Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20171215 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20171215

is coming down. but we are watching, of course, the biggest story of all which is the timing of it during the evening commute and everybody is below freezing. those roadways, anything it falls on, the steps, stairs, the sidewalk, it's going to be slick. philadelphia, we're seeing a light steady snow. pemberton, down toward hammondton, we're seeing steadier snow bands move through your area. that's headed to egg harbor where we're looking at ted greenburg who has been updating us. all the way down to cape may, it's transitioned into snow for you. if we head all the way up to wilmington we're getting a little burst of snow there. it's still a little bit heavier. in southern portions of delaware, we are still looking at snow that's a little bit heavier. you can see these patches from smyrna and across to southern jersey. basically, the snow is not going to be ending from the next couple of hours unless you're out there in the lehigh valley and berks county. by 7:00 philadelphia is in the clear, also parts of delaware and the pennsylvania suburbs. we have to wait till it clears the shore. that will be around 8:30. then the skies start to clear out. that's when we become concerned because the roadways are ice covered, no covered, very slippery. that's how it's going to be. if you have plans, leave a lot of extra time. tomorrow the snow will melt with the sun. at this point, i want to head over to my colleague, meteorologist, glenn schwartz. he's got the snow totals for your neighborhood and he's going to go hyper local. >> it's not taking a whole lot of snow to create a whole lot of mess. 9:00 a.m. there was not one snowflake on the weather map related to this system. that's how quickly it developed let's go area by area to show you how much snow to expect. by the end of this thing, by 7:30 or so, two inches in vineland. a couple of inches of snow, it doesn't seem like a lot. but with the temperatures as low as they are and all the traffic, you've got all those problems. delaware, the southern portion of the state is in better shape because it was warmer earlier today. you'll get the snow closer to the end of the storm by 7:00. a little over two inches in dover. nobody should be getting hammered with deep snow, but it's temperature that's the big issue. in the city of philadelphia itself, we've seen the snow continue across the area for much of the afternoon. by the time it is over, during the evening hours, we're talking about two inches on average across the city. all right, glenn. now to our team of reporters who are out there in the elements on this snowy friday night. harry harrison is live for us in manayunk. how's it looking? >> reporter: these roads are really tricky here. you might even call this place hill city because it's known for so many hills. some of the folks are still just walking out here. there's a person right above the step there, they've been trying to shovel these step and come down and salt those. you're getting folks shoveling in the area. traffic tricky on these roads. here's a vehicle now just coming down one hill trying to make it up another hill. and you're going to see folks coming up who came across the belmont bridge, right up this hill is a bit tricky. it's slick, quite dangerous out here. folks are moving very slow, but they are being able to get along at a decent pace as long as they're taking their time and being very careful about it. back to you guys in the studio. >> all right. harry, thanks for that. let's turn to delaware where tim furlong has been in newcastle county all day talking with people dealing with all of the snow there. tim? >> reporter: i want you to take a look at something, this is my phone. do you know how red means heavy traffic? that's how red it must be on i-95 here in newark. as we pull back we can show you actually up on the onramp to i-95, and you can see the traffic in north and southbound, you can see the tips of the trucks up there moving very, very slowly. that's a good thing. it's a good thing to go slow, because take a look at the roads and what we're seeing in delaware. the snow has been piling up. like glenn and tammie were saying it's been so cold that even the salt that was put down earlier in the week, it's having a tough time creating any sort of traction. you need to be careful. if you're going to be on the i-495 corridor, they've slowed the speed limit to 55. i don't think you're safe going 55. here in the mall complex, people have not decided to stay home and not shop tonight. they haven't decided they're going to stay in completely. you can see towards nordstrom, a lot of people over there are coming out no matter what. at this point i don't think it's great for people to come out. we've also seen a lot of people go to the movie theater. the last jedi is out. you have to ask yourself even if you prebought the tickets if it's worth getting on the road. at this point from what i'm hearing from drivers, they say it's not a great time to come out. maybe a few hours from now it might be a little better. