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first one on the left, one this evening on the right. lilian kim is live at the epicenter this berkeley. they were not big quakes but a lot of people felt them. >> some people say the aftershock felt bigger. some say the opposite but bottom line they were very similar. we spoke with students here at u.c. berkeley, everybody felt it. aftershock happened and classes were going on and many people were in the library when the second one hit. the epicenter was pretty much at cal memorial stadium. hayward fault runs through the middle of it. it's you undergoing major construction, no word of damage but people in berkeley are feeling anxious. >> i felt both of them. i'm not from here, it was my first time. i don't know. nothing dropped. >> i grew up in the bay. so i'm not too worried. i know what we have to be safe but given that we are on the fault it is an issue. >> i lived here 32 years, i am nervous. >> it make me very nervous now because i'm thinking there have been two, are there going to be more. i don't want to be here for the big one. >> reporter: as a matter of routine, bart interrupted service to inspect the track. since then, there has been a 15 minute delay. many people will the aftershock be the end of it? we spoke to u.s.g.s. seismologist. >> there is aftershocks happening right now we call them microquakes. so these are going to be happening out all through the night. there is a chance they may feel a magnitude 2.5 or magnitude 3.2. so i wouldn't be surprised if people in morning say, was that a quake? >> and today was the great california shakeout, millions take part in earthquake drills throughout the state. lilian kim, "abc 7 news." certainly got a reminder of the scare. bay area firefighters got busy after the quake. in san mateo county, firefighters moved their trucks outside after the quake. it's part of standard procedure in case of aftershocks. it helps them respond quickly. there was no damage from either of today's quakes. most bay area fire departments follow similar procedures. we have a lot of information on our website and earthquake tracker and quake preparedness guide. take advantage of that. good to remind ourselves from time to time. click on see it on tv. >> turn your attention to the occupy protests. in oakland, police are demonstrators there an ultimatum. >> reporter: we asked mayor quan how long she would allow the occupation to go on and we got an answer, notice to vacate were given to campers here, as you can see there are hundreds here. they are are feeling very emotional about this. lots of anger about this notice. so now the question is, will they actually leave? judging from the notice it appears that city officials have had enough of this occupation. they want campers to go home. the city remains committed to peaceful express of first amendment rights but after ten days of demonstrating, public health and safety can no longer be upheld. they cite deteriorating camp conditions and code violations as their reason for eviction. it is clear that many have a right to protest. they don't have a right to have camping facilities here. we are trying to watch that line. >> they need to address the laws that have been broken about the billions of dollars that have been stole from the american public. >> do you see the people leaving here? >> no. >> the campers are out right now holding a general assembly. the notice says they don't actually have to leave permanently. they are allowed to still gather between the house of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. so actually right now they shouldn't be here. it's not clear if police are actually going to come in and move them out like we saw in san francisco, but a similar notice was issued just on tuesday to the encampment at snow park near lake merritt. those campers are still there. the campers say if police could show up, they are ready. they are not leaving. hopefully there is not something here tonight or in the coming days. tonight libyans are celebrating news that moammar khadafy has been caught and killed. [ gun shots ] libyan leader had been run for weeks chased to his hometown he begged the fighters not to kill him but within an hour he was dead. president obama responded cautiously to the news. >> we are under no illusions, they will go a long road for democracy. >> the rebels celebrated the moment after months of fighting. the prime minister called them to unite as a nation. jonathan bloom talked with libyans living in the bay area. >> you have been up since 4:00 in the morning? >> yes definitely. all of them. they are calling each other and it's been amazing. >> it's been a long day but he is every joyed he can freely go back to libya to see friends but his children can see where he grew up. >> i try to explain to them why they can't go because when they were young they don't understand that. >> will you go to libya now? >> absolutely. >> his daughter is an entire generation of young libyans who have never seen their home country. >> that is the place my parents call home. i call home altogether i've never been there. >> there are family members that i've never met. >> that was enough to turn them into activist