Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20160506 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20160506

this h is fox5 local news at 10. right now at 10, panic and triage did did i in a maryland high school parking lot.ot. a mother shot and killed while h picking up her children from school. what we've learned about her connection to the shooter. and incredible video from inside a d.c. metro station. st you can see sparks and fire an shoot from the tracks as the as train passes the platform. tonight that station is closedls for repairs, but could it impact your morning commute, plus thiss i workweek could end in a total washout, tomorrow's rain, plus a break in the weekend forecast, right now at 10. 10. and we thank you for joining us tonight, i'm tony perkins andrkn i'm shawn yancy. the search is on for a killerl tonight after the police say the suspect shot a woman and a man who tried to help her. the man survived, the woman dien at the scene. sce the parking lot of high point high school in beltsville. marina maracco is here life with the latest. >>reporter: police continue to look for that suspect believed to have some sort of sor relationship with the victim. he fled from the scene here in a passenger vehicle and police refuse to give any more specifics regarding that car. just behind me you'll see crimee scene technicians looking at the car believed to be that of thehe mother killed here at high point high. we heard a couple of shots. everyone was just w we didn't know what to do. class was out for the day, but a softball game and rotc practicer were about to get underway at high point high when gunfire broke out. i was down at the field and outt of nowhere they rushed us -- we have a where we put all of the e equipment and they rushed us in there. an argument broke mother and the man who police say a man had a relationship with the mother. the suspect drew a gun, shot the bystander in the shoulder and then killed the parent. kil one of the victim's daughters just away as it all happened. >> she saw the shooting happen. she came out of the building on the side where the band room iso and we had to pull her back in. she just was very shocked. she was out of breath. the guy that specifically held onto her to pull herein side the billing. he walked her into the auditorium, had her head up. the school on lock down as a police chopper and command unitn arrived on scene. it's very from itenning. parents walking on pins and pi needles waiting to see their children. one text from a student inside read, don't worry, okay. we are hiding right now. there's a shooting here. i can't call you, whether or yes at no point was i this act every an active shoot erin side the school. at no point was this a barricade. this was a sad, sad event, which at this point appears to be domestic violence. back out here life, the crime te scene here at high point highigh remains extremely active. police have reviewed surveillance tape which they say shows how the entire incident unfolded the bystander who stepped in to diffuse the situation we understand remainsi in stable condition tonight.n let me ask a question, i'm sureu a lot of parents want to know, k lot of kids want to know if kn there is any word yet on whethen or not the school will be openpn to students and/or teachers tomorrow. prince george's county publicrg' schools say the students here currently are under ap testing so tomorrow school will reopen w regular hours, but of course there will be grief counselors u on hand to give assistance assss needed here at the school. tony. >> all right. marina maracco > thank you.> developing in the district an di explosion inside the federal center southwest metro station t forced a shutdown of rail service there and at several at other stations. tonight am of those stations ara still closed as metro works to fix the problem. fox5's teisha lewis joins uss life from southwest now with the latest. teisha. >>reporter: we can smile about it now that it's all winding down, but here we go, commutersm taking metro hopped on the dayay gentleman view train this morning after trouble on the tracks here. if you look over my left le shoulder you can see what i seee flashing lights and also repair crews remain on the scene afterr hours, after this debacle shutdown service between l'enfant and earn market stations. incredible video ows this enormous explosion inside the federal metro station thursday morning, but this was just the morning. by thursday afternoon, the tracks had reportedly sparked a fire. the one, two, punch prompted widespread closures and frustrations. i saw the video in the the afternoon. that's when i said to shut thish down and replace all of the inflates. it was my luck. at the same time we had another smoking incident. i think it'sç unfortunate thatt continues to be a mess especially after metro closedlos for repairs, basically shut outa the city for an entire day. this time rail closures between l'enfant plaza and earn market a stations prompted passengers to pack the platform in limbo. capital hill resident bethdent spring was one of countless commuters forced to come up witi a new plan on the spot. my husband is stuck in traffic a right now to come pick me up. i need to get to school becauseo i need to learn to get a good education, to get everything.hing metro's general manager paul whether it feld says he made the call this afternoon to stop raii service at several stations. what do you want to say too passengers who are losing faith in metro's to have a freak freee with no problem. >> i as you know, we have come a out with a maintenance problemte to get at these