Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 630 20150315 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 630 20150315

manager. jay, police believe this started because she wanted a free ride? >> that's right. crazy scenario. wild scene. she came down the escalator here at stadium armory on the east side of the map. silver orange and blue line. she wanted a free ride. she asked the station manager, he said no. an argument ensued and they allege she stabbed him. we want you to take a look at this video. it has important pictures. surveillance was able to get a few shots of what they say was the suspect. authorities say it happened before noon. they say this adult female entered the station. she asked if she could ride for free. a physical altercation ensued and she pulled out a steak knife. the good news he's expect today survive. survive. >> pretty significant pungs tour wouldn't and it's in the torso. it had the potential of being a serious injury. we're relieved he's okay. >> now, we want to go back live to the pictures. it is important. authorities want you to take a close look at the suspect. adult female. metro transit police hope to quickly make an arrest because there are a number of good picture pictures. if you recognize this woman you are urged to contact metro transit police. we are live in southeast, abc 7 news. >> developing now police have made an arrest in the shooting of two police officers in ferguson, missouri. officers took 20-year-old jeffrey williams into custody late last night. williams that was already on probation faces multiple charges including first degree assault. shell case cans found amount the crime scene match a handgun found in william's home. eacknowledged his -- he acknowledged his participation in firing the shots that he did fire the shots that struck the two officers. >> now williams reportedly told investigators the officers were not his intended target. they were wounded as they guarded the station during protest wednesday night. both officers are out of the hospital. >> eric holder is weighing in on the arrest. he said in a statement it sends a clear message that acts of violence against the law enforcement personnel will never be tolerated. >> here at home one man is behind bars after police say he shot at them and barricaded himself in his house. it started with a call for an intoxicated person in pasadena around 1:00 in the morning and the situation soon involved neighbors. >> alson didn't get much sleep after she says she saw her neighbor open fire on police. it was scary. >> the 38-year-old went back into his home off 9th street when three officers returned fire. officers knocked on the door and told her and her sister to go down to the basement. >> they knocked on the door and said can we use your back deck? we have a better focus point there. >> it would seem like the longest hour of her life. they remained in the basement listening to the police officers talking to the gunman on a megaphone. police brought in an armored personnel carrier that allowed them to get closer to the suspect's home quickly and safely. >> they saw the suspect was suffering from an injury. at that point he complied. >> that injury a gunshot to the leg. police say they found a 40 caliber weapon next to him and until ballistic evidence returns they won't know if it was self-inflicted. he's facing a number of charges including attempted second degree murder. >> obvious question why did this occur? we don't know. if alcohol played a role we will find that out. >> abc 7 news. >> new tonight police identified the grandmother and toddler hit by a van. they tell us that the 46-year-old and 2-year-old were crossing route 197 at old chapel road when they were hit. the little girl died. people we spoke with say that intersection is notorious for dangerous driving. >> some big cleanup in northwest d.c. after this tree fell across tea street. this is between new hampshire avenue and 16th street. no word on what brought that huge tree down. crews have broken it up and gotten it out of the street but they have to remove pieces from the sidewalk. you can see the damage it did to one car. >> other than being a little cool and windy outside, it has been a glorious day as we head into spring. eileen joins us from the weather center. we are looking to a warm up. >> yes indeed. how do 60s sound. that's what we get to look forward before changes arrive for the latter half of the week. it has been windy today and at this 6:30 hour winds are gusting anywhere between 20 and 30 miles per hour. earlier today, winds gusted up to 45 miles per hour. but the trend will be for the winds to diminish as we head through the next several hours. but it is still very comfortable. 56 degrees. a little cooler farther north. 