for libyan freedom. >> the hope that we possibly could go back was enough for me to get out and raise awareness. >> with khadafy gone they have plenty to cause to celebrate but a bay area congresswoman this is also a critical time for rebuilding. >> i think we need to provide them the technical assistance. >> and jackie speier says libya will need protection during the transition. >> there is still reason the to be concerned about the terrorist cells that are out there. >> but young libyans still can't wait to get there. >> it's going to be an amazing trip back home for all of us. >> tonight we are hearing for the first time the 911 tapes from the cupertino cement plant shooting that left three people dead and six injured. an employee stormed into the plant and opened fire two weeks ago. one of the calls came from an emotional man who batched the whole thing unfold. listen. >> in the cement plant, at the quarry, somebody shoot everybody. >> how many people are shot? >> five or six. it's in the quarry. >> and everybody is on their way. hold on just a second. >> people will die. >> hold on. >> the shooter was disgruntled worker. authorities say he took his own life as police closed in on him a day after the shooting. >> san francisco's recreation and park commission has approved the naming of the park. san francisco native was the first person to report the hijacking calling to the ground from the crew telephone. betty aung is expected to reopen early next year in her name. coming up next, the medical decision that steve jobs came to regret. startling revelations in his authorized biography. michele bachmann has a message to a bay area audience today. and debate over cellphone safety the study to check cancer rates on hundreds of thousands of people. all of that is coming up. >> and coming up next on "nightline," he was behind terror acts and we have inside story on the death of moammar khadafy. and an investigation in t [ female announcer ] once you taste new fiber one 80 calories... ...with its sweet honey taste, 40% daily value of fiber... ...and 80 calories per serving... may want to tell a few friends. ♪ or all of them. ♪ i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. ♪ it is a decision so many families have faced. when a loved one battles cancer, try alter that active therapies. steve jobs wrestled with that very question and ultimately, regretted the choice he made. >> he had access to the best medical treatment, best surgeons in the world but steve jobs diagnosed with deadly pan kree academic cancer reportedly refused to allow surgeons what could have been life saving surgery. he tried alternative therapy and later he said he regretted that decision. that is one of revelations in his authorized biography. walter isaac son who conducted 40 interviews with jobs, no subject was off-limits. in his early days he revealed he was bullied in school and he stopped going to church at age 13 after he saw a photo of a starving child on the cover of life magazine. leaving him to layered study buddhism. he experimented with various diets and that is when he decided to name his company apple. he thought it was fun and spirited. and the design that became so distinctly anticipate. it was a food processor he found at a department store. he was so impressed by the design he decided to make a case out of molded plastic instead of metal. mike scott is also interviewed for the book. one of the first projects was to get him to shower and he says it really didn't work. like so many things jobs touches his book is already a best-seller. republican presidential candidate michele bachmann praised steve jobs. the tea party conservative was featured guest at commonwealth club. i served as moderator of the event. she mentioned jobs as she praise what had she described the nation's competitive spirit adding that too much government involvement has hindered entrepreneurship. >> we must remain our footing as u.s. leader we must abolish the tax code and replace it with a more simple one that has a corporate rate that is one of the lowest in the industrialized world. >> she has several fund-raising events in the crairt ee will return to iowa this weekend to campaign. >> you can still talk on your cellphone, it's safe. danish researchers examined a possible connection between cellphones and cancer and found no evidence of any link. they studied more than 350,000 people there were no difference in cancer rates for people that used a cellphone for a decade and those that did not. but critics say the study is flawed. this study apierce in the journal of nj. >> concern for people in parks came up in the townhall meeting. about 50 peoplettend ai tended the meeting in san jose. the discussion moderated by david louie focused on the need to support people with mental illness and maintain funding for local parks. there is our general manager. they talked directly to us about what is on your mind, if you have a story idea, go to our website at and click contact us under the news headlines. we are delighted to hear from you. let's move in and talk about the weather forecast. almost to the weekend. sandhya you were at very interesting event. >> the san francisco gala and i'm pleased to say the