core issues. this is something that has been going on for decades and we have to get on top of this and the current approach is not working. we have to be much more aggressive and go after safety and liability issues and and unfortunately to do that it means that you have to take thee track down.k that's what i'll be explaining more on tomorrow. so what we've been watching happen here tonight is truck loads of equipment that's been going into this federal centeret station to replace more than 100 insulators. metro's general manager says that service will be back up ann running tomorrow. as for tonight the work continues behind me.ues you can see it.t. to replace the problem areas and also do a very thoroughhoro inspection yet again to make sure none lie ahead. teisha lewis, fox5 local news. > metro's gm will join us lifes for an interview on monday at 7:30:00 a.m. if you have questions you'd like answered, wet them to us using the hashtag ask metro gm.m. you can also go to any device and watch us online, fox5 d.c. .com. it has certainly been a dreary week. sue palka says it's not looking much better for tomorrow, maybe looking worse. she says especially could your u umbrellas handy and more rain is on the way.ay. when can we see some relieve. >> i'm going to have to hear yoa yell uncle first. > uncle l, uncle. unc it's coming through loud and clear. unfortunately it's a little too late to rescue us from tomorrow which is i'm go almost so far to call itt a complete washout.lete if there is any bright side here i'm not seeing a lot of thunderstorm activity and we'ree starting out on a light note no tonight. we've got some light showers out there now. it's been generally a dry day with a little bit of mist or drizzle at best.e at notice the direction of this. this is coming from an area of low pressure that's moving toward the coast we're seeing se almost that noreaster affect with the spirally rain that's coming down from the north and r pushing to the south. the mother load of this has been through the north carolina v ca virginia border. a lot of thunder and even some large hail being reported. these areas of low pressure, and especially the one that you see off to our west it's going to gi continue to move toward thear coast so we'll have the showers and some drizzle overnight, butt as we get closer to morningto we're going to see the and throw more rain back in through the atlantic coast at us. by the time we get through saturday we could be picking up an inch, inch and a half. it's also very chilly out theree tonight we drop to 50. winds out of the north and northeast at five toen t. light showers will continue for tonight. ier rain begins to develop by dawn and it looks like by li tomorrow there could be some moderate, if not some heavy periods of rain. of please plan a little extra timet for those commutes. we do have some dryer, brighter hours on the forecast. ' not a perfect weekend, but we it's going to look and feel a fe whole lot better than most of this week has. much more on that a little bit later. > we look forward to it. now, to fairfax county where police still are not saying much about that driver who slammedho his hummer into a restaurant in mclean. it happened yesterday afternoon. the man driving th the silver diner restaurant, bue we still don't know his identity. he was hurt along with three th other people. police tell us no charges will h be filed against the driver until he recovers from his injuries. the hummer burst into flames in after it hit the diner. din witnesses say it was a chaotic h scene. they say some good p samaritansp helped some of the victims. the whole thing was up in up flames. so we heard a bang and then we came out, but he had repeatedlye apparently rammed the building and there was just flames and chaos. they had the driver on thehe ground. they had pulled him out.d hi i a parentally he was resisting. i don't know what he was tryingt to do, but they had him on the a ground and they were trying to subdueto him. a spokesman for the diner says the worker involved in the crasr was fired immediate limit workers are cleaning up the mesp and hope the restaurant can reopen in time for mother's day still ahead tonight, a developing story in montgomeryty county. police are looking for the man e who tried to sexually assault a help tracking this man down. plus dozens of d.c. teachers picketed today demanding a new contract. what they're hoping to get from a new agreement. ag house speaker paul ryan says he will not support donald trump as the gop nominee for president.or why he says he can't get behind the front runner coming up tonight at 10. ♪ stand by me vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. more complete allergy relief. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. > now to montgomery county,mo police need your help to find ar man who tried to h sexually assault a 16 year old girlld yesterday afternoon.yest it happened in the bricksbric cheyney in silverstein. si sarah simmons is life where it happened. sarah, what details do you have for us tonight. >>reporter: police won't telltl us exactly which apartmenthich building it happened in.happ as you can see behind us theretr are actually quite a few buildings up and along here. it's the 14,000 block of castle l boulevard. montgomery county police tell us the 16 year old was able to keeo her wits about her and give police a description of the suspect. let's take a now. the suspect is described as a blackmail in his early 30s, approximately five foot nine toe five feet ten and weighing about 200 pounds. he has short hair and a breed and we has last seen wearing