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> you can see just how that snow is sticking in that parking lot, thanks for that. you can also see the snow behind us falling in center city. broad street, just a mess right now. >> look at that traffic. busier than normal on this friday night. nbc 10's aundrea cline-thomas is joining us live along that broad street traffic mess in center city. changed since we last saw you at 4:00? >> reporter: it is still snowing steadily but not as hard as it was before. another change right now, crews are standing in front of their building, they've been out here working hard for over an hour cleaning up the snow. they're working on the steps right there. we put a go pro on our truck as we left the station earlier this afternoon to head down to center city. i want to show you what that drive looked like. take a look, this is mlk drive. you see that there is some cars that were stalled out on the side of the road about 3:00 this afternoon. as you continue to go, the streets weren't plowed. a lot of these drivers are out here driving on streets that had not been pretreated. that's something that drivers need to be mindful of as they come out on the roads. we talked to a few people about how their maneuvering in this weather. >> the snow is not my friend. it's fine, it's lovely, but not fun to drive in or walk in. >> it slows everyone down. like, causes accidents. i slid on snow, slid on ice. can't do nothing about it. but be careful. >> reporter: be careful. that is the message tonight, is be careful. you see here on broad street things are going a bit slowly right now. we checked with the school districts of philadelphia, they say all their evening events are going on as planned. they did tell us expect delays, at least ten minutes on some of the septa lines. we'll be back in an hour and tell you how things are going. aundrea cline-thomas. nbc 10 news. you see those wet sidewalks behind her. that's going to freeze tonight unless you clear that off completely, which is tough to do. aundrea cline-thomas, keeping us posted in center city. the snow making for a messy evening commute. >> brad rudolph from penn dot joins us on the phone. what are your crews doing right now and how are things looking? >> as the snow begins to accumulate we've dropped our blades, the timing of the storm has been a challenge given it's during the rush hour. there's no magical way to get around traffic. if our guys are stuck it's hard to spread the materials. you're seeing a lot of buildup on a lot of the roadways. we do have some incidents going on. people need to take their time. the timing, again, has been a real challenge for us. but fortunately the storm is moving out quickly. >> your crews are going to be working through the night. of course, if you do find yourself near one of your trucks, give them space, correct? >> yeah, give them room to work. they need room to maneuver. they're not only watching traffic, they're determining how much salt to lay down. they're worried about their blades, they're worried about people passing them. give them the space they need. they'll be out throughout the night cleaning up any spots overnight into the early morning rush. watch your speeds tonight and into the morning. >> you said the blades were down, does that mean you salted and now you're scraping the snow off? or there wasn't an opportunity to salt, we just went in there with the blades? >> no, we began with salting operations and then once the snow begins to accumulate over an inch, two uninches then we c drop the blade. until the snow accumulates we lower the blade. >> brad rudolph, thanks for your time, we appreciate that. >> thank you. since the snow began falling, you have been sending us your pictures and video through the free nbc 10 app. >> steve is back with us to show us some of your stories. >> we say see it, share it. this is not fido, by the way. this is foxy. foxy is really running through the country landscape out there in the suburbs. wow, you know? this video was taken inside. so no threat. but you always see some interesting things during these snowstorms. the city streets, yeah, they're snow covered right now. we have plenty of snow on the ground in and around the city. this is a look at the weather over the caommon dorbridge. if you can't beat it, join it. a lot of these pictures and videos have been coming in, either liking the snow or hating the snow. either way, snow will be wrapping up here in the next several hours. glenn has fresh and updated totals for you coming up here in just a bit. >> i love that. all right, steve. we want to see what you're seeing, so just open the nbc 10 app. click on the top left corner and then click see it, share it. and if you're taking those pictures and videos, be careful out there when you do that. we just want you to stay safe. nbc 10 is live on the air over the next 90 minutes tracking the snow and the impact across our region. when we come back we're heading to philadelphia international airport to check on the effect the weather is having on flights. coming up at 5:00, thousands of guns are reported lost or stolen are being used in crimes within our area. take a live look at philadelphia international airport. and that's part of the story right there, the snow that's coming down makes it very difficult to see. according to flight aware there are some delays on departures averaging about 30 minutes. inbound flights are delayed an average of an hour 12 minutes. this is all because of this wintry weather that's