Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20171118 : vimar

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20171118

muni says it's waiting for an update on the driver inspectors are having a hard time getting to the scene because of the traffic. it's a deadly collision creating a significant traffic jam oh on 101. southbound has been backed up to treasure island. and i'm going to guess that the city streets are backed up as well trying to get on the freeway. northbound is lots of brake lights as well. avoid 101 in san francisco if you can. the backup is expected to continue as the chp investigates what caused this deadly accident and then the dump truck will have been put back on wheels and towed off the freeway. lots of work ahead here tonight along 101 as the chp investigates this accident and then has to clear the scene. reporting live in san francisco, jean el y nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jean. it was the dump truck colliding with the bus. here is a look at the traffic map in and out of san francisco. you see all the red right above this 101 sign. be sure to download the free app to access our updated traffic maps. demanding change from the halls of the nation's capital to every corner of california. today congresswoman jackie speier continued her mission of empowering sexual assault victims and fixing a broken system. sam brock join us live from san francisco and the calls for change grow louder every day. >> reporter: absolutely jessica. congresswoman speier called it a cultural shift. what's happening right now. her new bill the me too act would address a couple of things not the lack of tolerance right now for the sexual miss conduct going on but also issue was the dplan system in washington which makes victims wait months and jufr over hurdles to file a lawsuit. >> they want the system fixed and the perpetrators held accountable. >> reporter: more than just lip service. congresswoman jackie speier is walking the walk too. back in the home district speier responding to a fresh wave of sexual assault allegations ensnaring members of both parties. >> i don't care if you have a d next to your name or r next to your name the time for this conduct, disinspecting women is over. >> senator franken face ethics committee. >> he mashed his lips against my face. >> his accuse early and tweeden credits speier with inspiring her to come forward. capitol hill is coping with a complaint system that requires victims to spend months in mediation and counseling before pursuing a lawsuit. >> why is there this mediation is this a buffer to protect sitting congresswoman i don't understand. >> i can't explain it. i'm embarrassed by it that's why we're getting rid of it. >> reporter: it's not just wayward behavior in washington. >> in sacramento we have seen lobbyists legislative aides speaking about a pervasive culture of sexual harassment at the capital. >> complaints at california's capital got lodged with lawmakers who investigate their own colleagues. >> there needs to be real complaint in mechanism so the victims can come forward feel comfortable coming forward without fear of retaliation. >> reporting from san francisco, some brock, nbc bay area news. >> our coverage on the sexual harassment kplams against roy moore and al franken. the women coming to the defense of both politicians. a dog attack in oakland hurts a woman in more ways than one. two pit bulls bit her and then killed her dog. it happened in east oakland and 63 rd avenue in ban krot. the woman was walking her dog when two other pit bulls charged in. a neighbor rushed in to help appear the pit bulls bit him as well. both the woman and her neighbor are expected to recover. minutes ago we got photos of the dogs involved in the attacks. these are the dogs that attacked the others. the shall owner of the pit bulls has surrendered them to animal control. not happy, senator diane feinstein is because north north bay wildfire victims are exclude rd the white house disaster aid request. she post-ed an angry message on twitter. she included a joint press release from senator harris. in it they scold president trump saying he needs to remember he serves all americanings. they will pressure congress to include california in a multibillion-dollar aid package. first his car and now his bts house gone in a month. this belongs to a man who is house burned down in the wildfires. in a post on facebook santa rosa say he had been staying at a hotel his suv was recently stolen from the hotel. if you see that truck contact the chp. is the city of oakland following through on its promise? it's been nearly a year since the ghostship fire claimed 36 lives. city leaders say they've made changes to prevent a similar tragedy but not everyone is convinced the changes are enough. nbc bay area jodi hernandez joins us from oakland city hall with the details. jodi. >> reporter: raj, the mayor says the ghostship fire has left a permanent impression on everyone here at city hall. she says the city has been working hard ever since to make living spaces safer. but some say it hasn't been enough. >> these are going to be studios so that's one, two, three. >> tanya rutherford is doing her best to turn the eviction experience into something positive. she is working with others to turn this west oakland warehouse in a safe and relevant living space for artists after she was evict four-door another warehouse following the deadly ghostship