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now, abc 2 news, the latest at 11:00. the city will still continue to move forward, we will still continue to stay very focused. >> mayor sheila dixon vows to keep baltimore moving. after seven days of deliberations the jury conviction her of a single count of taking gift cards intended for the needy, a crime punishable by up to 5 years in prison. she was acquitted on two other counts. i'm mary beth marsden. it all began in june of 2008 when the state prosecutor's office raided the mayor's home. new details emerged in october. prosecutors wanted information on the mayor's dealings with developer ronald lipscomb. in january of '09 mayor dixon was officially indicted. in march of this year we learned the mayor would stand trial but, in may, several charges were dropped. and in july those charges were re-filed and dixon was again indicted on november 8th the trial began and that brings us to today and the jury's decision. we have live team coverage tonight, cristian schaefer has been speaking with county members and terry owens has details. but we start with people inside the courtroom since day one. >> reporter: the mayor was found guilty of one of the five counts against her. this jury distributorred 6 days and 4 hours, in a verdict that will change this city forever. >> any time a sitting mayor is convicted. >> reporter: state prosecutor robert raw bah is not rejoicing but says this proves the state can get a fair trial in the city of baltimore no matter the defendant. >> i think the message is that there is nobody above the law. >> reporter: which was the same approach taken by the dixon jury. one member said they had to put aside the fact that dixon is a mayor and judge the case at hand. >> how difficult was it. >> it was very difficult. we had a hard time, you know, we had people who were in disagreement you know, nobody was on the same page at one point in time but it was very, very hard to come to a decision. >> reporter: but after six days and some 40 hours of deliberation they did, convicting a sitting mayor, a mayor intent on serving for as long as the law will allow. >> are you going home? >> i'm going to city hall. thank you very much. >> reporter: now it is unclear when the mayor would have to step down t city says it is upon sentencing, the maryland constitution says "immediately." the penalty for tonight's conviction is up to five years in prison although the state has not sided whether or not they'll seek prison time for this conviction. sentencing has yet to be scheduled. in downtown baltimore, brian cube letter, abc 2 news. it of course did not take long for the news of the verdict to spread to city hall. cristian schaefer is there tonight. are members of city council supporting the mayor? >> they are mary beth to a point. they believe the mayor does not need to step down immediately. the council members we spoke with seem to agree with that, however, they are hedging a bit on whether she will be able to finish out her term in office. the guilty verdict took a back seat to major budget problems for the city of baltimore tuesday afternoon. council members heard about another multimillion-dollar budget hole they'll have to fill. the meeting was attended by the woman who may become mayor if mayor sheila dixon steps aside. >> i've spoken to my colleagues to make sure we maintain city services, safety, and moving the council forward. >> reporter: she would not say whether she is preparing to become mayor. she did say the city solicitor is correct in his assessment that the mayor does not need to step down yet. >> it is not freeing with him, it's agreeing with the reading of the case law. >> reporter: councilwoman mary pat clark said the mayor would be able to continue with her duties despite the conviction. >> she has worked every single day through all this and i know that she will work every day that she is in office. >> reporter: but she deflected a question about whether the mayor should step down. >> life goes on and the city goes on and the mayor is in her office and we'll take it day by day. >> reporter: councilman jack young says he is focused on finding ways to plug the new budget deficit. he would not say whether he believes mayor dixon should remain in office. >> i have no comment on that because it's, you know, still in the legal process and i don't want toker serve no judgment. >> reporter: the council members we spoke to said they are waiting for the legal process to play out t city solicitor's ruling on this is that the mayor doesn't have to step down right away. his opinion is that she would not have to step down until after she was sentenced and all her appeals are exhausted. live in downtown baltimore, cristian schaefer. >> here is a recap of the charges and version. she was found guilty of count number 4. that it basically means embezzlement. she was acquitted on count 1, felony theft. count 3 theft of gift cards less than $500 purchased by baltimore city housing and on count 7 misconduct in office. now to the reaction from the streets of baltimore from grocery stores to talk radio, voters are weighing in. terry owens continues our team coverage from northeast baltimore. >> reporter: welcome to talk radio. >> i'm happy she was found guilty. i don't think that she should remain in office. >> reporter: with a panel of experts in studio the phones were lit up tonight on the mark steiner show on weaa88.9 fm. >> the mayor took cards from developers and i think even 78 of her supporters are upset with her. >> she needs to ask helpful what's in the best interests of not herself but the people that elected me. >> reporter: he said he was saddened by the mayor and had this advice for elected officials. >> if you get into public life you have to understand that you have to come clean and be clean. >> reporter: but maurice dixon is among those urging the mayor to stay and