in our area. >> now to the lehigh valley, this is a live look at main street in bethlehem. you can see the snow has pretty much stopped falling in that area. it's cleared out or starting to clear out of this area, but still a ways to go for the rest of us. very beautiful shot there. downtown, bethlehem. new at 5:00, stolen guns facing a new test. >> we're trying to generate leads. >> this just released tool is connecting the dots on firearms used in crimes. >> i can establish this potential link report. >> and aiming to give police a much needed leg up. >> at the end of the day, the criminals have a head start on law enforcement. >> at 4:00, the nbc 10 investigators reveal a troubling reality. thousands of guns reported lost or stolen are later connected to crimes. >> now investigative reporter george spencer shows us the newest tool in this fight soon to be used in crime scenes here in our area. >> our new product launch this year -- >> reporter: at a product display booth, we got a first-hand preview of the technology that may soon be helping local police to connect one crime scene to another. without ever seeing the gun used and without knowing its rightful owner. >> regardless of whether the gun is stolen or not, this type of technology breaks through that cycle. >> reporter: the director of business development vigilant. as the number of stolen guns has soared, he says the challenge has deepened for law enforcement working to solve gun crimes. the new ballistic search tool aims to help. >> representing each cartridge case that might be seen on a street corner. >> reporter: as his team demonstrated officers would collect shell casings at a crime scene and put it into this miniature dark room with a high resolution digital microscope on top. it captures an image of the shell casing, including the marks left by the gun itself. >> it leaves unique and distinct marks. >> reporter: that firearm fingerprint has been compare today the atfs ballistic search database. a match could help authorities determine how many guns were used and help them to connect seemingly unrelated crime scenes. that can be critical information when the guns used have been stolen and bears no traceable ownership history. >> it doesn't make a difference if the gun is stolen or not, you're able to connect crime scenes now. just as importantly, you're able to connect a recovered gun to a crime scene. >> reporter: for the investigators, george spencer, nbc 10 news. many larger police departments already use search tools to compare ballistic information with atf data. but those tools are generally too costly for smaller departments and they're not portable. there are plans for ballistic search to be pilot tested in a major police force here in our region, but he can't yet reveal which one. we continue to track this snow falling across the region. a live look at cape may, where flakes are falling there. but it's not the whiteout scene we're seeing in a lot of other areas. >> a live look at i-95, there you see the snow coming down. if you're hitting the road tonight, make sure you wipe all that snow off your car before you take off. and take it easy out there. first alert meteorologist tammie souza is tracking this snow neighborhood by neighborhood. >> we're going to start in allentown where the snow machine has pretty much shut down. there could be flurries or maybe a brief snowshower in the wee hours of the morning. in fact, all of the lehigh valley, berks county, up into the poconos, now just looking at a spotty snowshower or flurry. the bulk of this system now has shifted. it's in the lower pennsylvania suburbs through philadelphia. the heavier snow now moving through delaware and south jersey just as we expected it to. that's where we're expecting to see higher amounts. i do think that we will more snow in cape may as the evening wears on. browns mill, washington township, pretty good snow squall going on where you are. we go to say richland and allentown and reading, if we get out there into these areas, it's done. potts town, you're pretty much done. let's go now all the way into delaware. from smyrna to middletown you're seeing a steady snow coming down. not extremely heavy but a steady snow coming down. bridgeton, laurel lake all the way over to atlantic city, morris river as well, you're looking at a very steady snow. you see some patchy areas when we go from say, cape may up towards sea isle and wildwood. that's where we're seeing a little less. we'll see the heavier snow move in your direction over the next hour or so. now, this is a broader picture of the whole system. you can see how small it is. it's moving out of the area. we have a little wave that's actually coming out of a trough across parts of ohio, and that may bring us a few extra snowshowers or flurries tonight. let's go hour by hour and see how quickly this moves out of here. look at that, 5:30, we'll start clearing out of philadelphia. by 8:00 everybody is clear of the snow. maybe some flurries in the area. then the temperature drops. snow and ice on the roads, we've not been above freezing all day, we'll have slippery surfaces. by tomorrow afternoon, we get to the 30s, maybe up near 40 with sunshine. maybe a quick snow flurry up in the poconos. and then, sunday morning, we start off cold again right around freezing. everything is going to refreeze