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that he was worried about it. he said what is troubling to law enforcement officers and to me is the chance that citizens will misunderstand what the law says. and that worry turns out was understandable since there was no real way to explain what that indiana law did except this. the indiana law that lets citizens shoot cops. or another take on it. nra backed law spells out when indiana residents may open fire on police. at least when fox news covered it they phrased it as a question. should citizens be able to shoot police? the answer in indiana thanks to mitch daniels selling the legislation is yes. in specific circumstances that law only allows you to use force against the police including deadly force against the police if you believe they are acting unlawfully. only under those circumstances then you can use force against the police. if you want to kill a police officer, if you want a legal defense where you can walk free after shooting and killing a police officer your defense in indiana has to be you think the police officer was acting unlawfully and that you believe you were preventing serious bodily injury. if that is what is going on in your head go for it in indiana apparently. the nra backed that bill. the republicans in the legislation passed that bill and mitch daniels did sign it into law. it is a remarkable law even for this current iteration of the nra and indiana. that law didn't get all that much national attention, at least in mainstream circles. in nonmainstream circles that indiana law got lots of attention and it inspired a lot of armed resistance against armed tyranny kind of stuff particularly on youtube. these two cobbled together home made videos on youtube celebrating the indiana shooting cops law as invitation to armed revolution against u.s. government both posted not long after the law signed. you can find them on youtube. on the website they got liked, approved online by this 22-year-old woman originally from indiana, late of nevada. the reason her online history of liking or disliking things is making the national news is because she and her husband left a long online trail that more or less may explain why those two went on a shooting rampage yesterday in las vegas including ambushing two police officers at a pizza joint killing both of them and killing another man at a local wal-mart. the woman shot and killed her husband before she killed herself. five people including two assailants killed in an orgy of gun fire in the united states. it's sort of something more than an every day occurrence but usually less than a national news story. the reason this one has risen to the level of national and intense interest is in part because of that online trail that the killers left behind as well as the unusual and seemingly political trappings of the crime scenes in vegas and how they left them. >> they walked past our officers eating lunch and immediately mr. miller pulled a hand gun out and shot officer soldo in the back of the head. the officer immediately succumb to his injuries and there was no further movement from him in the booth. at that time officer beck immediately began to react when he was confronted with lethal gun fire from jerad miller. he was shot once in the throat area. what happened after that very quickly is that amanda miller then removes a handgun from her purse and both jerad and amanda miller fire multiple shots in to officer beck. this entire incident at the cici's is captured on video tape. we are conducting forensic review on the video. immediately upon the shooting finishing the suspects pulled the officers out of the booth and on to the ground where they placed a gadsden flag, the don't tread on me yellow flag on the body of officer beck and put a swastika on his body. mr. miller pinned a note to officer soldo that basically stated this is the beginning of the revolution. they made the same types of comments inside of the restaurant where numerous patrons heard the commentary and walked out of the restaurant, gathered their backpacks and proceeded in a southbound direction. they crossed nellis boulevard over to the wal-mart and entered in to the front door the of the wal-mart store. immediately upon entering the store he walked into the front doors and fired off one round and told the people to get out and that this is a revolution and that the police were on the way. >> this was not a revolution, but the police were on their way. multiple police officers responded to the wal-mart where the couple apparently barricaded themselves in the store. they apparently did not shoot out or kill anyone inside the store after the first victim. who they shot inside wal-mart. although officers shot at them in the store the couple died by murder-suicide rather than be shot by police or taken in to custody. the female in the couple is reportedly 22 years old, the one who appears to be focused on the political goal of killing police officers at least showing interest in that. with her you tube profile and other on-line comments. mother jones magazines reports in 2012 a week after mitch daniels signed the indiana it's okay to shoot cops law the male suspect also reportedly wrote approvingly about the law on the website of alex jones. mostly the record of his online existence is very focused on the second amendment. this is him posting something that says police will never attack armed people the way they will attack unarmed people. posted multiple videos of himself on youtube talking about the second amendment lamenting because he was a person with so many convictions he could not legally own guns and at one point he posted on facebook he wanted help acquiring a weapon. whether or not this was meant as a serious request for help in obtaining a rifle police say they recovered from the crime scenes in las vegas no rifle. the only long gun recovered is a shot gun and recovered four handguns in the wal-mart. police seem to believe