Transcripts For WPVI This Week With George Stephanopoulos 20

Transcripts For WPVI This Week With George Stephanopoulos 20171119

will the gop hang together? is their hold on congress at stake if they don't? that debate ahead with the senate, the white house, and our powerhouse "roundtable." we'll break down the politics, smoke out the spin. the facts that matter this week. from abc news, it's "this week." here now, chief anchor george stephanopoulos. good morning, the litany of allegations continued to grow more women came forward. charging powerful men with sexual misconduct. it's sparked a national conversation from hollywood to capitol hill, in corporate board rooms and kitchen tables all across the country.question now, will all this talk bring real change? >> he mashes his lips against my face. and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. >> leeann tweeden said that happened on a uso tour back in 2006 before al franken was a senator. just the latest in a series of disturbing stories. >> i remember the lurch when i went to the desk and i said, mr. weinstein is he on the patio? they said, he's in his room. i was like, ugh. are you kidding me? >> i am a victim of sexual abuse. it's not an easy thing to let yourself believe that. >> in the wake of the wave, the promise of action. >> there's a renewed recognition, rightfully, of this problem, and the need for change of culture that looks the other way because of who the offenders are. whether it's bill cosby, harvey weinstein, bill o'reilly, marc halperin, roger ailes, kevin spacey, or one of our own. it's time to say no more. >> we have heard that before. look at this headline from 1975. >> my name is anita f. hill. >> in 1991, "time" declared a watershed debate on sexual harassment. >> judge thomas and the woman who accuses him of sexual harassment, professor anita hill, have both been called to testify before the senate judiciary committee. >> 1995, senator bob packwood resi after charges of sexual misconduct. >> i him to leave. i think it's better fohim and the senate. >> 1998, bill clinton impeache for lying about histionship with a young intern. >> indeed, i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong.last year, donald trump confronted by a dozen n. bggedhey'll let you do it. can do >> whatever youwant? >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. >> is this a watershed moment? or will it pass like so many before? let's talk about it with our panel.eleanor holmes norton. congr of califor carly fiorina, who was ce of of hewlett-packard, ran for president last year. and ronan farrow who wrote the article that started this all. let me begin with you, representative norton. this is not just an issue for the rich, famous, powerful. it happens in every work place in america. and most women are afraid to come forward. >> most women are afraid to come forward. and it's even more difficult interestingly, to come forward in the hallways of the rich and the powerful. because they are so powerful. because they are so powerful. it's one woman against one very powerful man. but what we have seen here may be a watershed moment. because we are seeing many women, for example in the roy moore matter, many women against one man. and that's what we need. this "me too" that has now encompassed not only congress but all through society may encourage more women understanding that there is strength in numbers. >> congresswoman bono, this is something you experienced in congress? >> that's right. i did. there is a whole gradient scale on sexual harassment up to inappropriate comments. in my case i was just on the receiving end of inappropriate comments on the floor of the house of representatives. i needed to say to my colleague, that's not cool. knock it off. it took awhile to find my voice in order say that. >> and you were a member of congress. >> i was a member of congress. in my case, this was a peer. even peers, in that case, it wasn't sexualizing me, necessarily. it was more about taking me down a notch in the eyes of my colleagues. so, um, again, sexual harassment takes many, many forms. >> carly fiorina, i see you nodding your head to that. you had a powerful facebook post this morning. said you started out as a secretary almost 40 years ago. travelled the corporate ladder from the bottom to the top. i know this stuff has happened, because it happened, still happens to me. >> yes, and think to answer your original question, will this be a watershed moment? it will only be a watershed moment if men decide to step forward. women have been stepping forward. as you point out, for a really long time. what needs to happen now is the guys need to man up. the guys who know this is happening. look, most men are good, decent, respectful men. but enough men are not. and all the other men around them know they are not. the truth is about every single one of these stories, whether it's harvey weinstein or roger ailes, it doesn't matter who it is. everybody knew. the women knew. and especially the men knew. and so i think it's men's turn now to say, you know what? we're not going to respect someone who disrespects women. and when that starts to happen, if that starts to happen, then we will have reached a watershed moment. when it's not just about the -- amazing and scandalous headlines. but when actually, the men who choose to abuse or disrespect women are confronted by another man who chooses not to let it go. >> and ronan farrow, you have written the stories for "the new yorker." and more are coming as well. one of the first things you see is the men not only deny in the face of these questions, they do everything they can to quash the story. >> everything they can. and there's a system around those men, george, that enables them to quash the stories. this is at the heart of the question is it a watershed moment? not just are people brave enough to come forward? but as a society, are we brave enough to confront the