fire. >> we want to set an example for other communities that we can work with the city and the city is willing to work with us. to build the place that is we want to live in but yet safely. >> oakland is safer today than it was a year ago. >> today oakland mayor and city leaders outlined what they've done to make converted warehouse z in oakland safer. they beefed up the number of inspectors, improved data sharing between departments and are actively working with property owners to make fixes. they say at least five properties have chosen to evict tenants. >> disappointment is that we in government cannot control the decisions of a property owner. >> i think it's very happy and shiny. about you if you look at the things they got accomplished in the last year there is very little. >> tenant advocates say the city has fallen short. but despite her eviction tanya rutherford has new hope. if all goes as planned this warehouse will soon be home to more than a dozen artists. >> so that communities like this can live and work together. and not be constantry in fear of being evicted. >> oakland jodi hernandez nbc bay area news. b.a.r.t. says it identified the man who hurled racial slurs at another passenger and slapped the passenger. now b.a.r.t. is seeking an order to keep him off the trains. it happened monday night upon a warm springs headed train b.a.r.t. police went to union city station after the take the but they weren't able to locate the man. they are still taking the incident seriously and moving forward with attempting to ban him from the train. the ban could be immediate if violence is involved. and you did see the man slap another man. the station agents have a list of people banned and if they come across the person ner asked to leave the station. new at 6:00 it's been exactly three years since fire gutted a popular south bay church. tonight, the church is rising from the ashes. and the parishioners say the miracle they found in the rubble helped motivate them to rebuild. nbc bay area damian trujillo joins from us the holy cross catholic church with divine intervention. >> that's right the scaffolding is up here at the church as the crews work to give it back to the local community. the new parish will have the old world flavor with a lot of modern upgrades. the fire devastatesed this community three years ago. investigators still don't know what caused the fire at the holy cross catholic parish in san jose. but it's what they found in the rubble that helped them keep the faith. firefighters hoisted out a century old italian wooden cross. untouched by the flames. >> it's kind of emotional for a lot of the community to see a miracle that that survived. >> reporter: the church and the authorities hired the firm to bring back the parish. the new holy cross opens easter sonde o sunday with a mix of old and new design sfoos we had to be very sensitive. a lot of people had had many different opinions we could only do one design. >> the bishop signed off on the design and the parishioners never lost faith. >> there is a lot of steel going into the construction to make sure the church doesn't burn again. the actual parish and a lot of the relevantics inside were insured. >> live in san jose damion trujillo nbc bay area news. a special homing come at san jose international today. the family welcomed home a long lost relative he was killed in world war ii in the south pacific and his body wasn't identified until this year. and flown in today. frank's last remaining brother richard was there to welcome him home along with 20 other family members that were there as well. it's a great moment of joy and great moments of sadness crashed together at the same time. and it almost is indescribable. >> after leaving the airport firefighters. they went to over pass on the 1010 and guide him home. back in court, the request to the judge from that man. the mental patient who escaped from a hospital in hawaii and then flew to san jose. >> reporter: it's open the new apple campus. coming up what anyone even those who don't work here can do on campus. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a clear and cool 59 in san jose right now. we are tracking the next possibility of rainfall details details on that at 6:19 tonight. they separated like they won the super bowl that's how much the niners first win meant to the players and the coach. good time too. now on their bye week any can save up a little. >> we needed everyone to change it. opinion that's why the guys relied on each other hard. you saw that sunday. i think that helped us and i think the guys were happy for each other for us. and i plan on making that better and i hope we can come back next week get better throughout the year. hope to have something for next year. >> announcer: the red and gold spotlight on nbc bay area was sponsored on kpint. . giving you easy access to favorite entertainment at home on the going are go. kpint the future of awesome. >> we continue to track our breaking news in san francisco. this is a live look from our nbc bay area skyranger. . i want to get back to breaking news we have been covering a couple hours now in san francisco. a live look from the bay area sky ranger. a dump truck collidewood a muni with us on southbound 1010 near hospital curve happened at 4:00 p.m. the driver of the dump truck died. what you see is the major backup. southbound 101 leaving san francisco heading to sfo on the peninsula. backed