, a 24 out of 40 and because of last week's ambush the show added six more security guards among the back last week? >> i don't want to. i don't want to recap that just because i'll start getting down on myself. whether we get kicked off or not i'm still going to -- i enjoyed every moment of this. >> if this was your last dance, date night for dancing's maks and peta at l.a. hot spot nightingale plaza. we are one nation under god. that black and white, we are one nation indivisible. that republican and democrat, we are all americans. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to do to guys like that? of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. priorities usa action is responsible >> and now beating the new orleans heat in style, kate hudson and gina rodriguez. >> joining them in the big easy, mark >> you were filming in "transformers" last night, you got off the plane and have done a whole day of press. how are you doing it? >> you are fortunate enough to do this for a living. >> this is a very important movie. we want to honor the men and women of the deepwater horizon and we want to make everybody proud. >> deepwater horizon is the name of the rig that exploded in the gulf of mexico and they're strong talk about a tough subject and the stars have been having some fun. >> we're in new orleans. kit and her pa kurt russell have been hitting the hot spots. >> have nice has that been for you to have the partner in crime? it's great and makes it much more fun. >> last night we were out until the wee hours, and it's fun when you're with your daughter and having a good time. >> this is just a nice moment for us to spend some real time together and have conversations without being interrupted by one of my millions of brothers and it's, like, you know? i have my it's kind of nice. >> we watched kate grow up in front of the cameras and "deepwater horizon" marked the first time she's worked with kurt on the same film. >> i spent a lot of my child hood on sets visiting my parents. this movie being on a set with him again consecutive days reminded me so much of being a kid, falling in love with the -- with being on set. >> what is that? is everything okay? rocked when husband mark wahlberg's offshore oil rig exloads and kurt plays the crew chief in the movie based on real events. >> and according to kurt, the hudson-haun-russell clan might do a project together with mel gibson about the early days of san francisco. >> katie and i, along with oliver and wyatt, we'd love to create something that goldie would want to also play in. >> my mom. i didn't hear that. >> pa's >> mom's onboard? we have to talk to mom about that first. see if she's interested. they say never work with your family and we're not listening. >> good thing they aren't because they make a good team. kurt and goldie met making a movie "swing shift" in 1984. >> they also did "overboard" together. >> michael weatherly lets loose on the studio back lot and he gets crazy and meet the woman >> they talk about the seven-year itch and all i can say is she knows how to scratch it. >> what brad and angelina told "e.t." before they went public with the romance. >> there's not much of a love scene in there. >> moving on. moving on. z2z22626tztz z z1212fz woman: huh. congressman blum is a tea party member. we've shut down the government before. woman: blum voted to cut social security. we've got to raise the retirement age. then there's monica vernon... a hardworking mom. started a small business while raising three daughters. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. monica vernon gets it. come on, honey. ?? ?? >> come to daddy. >> in the beginning, was there fire. straight, hot passion. mr. and mrs. smith would become mr. any mrs. pitt. we decided to go back to the set wher >> besides cracking my head into the wall and breaking my wrist, it's romantic in a weird way. >> the tango is a great dance. we love that dance. >> their chemistry was undeniable from the start, the close embraces that lingered long after the scene was called and the intense gazes in between takes and the ability to crack each other up. >> can you be serious? >> okay. go -- kind of pairing where -- where even when it came to fight scenes it was coordinated with this other person and the trust and the ability to throw something, catch it and throw it and it's not -- you're not on your own, and it was nice. it was a nice -- it was nice to learn about how fun that can be and how easier that can be sometimes. >> what we saw on screen and on set sizzled, but both were quick to downplay the heat in our interviews. >> there's not much of a love scene in there. you want to make something out ?? ?? >> moving on. moving on. ?? ?? >> we're very, very competitive. >> she might say so. i didn't feel much competition. >> i mean, great to bounce off of and great fun as you'd expect. ?? ?? >> the movie, about married assassins hired to kill each other also prompted average toe share this now eye-brow raising >> anyone who has been married or in a relationship knows