reforms of the system? jackie speier said congress has paid tens of millions of dollars in settlements over the last several decades. now, what we need to see in terms of reform is exactly what legislators are putting on the table. limitations on the use of secret settlements, for instance, that silence the allegations. are we going to be able to change that? it's an open question. >> i think that surprised a lot of people. we're not sure how many of those settlements are about sexual harassment. but millions paid out over the last 20 years in secret. >> all settlements are secret. that's typical of the system. there wasn't the kind of training, training is the wrong word for it, exposure to what sexual harassment is that is required in the private sector. and the federal sector. there's a 30-minute video that explains what sexual harassment is. i sent a letter and asked members to join me saying we don't have to wait for congress to say, everybody, every member of congress and every staff member has to look at this video because, george, i am convinced that many women even may not understand what some unwelcome advances are. and that they don't have to welcome them. or they can turn them away. or they can say, you know, you're not supposed to do this. that might stop some men. but, at the very least, congress has to be put on the same footing as the other branches of government and as the private sector. >> that seems to make a lot of sense. congresswoman bono you said you knew how to handle it as a peer. there are a lot of young staffers on capitol hill. >> there are a lot of young staffers on capitol hill. to piggyback on what carly is saying. it's not just about the men. we knew it was the culture of capitol hill. we know it's the culture of hollywood, women, too. i think we gave up the fight. i think we started saying, you know, as long as i'm okay, i'm not going to worry about ev seriously? it's a cultural very deeply rooted problem. and the women, too, both, we have to learn how to empower our younger staffers on the hill. empower people in hollywood. but, women, too, have to step up. because i actually realized that my silence was part of the problem, too, on the hill. it's not just the men. we all have to step in and change this now. and truly make it a watershed moment. >> carly fiorina, perhaps step up at the ballot box, too. you have roy moore on the ballot. in the face of the seven new allegations. what the white house said this week about president trump is that the election answered the allegations about the accusations against him? >> democrats would say president clinton's popularity answered his questions. i think the problem is, we politicize this always. it gets to be a question of our team versus their team. look, again, for every republican who has behaved badly, and roy moore certainly has. and i clearly believe these women. and i think he should step aside. and he won't. for every republican who has behaved badly, there's a democrat that's behaved badly. for every famous man who has d badly, there is someone we have never heard of who is behaving badly right now. it cuts across eve and every walk of life. it's in the athletics. in coaches. in the churches. it's everywhere. again, most men are good and decent and respectful men. but enough men are not. so we just have to decide. women, and men, that this truly is not to be enabled. not to be excused. and in particular that a man does not deserve respect from other men if he is disrespectful to women. >> powerful point you're making. ronan, you get the last word. women came forward after years to tell you and "the new york times" and other news outlets. where does it go next? >> we'll see multiple law enforcement agencies trying to pick up where a lot of people feel the ball was dropped in the case of harvey weinstein. as carly fiorina said this is much bigger than just politics. than just hollywood. this is about the abuse of power. i spent a year of women telling me they felt there was a power imbalance that kept their allegations silent. >> thank you all. important conversation. want to continue with republican senator susan collins of maine. senator collins, thank you for joining us this morning. you heard our panel there. weigh in, please. do you think this is a moment where we're going to see real change? >> i do. but i thought that there was one aspect tsed. and that is that the women who brin they're attacked. president clinton's accusers.e elaborate attempts thatvey weinstein went to in order to discredit his accusers. stop, as well.e, we saw just recently, we're seeing it right now. you mentioned president clinton. it certainly did happen then. we see roy moore calling his accusers liar. president trump, more than a dozen women came forward in the campaign, he says every single one of them are lying. >> he did say that. and, president trump was not my choice for the republican ent. i did not support him in part because of the way that all of these reports about how he was treating women. he is president now. and, i am working with him. on some issues. but those allegations remain very disturbing. >> can you work with roy moore? if he gets elected? should he be investigated? will you vote to expel? >> well, first of all, my hope is that we won't get to point.he voters ofoy mools. i listened to his radio interview.ible as more and more allegations me forward, th weight of evidence against him. i believe, based on my rution, that if he is elected, that we have no ch then, however, committee could have an investigation. and since i essentially would be a juror, if that happens, i'm not going to com could happen as a result of that investigation. but, i hope that the good voterst to send >> senator al franken is gbject to avestigat >> well, first, let me say that i believe the allegations and al franken has essentially admitted to them. i'm talking about what the outcome would be if the committee proceeds with