up for miles. about that bus, five passengers on that bus complained about pain. but as of right now we know of no serious injuries. and it gives you a better idea of the traffic now. all the white lights coming down the peninsula on southbound 101 backed up really in both directions but if you expect anyone to come home towards the peninsula expect a lot of delays and be warned try to stay off the treats if you can. southbound 101 in sfwris. >> the saiko pathic killer that ended up from hawaii to beau randall dressed in a red jump suit facing charges for his escape. today he told the judge he didn't want to go back to hawaii. it turns out a tip from the taxi driver led to a arrest in stockton. he initially escaped from a mental hospital in hawaii on sunday. he had been there since 1979 when he was found not guilty of a murder by reason of insanity. >> i really don't want to go back to hawaii. >> it's a stall tactic. an extra seven days for him or ten tais for him. i guess he is willing to enjoy the lovely california weather over hawaii. >> he is due back in court next week. the state of hawaii has placed seven hospital employees on unpaid leave while it investigates his escape. it also began reviewing patient privileges and public visitation policies as well. well the new numbers on in. we haven't seen this job market since boom at least in the bay area. lat month they added more than 7,000 jobs. the job gains offset two straight months of losses. now the job market in the bay area is considered the best since 1999. santa clara county wasabi far the strongest last month adding 6,000 jobs. could this be the new tourist attraction? today apple fans and neighbors who dealt with years of construction to that new spaceship were give and chance to get close to the new headquarters. our business and tech reporter scott budman was among the first reporters inside. he got a tour of the spaceship. >> reporter: i guess it's fitting forcy convalley's biggest tech company, a new campus with more than just a physical building. it comes with this technology too. >> we have a 3-d model. >> an augmented reality trip through the new spaceship, letting you virtually see inside right down to apple employees walking around the new edition. part of apple's new $108 million visitor center now open to the public. >> we are very excited. it's a new chapter in the 40 years of history that we have with apple. and cupertino. >> while some of the cupertino and santa clara residents who lived threw years of cbs construction are getting their first chance to roam around the steph jobs legacy campus. >> just wanted to come and see what. >> see the finished product what do you think. >> the attention to detail is incredible. >> reporter: there will always be people more drawn to the products themselves no matter how old you are. >> the iphone x that they have zlad out there, i saw the zm animal emojis. you can gak them go like. >> apple opened up the observation deck to overlook the spaceship trying to clear up a little bit of the mystery surrounding the new campus. giving neighbors and customers a real and virtual view. as for people working inside the spaceship some employees have moved in eventually 12,000 will work here. in cupertino, scott budman bay area news. >> do they have room for a nbc headquarters there. >> oh. >> let's put in the request. >> we're coming to you. >> a weather observation deck. >> there you go. >> need to up the iphone app some with the expertise. >> yes you would, jeff. >> happy friday, jeff. >> sunny outside beautiful day. >> so nice here across the bay area today. we continue with that as we head into tomorrow's forecasts. let's get a look at the microclimate weather forecasts. if you're headed to the city it's clear but chilly. right now 59 degrees once we hit 10:00 and 11:00 temperatures dropping to the low 50s. down to silicon valley and san jose also the lights twinkling under the excellent visibility. 59 degrees here. you'll notice colder 40s once we hit midnight and 1:00 a.m. the temperatures dropping that cold you know it's dropping cooler. tri-valley looking at average of 40 degrees. peninsula 446 tomorrow morning. down to average of 45 for the south bay. where you really need to bundle up is across marin napa appear sonoma counties. possibly heavier jacket and 37 san francisco drops to 48 heading throughout the day on saturday we have a lot of sunshine coming your way. really nice temperatures. 62 in antioch. 64 in san jose over to the coast 59 in half moon bay. 62 in san francisco. and 63 in santa rosa. really not too many extremes here across the bay whether headed to the north bay or the south bay. so mostly sunny skies tomorrow. but things do change once we hit sunday. we he see a new storm approach. by the around on sunday cloud cover starts to increase. by 11:00 p.m. we get rainfall near the north bay. but the best chance accumulation on monday. .05 to .35 to into not nearly as large as the last storm. tuesday through friday of next week, notice, slight chances of showers. look, i think the bulk of it heads well to the north. but it's too close to call right now. again that's why we put the slight shower chances in here. we'll continue to monitor it. if you are headed up to tahoe with the fresh snow and key resorts opening the week. expect 40s. a little bit of rain on monday. all in all nice for the sierra. brand-new update at 6:48 we'll look closer at the microclimate and