tomorrow night that melts tomorrow in the sunshine. on sunday, into the 40s. but then we get some rain at night. that's going to wash everything away. it could be a little bit of a mix in the lehigh valley and berks county. monday starts off in the tlur30. how much snow is going to fall? some of the models it says yeah, less than an inch for most of the area. we get into the rapid precision model and it's saying our heaviest amounts will be along the jersey shore. the european it says we're going to get between one and three inches of snow. please, use caution because everything will be snow packed from the roads to the steps right outside your house. back to you. >> take caution, good advice. team coverage of the snowstorm continues. coming up we're going on the road with storm force 10 as we monitor the driving conditions out there. this is 676 east in new jersey. it's slow going out there tonight. hey, man. oh! nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports! our snow coverage continues with a live look over center city. look at broad street, you can see the snow still coming down there, and traffic still slow going in center city. the evening commute, as you know, is in full swing right now. we're tracking road conditions really, all over the area. telemundo 62 is live for us in storm force 10 to show us what's going on. where are you and what are the conditions like? >> reporter: we're on 676 east in new jersey. it's slow traffic here. bumper to bumper. westbound is okay, but eastbound you're seeing brake lights. the highway is wet, slushy. you can see some snow here. be careful if you're out. it's dark, the temperatures as they go down, there's a danger of ice forming and people are definitely driving slower out here. we noticed on secondary roads there's nmore accumulations on the highways. we're headed towards route 42 and then heading to 295 north. stay with us. live from the storm force nbc 10 news. >> got to take it slow on the roads. you can see how much slush and ice and snow is out there. it's going to freeze over tonight. next at 5:00, our live team coverage continues from the jersey shore. >> egg harbor city, ted greenburg will bring us a live report. next. >> we're tracking the snow from the lehigh valley where it's starting to shut off through philadelphia down into delaware right over to the jersey shore where a steady snow is now falling. how much will fall in your neighborhood? i'll let you know right after the break. those hilly streets in manayunk, doing no favors for drivers tonight. everyone is going a little bit slower right now. yeah, you don't want to get involved in a slippery accident where you lose control. so it is a good idea to slow it down. especially in places like manayunk. >> wow, all right from man aionth a ayunk to center city. let's go down to egg harbor city at the jersey shore, the snow is still coming down. i'm erin coleman. >> i'm jim rosenfield. we have laist of closings at th bottom of our screen. nbc 10 is bringing you live team coverage. deanna durante is live for us. >> but we begin with tammie souza and glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> we're looking at the back side of the storm system clearing the upper pennsylvania suburbs, lehigh valley and berks county, parts of chester county. it's going to make its way out. the heaviest snow falling in south jersey and delaware. you can see this is a two hour loop, you can see what's gone out of the area. the flakes started falling at about 10:00 this morning, and then moved across the entire area. doyles town, you're beginning to clear. limerick, you're clearing, abington, light snowshowers for you. philadelphia, starting to clear out, light snowshowers. westchester you'll be clearing within the next 10 to 15 minutes. trenton, a steadier snow there. a steadier snow near washington township. as we go into south jersey, v vineland, cape may you're seeing a steady snow. southern portions of delaware, it's hit and miss snow squall coming through. north of milford into dover that's where we see stead jier snow. there's nothing going on once the system leaves. there's another wave that could bring us a few flurries or snowshowers overnight at some point. but we're mostly concerned about those snow packed roadways. typically, glenn, we would not issue a first alert for one to two to three inches of snow unless it falls in the commute, correct? >> yes, the timing and the temperatures. the two things that make it so critical. you can get four, five, six inches of snow and not have problems if it fell during the day and if the temperature was 32 while it was happening. but it's not that way. and so we've got to deal with it. it started off warmer at the jersey shore. that's why don't have the kind of problems, but that snow band that tammie was showing you is going to move there and you're getting your accumulation in the next couple of hours. about two inches in atlantic city by the time it's over, a little less than that in cape may. about two inches or so in vineland. now, in delaware, southern portions of the state too warm to get snow earlier this afternoon. and even with the snow coming in now, it's still on the warmer side but that area, too is going to cool down and get the snow. not as much as the northern portion of the state. so dover gets a little over