that two of the hand guns were used by the couple. the other two handgun that they had may be guns they took from the police officers who they killed at the first venue. in addition to the indiana it's okay to shoot cops law and second amendment issues broadly the male suspect from the couple -- this has received a lot of attention today -- he has an extensive online trail related to the bundy ranch and the standoff between the nevada rancher who doesn't believe in power of government authority higher than county sheriff and refused to pay grazing fees, the conflict between him and federal law enforcement officials when the fox news channel ripped that conflict between a rancher and the federal government in to a national frenzy on the far right, this spring, in april, the male suspect from yesterday's shootings in las vegas appears to have posted on his facebook page about his support for the bundy ranch fight. said this is the next waco. the ranch is under siege right now. we must do something. i will be doing something. on his you tube page, the suspect from yesterday's shooting appears to be the wone asking questions, conducting pseudo interviews with bundy family and supporters at the militia standoff ranch site. you won't see him on camera here. he appears to be the person behind the camera doing the interviewing. >> margaret, thank you for your testimony. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> it's awesome that you are out here doing this. >> okay. >> this is family. this is where i was raised. this is where i have seen the cattle on the river. it's how it is supposed to be and not even turtle cowboy, i mean cowboy, turting cow, it is our freedom they are taking away inch by inch. >> doesn't matter what their excuse is. >> that's right. >> we need to fight. america, we need to fight. >> thank you. >> my name is brian bundy. if the state took over this land, as they should do, there are still rights attached to the individuals and those need to make sure we recognize those after we take the land back. >> thank you for your time and it was a very good interview. best of luck, brother. >> thank you. >> in addition to apparently conducting those interviews himself at the bundy ranch standoff, you can tell he is holding his ownen camera, because the camera shakes. but what appears to be the suspect from the weekend conducting those interviews, again he's the suspect in the murder of two police officers and one other person in las vegas. that suspect himself was also briefly interviewed during the standoff by local reno tv station called knrb. >> i feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around or anything like that. i really don't want violence toward them, but if they are going to come bring violence to us, if that is the language they want to speak, we'll learn it. >> that is from krnv in reno during the bundy standoff. i should tell you though the young man is wearing two different kinds of camouflage there is no evidence that he served in any military capacity other than what appears to be a fan fantasy in his own mind. this is reportedly the suspect from the shooting of the two police officers and one other person in las vegas. the t-shirt under his jacket is a campaign t-shirt for clark county sheriff candidate named gordon martinez. local candidate for sheriff claims to be a lifetime member of the oak keepers. remember that from our previous reportings that. is a many lash shah style group that set up camp at the bundy ranch. they have been around for a while on the far right fringe of conservative politics them oak keep ertz and constitutional peace officers association headed up by richard mac, frequent fox news guest and seen in this facebook photo standing with the suspect from in weekend's shootings. the oak keeper and the sheriffs group like sovereign citizens more broadly and like the ideology driving the bundy ranch standoff, they specifically do not believe in the existence or the authority of the federal government. basically, they don't believe there's any law enforcement authority higher than a county sheriff. anyone else, their authority can be not just lawfully but forcefully disobeyed. it's a radical offshoot. it was a movement closely aligned with upsurge in militias in the clinton era in the '90s. sometimes a white supremacist movement and sometimes it wasn't. this time the swastika imagery and the crimes committed yesterday may have been a symbol of white supremacist and neo-nazi views or an epithet levelled at the officers shot by the perpetrators. at this point it is necessary, but bizarre to note that in august this past august las vegas was the site of another bizarre targeting of police officers. bizarre and violent targeting of police officers. there's apparently four obscure and fringe ideological reasons. a couple moved to las vegas from indiana. though that appears to be nothing more than a coincidence. the couple was older, 42-year-old man and 67-year-old woman. they were aligned with the sovereign citizen movement and according to the criminal complaint and police report, it meant not that they didn't just acknowledge the authority of police officers, but they actively wanted to wage war on the police in order to start a sovereign citizen revolution. quoting from the ap at the time they were arrested, quote, the couple spend hundreds of hours plotting to abduct, torture and kill las vegas police officers as a way to attract attention to their anti-authority sdov earn citizens movement police said. the two attended training sessions, shopped for guns, found a vacant house and rigged it to bind captives to the cross beams during intercases. they recorded videos to explain their actions and why in their minds police officers die. in the apartment, this couple apparently three miles east of the las vegas strip. they had unwittingly brought a police informant in on their planning to about sukt, torture and interrogate police officers and were arrested in