the rain chance. >> weekend is fantastic thanks. a serious admission from jesse jackson, the medical condition he is now facing. plus a live look at the river mark safeway in santa clara. with you are looking at there is mini volunteers from the san jose junior league helping our holiday drive kickoff happening home. we'll check in with vianey arana in just a little bit. w we are the generation that had it all. we are the generation that had the music and the moves. we are the generation that had a dream. we came together to feed the world's children. we came together to protect them, and in this dangerous world we have to keep on saving them and protecting them, even when we're gone. if we remember unicef in our will, we'll be the generation who left a better world for children. visit offering 5-thousand dollars for information on the man who drove a land rover into il happening now, an insurance company is offering $5,000 for any information on the man who drove a land rover into a building. he hit two cars as he fled the scene in black hawk. you can see photos of the damage on the website. also a professor and son returning recovered photographs of the victims of the north bay fires. look at the photo gallery on the website. the menendez brothers, convicted more than two it is a case that captured national headlines. i'm talking about the menendez wroers, convicted for murdering parapets in beverly hills. during an interview one of the brothers says that even though they admitted to the killings they should have gotten the plooe deal. nbc keith morrison has more. >> in 1986 jose took a job with carol copictures in los angeles. the company producing mega hits like basic instinct on the ram o series. a high-power career beautiful family and finally the one missing piece of his american dream, the perfect home. jose moved his hemifrom calibasas to a more toney address. a 6 bedroom mediterranean style home welcome pool guest house, tennis court. elton john once loved in this very house. so did the saudi prince and even prince himself. by august 1989 jose had truly made it. now to ensure his sons did too by then lyle was a student at pris ton. younger berry eric was going to ucla in the fall. so perfect. why did diane feel this way? >> i said well i know this sounds crazy but unless i am crazy somebody who is really close to me is going to die and it's going to be horrible. >> a date line special the unthinkable the menendez murders airs tonight at 9:00 on nbc beau. tributes pouring in for reverend jesse jackson following his announcement he has parkenson's decease. the civil rights leaderers says it's not a stop sign but a signal he has to make lifestyle changes. he says he started having trouble with routine tasks about three years ago. his father also suffered from the decease. the 76-year-old jackson says he will use his voice to help find a cure. coming to their defense the two groups supporting al franken and roy moore during the sexual harassment scandals. the label says one thing but the potency of pot means something else entirely possibly. what happened when we sent the same marijuana to different labs in i'm liz wagner, the results of our investigation up next. at stanford health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. and if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. if we can use patients' genes to predict heart disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. against two li right now at 6:30 it's a national conversation. sexual harassment allegations now against two politicians. and they're being handled very differently. both senator al franken and senate candidate roy moore are under intense scrutiny. >> senator franken is a apologizing while moore is fighting back. fighting all charges. janelle is joining us with more. >> president trump also chiming in on twitter. his twitter shot directed only at one man senator al franken. but the white house says it commented op roy moore before ulgs calling the allegations troubling. today capitol hill rocked by allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct against al franken, a democrat and republican senate candidate roy moore. moore accused by nine women of inappropriately touching, kissing or pursuing them, some while they were in their teens. in alabama women coming to moore's defense calling it an attack by liberal outsiders. >> i have found his character to be only one thing, and that is godly. >> kayla moore echoing her husband's defines. >> he will not step down. >> and alabama's governor saying moore still has her support. >> that's what i plan to do is vote for the republican nominee roy moore. >> but where moore is publicly denying everything. senator al franken apologetic and laying low. after radio host lee ann tweeden said i kissed and groebd her in 2016 before he was a lawmaker. >> he mashed his lips against my face. >> tweeden tweeting this picture. the senator touching her while she slept. the senator agreeing to cooperate with an investigation. he wrote this tweet. president trump avoided questions about moore tweeting about franken. the al frankenstein picture is really bad asking where do his hands go in other pictures? meanwhile eight former franken staffers are coming to defers. writing in a statement i treated us with the utmost respect and was a champion for women. jessica, raj. >> thank you, janelle. so are you ready for the green rush? in in a few weeks recreational