a teal and black shirt shirt and blue jeans and booths. police say the 16 year old was trying to enter her apartment h building when the suspect askedp the victim to hold the door for him. once inside the suspect tried ti strike up a conversation. she noticed he was acting suspicionly and did the first thing that came to her mind andd she took out her cellphone and actually pretended to be in a conversation with the phone uppn to her ear. he didn't leave and at the point where she ended the conversation and started to walk astairs, he attacked her, grabbed her cellphone, attempted to her pants and touched her inappropriately police say thesy man also exposed himself at the time as well.l. and luckily this girl's brotherl was at home at the time andand heard the commotion in theon apartment i hallway outside, cas out to encounter the suspect. he took off and was able tos drive away. we do have a description of thef car. it's a blue compact to mid-sized passenger car with four doors.or and montgomery county police sao they do have a $10,000 reward$1, for any information that wouldtt lead to an arrest in this case.e that's the latest here in silver springs, sarah simmons, fox5s, local > new tonight, court documents revealing a stunning new claim stemming from the sex abuse scandal involving penn state. a boy told football coach joeco patino as early as 1976 that coach jerry him. patino denied he had anyny knowledge that san dusky abused any children. patino never covered up the actions.acti the prosecution lied, withheld evidence and leaked secret gran jury information to find additional victims.icti > a spotsylvania county man is in custody tonight charged with kidnapping his son and say salting his estrangedge girlfriend. this began last night, the sheriff's office tell us joshs yeah williams and his exhi girlfriend went torah grief. investigators say he attacked her and drove off with their three year old son. old they issued an amber alert but then canceled it this afternoon when they learned the toddlerto was dropped off at a relative's house. a short time later they arrested williams. the urgency that was created bya his former threats against the child. i think all combined, along with some really good police work by our detectives and those assisting us lead to a successful resolution in this case.ase captain pierce goes onto say that williams gave up piecefully after investigators found him in a home that was under surveillance. a trial date is now set for a man accused of killing his wifee and a prince william county police officer. ronald hamilton appeared inppe court today. effaces first degree and capital murder charges in the deaths off his wife crystal and officerand ashley guindon. two other officers also werewere shot at woodbridge last februart and they are still recovering from their wounds. hamilton's lawyer says his client is mentally impaired after serving two tours of duty a in iraq. his trial is set to begin nextet month. fox5 is in prince george's county, a man is headed to prison for 10 years for killingl his stepmother.tepm a jury found him guilty lastlast september of involuntary manslaughter in the death of officer full. officer full was a d.c. police detective. the judge sentenced james to the maximum of manslaughter. a jury acquitted him of the charges of first and secondirst degree murder. we still feel now that the jury rendered a certified that waseri inconsistent with the evidence. we felt he should have been b convicted of a more serious crime. they wanted james convicted ofcv murder instead ofç manslaughte. it was quite the scene in northwest this morning.. dozens of teachers took theiro bull horns and pose terse and united in protest.rote what they're demanding from d.c. public schools.scho also coming up tonight more andm more teenagers are using esi cigarettes as an alternative too smoking tobacco, but the fda isd slamming the brakes on thatha we'll have the new rules that are about to go into effect still ahead tonight on fox5 local news at 10. welcome back. in the district dozens of d.c. teachers staged a protest this morning demanding a new contract when do you demand it. >> now, several teachers took tc the streets in northwest with signs and bull horns for what fo they called an in informationalt ticket. the group included teachers from wilson high, deal middle school and mitchellment try school.hell they say they've been upset because they've been working for at least four years without a wi contract and they want raise. we've saturday by for four yearr patiently waiting for a we've not been out a here like o this before.ut we thought they were negotiating in good faith and here four years later april without a contract we get offered zero, zero, zero and one that is complete disrespect. d.c. public schools release a statement on the iron saying that they've been negotiate a new contract for teachers for the last severalst years and they hope to resume negotiations soon. we have already lost so much. a group of students in fairfaxrx are taking a stand against potential tuition hikes att george mason university. a dozen t students staged the protest outside a room whereoom they were discussing raising the tuition. the students wore all blacklack while holding sign saying restet in piece because of our future loan debt. students are graduating with over $27,000 in debt. thousands of verizon employeesel took to the streets of d.c. and new york to out source theirthei what do we want. what do we plant, a the verizon strike is officiall entered its fifth week.k. verizon stopped providingstop healthcare benefits for its striking workers, that