fight. >> so much as sheila dixon has done for the city of baltimore, council president, teacher, whatnot, you just can't go away. >> reporter: at belvedere square we found a suburban perspective. ivan green lives in bel air. >> i would like to see her step aside because, you know, we're looking to leadership to be honest and have some character and that doesn't seem to be what we're seeing. >> i think she works hard, she has got the city's good at heart so i think she should carry on. >> tonight only the mayor nose what her next move will be but if she sticks to what she has been saying and doing you can expect to see her bright and early at the board of estimates meeting at city hall. there are clearly mixed emotions across the region but none compared to those inside the jury room. it took them seven days to decide. while some jurors avoided the media screen outside the courthouse some openly discussed what happened over the days of deliberation. >> it was kind of you know heart breaking but at the same time it was a really leave. >> at first there was high tensions and then there was, of course, some humor and laughter in the breaks, the breaks really were breaks. >> it is what it is and it was hard but we did it and the reason we found her guilty on the misappropriation on the patrick turner case was because we felt as though she didn't use the cards given to her, she used them inappropriately. >> shortly after the verdict was announced they released this statement. it is important that everyone who cares about baltimore stays focused on reducing crime in our neighborhoods, improving our schools, creating jobs and otherwise serving the people who live and work in baltimore. so, now, what is next legally for mayor dixon? our legal expert byron warrington runs down whoa he believes is the likely scenario. >> she gets sentenced and gets suspended, she files a notice of appeal, and the pelt process in maryland, it's gonna run at least 15 months, could be 18 months, and then if she loses then her conviction becomes final and she goes to being the suspended mayor to being the removed mayor. >> and earlier tonight i spoke with another legal expert about whether or not mayor dixon is, according to the state constitution allowed to stay in office while all this is happening. >> there's some conflicts of what people were feeling if the mayor is allowed to stay in office after the verdict came down. what have you found. >> she is permitted to stay in office until there is a sentencing so there is no need now that she gets the milk cartons out and starts packing up and leaving, but when the sentencing happens that's gonna change and how that changes is a matter of debate. >> this is by the city charter and the constitution of the state, is that right. >> it's really by the constitution of the state, overrides the city charter, that's correct. >> we'll continue to follow this story both on the air and online on remember, there are still motions ahead, a sentencing, there is at least one more trial expected in mayor dixon's future and i'm sure a lot more people commenting tomorrow. stay with abc 2 news for the very latest. right now across the region nice clear skies and nothing showing up on maryland's most powerful radar but by tomorrow afternoon, evening, we'll be having some rainfall moving through the region and some of it could been the heavy side. your forecast for the overnight period, mostly clear, not as cool overnight, the low about 37 degrees. tomorrow the clouds increase, the rain moves in, and then by the weekend, believe it or not, you could see some snow. we'll tell you all about it coming up. >> thanks norm. speaking to the nation through west point. the commander in chief lays out the nation's new plan for afghanistan. and on a much lighter note. sights and sounds of the season in towson tonight. breathe right, the small strip that gives you... big nighttime breathing relief... introduces-- drum roll please-- new breathe right extra. the only strip with an extra spring-like band, it's 50% stronger for congested noses that need extra help in opening nasal passages... so you breathe even better. and now get two free samples... and experience a better night's sleep for yourself. go to to try new breathe right extra. abc 2 news is brought to you by medstar. ... monument in mt. vernon is lit up in red all in a battle to bat will aids. los angeles, chicago and pittsburgh joined charm city in lighting up monuments for world aids day. in a speech to the nation tonight, president obama laid out his plans for our future and our allies' future involvement in afghanistan. abc's lindsay davis has the details from west point. >> reporter: standing before the men and women who are the next generation of america's soldiers president obama outlined his strategy for winning the war in afghanistan. the command near chief, who deliberated for nearly three months, pushed for a swift timetable. >> the 30,000 additional troops i'm announcing will deploy in the first part of 2010, the fastest possible pace. so that they can target the insurgence and target key population centers. >> to defeat andy grade taliban sources, provide population centers safety, and train afghan forces by us u.s. forces. also critical an end point. troops could start returning home in just 18 months. >> these additional troops will allow us to accelerate handing over to afghan forces and allow us to begin the transfer out of our forces in july of 2011. just as we have done in iraq we will execute this transition responsibly taking into account conditions on the ground. >> reporter: in the end, obama says success definitively rests with the av governance themselves. >> president obama: it will be clear the afghan government and more importantly to the afghan people that they'll ultimately be responsible for their own country. >> reporter: with u.s. casualties increasing, costs rising and