an inveation.e going to do so. but m to be both credible, disgusting, and appalling. and degr >> let's move on to the tax bill. passed the senate finance committee. and a separate tax bill passed the house as well. in your me state by a group called not one penny. let's take a look. ers to find our way. in this economy. but the trump plan would leave us lost in the wilderness, just to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy. thankfully, seins told us she would say no the tax breaks for the wealthiest. >> can you vote for the bill that passed the senate finance committee? >> i want to see changes in that bill. and i think there will be changes. there are some provisions of the house bill that i like better. for example, the house retains the top rate of 39.6%. for people who make $1 million or more a year. that's a change that i would like to see be made in the senate bill. so, that we can skew more of the relief to middle income taxpayers. so some very good provisions in the senate bill. such adds the doubling of the child tax cre making it refundable for people of low incomes. there's a doubling of the standard deduction. which means that a family making tax. so, there are provisions of both bills that i like. but i think the bill needs work. >> you can't vote for it as written? >> i haven't reached that conclusion yet, because i think there are going to be further changes. but the biggest mistake was putting a provision from the affordable care act into the senate bill that is not in the house bill. and i hope that will be dropped or, that bills have been introduced by senator alexander and murray and bill nelson and myself will be adopted to mitt fwat the impact of those provisions. >> that was put in at the insistence of the president. he was tweeting about it last week. he seems to think it's the best way to save money and get some of the partial repeal of obamacare. so if it stays i you against the bill? >> it's a problem for me if it is not mitigated. but there is a way to mitigate insurance premiums. i do want to point out, that vision, all it says is that a person who chooses not toecision. that's very different from what we were faced with this past summer and fall when insurance was being taken away from people who wanted to be insured. the fact is that those fines are paid by overwhelmingly by people who make less than $50,000 a year. 80%. of the people who pay the fines fall in that category. i'm worried about the impact on premiums. we're going to need to pass legislation. i would like to see that done before we go to the tax bill. >> unlikely the democrats will support doing that before the tax bill. one other feature of the senate tax bill is that the corporate tax cuts are permanent. but the individual tax cuts are temporary. >> again, that's not a provision that i like. the house made both of them permanent. i think that is a far better way to go. i also think the reduction in the business tax rate is too steep. and that we could go to 22%. and then use that money, which is about $200 billion, to restore the tax deduction fo stanl op taxes. that would really help middle income taxpayers. >> sounds like you still have a lot of questions about the bill.rentedessional budget off this week is that if the bill passes, theree at least $25 billion in medicare cutne dealt with as pa there arograms. the whole idea of acros or sequestrat >> nor senator collins, listening to you today, it sounds like change an awful lot before it can get your support. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, george. white house weighs in next. we'll be right back. ugh medicine. it helps control the impulse to cough for 12h mean you're controlling your cough on your you're joking with beth... when most cough medicines stop delsym is still working. an' over your cough is still under control. th deller. at fidelity, trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. , you can tr. fidelity, where smarter investor i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink. that helps prevent bleeding gum if you spit blood when you brush or flossum problemscould be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ when you say you need a heart 's a whole different ballgame. i hock. i am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. i never o die. we know so much about transplantation.'re li you cannot help but be ins . my donor's mom says ♪♪ me moments can you can't always predict them, can game plan for them. for 150 years, generations of families have chosen pacific life for retirement and life insurance solutions to help them reach their goals. being ready for wherever life leads. that's the power of pacific. r about pacific life catch "this week" online all week. at on facebook. and twitter. yeeeeaaaahhh! uh oh...a painful sore throat? 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>> george, thank you for having me. i think on this. when allegations broke, he was around theaw he quickly released a statement saying if the ng. the president went down and campaigned against roy moore in the primary in support of luther we're uncomfortable with the explanations roy moore has given to date. so at this point, we think what is best for the people of alabama, all the information is in front of help, for them to make the decision. >> i'm asking the position of the pr the president also said he would back roy moore if he won the primary -- won the runoff against strange. and roy moore, did, indeed, win at. and it'sthe allegations first broke. now seven women forward. here's what the leaders you work with in congress are saying about that right now. >> these allegations are credible. if he cares about the values and the people he claims to care about, then he should step aside. >> i believe the women, yes. >> i am -- um -- have no reason to doubt these young women. >> that's the president's attorney general. right there. does the president have any reason