means nearly 110,000 people don't hav coverage. a profitable company like verizon should not be looking to and pensions and benefits there appears to be no resolution in site.e. we're following breaking news about shooting at the high school in belts investment just a short timing a police release the name of the shooting suspect and this picture. he is use recall ohio doorcall today. he shot and killed his he exchanged wife gladys this afternoon. she was found shot in her suv. investigators say she was at tht school to pick up her children. police are still looking forlook door tell. they say he works for the federal protective service. > coming up next it be the down fall of e cigarettes. they've become a booming business here in the united states. the fda is now cracking down on the product. we'll have the details when we return. this is fox5 local news at 10. and we are back p now with a look at tonight's top stories. that's right we begin with theg deadly encounter in a maryland high school parking lot. marina maracco has the latest. high point high school in beltsville, maryland remains aei crime scene after a mother picking up her children isis killed and another man shot inth high temperature school'sscho parking lot. the man hunt continues at thisat huss band of adelphi p. teisha? >>reporter: rail service haltet across several stations afterstt and explosion crocked federal center in southwest. here's the video, the tonight crews are working overnight to make sure the m problems areak fixed and the commute is back to normal by tomorrow. sarah? >>reporter: montgomery county police are looking for a man who tried to sexually assault a 16 year old girl in the briggsrigg chain can i area of silver springs. let's take a look at the sketch. this is what he looks like. he followed the girl in the 14,000 block of castle boulevarb he tried to grab her, he pulled her pants down. he was last seen getting away in a blue four door vehicle. have you seen this video? it's making it's he's way across social media right now. a school at what look highk h school cursed and put his hands on that substitute teacher.eac something like this would have led to an automati this student, but i'm sted d.c. schools are trying to take a ta different approach. reinvestortive. it offers counseling. the goal is to avoid derailingoi the student's future.utu fox's matt ackland has the story. >>reporter: this clip might make you rang, is a student cursing, threatening, even putting his hands on substitute teacher mr. taylor. i think he's trying to push my buttons. mr. tailer spoke to us aboutut that classroom outbreak. the video looks like an assault, but taylor describes the more as playing around or just acting out. in can a, he never reported it. i know there's no reel threat to me, real or imagined. i didn't feel like he was going to hurt me.e. but when the clip showed up on social media, principal reeves i got involved.go what is reallyt upset. i was disappointed that a student would do this to ato member of our staff.aff. the principal had the power to w kick out the student, a senior who was close that, it could have derailed his life. administrators decided to offero the student a program being used at d.c. public schools called restorative justice.tice keeping someone home for 10, 15 days doesn't mean they're going to own the behavior and do something different next timetie around. our goal is for them to accept c it, own it and move forward in n different way of the the studenf had to apologize, take part in mediation and write an essayay about what he did wrong. he was punished, even told that he couldn't attend prom, but he was allow to return to the re storetive justice program seems to be working in the last year fighting is down and suspects have dropped 50 percent. no one is condoning these actions at ballou, but apology and didn't want a few a seconds caught on video to ruin a student for life.fe i definitely don't see a't s continual problem. usually when issues are addressed they kind of go away. matt ackland, local if you news. > e cigarette use among some teenagers is about to go up in smoke. the fda is cracking down on e cigarettes. they will treat them like otherç tobacco products.rodu ads must have new health warnings. e cigarettes turn nicotine intoo an inhalable liquid vapor. enucleation teen is highly addictive and could get them this hooked on other products.dt about one in every five debtsebs each year can be traced back to tobacco products. >> cigarettes and hook a tobacco will also be regulated. the of e cigarette companies and could cost thousands of jobs. house speaker paul ryan iss sending a strong messagesage tonight. in an interview on cnn, ryan rya said he is not ready to support donald trump as the republican nominee for president. this comes just two days afterae trump essentially clinched the nomination with a big win in indiana which forced his last two opponents drop from the raise. ryan said in order to support him. he is the highest ranking republican to openly cautionnly supporting trump. nearly $5 million set aside by the state department to aid in d the benghazi investigation. this as they missed the target date last year. the uni was supposed to operationally last june. they thought to finish the investigation faster obama officials have accused of dragging out the worr to try to harm hillary clinton's campaign. in this case i think they have engaged in a bad case effort to slow role with the benghazi committee and then blame thee committee for dragging it out the state department has alreade provided close to 1,000 pages te the committee which is expecteds to produce its final report next month. still ahead tonight, fires are still burning out of canada in control in canada's province. we'll show you more and you what is at stake. spending more time with mom whether she likes it or no. the web state zillion the number from ten years ago children are living at home. a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. we are now barely above 3.6 percent. more workers are getting ping slips:layoffs are at the highest levels since 2009.ince this coming ahead of thethe government's april employmentlom report due out friday morning. we've got a recall to tell youou about for pass fires. the popular mung key lightweight pass fires and clips are being recalled. the cover can break off causing a potential choking hazard. that's business. i'm neil cavuto. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. ♪ ♪ to the women who know what real values are, you inspire us to bring you real value every day. > remember the little girl whoh darted paste security to reach pope francis dung d.c.? remember she handed aem note to theem pope about immigration? and instantlynst became a face of the movement. she also sent a similar letteree to president obama and today sha got the chance to meet him. six year old sophie was invited to the sync oh demay a celebration at the white house. this of course video from when the pope visited. she was identified as a championship of immigrationmigr reform. her parents were not allow tow accompany her because of theirç immigration status. >>reporter: what do you want the pope to know about your dadly. >> know that the immigrants liks my daddy, that they're hard work tries. today president obama called hil inability to push immigration reform through congress one of the most frustrating aspects ofc his presidency. coming up tonight at 11, metro's mess, what you need to know for the morning commute. another twist into the investigation into the death of prince. ladies would you eat nail polish made from kfc. why the fast food chain said its newest product is finger liking good. sounds a little gross to me. we're going to show it to you tonight, coming up at 11. the physician neighbors are aia little bitn nervous about their newest resident. apparently a bear is roaming around a mclean community. a few nights as dr. michael leadoff says he noticed the trash can was flipped, the trase bag was moved. the same thing happened this morning. he thought it was a little l strange so he reviewed hisevie security camera and lo and behold he spotted a bearment i have two children, ten anden 126789 the younger one is on the small night or the night before. they're not coming out of thef house until we have thisa situation under con role. he called animal control. he says they can't do anything unless the animal harms somema wouldn't he says he's frustrated by the agency's response and they didn't offer him any advice on how to protect his family. it's a cute bear, though. >> it is cute. they might have some good leftovers. not to make light on the situation. > i guess we're going to keep an eye on the wild fires. >> have you heard about this? ts it's gotten so out cough control. this looks like a scene out of a scary movie like arm gadden. >> this is die time video. people are fleeing for their lives with this thing. it's in high temperaturen canadian province h of albert a. it is absolutely out of control and these horrifying pictures are is where we're grabbing these from. they've been documented likeike it's some kind of horror movie. it started on sunday. but really, really strong windss very dry conditions got it out of control in a big hurry and now we understand it's gone from about 24,000-acres to 210,000-acres. so 88,000 people are on the run. they have been forced to evacuate to merge operation centers taking literally whatever they could grab in an few minutes and it's moving very rapidly so very near to the canadian oie super storm sandy region.ndy there is nothing firefightersng can do at the moment other than get people out of the can way because it is out of control.ont we're hoping that there will be some relieve in terms of lighter winds and a little bit of rainfa to help them out. there is audio with this, too, but it was almost too much to lay play. we'll continue to monitor this. way up here in albert a. that is but i is the only one so out of control. 210,000-acres on fire blowing rapidly south with 88,000 people displaced mainly propertyprop community of forth mack murr ma emit's a lot of forest. heavy winds driving the firesirs south. it's a really bad situation. it makes us thankful we've had some ourselves.78p&c @&c& we had a brush fire in shenandoah because we had so little rain in april.apri in the first five days of may we've had almost two inches of rain and we're likely to pick up another inch top.anot yes, it is going to be a wet friday, but rain helps us prevent brush fires. it's a cool and rainy friday ahead. yes, definitely grab your rain gear, there will also be someome spotty showers around than some clouds on sur the weekend. not perfect on saturday. there could even be an early shower on saturday. we're almost to the weekend ande we focus on it. we're only talking about a showers. not an all day washout. the same area of low pressurea that is going to be affecting s tomorrow will still be in thehe process of moving away. it's slowing down just a little bit. a cold front for mother's dayhe' morning could bring us somesome early morning showers, but we really think by 7 or 8:00 in thn morning this thing is out of thf way and that means as we look forward to a sunnier