august. the two were charged separately. both pled guilty to conspiracy to commit false imprisonment. there's no indication that these two with sets of couples were connected in any way, other than both having, appearing to have anti-government, anti-police views that they link to a larger political movement. whether or not the larger political movement accepted or linked to them. is something specific going on in nevada? doesn't seem like a las vegas-specific problem but is something going on in nevada? does this on-line ideological trail of bread crumbs with this couple that apparently committed these crimes yesterday, is their on-line trail of bread crumbs happen to be the political contriteness of the criminals that would have done this regardless? might they just as easily been something else? is it our desire to find meaning here that has us imparting too much meaning to what they believed and why they said they were doing it or is a restrain on the far right of american politics making this sort of thing more likely, more possible than it otherwise would be if no one was out there encouraging people to believe that shooting police officers in a pizza shop and shooting up a wal-mart might be the way to spark an anti-government revolution? hold that thought. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. 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[ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. stand behi chuck vo: there's a saying around here,. around here you don't make excuses. you make commitments. and when you can't live up to them, you own up, and make it right. some people think the kind of accountability that thrives on so many streets in this country has gone missing in the places where it's needed most. but i know you'll still find it when you know where to look. but we're not in the business of spokespenaming names.kswagen passat is heads above the competition, the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought... it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. and the volkswagen passat has a lower starting price than... much better. vo: hurry in and get 0% apr for 60 months on 2014 passat gasoline models plus a $1000 contract bonus. i make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. that means tomorrow is tuesday which means tomorrow is book release day. i don't know why the books are released on tuesday. tuesday is the day. tomorrow brings hillary clinton's second memoir and primary day. no incumbent on the hot seat more than eric cantor on the eve of the toughest primary campaign he has ever faced against a tea party republican challenger named dave brat. maybe he can cuddle up with hillary clinton's book to feel better. virginia is home to more than a contentious republican primary. that's going to be very exciting to watch tomorrow. virginia is the proud record holder for the most blatantly executed quid pro quo. in at least the last five minutes in american politics. and that virginia story is straight up. stay with us. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because you can't beat zero heartburn. woo hoo! 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don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. and i'm his mom at the dog park. the kids get trail mix, and here's what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. mm hmm delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatballs. they look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, i'll call her. aww, ladies' man. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. the best treats come from the kitchen. take it on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day women's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. when then-candidate george w. bush announced he had chosen dick cheney to be his vice presidential running mate he presented a story line familiar to anyone who watched a romantic comedy, the right person was right in front of me all along. >> as we work to evaluate the strengths of others i saw first-hand dick cheney's outstanding judgment. and as we considered many different credentials, i benefitted from his keen insight and gradually i realized that the person who was best qualified to be my vice presidential nominee was working by my side. >> before anybody knew how consequential dick cheney would be one was he should have picked somebody else for the job until president bush realized the man for him was in front of him the whole time. the other really consequential thing that we knew was that he would be the tie breaking vote in the united states senate. one of the responsibilities of the vice presidency is also to serve as president of the senate. that's mostly a symbolic thing, a lot of swearing people in, that sort of thing, until it is a crucially important job and not at all symbolic because dick cheney in 2001, turns out you are presiding over a senate that is evenly split. with the 50/50 split in the senate making dick cheney as a tie breaker some are asking whether he will be so tied down on capitol hill that he won't have enough time to participate in the new administration as an active vice president. turns out that wasn't a problem. vice president cheney certainly was an active vice president. but maybe that's because that evenly divide senate, where he was going to spend so much time breaking votes, where he was going to be the tie-breaking vote. he wasn't going to have time for anything else. that only lasted four months in to the bush presidency before the tie broke itself. >> good evening. by now you probably know what happened today. a republican senator left his party and formally aligned himself with the democrats. but what about the future? the consequences could be profound. the democrats will have control of the senate. they also will have control of the powerful committees, the legislative ajen diana half of congress. this is a major setback for president bush and his plans. senator