Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20171229 : vimarsan

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20171229

this is what many of us looked like in d.c. today as those temperatures were in teens and the wind chill even worse. everybody with the hats and gloves all bundled up, the city operating under a cold emergency. that means you can call 311 to help anyone who is homeless and fighting these bitter temperatures. look out for your neighbors. d.c. to maryland, the brutal temperatures, everybody is bundled uptight and moving pretty quick and now the word we might be seeing some snow this weekend. dulles airport hit a record low high temperature today. meteorologist melissa nord here. dangerous wind chills out there. it's going to be more of the same. >> can you believe it? this is not a couple day event. this is going to last beyond the next week i think even into next weekend. so we're talking about 10 days in a row, if not more, where high temperatures stay in the 20s and 30s and the lows every single night are in the teens and 20s. that record from today is a low high temperature meaning it's the coldest high that we've dulles international airport, 23 degrees all you made it to today. the old record was 24 from back in 1993. right now we look outside. we've dropped back into the teens and look at this. culpeper right now is 9 degrees. that's not even factoring in the very small wind chill. tonight temperatures, they're going to keep falling down a few more degrees towards the teens. waking up tomorrow morning there's not much in the way of wind, but we are going to be tracking the possibility of some snow showers by the start of saturday. coming up i'll walk you through this futurecast hour by hour. we'll also look at the forecast for new year's off night as well. >> thanks, melissa -- new year's eve night as well. >> thanks, melissa. download our free wusa9 app right now for all the weather alerts. also melissa will be back with what you need to know for the final days of 2017. breaking news out of new york, a horrific story out of the bronx, a child are dead after this, a massive fire at an apartment building. this is pretty close to the bronx zoo for reference. firefighters here are battles these flames in conditions that are just brutal, temperatures in the teens and the death toll could still rise we're told. some of the people who were rescued are fighting for their lives right now in the hospital. already fire officials are calling this fire historic in magnitude because of the number of lives lost, a tragic developing story here, new details as they come into the wusa9 news room. there's new information on a shooting tonight, police chase and highway crash that backed up traffic all afternoon on i-95. the stafford county sheriff's office said the man behind all the mayhem shot himself in the head. either before or after he flipped his suv on northbound i- 95. he's in the hospital right now. during the chase he fired into the windshield of two police cars. fortunately none of the officers got hurt. they were after him because of a deadly shooting of a that happened this morning at a stafford county apartment. officers called that domestic related. they have not released already name or his. now to fairfax county where police have identified the man behind another crazy crime spree. he is 28-year-old brendan stephon vinson of adelphi, maryland. police say he knocked on a random door last night and punched a kid. then he stole a car, hit a truck, stole that truck and led police on a chase through fairfax county, a chase that ended when he crashed into a minivan full of kids. one kid got thrown out and is in critical condition ejected from that vehicle. a woman and four other kids are also in the hospital. insulin vinson -- vinson faces a long list of charges. jamari sidener's friends are working to keep her memory alive. she was headed to college but instead got shot by a bullet in the head over 18-year-old james mayfield was charged with her murder. tonight marcella robertson has the story. >> reporter: these girls are best friends, so close they finish each other's sentences and if jamari sidner were still here, she would join in. jamari was days from heading away to college, but instead of starting her life like her friends, they was shot by a stray bullet doing what most of us do every day, driving. >> from that day i just know all our lives just crashed. >> changed. >> reporter: today police announced they arrested 18-year- old james mayfield and charged him with jamari's murder. he's managed to dodge police for months. they say he's also killed two other people just this week, one on tuesday and another on wednesday. the police say they didn't arrest him until they caught him during a robbery. >> you know you took somebody who everybody loved like her mom is like one of the nicest people you could ever meet. you just took her daughter away like they're like -- [ crying ] i'm just glad he's caught. >> reporter: jamari's friends say her spirit is with them every single day. >> we go see her and we have fun. we play music. >> and dance and talk to her. >> and just let her know everything that's been going on. i talk to her at night. all of us do talk to her in our own ways. >> he took our life. this is someone who made us happy, made our day like she completed us. >> reporter: marcella robertson, wusa9. it's a time to celebrate, but some people unfortunately will make bad decisions on the road. luckily there's a state trooper in maryland with a knack for finding drunk drivers. as our john henry learned, he just broke quite an impressive record. >> reporter: if you're heading anywhere in maryland this new year's eve sunday, rest assured troo wallace will be working to keep you safe on the lookout for drunk drivers, but there's a good chance he'll take more than what's normal off the road. >> over the four years i've been on the road i'll have over 450 dui arrests. >> reporter: according to maryland state police just this past weekend he broke a record becoming the first trooper in the department to make at least 100 dui arrests four years in a row. >> you never know how many lives you saved. over 450 dui