to doubt these young women who are making the allegations? >> george, i think that the vice president spoke out as well. when the allegations came forth. the president has expressed concern about this.noted, the president has not gone down to alabama to campaign for roy moore since the primary concluded. we have serious concerns about the be there for the people of alabama. roy moore has been a public servant for decades in alabama. he's run multiple times. the people of alabama know best what to do and the right decision to make here.asking you a d on behalf does the president believe the women or not? >> obviously, george, if the president didn't believe the women's accusations were credible, he would be down campaigning for roy moore. he has not done that. he hasabout the accusations accusations. he's also concerned that the accusations are 38 years old. roy moore has been in public service for decades. the accusations did not arise until a month before election. we have concerneaspects of the story saiwe at tthe decision for them. >> you'rmee nt ent believes the women? >> i think i have answered your >> no. you have said is, you have and concerns. >> we do. we do have qu we have serious questions about the allegations. and the president has raised those.that's why the president has not campaigned for roy moore. >> he promised after the primary to back roy moore.y moore? >> i don't tm go down th i don't think you have seen him issue an endorsement. you've not seen him issue robocalls. i think he thinks at this point, it's best for the people of alabama to make the decision for their state? >> so he no longer bac roy moore? >> i think he thinks it is best for the peop make the decision. >> so does that mean if roy moore wins should serve the term? that the senate should not move to investigate a >> i think decision for the senate to make. i think several instances have happened in the past where senators have been removed from office. those are,ator packwood, as you showed earlier, he had abuses in office. i'm not familiar with the senate making the decision that all the publ there, andeople made an heen decides to overturn the wisdom of the people of the state.alwill >>right decision is? >> i think decision will be what the people of alabama decide. >> that's not -- and i know you think you have answered the question. i understand that you're in a difficult position right hert's a simple yes or no. does thet bth roy se >> the president, i think, very clear on multiple ocsions. he's expressed concerns about the allegations. the people he's willing to speak out on ces all across the country.s, is he doing that here? >> you can -- you should be able to infer by the fact that he's moore, his discomfort in doing so. >> so he doesn't support roy mo >> i think that the president has spoken on this. the white house has spoken on this. i thin ama for decades. the decision. not the people of alabama. >> and the president will work him if, indeed, he's elected?l me >>nited states senate? >> george -- the president has concerns if these allegations prove true about anybody of that nature serving in the united states senate. you have heard us make concerns gations that c and we have said networks, other stations, the reality that we think those are the most offensive and that there is a special place in hell for people who are child molesters. having saidat these allegations ar arising 38 years after the date.tuto l e romoore als ama his innocence. to date, we're uncomfortable that he has done that. >> you're uncomfortable. again, if dating a 14-year-old, and you have used the word pedophilia in the past, is disqualifying. it comes down to a matter of whether or not you believe the women who made the allegations or not. >> and right here, sitting here 40 years after fact i cannot have any more information to tell you one way or the other. there are two people who know that. roy moore and the accuser. >> okay we're going to have to move on. think that's the answer we're going to get here. let's talk about the tax bill. you heard senator collins lay out the litany of concerns on the tax bill. can her concerns be met, including the issue of the repeal of the obamacare mandate in the senate tax bill? >> i think as you heard senator the individual mandate affects those earning $50,000 or less. 80% of the people paying that tax are making $50,000 or less. we always said we wanted the tax plan to focus on lower and middle income families. keep in mind, when obamacare went before the supreme court, it was the obama administration that argued that the individual mandate is a tax. we don't think we're mixing health care into the tax debate. it was determined by the supreme court this is a tax. and those families that are choosing instead to pay a tax opposing to getting crummy insurance on the obamacare exchanges are the ones most impacted. we feel it's important to provide them with relief. >> your colleague, mick mulvaney just told cnn that he's open to taking that out of the senate bill. is that the white house's position? >> the white house is very comfortable with the house bill. because the house bill focuses on our three parts. simplyfullying the tax on middle income families. it does not have the individual mandate in it. we believe the individual mandate is a tax. it's harming middle income families the most. so we like the fact that the senate has included it in its bill. >> and how about that issue that i also raised with senator collins. she expressed a concern. that the corporate tax cuts are permanent and the individual are temporary in the senate bill. is that fair? >> it's a good question. that ma arcane senate rules, as you're familiar with, are byrd resolutions to make permanent. many criticisms of the bush tax plan.15, 16 years ago would not be permanent. in reality, all $400,000 in income, those cuts are permanent. we're hopeful that the individual and corporate will be permanent. >> that