marijuana use will be legal here in california. >> sellers will be required to test pot. so commerce know exactly what they're buying. but the are the testing labs altering results. here is the liz wagner, our investigative reporter. >> jess and raj sell areas and scientists are warning of potential fraud. they call into question the integrity of pot testing astray. the challenging the credibility of sfom labs already after an nbc bay area experiment. as you're about to see we ran our own tests on marijuana testing labs. >> i'm pouring it into our boiling flask. >> patrick griffith is getting ready to open up shop. >> a water bath inside the new l.a. edition he is turning bott into potent oil for vaiping court rage. >> announcer: the extract is rich in thc. the stuff that gets you high process the more it has the more it's worth. griffith admits he fudged the numbers with the help of testing labs. >> were you putting products as a certain thc percentage knowing it wasn't that percentage? >> yes. >> he says it's the only way to compete. he is revealing this dirty secret hoping things change. >> if we're not happy with the number we got from one lab we'll go to another explain the situation and get our numbers. >> isn't that lying? is it fraud? >> yes. that would be lying and fraud. >> several states already require sellers to test pot for thc potency along with pesticide and mold to make sure it's safe. >> labs stand to playbook a lot of money. and griffith says some boost numbers to boost business. >> the prom is the testing companies rely totally on marijuana income. so you're not happy and you leave, then where else are they getting business from. >> we use this and conjunction with another technology. >> dr. dona land and reggie say their company has been asked to inflate findings. they're skieft at steep hill labs one of the largest testing companies in berkeley. in every state we have had someone approach us and say what would it take to get the numbers changed. >> his response to sellers is to find another lab and apparently. they did. and an independent scientist in washington analyzed test data and found labs returning the higher thc numbers got more business. the state later suspended three labs for inaccuracicies. >> we have a lab in alaska. we have a lab in albuquerque. and both of those markets now we also are seeing labs coming in, not failing people and elevating potency levels and grabbing market share. >> do you fear that will happen here in california. >> it will absolutely happen here in california. it's a way to make more money. >> new state regulations force labs to show they have proper equipment and quality controls. but they can't all come into compliance overnight. we decided to test them ourselves to see how far they have to go. >> weight am 1 gram. >> with help from griffith we ran experiment to see how labs gauged potency in the pat. first he mixed this extract, poured uniform samples. packaged them up. then our produce urs hand clifford the samples to labs across the state. >> one down nine to go. >> we drove from the bay area to san diego and back. hitting ten different labs ppt first result came back with a thc level of 66%. the next 80%. and here are the rest. remember, the samples came from the same batch of extract. scientisting say some variation is normal. but the results ended up ranging from 64 to 83%. nearly a 20 point spread. >> wle would the numbers be so off that your alebron james bells start ringing. >> around 8 to 10% i get concerned. >> soon lab testing will be mandatory opinion the scientists at steep hill say sellers are sending their own samples to labs to figure out who they want to work with. >> are they lab shopping. >> absolutely. they are. >> we are on track to be in a gad place to regulate the testing laboratories. >> mory ajax is chief of the bureau of cannabis control. at the first meeting she told us they plan to audit labs to make sure they're returning accurate data. she is confident the state can independently verify thc results. >> we have the ability to pull samples and then do testing with a contracted lab through the state of california. >> has that lab been selected yet. >> it has not yet. >> ajax says the bureau hopes to figure that out in a few months but sellers and scientists warn strong oversight of a budding test industry hasn't happen soon enough. >> everybody knows already there will be bad actor labs that are going to cheat i think the mechanic ims will be there to catch then hopefully implemented quickly. >> we should know as part of our experiment we found labs gave different test results for the same product. the extract maker down in l.a. you heard from also sent samples from the same batch of hoil to the labs we visitored to see his results and how they differ from ours head to the website, back to you. liz thank you liz. you have a story for the investigative unit give us a call, 1-888-996-tips where or simply visit the website. investigate. it's the fleet of the future. we'll show you what mu nichlt new trains look like imprisonments and we are feeding the need. feed the need this holiday season, a live look at the river mark safeway in santa clara, all the great volunteers from theky wantis club and the junior league. we'll check in with vianey arana next. new muni trains hit the tracks today. muni is phasing out its old fleet for quieter and more reliabl >> up and running new muni trains hit the track. they faced