48 in frederick. but 58 degrees. but with the diminishing winds overnight by midnight we will be in the mid-40s with clear skies. a few more high and mid level clouds moving in but it will be a chilly start to the morning, so make sure the kids have the jacket at the bus stop. mild monday and as i alluded to chillier air returns for the latter half of the week. i will join you in about 10 minutes for more on that. >> we will see you then eileen. >> st. patrick's day parades are being held across the country including here in the nation's capitol. but in boston the most irish american cities a major change. gay rights groups marched as a part of the bean town celebration. richard joins us live in the studio. rich, even people here are talking about the big changes up in boston. >> a lot of important people here for the change. the first mayor to participate in 20 years. >> along constitution avenue a different kind of march madness. >> we love to celebrate the parade. it is a great event. >> d.c. parade growers reflecting on a bit of wearing green history. >> everyone should be welcome. >> today is a no brainer. >> for the first time gay rights groups marched in the st. patrick's day parade. >> i think it was more than about time to do something like that. before sunday bean's town biggest preparade debate was about snow cramping the route. >> it has been bad. nobody could park and people are staying home. >> this year's march included boston pride and lbgt rights group and a group that represents gay veterans. ief a brother that is gay -- i have a brother that is gay and i think it is a good idea to include him. why not? >> it has been a long tug of war. they are arguing homosexuality conflict with catholic doctrine. but massachusetts the first to recognize gay marriage. >> it has been going on in san francisco for a long time. >> we are all brothers and sisters. >> the change is not without controversy. the massachusetts knights of columbus pulled out of the event calling it politicized and it is now an lgbt contingent. they said the group was welcomed with open arms. >> thank you, rich. new developments from capitol hill tonight where attorney general nominee loretta lynch may have to wait longer for a confirmation vote because afterdispute over human trafficking bill. >> this will have an impact on the timing of considering the new attorney general. now, i had hoped to turn to her next week but if we can't finish the trafficking bill she will be put off again. >> the trafficking bill is stalled because of a provision involving abortion. lynch has waited longer for a vote than any other attorney general nominee. >> coming up a cold case rei go nated. the mal-- rei go nated. the millionaire behind bars and how a show on hbo put police back on his trail. >> the new look at the damage from cyclone pam we have not seen until now. >> but first a new lawsuit after the sandy hook shooting. why the e >> families of several sandy hook shooting victims are suing the estate of the late gunman's mother. nancy was careless negligents in leaving an assault rifle unsecured in her home. tonight a millionaire real estate heir is behind bars in connection with a woman's death 16 years ago. police arrested him last night in new orleans. he's the center of the hbo documentary. they looked if he was involved in the disappearance of his wife kathy kathy. he has an extradition hearing in new orleans tomorrow. the final episode of "the jinx" airs tonight. >> those at risk of a heart attack or stroke. new drugs lower the chances of both. people taking these drugs increase their chances of survival by 50%. the food and drug administration will decide whether to approve those drugs. massive devastation and now a new challenge. the number one problem crews are trying to fix right now in the wake of cyclone pam. and here at home it's spring like warm up but don't get too comfortable with the warm temps. eileen has the full next. >> teams are getting the first look in the wake of cyclone pam. communications there are at zero. the biggest challenge is getting people clean water. it is called one of the worst cyclones in pacific's history. >> is this a strange time for cyclones? >> not really. you can get them but the sheer strength of the storm, i mean just -- our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those people there. >> absolutely. the wind we are experiencing will bring us great weather for us right? >> indeed. they will shift more to the south and bring us great warm weather for the day tomorrow. this morning we started off with clouds and this great time lapse, you can see the streams of light. the clouds have moved out. we have brilliant sunshine and the winds are slowly starting to diminish, but my oh my what a gusty day it was today. middletown maryland a wind gust of 47 miles per hour. 44 miles per hour wind gusts where the temperature right now is 49 degrees. and 43 miles per hour wind gusts in chevy chase. the winds starting to diminish and we will continue to see the winds subside over the next several hours. believe it or not still snow in new england. poor new england cannot catch a break but that system moving off to the north and high pressure moving in from the west has brought us gusty winds with the pressure gradient. it bumps our temperatures up in the 60s. but tonight it's going to be chilly. keep it in mind for yourself and the kids getting out the door for the monday morning commute. it will be chilly. 