very little progress in the now 8-year-old war, president barack obama faces critics on both sides of the aisle as he tries to sell his new war strategy. lindsay davis, nbc news, west point new york. the accused killer of four police officers will not be amon them, although other charges will be laid. another officer finally caught up with him. the story tops our look at other news from around the nation. >> reporter: police say accused cop killer maurice clemens had eluded capture with the help of a number of accomplices. four have been arrested but more are being sought. police say when clemens was killed by one of their officers he was carrying a gun from one of the four officers killed this weekend. the florida highway patrol has wrapped up its investigation citing tiger woods for careless driving in his minor but mysterious crash just a chip shot away from his own driveway. woods' accident happened two days after the national enquirer accused the golfer of having an affair. that woman and woods have denied any such relationship. but, now, another woman has come forward saying she too was involved with the married woods and that she has hundreds of text messages and voice mails to prove it. u.s. senators today debated several amendments to a house carry form bill including one barring insurers from denying coverage to women for mammograms and pap smear tests after two government panels recommended less frequent screenings. >> we the women of the senate are concerned that even being a woman is being viewed by the insurance companies as a preexisting condition. >> and it is the season for giving but someone in west virginia took the holiday spirit a little too far. police say good will employees found $1,500 worth of marijuana stuffed in a metal water jug which had been dropped off. now, the forecast certified baltimore's most accurate, here is chief meteorologist norm lewis and maryland's most radar. >> liked the sun today. >> yeah, because things were going to be going away tomorrow. but very normal today or close to temperature-wise norm always. the daytime high was 55 degrees, the low was 30, the norm always 51 and 31, so right in the ball park. no precipitation but that's going to be changing tomorrow. right now bwi marshall there's our camera shot of the airport right now, 40 degrees at bwi, 33% humidity, wind from the south at 3, pressure rising 1.11. here are your tides, just before noon time low tide 11:37, 6:34 in the evening high tide, winds from the east at 8 to 14 miles per hour, sun comes up at 8 minutes after 7 and will set at 4:43. the high today up to 55, got a couple of -- well i expected to see a high about 52, that's what the high was in new york but we did get to that 55 which is okay. temperatures outside rights now 40 in baltimore, 30 in york, 36 in hagerstown. it is warmer in oakland than it is up in york, pennsylvania, over in ocean city right now 44 degrees. go figure. as far as our satellite picture throughout the day lots of sunshine throughout the day today, helped nicely, but will washington's very fast moving storm system coming out of the gulf of mexico currently drawing moisture not only from the gulf of mexico but from the atlantic, a very active area of low pressure, at 5:00 this evening the leading edge 0 this have rainfall was south of atlanta, right down here, so you can see the system is moving very rapidly and it will move into the baltimore area tomorrow afternoon. now as you go through the overnight period these clouds will start increasing over the top of our region, they will be very thin to start with, but as we go through the overnight period and the early morning hours the clouds will continue to thicken as we go through the afternoon, between 3, 4:00 the way things are looking right now that will be making its way in the baltimore area. right now no rainfall showing up for the most powerful radar, by tomorrow we'll be tracking it. dundalk elementary, 45 degrees, feels like 45 because the binned is very gentle from the south. 1 to 2 miles per hour. the humidity a little bit high up at 65%. here is how the forecast is getting to work. overnight mostly clear skies, thin clouds move in, but during the day you'll see the clouds start to increase across the region. then the showers move in about 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon, heavy rainfall moving through the region, should be out of here through the overnight period, during the day thursday, pretty thighs day. thursday is going to be a warmer day, but going to be a windy day. here is your forecast. for tomorrow increasing clouds with evening showers, we'll see an overnight low of 54 degrees during the next seven days, that's what it's looking like. the morning sunshine with the afternoon rainfall. then thursday a windy day but 60 degrees. now friday will be mostly sunny, cooler, 45 degrees. on saturday, we'll have some rain during the day and that rain could change through some light snow overnight into early sunday morning as we go through an overnight low of 30 degrees. then on sunday, monday, tuesday, partly cloudy skies for these three days and as you can see the temperatures will be a little bit on the cooler side. see you tomorrow night at 5, 6 and 11:00. a celebration of the season tonight in towson. baltimore county held its annual christmas tree lighting ceremony in the towson district. it featured free hot chocolate and cookies and a chance to meet santa leaving kids with more than just a sugar rush. >> i've just been wandering about here, this is going to be a celebration welcoming a man by the name of santa claus. >> festivities also included music by students from perry hall middle school and towson university. ♪[ music ] >> and this is always a favorite. more sounds of the season tonight at baltimore's basilica of the assumption. the annual christmas with choral arts with the choral arts society. it is a very special