arrests is countless lives that could be saved. >> reporter: they're seven specially trained troopers driving all across maryland in search of crunk drivers. they know all the tell -- drunk drivers. they know all the telltale signs from swerving to going over or under the speed limit. >> there are those individuals that go out there and are going to drink and think they can get home safe. >> reporter: what drives wallace? the families who lost loved ones. >> they don't just live with it for the month or two after someone dies. it continues throughout their entire life. so seeing that is the passion and drive to go out and do what i do. >> reporter: from jessop, john henry, wusa9. >> before 2017 john wallace and another trooper on the spieder team were the only -- spider team were the only ones to surface 300 dui arrests in maryland for the past seven years. it is the only domestic violence shelter in prince george's county and tonight the doors are still closed. the county called for emergency repairs last week after an inspection turned up major health and safety problems at the nonprofit family crisis center. residents complaining about a lack of heat, moldy showers and food not fit to eat. some residents were under the impression they'd be able to move back in today. that did not happen. the community has rallied around the residents to make sure they have a place to stay. an apology today from apple, finally. the maker of the iphone is trying to make things right after admitting that the performance of older iphones was being slowed down on purpose. the company claims they did it to help preserve the battery life of your not brand-new device in the 10.2.1 ios update with some software that slowed down older phones, but apple never told us. flashback to last week, back that up a second because i saw this headline next that my phone slowing down was all in my mind. here's what i thought about that article. yeah, to sum up your phone before the update. how about your phone after the update? how about you after the update? so today good news, right? apple says if you buy a replacement battery for your old phone, whamo, it will run like new and they're lowering the price from 79 to $29. thanks, apple. thanks for nothing! you know a lot of my job revolves around my phone, calls, e-mails, social media and my old phone was running like, yup. i had to get a new one, went from the iphone 6 to the shouldn't have had to do it. where's my discount and where's the discount for all the others who had to do the same thing. apple is facing at least eight lawsuits over this according to the washington post, one wanting almost $1 trillion in damages. moving on, if you're one of those people who doesn't go anywhere without a bottle of water, you won't want to miss tonight's verify. we're getting to the bottom of some very nasty questions about germs. >> metro has a new message, why they want you to just stay positive. >> you probably saw it all over your social media all day long, yeah, it's cold, darn cold. we'll hang onto that hashtag. you'll need it for a while, melissa nord back with an update on another arctic blast. >> and actress rosemarie from the dick van show died today at age 94. she just joined twitter a few months ago, her you've probably done this before but didn't know it. now metro is cracking down. we're talking about running your smartrip card into a new ban goes into effect in just days. here transportation reporter pete muntean. >> reporter: stay positive is the gnaw metro slogan. it was e-mailed -- the new metro slogan. it was e-mailed to a lot of you today. come january 8th your smartrip cannot carry a negative balance. here's what used to happen. have $3 on your card and take a $3.25 metro ride, you could still finish your trip. you could even swipe out of the station, but you would be left with a negative balance of 25 cents. you could not swipe back into the station until you refilled your card. now you'll have to make sure you have enough money on your smartrip to finish your trip. if not, you'll have to go to an exit fare machine and those only accept cash or coins. on metrobus the fare box will buzz alerting you and the driver of a negative balance. so here's metro's best advice. be mindful of your smartrip balance. check it every time you swipe or you can sign up for auto smartrip if the balance dips below $10. this is a big deal to metro. smart trim started 17 years ago -- smartrip started 17 years ago and since then the agency has lost $25 million from those negative balances. pete pete muntean, be with -- pete muntean, wusa9. getting to the truth can be a complicated process. we know you want more answers, more real information and more facts. that's been the goal of our verify stories, my team working day and night to verify if the information you're getting is true and to verify the questions you have about why things are the way they are in the world. it's very serious even though sometimes the stories are kind of silly. all this week at 11:00 we're showing you the best of what we've done this year. so here's no. 2 on our top five countdown. we went to a lab and got results. now this started as a simple e- mail, but then it transformed into a hs we sought the truth, the things you want to know. we go the extra step and get them verified. this question, easy enough. is it safe, is anker to to drink -- sanitary to drink a bottle of water, fill it up and do it again. we made a house call. >> hello. thank you so much for coming. >> our verify team popped into bernie gilliam's home in alexandria. >> a debate about whether or not water bottles are safe to use after you use the initial water you bought in them. >> bernie and her husband who we'll meet later don't see eye to eye on this issue. he thinks it's unhealthy to reuse water bottles. >> he heard a news article somewhere, some type of clip. i just refuse to throw them away the first time. it doesn't make sense to me. water is already in them. why not fill them with water again? no contamination. >> reporter: to the lab. >> we fill the bottles with water. we cultured it for 72 hours to make sure if there is any bacteria growing. >> reporter: i'm going to swish it up so it's