san francisco bay institute and aquarium of the bay raised a quarter of a million dollars tonight. a great event. it's all to restore the san francisco bay. it was a beautiful evening for it. i want to show you what it looks like. as we look towards san francisco notice the low clouds starting to disappear. marine layer is getting squashed down and down to about thousand feet giving an indication we are in for some gorgeous weather. we're going to see the marine layer disappear by tomorrow afternoon. numbers mainly in the 50s and 60s. novato, 49 degrees. we're starting to see temperatures coming down during these long nights. low clouds approaching the bay and warmer day is on tap tomorrow. beach weather by the weekend. get ready for some 70s along the coastline. overnight readings primarily in the low to mid-50s where we'll see patchy clouds along the san mateo coast and out to the east bear and south bay. here in the north bay, not much cloud cover. clear skies, we're looking at upper 40s, getting cool now, cloverdale 49 degrees. 47 in santa rosa. you know where heading towards november when the temperatures drop. this is a weak system. it moves through overnight and once it moves through, it will signal some real changes that are coming. first in the morning, starting out with areas of low clouds not everywhere and then the clouds will clear back quickly. all areas will enjoy warmer conditions for temperatures in the 60s and 70s. we're going up by about 5-8 degrees depending on where you are. tomorrow afternoon in the south bay, 76 in san jose. 75 for santa clara. 77 degrees for you in saratoga. on the peninsula, a mild, sunny afternoon, 73 in san mateo and menlo park. 74 degrees in redwood city, palo alto. along the coastline, clear skies tomorrow afternoon. pacifica, tomorrow, you will be in the low 60s range. downtown san francisco, 68 degrees. 63 in daly city. north bay, upper 70s for santa rosa, calistoga, cloverdale. 76 in novato. 73 in san rafael. heading out to the east bay, sunny afternoon with 71 by the afternoon and oakland, 74 in fremont. inland areas, mild, 77 in livermore and for the monterey bay, a hint at some beach weather, 73 degrees in santa cruz. seven-day forecast, a warmer one right through the weekend. low 70s at the beaches. a little cooler early next week. and excellent forecast coming up. this overcast business in october, it's getting old. a lot of people are happy. >> coming up next, most expensive place in the mission college in santa clara is about to undergo a facelift. a $51 million structure will replace the main building on campus. it will house 49 classrooms and 50 offices. it's being paid for by a bond measure that runs construction projects in the west valley community college district. >> rents in silly cover valley are surging ahead of the bay area. average rent for an apartment in santa clara rose nearly 13% to about $1800 a month. month expensive city was cupertino home to apple, that is about $2200 a month for an apartment. microsoft is giving two dozen nonprofits $16.5 million to spend on education and job development. among them the tech museum in san jose. more on all that in our print edition of the silicon valley business journal. hey, we got a world series. >> absolutely. rangers and cardinals, in game two of the world series. plus, a brawl in the ♪ ♪ a couple years of up all night ♪ ♪ and a few thousand diapers later ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ he loves that little girl [ male announcer ] all her life, she's been coming toward you. now that she's driving, she's going the other way. ♪ there goes my life [ male announcer ] thanks to state farm's steer clear program, teens learn safer driving and parents gain peace of mind. good evening, rangers, for texas, just enough in the ninth inning to even the world series at one apiece. nelson cruz, knocked down by a cardinals fan. heads up. kobe lewis, right here up the middle. he snags it backhand and it's spectacular. no score until the seventh. alan craig does it again, a single, this one toward david freze that held up. josh hamilton, sack fly to right and it's tied. michael young, another sack fly. this the way the game is won. scores one with the go-ahead run and game three in arlington on saturday night. >> you know, you got to keep fighting. we needed to get one here. i think tonight was one of those great ball games you will continue to see. >> it doesn't matter if we are up five runs or down five runs. until the last pitch is thrown we're going to keep fighting. >> the raiders is close to selling out the game. n.f.

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Fremont , California , United States , Arlington , Texas , Saratoga , Oakland , San Francisco , Daly City , Berkeley , Memorial Stadium , Menlo Park , Denmark , Iowa , Pacifica , San Francisco Bay , Monterey Bay , Libya , San Mateo County , Lake Merritt , Kobe , Hyogo , Japan , Danish , Libyan , Libyans , American , David Louie , Betty Aung , Nelson Cruz , Santa Rosa Calistoga Cloverdale , Santa Clara , Walter Isaac , Jackie Speier , Lilian Kim , Moammar Khadafy , Dan Ashley , Mike Scott , Alan Craig , Michele Bachmann ,

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