38 degrees in the city but the suburbs closer to 32. lighter winds as well. tomorrow morning after a chilly start i think by recess time fort kids by lunchtime for all of us adults in the upper 50s and we will top out in the lower 60s. you will notice the milky sky mid and high level clouds starting to work its way into the region. we get another warm day tuesday with a high of 60 degrees on st. patrick's day. it will get blustery and highs in the mid to upper 40s. but then friday the first day of spring we get spring showers. the equinox occurs at 6:45 p.m. and we stay in the 50s for next weekend. >> i'm going to take a recess tomorrow. >> i think we should all start taking recesses. >> let's doit. >> the lesson from the wizard winning isn't anything? >> some good things and bad things last night. let's just be happy. >> that's the attitude. >> coming up next in sports why the coach wasn't 100% happy with last night's win. and it's election sunday. why they weren't that excited where they were se >> today our cameras caught up with mark and his terps and this is the reaction when they found out they were fourth seed. they will play 14th seed in columbus, ohio. they won the horizon league this year. they were 28-5. 13-3 in conference play. anything could happen when you are fourth seed in this tournament. >> meanwhile, in georgetown a better reaction. virginia comes in as a two seed and they will play on friday. >> let's talk some title action. fcc title, kentucky could go 34-0 and they did. they ran all arkansas. had a double double with 14 points. they combine for 26 points. kentucky wins 78-63. they are undefeated. 8th and final, less than a minute to go. bcu up to doug brooks gets the steal. goes to lewis for the layup. 71-65. there will be a 7th seed in the tournament and play ohio state in portland on thursday. >> well, it looks like they are putting things together last night. over a win over sacramento. >> we have to focus in on how we have to play every night. it doesn't change. that's how this team is. you know they think we can change how we are playing and be successful it's -- we have to defend sometimes what it is? dr. jekyl and mr. hyde sometimes in the same game? >> it didn't happen this time top of the 5th. dan ugla gets a meatball over the plate. it's gone. his first homer of the spring. 1-0 mets after the blast. but the astros put up three runs in the bottom of the fifth. george springer drives in the third run. a base hit. 2-2. that's three losses in a row. >> and briefly the caps will play the bruins tonight. the puck drops at 7:30. so the brackets are set. >> i like the contrast between the 2-4 seed. >> one happy, one not so happy. >> well see what happens. >> let's get to the monday forecast. even if it is mild in the afternoon as we climb in the lower to middle 60s it will be chilly in the morning. temperatures will start off in the 30s. you probably want the jacket but one of the days in the jacket in the morning you can lose by the afternoon and winds will be much lighter compared to today. tuesday, we get to enjoy another 60 degree day but ad front will slide through so for the most part most of us will be dry but it will turn windy and temperatures will fall for the second half of the day on tuesday. wednesday and thursday a little cooler. mid to upper 40s. friday the first day of spring. looks like spring showers will be moving in appropriately so. the equinox occurs. we are kind of book ending that number. 40s and 60s. >> right in there. thanks eileen. thank you for joining us. we will see you back here at 11:00. tt2wút3n@át bt@q8-$ tt2wút3n@át "a@q(!@ tt2wút3n@át bm@q#ál tt4wút3n@át " dztq [jé tt4wút3n@át " entq +n< tt4wút3n@át " gzt& 2id tt4wút3n@át " hnt& "g( tt4wút3n@át " iztq h.p tt4wút3n@át " jntq zí0 tt4wút3n@át " lzt& b3l (mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her fiherst day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's's what makes a rubaru a subaru. bergeron: here's a sneak peek at tonight's "afv." we dare you not to laugh. [ babbles ] [ cellphone rings ] [ shrieks ] man: i won't. don't let your feet touch the ground. aah! [ cannon fires ] [ cheers and applause ] welcome to... and now, here he is, the host of "afv"... tom. bergeron. [ cheers and applause continue ] thank you very much! thank you, thank you trinity and baylee for that wonderful

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