all evenly dispersed. there are microscopic bits of bacteria in our water. the epa says anything less than 500 bits in your fan and bottled water is good to go -- tap and bottled water is good to go. because they're microscopic you can't see them. so our verify lab test reveals the ugly truth. i'm at the aerobiology laboratory in dulles in northern virginia and we have the results of the water bottle testing. the answers are inside of this box. spoiler alert, it's nasty. we are now set up here in our main studio at wusa9 to reveal the results of our water bottle testing. come on down, guys. bernie in toronto here with us. guys, this has been a long time coming. you guys have had this long >> i don't see any reason not to reuse the water bottle. >> okay. now this water bottle is mine. this one is staff sergeant mcnasty, okay? this one has been real estate used for like six months. -- reused for like six months without being cleaned or nothing. the results of mine were not that great. >> yuck. >> 2,560 microdots of bacteria in captain mcnasty here. so now we look at my water bottle, bernie, and we look at yours. how are you feeling right now? >> can't wait. >> what do you think it's going to show? >> that it's okay to reuse. >> toronto, what do you think? >> i don't think it's okay to reach use. >> now after -- reuse. >> now after all the months of waiting, bernie, the results show that yours was the nastiest of all. >> i was right. i was right. i was right. >> nine times the epa acceptable amount. >> all right. i apologize. >> okay. >> i'll recycle the water bottles, no more reusing water bottles. >> with a big watery whamo it's verified our reused water bottles are loaded with bacteria. pretty gross, right? maybe you're thinking no way i'll ever reuse a water bottle again, but here's the thing. for people like me and bernie who reuse those bottles over and over again, we aren't getting sick. why? because not all bacteria is bad. >> bacteria are introduced possibly into the water bottle from our own mouth. it's highly unlikely that you may have a disease causing organism in that water bottle. >> the doctor says your chances of getting sick increase if you share a bottle of water or a drink with somebody else. so while we can verify yes, those reused bottles are riddled wi also verify boom, your chances of getting sick are extremely low if you're the only one drinking from that bottle. so, bernie, toronto, turns out you were both right. cold temperatures out there for the next several days. 26 is my forecast high. it was actually 25 today. so within the threshold. i've got to tell you what. a lot of the weather models were not going that low for the temperature. i'm going to pat myself on the back for dropping my 3-degree guarantee last night, kept it in the margin. cold again tomorrow, low 30s for high temperatures. as you go into saturday morning, there is the potential that we're tracking for some light snow and light snow showers. it's not going to be much, but it could cause some travel issues on untreated roadways. it's colder behind that next shot of snow. we have highs back in the 20s again for new year's eve and new year's day. here's a snapshot of your day wemorrow. tomorrow morning. we'll start off the day with mostly cloudy skies. into the afternoon a little bit more sunshine comes out, overall not a bad day. it's just a cold day out there, not overly breezy, forecasting a high of 32 in d.c. tomorrow. some places south of d.c., fredericksburg, likely make it into the mid-30s. other spots to the north are stuck below freezing again. here's futurecast tomorrow evening at 8:00. let's talk about the snow potential. clouds start to increase after sunset tomorrow. we're still dry at midnight. so your friday evening plans are safe. into saturday morning even though we have very dry air overhead now, the system moving in i think will be just strong enough to have some light snow showers and light snow reach the ground, just enough for very minor accumulation. 4 a.m. saturday we have the light snow around, still at 7:00 as well. then closer to noon time this begins to pull out of the area. we'll see flurries lge accumulating snow should wrap up by noon time saturday. then it's turning breezy and much colder behind that. snow potential, not that much. we're looking at less than an inch for most places, best chance of hitting that inch margin north of i-66 and it's cold the rest of the holiday weekend. here's a look at your holiday weekend, a snapshot of it, 34 in the afternoon saturday with light snow and snow showers around in the morning. we will see temperatures on monday for new year's day in the mid-20s and midnight temperatures, guys, teens. feels like temperature 8 degrees at midnight. bundle up. here's that seven-day outlook. we'll stay in the 30s, tracking another chance of some light snow on wednesday. >> i think new year's eve is canceled. so now we have hardly had any snow this week, but this is what it looks like now in the hillcrest neighborhood in southeast, icy, icy conditions and groundwater ruff to blame causing a stream of water to spill into the streets and freeze up. neighbors say it's been a problem for about two years. they've contacted everyone from the mayor's office to ddot. they say the issue has only gotten worse. the city's solution? just dropping down some salt on the regular. >> it makes me feel like they don't care because this could have been done a long time ago. >> really, it's not funny. it really isn't funny, but some things get so bad that they're laughable sometimes to keep from crying about it. >> we're not laughing. we feel for you. we tracked down the agencies that the neighbors complained to about the issue. d.c. water said they tested the water, about the it's not theirs. ddot sent out a crew today. they say it appears to be the homeowner's sump pump. they're sending a dcra agent to that homeowner. meantime ice where it's supposed to be. >> right. at capital one arena. the ca score a goal tonight. they get off to a bad start, bu how's it going down there? that's good. lica misses you. i'm over it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. 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