tradition for us here at abc 2. it included rose stephaney dunn powell with readings by meg al pringle. the show will air at 11:35 with an encore performance at 9:30 a.m. christmas morning. you know when we talk about women and cancer this health threat might not be the first to come to mind but it's on the rise. (lips smacking) you disgust me. prove it. (announcer) enough's enough. d-con baits are fifty-percent stronger than the competition, and can kill in one feeding. d-con. get out. you disgust me. prove it. (announcer) enough's enough. d-con baits are fifty-percent stronger than the competition, and can kill in one feeding. d-con. get out. into your health tonight alarming statistics show the rate of oral cancer among among recommend is riding. they say it's is more women drinking and smoking. they say it can also be caused by the virus hpv. it's a serious medical condition that affects nearly 20 million people every year and half of them don't even know they have it. but once they find out it forever changes their life. . hi hi, how are you. >> fine. >> reporter: ed volunteer a till has been living with type 2 diabetes more than 10 years. he tends to have blood sugars because his body cannot break down the sugars he eats. that means diet the key to a longer healthier life. >> i'm a lot more careful how much i eat and what, and i've lost about 20 pounds. >> type 21 manageable if you catch it in time. >> reporter: the doctor has been helping them live longer healthier lives for more than 25 years. he says the biggest challenge is identifying the disease. many people don't know they have it until something else goes wrong. >> then they show up in the emergency room with a heart attack and then the doctors say "my god your sugar is 500 you know," that's how it surfaces. >> went to have a procedure done in my back, the people in the operating room said that my blood sugar was slightly elevated. >> reporter: so ed went to doctor khan before things got worse because he knew that, if untreated, diabetes to lead to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure or nerve problems in your leg or feet. doctor khan gave him a complete exam and laid out a program of exercise and a diet to control his blood sugar. >> follow the diet and the instructions and then the next program, lifestyle modification very, very important for that. >> after a while it becomes second nature. >> uh-huh. >> you know, once in a while you want to cheat but it beats the side effects. >> reporter: you should be screened for diabetes if you have a family history of the disease, if you're overweight or have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. for more information about the disease and the treatment you can call good samaritan at 443- 444-4100. we're back with a final look at the forecast next. there's there's all right. tomorrow on "good morning maryland" law enforcement is going high-tech in baltimore county. the wireless broadband network hundreds of officers will be using in their vehicles. jamie costello, that story and more, weather and traffic, tomorrow on good morning maryland. . >> closed captioning of abc 2 news is brought to you by luna. 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( sighs ) wasting money stinks. stop wasting money. use... hefty! hefty! hefty! with unscented odorblock technology. it neutralizes garbage odors, and can save you money. i love this bag. hefty! hefty! hefty! wasting bags stinks. get hefty with unscented odorblock technology. hefty. stop the stinks. thick engineer clouds tomorrow with rain moving in tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. some of the rain tomorrow night could be heavy. then thursday is going to be a windy day even though it is cloudy. pretty decent day friday but on the chilly side. saturday rainfall during the day and as the rain comes the an end overnight saturday to sunday morning, we go to an overnight low of 30 degrees, there is a chance we could see a bit of light snow. doesn't look like anything major at this point in time but you'll notice the temperatures on sunday, monday, tuesday, are definitely going to make it feel like winter here in baltimore. >> first flakes of the season. >> you got it. >> delightful. >> as you know tomorrow is my last day here at channel 2, i'm going to be saying good night on the 6:00 newscast so this is my last 11:00. >> so we're going to have to say good night to you tonight. >> so i want to thank everyone who works in this fabulous newscast. this has been another kyle mccan spectacular, craig danchuk, ryan dooley, john naught in editing, that's right, they make it all happen. it's been my privilege to be here. and stay up late. it's been worth it. >> we have enjoyed having you. >> thanks bud. >> but you're going to be around town. >> that's right. >> i'll be here tomorrow. but that's all for us for tonight. good night. >> good night. hi. hey, i need a new cell phone. well right now you can get verizon wireless plus fios tv, internet and phone. wow... it really is beautiful, isn't it? it's gorgeous! who would know? no one would know. would anyone know? hey, buddy... what are you doing here? well...i believe that answers my question. 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New York , United States , Dundalk , Maryland , Baltimore County , Afghanistan , Washington , District Of Columbia , West Virginia , Mexico , Ocean City , Iraq , Hagerstown , Pennsylvania , Chicago , Illinois , Towson University , Baltimore , West Point , America , Afghan , Lindsay Davis , Santa Claus , Perry Hall , Bwi Marshall , Los Angeles , Mary Beth , Ronald Lipscomb , Patrick Turner , Mary Pat Clark , Cristian Schaefer , Ryan Dooley , Maurice Dixon , Dunn Powell , Jamie Costello , Barack Obama , Terry Owens , Meg Al Pringle , Mary Beth Marsden , Maurice Clemens , Byron Warrington , Sheila Dixon ,

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