means you'll blow through the deficit caps. >> it's $1.5 trillion in deficit allowance. for alconcerns ab who took t george washington to president obama, president obama doubled to make it $20 trillion in debt that we have. now there's a lot of people preaching concern about the debts. the reality is if we don't grow our econ we're never going to pay for the things that we need to do as to rebuild our military. if we have the gdp growth wender the obama yearsbe able to afford the things we need to do to make our border secure and make our provide the defense we need to make america secure. we need to do those things with the tax plan to get the economy growing again. >> final question. we also talked to senator collins about the possible medicare cuts. $25 billion. the president was very, very firm during the campaign, no medicarell. >> theistent on that. you're right. he's not interested in entitlement cuts. it's a promise he made to the american people. we believe that that provision could be waived. >> how? do you have the 60 votes to waive it? >> i think in the end, it is a provision that will get waived. >> marc short, thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me on. 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're skirting around whether donald trump will take responsibility for his own actions.breath for that. but one silver lining is, it h themselves. the entire movement is ininsption. but weh in alabama. what happens? >> you know, i -- i don't kn polls have doug jones ahead. i think what ultimatelthe president and republicans.that's what bring to you prefer the ctainty of a smaller majority to thisor theso roy moore >> eve tax bill? >> i think so. you can deal with 51. we know you're answering questions about roy moore for the next six months.n, youese tions. answerinose o tax bill done. what do we need to do to get the infra infrastructure done? ore's accusers? do you believe the testimony? you're going to have ethics investigations. you don't want to get into that. >> i think lanhee isright. it's more than six months. thle ohe republicans is if the republicanthey have to deal with it in the immediate aftermath. deal with dterms. and then in a presidential .hrough the course of this. they would be much better off with the democrat. i think in this whole conversation and that's all this -- i think there's part of the problem here that there's this entireting of the whole thing. we put al franken together with roy moore with donald trump. with harvey weinstein. i think we have to have the ability, all have done bad things. all of them. but all of them have not done equally bad things. has been to blame themselves, al franken blamed himself, took accountability.- obviously, he had to in the midst of it. havall them liars. to me, the first step in the s of how do we get through this is we have to believe the women. until we stop calling them liars, we're not getting through it. >> yet, that's what we see. one of the lessons you have to take away, again this is the white house answer, tough it out. don't admit anything. >> yeah except t afo wthorisright now. this is literally the very last thing tht. it sounds like the campa over again. in the briefing room this week. i'm asking sarah sanders, if okay tod women who have accused him of sexual misconduct? they want to be talking tax reform. here we are, this entire show so much of it dedicated to sexual misconduct and president trump is right in the middle of that. >> let's be clear. this is not difficult. these are sensitive issues. these are very torturous issues for the women involved. for people to come out, republicans and democrats alike, to condemn this behavior is not difficult. they should speak with a unified voice. this is not a democratic issue. not a partisan issue. litical issue. we're now in a situation where the president of the united stateshas not come out and forcefully f serial against children. that's where we stand right now. it cannot out and this is not the country we live in. values we live in. and i these voters know that. >> a lot of rethinking for democrats too. kirsten gillibrand saying we should rethink the clinton situation. >> just to be clear. is it your view that the president -- president clinton should have stepped down at that time, given the allegations? >> i will -- yes. i think that is the appropriate response. but, i think things have changed today. and i think under those circumstances, there should be a very different reaction. >> senator llibrand drew some fire from the clinton camp. but she's not alone. >> she's not. it's a tough question. it's something i struggled with. i worked for bill clinton for eight years. my formative years in my 20s. and i think -- i think, number one, everybody would agree that bill clinton paid a price for what he did. he was impeached by one house. he washer. and i think for a lot that time especially those that were working for him, we rationalized this because we were doing -- we thought we were doing so much good in that white house. transforming the economy. adding jobs. expanding access to health care. those were incredibly important things. lookin ha would we have a different conversation r probably. >> i think part of it, george, now, i have been critical of bill clinton from the beginning. i didn't vote for him'92. i didn't vote ' behavior. >> this came out after -- >> but there of things that happened in the campaign that on his value system. i think until we take off our t about our jersey. somein. in '91, the republicans gave up their values to get thomas on the court.hill a nut and a liar. in order to get justice thomas on the court. they empowered bill clinton. in order to get the things stephanie said, in order to get those things, they decided the ends justify the means. a tainted person was better to get what they wanted. donald trump voters did the -- many did the same thing. the gop did the same thing. a tainted