two inches. but georg georgetown gets a little over an inch. in the philadelphia area where parts of the region are almost done with this thing, we're talking about one and a half to two inches of snow, some places getting a little bit more than that. but as we go into the 6:00, 7:00 hour, it moves out of here. an inch to two inches. kensington, about two inches in snow. we'll have the forecast for the rest of the weekend coming up. this isn't the first snow we have seen this week. but the timing today certainly is not ideal. people are dealing with snowy and slick roads as they make their way home from work. nbc 10's deanna durante has been out since the snow started to fall. deanna? >> caller: this is not a ton of snow. but police all over the county are saying it is causing a lot of problems. take a look at the traffic you see here. just here at ridge and butler pikes here, and i'm going to take you all the way back, you can see how the cars are lined up all the way towards chemical road. they're coming from norristown and western sections of the township here. this isn't a lot of snow but if you look down here on the roads, you can see it is slippery, it is slick. plymouth township here started salting the roads at about 2:00 when the snow started falling. we have seen those trucks come by us again. drivers tell us this is a pain in the neck to be out in. >> it is annoying, yeah. it's not fun to drive in but it's pretty. >> reporter: are you stopping for just a couple of things and then heading home and calling it a night? >> just things to make cookies for the weekend. >> reporter: if you don't need to be out, don't be. police in montgomery county alone are on the scene of more than 40 vehicle accidents, some causing injuries. we can tell you there are about a half a dozen injuries being reported from people falling. that tells you how slippery the snow is around here. when you get home safely, be careful when you get out of those cars or if you're going outside tonight be very careful. it is dark, it is slick and it is slippery. that's the latest reporting live, deanna durante. the snow is really affecting everybody. >> ted greenburg is live for us in egg harbor city, atlantic county. >> reporter: we're about 17 miles inland from the coastline. it is really coming down. quite a difference compared to when we last saw you at 4:30. then the main roads, like route 50 here, and the whitehorse pike. they were not snow covered. you can see the snow is accumulating on the main roads. the back roads, much worse. i've been talking with police chiefs from around this area, they tell me that the back roads are in bad shape. the snow started accumulating on those back roads first. and there have been reports of accidents, luckily from what i'm told, none serious so far. drivers definitely noticing the challenging conditions. >> pretty horrible back there in those back roads. the inner cities are doing pretty good, but the back roads need some help out there. >> reporter: got to take it easy out there on the roads. since we interviewed that woman, not that long ago, the conditions have really deteriorated on the main roads here in the cities as well. you got to take it slow out there during this snowy evening commute. i'm tell greenburg, nbc 10 news. >> thank you for that. all afternoon you have been sending us your pictures and video of the snow through the free nbc 10 app. >> nbc 10 meteorologist steve sosnas back. steve? >> how are you deal ing with the third accumulating snowfall of the season? i've seen mixed reviews. i'll take you through the image and the videos coming up next. taking a live look at the skyline over center city. slow commute for anyone coming in and out of the city. you can see the snow still coming down there on liberty one and liberty two. all right, let's take a look in the lehigh valley. more of the same, just a beautiful shot in bethlehem where the snow is tapering off. this main street on the south side of bethlehem. nice holiday shot there. viewers, they're posting their videos and pictures on their social media accounts. i saw some frowns there. people stuck in their cars in slow traffic. >> steve sosna has been putting together the best snow pictures. my favorite has been the fox. >> foxy is definitely winning the competition so far. viewers taking their frustration and channelling it into sarcasm. this post was really good. so this gentleman named jon was making a road trip from los angeles to philadelphia. from los angeles to the pennsylvania border, 80 miles per hour he was doing. from the pennsylvania border to valley forge, 50 miles per hour. and then from valley forge to philadelphia, six miles per hour. i hope he found a rest stop to go to in between. it was just kind of a nightmare commute. this is a cool image, this is a septa train by the delaware river, i think the trenton line. the snow is splashing up there, covered bridged up in northern newcastle county in delaware, certainly one of the prettier sites. christmas tree farm, get you inspired here and remind you the deadline is coming up, christmas is next weekend. go get that tree. and then finally last but not least, putting man's best friend to work. he has a brush in his mouth here. putting man's best friend out to clean the driveway. never really thought of that one, guys. >> poor thing. >> i