jeff fords from montana said he was leaving as a matter of principle. >> in order to best represent my state of vermont my conscious and principles i have stood for my whole life i will leave the republican party and become an independent. >> he decided to caucus with the democrats and that completely changed the balance of power in the senate. right, it had been 50/50 with the republican tie-breaking vote in the form of vice president cheney and no longer 50/50 and democrats had control. the first major political bombshell of the george w. bush presidency. politicians abruptly switching party s is a thing that happens. it is almost always shocking and disorienting when it happens, but it does happen. it doesn't just happen in washington. in new york, democrats won in the senate. that lasted a month. the election was november 2012. in september of someone, they announced for voting purposes we will caucus with republicans instead allowing republicans to regain control of the senate. one of the democrats who switched sides back in 2012 is a state senator named malcolm smith. mr. smith was very open at the time about how what he really wanted is to run for mayor of new york and turns ou he agreed to caucus with republicans in the state capitol with the long-term hope they would let him run for mayor of new york city on the republican line on the ballot. malcolm smith was later charged with basically attempting to bribe his way on to the ballot for new york city mayor and that of course is illegal. the corruption trial is going on right now in new york. the jury heard secretly taped conversation cans between mr. smith and a government informant today. it's always a risky and pro-vok five move to decide to change parties if you are a politician, right? if it seems like you were promised something in order to switch your political affiliation from one party to another or to change the balance of power in your legislative body, that can land you in legal trouble or at the least gross out everybody in your state, right in the state senate and in the great commonwealth of virginia looked like this as of last night even v vennly divide just like the senate was when george w. bush became president. virginia is one of those states with off-year elections and one of the reasons i was amazing to follow the election last year is because who republicans chose to run as their lieutenant governor, e.w. jackson, the gift to the odd year elections. he did stuff like misspell the wo word commandments on his own book. the race was controversial. the person elected as lieutenant governor, ralph northham as it ends up, that person was going to have to be the tie-breaking vote in this deadlocked 20/20 evenly split virginia state senate. the senate president who happens to be the lieutenant governor is the tie-breaking vote. when democrats won the race it meant that democrats controlled the state senate and that was the case until last night. >> breaking news tonight. a virginia state senator is resigning. good evening. i'm joe saint george. >> democratic state senator pucket is submitting his rezic nation tomorrow. he is resigning to take a job on the state tobacco commission and guarantee his daughter is confirmed a circuit judge. >> this gives republicans control of the state senate in a time in which the commonwealth does not have a budget. >> when the news broke last night that virginia democratic state senator phillip pucket was resigning his seat, a deal with republicans that was supposed to land him a six-figure job on a state tobacco position jump for his daughter. they released this statement, said i'm dismayed that my republican friends offered senator puckett a shady back room deal that benefits himself financially and ensures the appointment of his daughter to the bench. late today, senator puckett announced there was a change in plans. he said he would not, after all, be seeking that six-figure job. and he said he will stay with his private sector job instead. everybody thinks his daughter will get the seat on the judgeship. the reason this political development in virginia became huge news is not just the back room dealing that reportedly resulted in senator puckett's decision to hand over control to the republicans but because of the material consequences of that decision. the big fight in virginia right now is about the fate of 400,000 people in virginia and whether they will get access to health insurance under obamacare because of expanded medicaid. democratic governor of virginia, democrats in the state legislature, want to expand medicare to cover hundreds of thousands of people in the state. republicans don't want to do that. and that's the fight in virginia. that is why there isn't a budget. by handing republicans control of the state senate now, critics of senator puckett argue that he took what he needed for himself and his daughter but his decision cost the democrats any chance of securing health insurance for 400,000 people. in the state. how's that for a tradeoff? whatever you think of his decision in terms of what he was supposed to get out of it, is it a fair criticism in terms of the cost for the state and senator puckett's largely poor district? did that one decision do medicaid expansion for his state while his family got taken care of. peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance... ...and we'll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we take care of the heat, so you don't get burned. just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. major change at the state capital after a democratic senator gives up his seat in the virginia general assembly. senator phillip pucket tsh's resignation shifts power to republicans who have the majority. the move could hamper the democratic-backed medicaid expansion proposal in the budget. >> joining us now is julian walker, political reporter for the virginian pilot newspaper. thank you for being here. appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> what