out the old trains. the aisles are wider. many claim that they need less maintenance. first train was dedicated to the life of larry martin a respected union and civil rights leader who died last month. it is the new gas tax digging too much? the new report says he yes. the new tax went into effect at the beginning of the month. today the group called reform california says it will cost california families an extra $700 a year. the republican group plans to collect signatures to repeal the tax. the tree is up in the san francisco union square. within the hour is the ice is in place. the holiday season is here just in case you didn't know. take a look. always so beautiful. kristi's downtown ice this is the eighth season under the palm trees shall we go skating. >> yes there was someone down on the ground. >> so celebrate if you want to go out tonight it's a beautiful night only $5 to skate open until midnight. downtown ice runs until january 14th. we just learned and heard that kristi yam a gucci just arrived. >> that would be superfun but i want to do pair skate wg jeff that's what we do. >> it's not ice skating unless you go down at least once. >> good night to get out. >> it would be nice. chilly outside. it's going to feel like you know ice skating weather outside. we'll look life live in oakland. 54 degrees dropping down to the colder 40s at 11:00. tracking who hits 30s tomorrow morning. i don't know about you when you see ice skating i think $75 co-pay for the emergency room. >> oh my. this guy's pictures is being used to pitch a busy has never even heard of. it's a lesson for all of us about fake online reviews. i'm consumer investigator chris chumara. nbc bay area responds next. and the moves. we're the generation that had the style. well, sometimes. we're the generation that walked where no one had walked before, like no one had walked before, and, boy, did we know how to fly. we're the generation that had a dream and broke down walls. we came together to feed the world's children. we came together to protect them. and in this dangerous world, we have to keep on saving them, protecting them, caring for them even when we're gone. if we remember unicef in our will, we'll remember the children who desperately need our help, and we'll be the generation who left a better world for children. visit san francisco man whose photo was posted in a place he didn )t expect. .in online rev nbc bay area responds to a san francisco man whose photo was posted in a place that he didn't expect. in online reviews for some east coast company. >> our consumer investigator joins with us a warning about the fake online reviews. i didn't know fake online reviews were a thing but i guess they are. they are a big thing. with this man's story we want to you look at online review was a heyer level of skepticism. here is what's happening. scott hubbard's old portrait from work appeared next to albert hubbard ard on online reviews he never heard of the companies even though supposedly gave them all five stars. >> the first reaction was to be angry because this is sort of a form of identity theft. >> scott says the reviews are bog us. who posted them? well we asked the company. and they said we have no idea. coming up tonight at 11:00 we look at how often this is happening. we turned to a man tracking fake reviews. he helps us help you spot phoney feedback. we also asking the big review companies how they shield consumers like you and jessica, and raj and me, from these be fake five-star reviews. there is nothing fake about our offer to help solve your consumer problems. that's real. contact us on the website, or call us, the number is 1-888-996-tips. i'll see you tonight at 11:00. >> he see you then thank you. thanks, chris. tomorrow a big day for us all of us here really everyone in the bay area. we want to help the community and we need your help to feed the community. >> nbc bay area partnering with safeway for the annual local food drive and the own vianey arana is at the river mark safeway in collar. and you have helpers again vianey. >> i definitely do and nothing would be possible without the help from wonderful volunteers like all of the wonderful smiling faces from the junior league of san jose and for here just a little bit more acid from the adorable thcs. >> we are excited to be partner wg nbc for the 5th year on the feed the need drive. we're having over 100 volunteers at 6 safeway locations tomorrow volunteering and we're very excited to be part of the worthy cause. >> and we are grateful to have you. we have down here dan here from kiwanis. who has amazing volunteering. >> in 2004 kiwanis supported the bay area food driver. tomorrow at safeway stores all over the bare we have 1,000 volunteers out. go out purchase the bags and help in the holiday food drive. >> you heard it for just $10 you can make a difference process. before i sign off i have the mini volunteers want to spend you a special imagine. >> happy thanksgiving. >> thank you raj and jessica. they've been standing here smiling working so hard for you all and you can do the same. if the little volunteers can do it you can back home. i'll send it back to you in the studio. >> very nice. happy thanksgiving to everyone there as well thanks vianey. >> yeah. >> i love the little thc hats. i would totally wear that. >> it's so easy. all of us throughout the bay area at safeways tomorrow come on by even if you are you're not shopping. get the bag