need to try that at home. >> don't get any ideas. >> steve, thank you. all the snow is making for a tough commute for a lot of people out there tonight. >> need to be patient tonight, everybody. tammie souza is tracking when this is going to stop. if you live in the lehigh valley you're already getting a break. if you live in south jersey you have hours to go. stay off the road if you can and if you've got to get on the roads, don't drink coffee because it's going to be slow going and dangerous. welcome back, a live look at a snowy cape may. down the shore, you'll continue to see the snow moving through the area and through the evening. as we've been telling you it's going to be cold once the snow moves out. watch out for frozen surfaces. the evening commute is in full swing. we're tracking road conditions all over the area. >> we're live in storm force 10. and you're not moving very fast at all, are you? >> reporter: not at all. we're still on 676 east. we're near route 42 now. it's snowing here still. it's lighter snow, but it's still adding on to the wet and slushy roads we're seeing here. earlier we saw two trucks on the side of the road. it looked like they were trying to get onto the highway. the side roads, there's even more accumulation on those. you see white snow on those, those secondary side roads. if you're on the highway you'll be seeing a lot of this. it's wet, it's slushy, and people really need to be careful because it's dark out here. and as the temperatures go down, that slush can turn into ice. so slippery conditions on the road. people are definitely going slower here tonight. and that's what people should do. they should also take some more time if they're trying to get to their destination. we're trying to move into route 42 and then go on to 295 north. stay with us, live from the storm force nbc 10. back to you guys. >> if you have to be out on the roads tonight, you got to go slow. the first alert weather team is tracking the snow as it continues to push through our region. the snow is certainly making it look festive here in allentown. the buildings covered there in a blanket of white. but it is not fun as we just saw for drivers trying to get around on this friday night. from the city to the shore, we're all seeing snow this evening a live look. we saw snow accumulating on the roads and ted greenburg. >> ted is near the jersey shore. we got reports of two inches along parts of the jersey shore. newark coming in at 2.4. in kinwood we're looking at two inches. we got one report out of westchester saying 3.5 inches. it's piling up. in the lehigh valley generally a half inch to maybe more than an inch is what we've been getting. send us your pictures and snow totals. let's take a look at doppler radar. the darker shades of purple is where we're getting a steady snowfall. the lehigh valley, berks county, going into the poconos, it's pretty much shut down. philadelphia, you're getting ready to shut down. wilmington, you're getting ready to shut down. not the case for south jersey and that's where we expect to see the highest totals. here's the time lapse watching this very fast moving and small storm system move through the area. it will be out of here about 7:00 tonight. limerick, westchester you're out of the snow. you've shut down. vineland, a quick burst of snow going on there. the same for milford. cape may, nice steady snow there. atlantic city you're getting a burst coming your way. down toward longneck and georgetown, sporadic snowshowers there. across the entire area we'll see the clearing. the back edge of this storm system is already headed our way. maybe flurries overnight because we have a little fast moving system coming out of ohio. but it's not going to amount to any accumulation. this is what's important. once we clear, here we are at 5:30, once we clear philadelphia and the show by 7:00 tonight, temperatures are going to start to fall even more. we have snow packed roads, ice on the roads. it's going to be treacherous. we haven't been above freezing for several days. clear skies tonight. take it easy if you're out there. tomorrow morning you wake up well below freezing in the low 20s across the area. even on the jersey shore. and then we make it up into the upper 30s and low 40s. maybe a quick system bringing snow to the poconos. we get melting out there but refreeze after dark across much of the area. sunday, we go up to 40. look what heads our way? yeah, we end up with some rain overnight. that will wash things away. then we start to see temperatures on the rise early next week. how much is going to fall anywhere from one to three inches, the heaviest amount from philadelphia down through delaware and into south jersey. that's where we're expecting to see that. another problem is the visibility from the blowing snow. you can see we have one mile visibility from philadelphia all the way over to mount holly and into parts of south jersey. that's causing some delays with some flights. philadelphia, two hour delay. jfk one hour delay. newark is up and down with one hour delay. call ahead if you're going to be traveling anywhere. here's where we're going tonight. it's hard to imagine that by 11:00 we'll have a moon out there but we will. 27 in philadelphia, 23 in the pennsylvania suburbs tomorrow. 22 in the lehigh valley with that fresh snow on the ground. 