that point where you're not communicating and you're not excited about each other. >> you think this story will have a happy ending? >> happy endings are stories that aren't finished yet. >> this story is far from over. we will have much more tomorrow on brad and angelina's divorce. meanwhile, more news to get to. tonight is the highly anticipated debut of michael michael is in california for the amies and i wanted him to feel at home and we walked to new york street for a quick chat, but nothing is quick and easy when it comes to michael. >> we're really in new york. we really are in new york right now. kevin frazier, everybody. that was my dr. phil impression. >> out of this jury pool you're going to get three not guilty votes. >> dr. bull doesn't sound based out of his early days as a trial consultant. >> some of my early takes take place in airports and everyone tries to slap my head and i go -- this bull doesn't get head slapped. ?? ?? >> i get to play something different than i did for 13 years, but i'm still having a ball and having a lot of fun and there is a sense of humor. >> he said farewell to agent dinozzo and right before launches its 14th season. when michael find out about his primo tuesday nighttime slot he reacted in the most weatherly way possible. >> i jumped up and down like a kangaroo who had had three cups of coffee. i think i just kept hopping around and my wife was, like, what's going on? i was, like, i can't tell you yet. here is the lead-in and i had to explain to my wife about tv programming and then it got boring. >> but michael better listen to playing a psychologist while she is a real doctor specializing in internal medicine. >> if the acting thing turns sideways we'll set up a private practice somewhere and i'll be in charge of making it and how much it costs. >> 15 minutes with my wife, and she'll, you know, you can -- >> you're talking about medicine. >> right. >> and i think i can -- we can really charge whatever we wanted. >> oh, hey, look. tom, how's the f ?? >> i mean, come on. michael, you have to love him. >> that is michael. michael married really, really well and they will celebrate their seventh anniversary this month. how about this? during our interview she facetimed michael just to say hello. >> it's ncis and bull, what a great one-two punch, right? we have another big show coming up for you. taraji p. henson reveals new season secrets. >> somebody is dead. >> plus -- >> we're with tim allen celebrating "home improvement's" anniversary. >> plus -- how idina menzel is following up her frozen smash hit this week on "e.t." ?? i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. donald trump says he alone can fix the problems we face. well i don't believe that's how you get things done in our country. it takes democrats and republicans that's how we got health care for 8 million kids. rebuilt new york city after 9/11. and got the treaty cutting russia's nuclear arms. we've got to bring people together. that's how you solve problems and that's what they see this. >> a surgeon who takes himself way too serious. to my ladies out there, listen to this, denzel washington, ethan hawke, chris pratt, do you need more reasons to see the magnificent seven when it hit theaters this frood. >> yes, it is an action-packed film with tons of testosterone. ?? ? ?? >> but you know what? chris pratt is not a fighter, he's a lover. >> we love that. >> listen to this relationship tip he gave us. >> i've heard some people say don't go to bed mad. i think that's garbage. sometimes you have to go to bed mad, but at least touch toes. >> when my wife is mad at me and i touch her foot at night she's, like, get off of me. i'm chuck grassley and i approve this message because, as chairman of the senate judiciary committee i've worked on finding areas of agreement across party lines to help real people, with real problems. we've passed twenty-seven bills so far, each with bipartisan support. under chuck grassley's leadership, the committee has passed legislation that helps: promote adoption. child pornography and human trafficking. protect kids from sex offenders. hold sponsors of terrorism accountable. safeguard whistle blowers. modernize criminal justice laws. we've already accomplished more in this congress than in the last one, and we still have time to do more. a georgetown university study named chuck grassley one of the top five senators working across party lines. we are one nation under god. that black and white, we are one nation indivisible. that republican and democrat, we are all americans. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to do to guys like that? they'd be carried out in a stretcher, folks. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot e content of this advertising. ? ? one of my coworkers is at the bar. miguel. i know, i know. no, miguel. i know. no, i know. you promised. no police work tonight. i'll make it super quick. (sighs) like, super quick. like, i'll just go and be like, ?hey.?

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