of groceries for needy families. >> and it's a boufl day to do it because there is no complaining right. >> yes sunny skies no storms on saturday. by sunday we begin to see changes with wet weather eventually moving back into the forecasts. let's get a live look at the microclimate weather right now. we want to show you the doppler radar is free from storm activity we have cleared out. let's get you the live look in downtown san francisco. it's so crystal clear after the cold front moved through yesterday, you can see all the lights twinkling here across the ke city. the golden gate shining bright tonight. we have the current temperature of 59 degrees. but do knots if you're headed out this evening tor dinner for fun temperatures drpg to the low 50s once we hit 10:00 and 11:00 make sure to take a jacket. the clear skies give us radiation alcooling no cloud cover to act as blanket to keep temperatures milder overnight. without the clouds we are able to see numbers dropping off. radiation alcooling. you can see the tri-valley goes down to average of 40 degrees peninsula 46. the south bay 45. chilliest would be in the north bay 37 dreeings needing the heavy your jacket and san francisco bottoms out at 48. throughout the day tomorrow we expect a lot of sunshine, beautiful weather down towards the south bay. if you're headed out to the safeway to help us with donations and 64 expected in downtown. throughout the east bay equally as bufl no big differences in temperatures here. 64 in concord. 6 pleasanton and over to oakland low 60s. the peninsula also mostly sunnicies even towards the coastline with 59 in half moon and 64 in palo alto. san francisco 62 in outer sunset and 60 in ingleside. heading up to north bay to wine country maybe 62 in sonoma and 65 in napa. the next change coming our way that's on sunday. cloud cover increase z by the afternoon and evening hours. eventually some wet weather for monday's forecast. now this storm system is not nearly as large as what we just dealt with. .0 a to .35 on monday. then notice tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday we have slight chances of rainfall and look. i think most of this is heading off to the north. we the want to alert you to the fact we have rainfall close to the bay area and monitoring that closely. next monday is really the boast chance the way we see it now of rainfall and that forecast next monday. even with the chance on thanksgiving on thursday, i don't think it's going to really be much of anything at this point. but keep you updated on that. >> the weekend forecasts matches your tie. >> sunny. >> things to come thanks jeff. up next, the olympian even before going to college. wow, the stanford water polo player could end be being the greatest of all time for team usa. colin resch joins us next. isn )t the only big time event t you are wearing stanford red. does that mean you're routing to stanford. the 120th big game football. >> i am neutral. the water polo teams are squaring off also. the stanford's top player is a freshman and could become a ledge. here is colin resch. it's important. so our full team is the most important team they have the most important team. i hope those teams do well. >> this is arguably tougher for the water polo team. the they have to coned with number two cal number three ucla and number four usc. >> it's huge to have the tournament at home. it's definitely a huge advantage for us. >> another huge advantage for the cardinals, this guy pb 6'6" redshirt frerk freshman. >> for students who played in olympic it's tony and ben hallic. tony five-time olympian kind of face of the usa water polo a long time you can see the beginnings of ben turning in that direction. >> hallic heard the comparison attention and understands them kind of. >> i guess you can draw some i don't know similarities in the paths of our career. but as far as type of player we are it's so different. it's a little premature but very, very premature. >> maybe but wle four seniors decide to redshirt their senior carrier to play with a freshman only one reason for that. >> they're in their fifth year. they could be gone. yeah, it's definitely strange to think about. but i'm really kited that they did. >> it's super, superrare. i don't know if it's ever been done. it's definitely strange and undimensional probably the best thing for our team. >> not just the tournament this weekend but also the ultimate goal the ncaa. colin resch bay area. coming up at 11:00 it's a growing problem but can anything be done about it. animals annoying neighbors in east bay neighborhoods. tonight at 11:00. >> jeff back with us we have the big game kick-off football, 5:00 p.m. tomorrow the night a lot of people heading that. >> 50 clear skies need your jacket headed out to that game. you can see the weekend overall mostly sunny on saturday, perfect weather for the nbc bay area food drive. 63 average high. sunday clouds increase by the evening. and eventually the possibility of rainfall once we hit monday, not as big as the storm we just had. sm.05 to and .35. and tuesday, thursday friday, slight chances of rainfall. nothing major but watching closely. >> what's the football game we play at the thc bell before thanksgiving. >> we leave with the beautiful shot of san francisco. on this friday night. thanks for joining us. >> see you at 11:00. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once 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