27 in delaware. it will be 24 in south jersey and 31 along the jersey shore. the timing of the weather hazards, 9:00 through midnight tonight if you're out with friends enjoying yourself, watch out for the icy roads. the skies will clear and temperatures will fall. steps, sidewalks, roads, everything will be slippery and dangerous. 6:00 tomorrow morning through 11:00 tomorrow morning, the sun comes out but temperatures are slow to get above freezing until noontime. then we'll see ponding. from 11:00 to 4:00 tomorrow afternoon we'll be above freezing with eltammimelting bu everything refreezes tomorrow night. guys, back over to you. >> speaking of shopping, knock offs of a popular toy, it's on a lot of kids' christmas lists are showing up online. >> how you can spot a fake, next. welcome back, lester holt joins us from the nbc studios in new york. >> he has a look at what's coming up on nbc "nightly news." >> as republicans prepare to pass a tax overhaul, we're getting some new numbers on how they plan to cut tax and who will benefit. charities at the same time bracing for a potential big cut in donations. we'll explain why. plus, the uncomfortable moment during a hearing for a federal judge nominee that has gone viral. we'll have more on that when we see you coming up on nbc "nightly news." we'll send it back to you in philly now. >> thanks, lester. now to nbc 10 responds. every year there's a holiday toy that's in high demand and hard to find. >> this year it's the fingerlings, they've been sold out for weeks and that leads to fakes. harry hairston has new information about what to look out for so you don't get duped. >> in planning her holiday shopping, teresa knew her son and niece would love fingerlings. >> i'm not going to get caught not getting the hot christmas item this year. i went online to see who had them. >> on walmart's website she found and ordered four fingerlings paying just more than $100. >> i noticed they were being sold by third party sellers through walmart, which is fine. >> the first one arrived clearly marked. but she took issue with the second shipment. >> second one i received came in not as a fingerling, but as a happy monkey. not the color. not looking like it. not the brand. nothing like that. >> and some other cases across the country, the packaging is almost identical. when you compare the counterfeit to the authentic fingerlings you see a major difference. the name is missing on the packaging. check out how batteries is spelled. the maker of fingerlings is suing more than 150 companies for knocking off its toy or selling them. plus, there are potential safety concerns for kids. counterfeit toys by-pass federal safety inspection. >> the two concerns with counterfeit products are that one, they could pose a choking hazard, particularly if there's small parts. the second concern would be that there are unhealthy toxins that are in the product. >> after bringing it to walmart's attention, both consumers were given full refunds. if you are shopping for that hard to find toy, take a little time and do your homework. here are some tips to help spot fake fingerlings. felling errors, suspiciously low price and packaging that doesn't contain the company name. wowwee. >> if you have a complaint head to or give us a call. >> stay with us, up next when we continue our live team coverage of tonight's snow. starting to move out of some areas, but it's leaving trouble behind. we're live in south jersey, delaware, montgomery county and center city showing you conditions everywhere. and they are variable. and i'm timing out when the snow moves out completely. my most accurate first alert forecast is next at 6:00. right now at 6:00, a blast of snow covers our region tonight. creating treacherous traffic and icy gridlock across all three of our states right now. and the snow is still falling in some areas tonight. first in pennsylvania, steady snowfall in center city. a slippery mlk drive, big snowflakes at kinwood and a white wedding day of snow in bethlehem. delaware, it's been tough to see through the snow in wilmington. it's slippery and slushy out there. new jersey, snow has been coating the side streets and sidewalks. that will be icing over tonight in the cold. good evening, everyone i'm jim rosenfield. the first alert radar shows the snow steadily falling. in some spots it's moving out in others. it's leaving behind just a mess on the roads. even the major roads are slushy in spots tonight. and in center city, look out for black ice, slippery side streets and snow covered sidewalks. here's a live look down broad street. and the snow is causing a septa slowdown as we look live at 30th street station. transit is reporting delays on several different routes. we have an army of reporters in the snow tracking any trouble it's causing. nbc 10 live in egg harbor city, plymouth township and newark, delaware. we have a triple threat of meteorologists tracking the rest of the snow and the conditions it's leaving behind. let's begin with first alert chief meteorologist tammie souza. >> we have hours to go for some of the areas. south jersey, delaware, another hour or two of snow. in philadelphia, you'll be clearing in the next 30 minutes. same for the pennsylvania suburbs, also into the lehigh valley and berks countynd

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