are the material consequences of this senator bailing out of the state senator and effectively handing control over to the republicans? >> well, certainly appearing to dim the prospects, at least in the short term for medicaid expansion through the budget legislatively. right now virginia is a few weeks away from the expiration of the current budget which runs through june 30th. so the pressure has been on for legislators to get together over adopting a spending plan. the hold up has been that democrats largely support medicaid expansion or the virginia alternative to medicaid expansion through the affordable care act. republicans primarily and by and large are against the medicaid expansion. the hold up has been both partisans on both sides insisting, one saying medicaid expansion should not be in the budget and the other side democrats say it should be in the budget. with the departure of senator puckett the end result is there is movement forward with the budget out of the rubble of the fallout has been that there was movement today on the budget and it appears the budget deal po potentially would be one without medicaid expansion in it. >> the republicans are able, now they are in control, to call the senate in to session and move at any speed they want to in terms of getting that budget done. am i right about that? they are back in the driver's seat at this point? >> republicans have gotten together. the procedural rules in virginia allow nine senators to call the chamber back in to session. today 20 republicans and one democrat joined together, signed on to a letter to bring themselves back in to session on thursday and the house of delegates, which has a republican super majority, two thirds republican out of 100 members are coming back on thursday to hammer out a budget compromise. >> let me ask you about the deal that was apparently hatched, although maybe partially abandoned now to get senator puckett to do this. it seems like the terms of deal is he would get a tobacco commission job that would be appointed by the new republican senate and that appears to be a six figure salary job and clear the way for his daughter to have a judicial seat in virginia. i think that's part of why this received national attention today. it felt like that was the price he was selling ou medicaid expansion, selling out everything that goes with his seat. as that deal falls apart, any question whether that might be a bribe, whether it might have been an illegal arrangement? >> certainly some people are using that terminology to characterize the deal or alleged deal. as you know, there's a little extra sensitive any in virginia. we came off of a rewrite of our state ethics rules governing public officials. that happened because of the gift scandal that enveloped the final year of the administration of former governor bob mcdonnell who is now facing federal public corruption charges in a trial coming up in july that will be held in the federal courthouse here in richmond. as it relates to this alleged deal, there are certainly criticisms of it. some people called for an investigation. they asked for the state attorney general, as well as the justice department, to look in to this. the justice department at this point is basically saying no comment. the attorney general is saying that he doesn't feel like it's his role to have a place in this investigation or to initiate an investigation at this point. i can tell you that i did hear from one source that one senate source that they did feel the call from an fbi today. >> thank you for helping us to break that news. >> julian walker, thank you for helping us understand this. appreciate your reporting. thank you. >> we will be right back. i can feel it tick thing right now. i'm about to blow my stack. stay with us. looks like we're about to board. mm-hmm. i'm just comparing car insurance rates at is that where they show the other guys' rates, too? mm-hmm. cool. yeah. hi. final boarding call for flight 294. 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[ female announcer ] tide plus febreze. that's my tide plus. the ambulance racing by you. the ambulance chaser... chasing the ambulance. a rollerblader with headphones who's oblivious to everything. the cab driver who's checking out the rollerblader. it's 360 degrees of chaos out there. but with driver-assist technology, including a blind spot system and a rear-view camera, the ford fusion will help tell you when it's coming. ♪ the ford fusion will help tell you when it's coming. now they're part of our 2 for $25 guest favorites!r one olive garden dishes. get your all-time favorites like creamy chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks and dessert. 2 for $25 guest favorites at olive garden. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. one funny thing about this job i'm frequently given credit for destruction. i destroy blatant hypocrisy. i destroy senator richard burr, i destroy fake outrage. i obliterate gay hate. that was a good day. i destroy any credibility that the politician might still think he has. destroy! destroy! i'm godzilla in a cheap blazer and the same hair cut since 2007. i destroy! whenever i'm said to have destroyed something, i realize this is high praise and i'm appreciative. one of the important things i think you have to do in explaining and delivering the news and increasing useful information in the world is point out when something dumb or hurtful is going on or people are not doing what they said they are do thing, destroy! but for all of the appreciated, but undeserved credit that i get for destroying things i don't really destroy, the only thing i'd really like to destroy but apparently i can't is what i consider to be a modern plague in the news business in this country. it has enough challenges in terms of the business model, having sufficient, good jobs for full-time professional reporters, editors and producers. what we could do without in this country