and brighter sunday afternoon thatfe for mother's day we'll likely see temperatures getting intoget the mid 70s as a opposed to the 50s that we've had so much of mu this week. there is improvement comingm forth weekend, but it is not 100 percent rain treatmentrc speaking of the rain we'veen gotten awaf y pretty easily toda a the look of clouds, very drearily conditions.drea we've had some scarted showersms moving from north to all of this because of this huge circulation that you see hereyo down to our south.ur that is going to slowly, but surely spin close to us in the overnight hours. it willrs increase the rain rate and some moderate down powers will be around in the afternoon. earn suburbs you're alreadyalre going to see it. it will be working its way westward. by the noon hour we've got some modern rate around here. by the afternoon 6:00.on you can see it's starting to break up out to our west.ur still spinning a little bit for friday evening so take the rain gear if you're heading downtownn and even as early as saturdays morning we are still trying torn ditch this thing out of here. we'll get some sunshine saturday afternoon, but here comes the front that will also spread a few showers in here on saturday morning. but you can see it is clearingla up nice limit 58-degrees tomorrow, another cool one.e. still feeling like early march, but with our spotty showers only on saturday. some sun, much improvement formo sunday and then look at nextt week, we might have a few showers possible by wednesday. but that is some gratitude, right. we're going to really love it at our temperatures get up to abouu 80-degrees on tuesday, 82 on wednesday, thursday 78-degrees. i can tell you that the peanut gallery enjoyed the drying out.. hang in there for it's going to be a wet one. the gloomy weather matches the drum and gloom of the caps' playoff chance he. another d.c. team seemingly the best in their sport facial an early exit. last year the nats picked as the best in baseball, they failed. the basketball, they failed to win. the scapes are 3 to 1 facing elimination saturday at vin.ion we were in last year where game five, you know, we had a team that pretty well down and out and they threw a puke to than would of our defensive man and they sort of changed it. we can look at the game fromame there and go from there. the capitols have a history of blowing the 3 to 1 lead losing toqliw the rangers. a ray of hope, the convince they have a history of playoff collapses of their win. in 2011 and 2014.01 it's a slim hope, though. in nhl playoff history teams down 3-1 lose the seriesies 90 percent of of the time.time the odds aren't good, but theybt win 10 percent of the time. >> that's a big 10 percent.0 maybe all the bad car ma from the 3-1 series defeat kind ofie comes back the other >> we hope so.e i talked to people today and they're just despondent.. they're like this can't happen again. d.c. sports teams, the you're always waiting for thethe other shoe to jump seemingly. everyone was so optimistic. i was at verizon and they werety loving it and then it just deflated the whole building. a game at a time, win one and then win another. it's a cliche, but it's true in this regard. re one of the few d.c. teams to exceed expectations what the redskins and a big part of that was from the jordan reed an was awarded a $50 million extension. it ties with jimmy gram. read tied ron ron could you ski and now he'll make a million dollars more than gone grow skio read has been called most talented tight ends in the league. he has lost 14 games in the lasg three years due to injuries.s if you're going to eat the stake in cancun, know where it game from warned players from eatingg meet from mexico and. there's evidence that some meet produced in china and mexico may be contaminated with an anabolic agent thaw which is banned as an enhancing performance drugs. large quantities could result in a positive stuff and a violatiod of the policy. for anyone who is out there whor is wondering what is this and many i in dangerment it burnsbun fat, it increases aerobic abilities. so that's why it's band. it's a performance enhancer. e just don't eat too > so that song has been stuck in your heads since we did did the running man challenge. thanks not students at the not university of of maryland.ary several made their version of the running man dance, of course it ellen invited them on their show. it also inspired some new york city police officers. take a look. look at that. nypd posted that video on facebook and then extended theee challenge to the scotland polics and they also took on the challenge without flinching. i can't police this is happening. we actually did the running mann challenge earlier this week. although i'm not sure what tony is doing there. i was running. right now we are going to issue a challenge.hal we're going to issue a challenge to good day morning news. challenge you to do the runningn man challenge like >> i'm sure they will.ll. > fox5 local news at 11 starts right now. >> this is fox5 local news at 11. right now at 11, a deadly shooting at a maryland school, o woman killed, a bystander also l shot.shot this was a sad, sad event, which at this point appears to be domestic violence. tonight, the hunt for the killer, plus what we've learned about the chaotic momentschao following the shooting. explosions, fire and smoke. tonight two metro stations are closed for emergency repairs. what happened and what does thih mean for the morning and grab your umbrella forumbr tomorrow. it is a soggy finale to this workweek. > fox5 11 starts now.

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