person. we'll get him in. we'll get what we want in there. until we take off our jerseys and say, enough is enough, there are some things we have to stand for. >> that's on the front pages of the newspapers in alabama this morning. this is a referendum. on whether we'll accept kind of behavior from our leaders and voters in alabama are going to decide that right now. >> at some point, there has to be a breaking moment. where we stop rationalizing. stop taking sides. bad behavior is bad behavior. >> so easy to say that but we're sitting here talking about not one but two presidents who faced allegations like that. if that's not a breaking moment, what is? >> i think it has to come from the top. we talk about changing the culture in politics. we've been involved with things have been accepted that should not have been. how does that change? it changes when the culture changes from the top. it's got to be people like the president, like the speaker of the house. people in leadership positions. men in leadership positions stepping up. i'm for trainings and sensitization. that's not going to cut it. it's just not going to cut it. >> this is a moral to have our moral leaders. the idea that many evangelical ld trump and now suppore because they have an "r" b ave given u on the and given up the messa gospels in the new and old testament, they have basical done diminishes the country. and we need it. >> how can the white house address it? om 12 women. you'ing, you have not answ side, what can he say? the president has no moral voias caught this virus. and he has this virus. the only way to get through it is to stand up and take full accountability for it. and admit what happened. >> he may not be able to escape this entirely, though. he promised to sue the women who made the allegations. >> still waiting for it to be field. >> yet he's being sued for defamation by at least one of them. if that case is not dismissed, he'll have to testify. >> and that's the onehas suit that filed, should point ay time and time again, the president has lost moral credibility.nough credit. we still have moral vo we can show it in the ballot box. or we can show it in how women have come forward on this. supported each other. this is our moment, not his, in this respect. we need to regain the moral force to go forward. we need to educate. mentor, try to change. this is to the just politics. i wish it was. it's every industry. it's mine, it's yours, it's hollywood. it'sotel workers. maids. restaurant workers. change has to come from the top. but it also has to come from the bottom. empowering women and men at every rung of the social ladder when they see bad behavior to be able to speak out. it's not just between men and women. it's in the lgbt community as well. this will be the watershed moment. if people feel this abuse, bullying, harassment will no longer be tolerated at every rung of our society. every sector. >> the only way it will work is if men lock arms with women. >> it will take men at every single level. do yworkplace? >> in terms of working as a journalist? >> yes. >> um, in some ways, yes. you do. perhaps not as explicit as an al franken photo. i think in the way people speak to you. in the way people, the tone people use with you. when you notice a different tone that they use with our male colleagues. perhaps in -- in some cases in terms of job opportunity. you certai >> i see you nodding your head. i think, you know -- over the course of your career, as you become more comfortable in your own skin and competenc you can take it on more. and i certainly have done that througho i feel differently now taking that on. women starting out their cares, they have lots of questions. how do i handle this? do i speak up? am i penalized if i do? do i make myself a problem if i raise this? we have to answer them with a unified voice, no, you're not going to be penalized. we'll make sure of it. men lock arms with women. to make sure these women are not penalized. it's incredibly important. >> i can't believe how many times in the last severalweeks, i have hearde ah, something may have happened. i just didn't want to come forward. >> you look at your career as women that you just tolerate it, frankly. you look the other way. you just thought this is one person. i can -- put my head down. i want to advance just as much as that man. just as much as my women colleagues. that has t we have a responsibility to tep forwardthe guidance to women s. i wish it hadn't happened. i wish there were so many times i had spoken out instead of putting my head down and going forward. >> just the beginning of the you all very muc we'll be right back. it's the big sale our biggest sale of the year! select from... rollers, cellulars, romans, sheers, woods, faux woods, verticals and so much you buy the bigger you save! up to 30% off! that's big! blinds to go. blinds for life. that is all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. and have a great thanksgiving. >> i'm monica malpass. on "inside story," a key win for philadelphia on the controversial sanctuary-cities issue. but will it last? let's get the inside story. ♪♪ good morning, and welcome to "inside story." let's meet our insiders this week, and they are ajay raju attorney. thank you for being here. we appreciate that. dom giordano, radio talk-show host. >> thanks, monica. >> jim eisenhower, attorney. >> good morning, monica. >> welcome back, sir. thank you. and christine flowers, journalist and attorney. always good so, last week a key ruling. fe did rule for philadelphia versus uncle sam, saying -- he had to weigh, of course, the enforcement of immigration policies versus safety of not just philadelphia, but it would have reverberations throughout the country of big cities in our country. and decided that there was no imminent danger, based on what the police commissioner told him and said the sanctuary-cities

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