and business is what we have got, which is a plague of self proclaimed, but terrible fact checkers. hello politifact. the statement in 22 months businesses created 3 million jobs. they find out it is a true statement and so they rate it half true. everybody loses their mind so they change it to mostly true but no, actually even under their own reasoning they found it to be true. who cares except for the fact they don't then go away. another one, tennis star says in 29 states it is legal for you to be fired for being gay. they find it a true statement and rate it half true. my head explodes. senator marco rubio says most americans identify as conservative. they check it. they look in to that and find the majority of americans do not identify as conservatives. in other words they found the statement is false. therefore, they rate it mostly true. do you remember when lawrence o'donnell said when the g.i. bill passed in 1944 some critics of the law called it a form of welfare? they rated it false because they didn't understand when someone said it is like going on the dole, they didn't understand that it meant welfare. fact checking is a noble thing. to verify facts you hear in news and conversation is a noble impulse. everybody should do it. honestly, third graders who can spell google can do it without help. instead of expecting people to do this individually, instead for some reason, as a nation we have grown a new, terrible,er the able, mini industry where in an organization that cannot google has decided to take on a pseudo official role as the nation's fact checking resource. fact checking, yes, you can do that on your own. politfact as america's national branded replace for fact checking, no, no, no. it is like if the prancersize lady bought the rights to the word exercise. and everybody decided exercising is not for them because look at it i'd never do that. it is what politifact is doing to fact checking. you can do it on your own, but don't call it the real world. you can't have the word fact. i know i have yelled about how terrible they are for a long time now. because nothing i do actually affects them they continue to market themselves as a news brand thing. i didn't think it was possible but over time they have gotten even worse at what they were already failing at. last week in discussing the return of prisoner of war bowe bergdahl we played old footage from the rescue of the first american p.o.w. rescued in wartime since world war ii. that was of course jessica lynch, who was ambushed with her maintenance company on the third day of the iraq war in 2003. the story that emerged of her rowism during the ambush turned out not to be true. we reported on that last week. politifact fact checked the story. according to them, quote, some people who saw mad doe's reporting questioned her assertion that the pentagon made up lynch's heroism. did the military provide false nafgs led to the narrative that jessica lynch went down fighting when captured? let's do some googling. here's a military times article published after jessica lynch was rescued. it has a public affairs reporter providing false information. it said lynch waged quite a battle prior to her capture. we have strong indications that lynch was not captured easily. reports are she fired her m-16 until she had no more ammunition. that information straight from a military public affairs official was not true. it was made up but landed in press reports any way. "new york times" printed a story after jessica lynch's story that had information on her supposed heroism and information provided by a u.s. army official. if you have google, which i understand politfact does not have. if they did they could see the evidence of the pentagon pushing this false story about jessica lynch fighting while she was hurt, being a hero, right? their google is broken. luckily for them we played this reporting from nbc news on the show the night they say they were watching. >> lynch and 14 other members of the ordinance maintenance company disappeared after ambushed. military officials say she fought even while hurt until she ran out of ammunition. >> military officials say she fought even while hurt until she ran out of am a in addition. if you are fact checking, whether or not military officials pushed a made up story about her heroism, there you go. answered, right, did military officials say she sought faut while hurt? >> military officials say she fought even while hurt. >> yes, so they did say that. so politifact rules no, they didn't say that. their reason for existing is a noble reason is to figure out what is true and what is false in the world and tell you because you can't check it yourself. they are terrible at that job. the world needs good fact checking. the internet specifically needs good fact checking. what it doesn't need is an organization that illegally uses the word fact in their name, anoints themselves the arbiter of fact and makes a mockery of it again and again and again. i do not actually ever destroy anything other than a good dinner. but if i could start destroying things on tv, i know where i would start. destroy! now it's time for "the last some republicans are so desperate to stop 400,000 people from getting health care they're willing to risk at least the appearance of political bribes. legally. >> folks have to understand that if we don't take this money we are going to pay double. >> republicans have a new theater in their war against obamacare. >> this medicaid expansion battle. >> to provide health care coverage for up to 400,000 virginians. >> the democratic governor's efforts to expand medicaid in that state. >> but it is a democratic lawmaker who happens to be right in the middle of the battlefield. >> i had never seen something like this. >> there's a lot of fallout here. >> state senator phil puckett decided to vacate his seat. >> this is a democratic state senator who's resigning.

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